Speaking Part 1 and 2

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Part 1

Part 1 Interviews

In this part you will be asked to speak about familiar topics such as:
• Family • Hobbies • Shopping • Sport • Work • Free time activities • Reading • Writing

Example SCRIPT: PART 1 Good afternoon, my name is Could you tell me your full name please? Can I see
some identification please?
Here you are.
Let's talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?

What are you studying? Is it a difficult subject? What's the most interesting aspect of your subject? And why
did you choose ....?

Working: And what's your job? And how long have you done this job? Do you like it? And what job do you
hope to be doing in 10 years time?

Free time: Let's talk about free time. How much free time do you have? And what do you usually do in your
free time? And do you think people these days should have more free time?

Learning a language: Let's move on to talk about learning language. How many languages do you speak?
How much do you enjoy learning English? What activity do you find most useful for learning English? What do
you find most difficult about learning English?

Sport: Let's talk about sport. Are you interested in sport? What sports did you do as a child? What sports are
popular in (your country)? Which sports do you think are the most difficult to learn?

Food: Let's move on to talk about food and eating. When do you eat your main meal of the day? And who do
you usually eat your meal with? Do you prefer eating at home or in restaurants? On what occasions in (your
country) do you eat special meals?
Part 2
You can listen to advice and examples of interviews on Youtube:
(making notes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvpr9USeMvA
Example Interviews

Example Script:
Next I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes. Before you talk, you'll have
one minute to think about what you are going to say and you can make some notes if you wish. Do you
I'd like you to describe:
Someone you know who works hard
A piece of technology you find useful

Tell me about a famous person you would like to

meet. You should say:
➢ Who he/she is

➢ Why he/she is famous

➢ What you would like to talk about with


Describe a toy you had during childhood. You

should say:
➢ What it was

➢ Who gave it you

➢ Where it is now

➢ Why it was important to you

Tell me about some advice you received that was

helpful to you. You should say:
➢ Who gave you the advice?

➢ What was the advice?

➢ Why was the advice helpful to you?

Part 3
You can listen to advice and examples of interviews on Youtube:

Example Scripts:
Do you think having a hobby is good for people's social life? In what way?
Are there any negative effects of a person spending too much time on their hobby? What are they?
Why do you think people need to have an interest or hobby?

In your country how much time do people spend on work and how much time on leisure? Is this a good
balance do you think?
Would you say the amount of free time has changed much in the last fifty years?
Do you think people will have more or less free time in the future? Why?

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