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Innovations in Virtual Learning for Nigerian Education Post-COVID-19

An Applied Research Proposal Presented

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Education

University of the People

By: Thomas Onyebuchi Igwe

Instructor: Dr. Melissa LaDuke

September 18, 2023



In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, global education systems experienced an

unprecedented shift towards virtual learning (Bowen, W. et al., 2013). In Nigeria, as in many

other countries, this abrupt transition to online education necessitated innovative solutions to

adapt to the new reality (Adebowale, O. M., et al., 2017). With the pandemic's disruptive effects

on traditional educational practices. The Nigerian education system faced unique challenges and

opportunities. This study aims to explore the innovations that emerged in virtual learning for

Nigerian education in the post-COVID-19 era and their potential long-term implications for the

nation's educational landscape.

Innovation in virtual learning has been a key focus in global educational discourse during

and beyond the pandemic (UNESCO, 2020). Nigeria's experience in adopting and adapting to

virtual learning during and post-COVID-19 represents a microcosm of the broader global shift

towards digital education. Understanding the innovations that have emerged in this context is

crucial not only for addressing immediate educational needs but also for fostering long-term

resilience and effectiveness in the Nigerian educational system.

This research seeks to explore the innovations in virtual learning that have emerged

within the Nigerian educational landscape in the post-COVID-19 era. By examining the unique

challenges faced by Nigerian educators and institutions and the creative solutions they have

devised, this study aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge on educational

innovation during and after global crises. Additionally, it seeks to inform policymakers,

educators, and stakeholders about effective strategies for harnessing virtual learning technologies

to enhance educational access and quality in Nigeria .


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study "Innovations in Virtual Learning for Nigerian Education Post-

COVID-19" is to investigate and document the transformative changes and innovative practices

that have emerged in the Nigerian education system as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This

research aims to comprehensively assess how the experiences and challenges encountered during

the pandemic have influenced the adoption and integration of virtual learning technologies and

pedagogical approaches within the Nigerian educational landscape. By examining the post-

pandemic era, the study seeks to identify sustainable innovations that have the potential to

enhance the quality of education and learning outcomes in Nigeria. Additionally, it intends to

provide valuable insights for educational policymakers, administrators, and educators on the best

practices and strategies that can be leveraged to create a more resilient and adaptable educational

system. The study aims also to contribute to the development of a roadmap for the future of

education in Nigeria, emphasizing the continued importance of technology-enhanced learning.

The term "population" refers to the total number of individuals within a specific group or

area. The researcher will employ individuals from four educational institutions to examine the

subject matter. The research will involve a sample number of ten teachers and forty pupils. The

composition of the student body at an urban secondary school will consist of an equal

distribution of five male and five female students from each participating school. The

participants in the study will consist of an equal number of males and females, with five males

and 5 females selected from each school. The study's participants exhibit a range of cultural

backgrounds, encompassing varied academic aptitudes, linguistic variations, and a variety of

learning styles or orientations.



Innovations in virtual learning have become imperative for Nigerian education, especially

in the post-COVID-19 era. The pandemic necessitated a rapid shift to online education, revealing

the need for creative solutions to enhance the quality of virtual learning experiences (Lim et al.,

2007). Nigerian educational institutions, traditionally reliant on face-to-face instruction, faced

unprecedented challenges (Adebowale, O. M., et al., 2017). However, this crisis also spurred

innovation, with institutions adopting innovative technologies and pedagogical approaches.

Understanding these innovations is critical to shaping the future of Nigerian education and

ensuring its resilience in the face of ongoing disruptions.

Statement of the problem

Despite the widespread adoption of virtual learning as a response to the COVID-19

pandemic in Nigeria, there remains a lack of comprehensive research assessing the sustained

impact and effectiveness of these innovations beyond the immediate crisis (Adeyemo et al.,

2020). The rapid shift to online education has raised questions about the long-term viability of

virtual learning solutions and their adaptability to the unique socio-economic and infrastructural

challenges prevalent in Nigeria (Lim et al., 2007). Additionally, it is unclear how educational

institutions and policymakers in Nigeria are strategizing to integrate the lessons learned during

the pandemic into the post-COVID-19 educational landscape. Furthermore, the extent to which

these innovations have addressed issues of accessibility, equity, and quality in Nigerian education

remains underexplored (Adebowale et al., 2021). Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the

sustained impact and adaptability of virtual learning innovations in Nigeria's educational system

post-COVID-19, addressing the critical need for informed decisions and policy

recommendations in this evolving educational landscape.



The rationale for the study is grounded in the transformative impact that the COVID-19

pandemic has had on education globally, including in Nigeria (Okonkwo, C., & Okeke, I. N.

(2022). As a result of the pandemic, virtual learning became a critical mode of instruction

(Ogunkola, B., & Olaleye. S., 2020). Given the significant shift toward virtual education,

understanding the innovative practices and technologies that emerged during this period is

essential for shaping the future of education in Nigeria. By examining these innovations, this

research seeks to inform educational policymakers, institutions, and educators about effective

strategies that can enhance the quality and accessibility of education in a post-pandemic era. This

study aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on education reform and technological

integration in Nigeria, facilitating the development of a more resilient and adaptable education


Prior interventions

Prior interventions in Nigeria have underscored the critical need for innovations in virtual

learning to enhance educational resilience in the post-COVID-19 era (Adebowale, O. M., et al.,

2017)). These interventions have been characterized by the rapid deployment of online

platforms, such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), to ensure continuity of education

during the pandemic. Additionally, government initiatives aimed at providing subsidized or free

internet access to students have played a pivotal role in facilitating virtual learning. Innovations

have also included teacher training programs to improve digital pedagogy and the integration of

interactive multimedia content into virtual classrooms. Consequently, these prior interventions

lay the foundation for a more technologically advanced and flexible education system in Nigeria

post-COVID-19, driving the urgent need for research and development in this area (Adebowale,

O. M., et al. (2017).

Research questions

What innovations have emerged in Nigerian virtual education post-COVID-19?

How have these innovations impacted the quality of education in Nigeria?

What lessons can be drawn from the Nigerian experience in post-COVID-19 virtual education

innovations, and how can they be applied globally?

The significance of the study

The significance of the study lies in its potential to shape the future of education in

Nigeria. As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of virtual learning, understanding

the innovations that emerged during this crisis can provide valuable insights (Ogunkola, B. &

Olaleye, 2020). Research of this nature is particularly crucial for policymakers and educators to

identify sustainable and effective strategies for integrating virtual learning into the Nigerian

education system (Bowen, W. et al, 2013).

Furthermore, the study can inform the allocation of resources and support for digital

infrastructure and teacher training, addressing the digital divide that became evident during the

pandemic. The findings of this research have the potential to enhance the quality of education in

Nigeria, ensuring that the nation's students are well-prepared for the digital age.


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Education Next, 13(2), 58-65.

Lim, D. H., Morris, M. L., & Kupritz, V. W. (2007). Online vs. blended learning: Differences in

instructional outcomes and learner satisfaction. Journal of Asynchronous Learning

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Ogunkola, B. J., & Olaleye, O. S. (2020). COVID-19 and e-learning: The challenges of students

in a Nigerian university. European Journal of Education Studies, 8(5), 165-176.

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UNESCO. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000373406

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