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US began to use nuclear energy to make nuclear bombs, in the other hand, Soviets wanted to use

nuclear energy for industrial purposes so that they decided to build Chernobyl’s station,
everything had been good, however, in 1986 when they were doing a test the station exploded
and many people died. I think nuclear energy may be used for industrial purposes instead of war
purposes, its known that nuclear bombs are very dangerous and lethal, so If I would can decide, I
would prohibit its use in the whole world, it wouldn’t be some exception, for me nuclear bombs
only bring us destruction. Instead of that, I think that talking about different benefits brought by
energy nuclear in industrial facts, for example the decrease of global warming thanks to the use of
energy nuclear in factories, we may let governments to experiment with this energy, the think is
this energy is so dangerous so the engineers and scientists must be really experimented and wise
and they should be conscious and in the case they see they can’t control this energy they should
step aside and left the project, that’s the most difficult thing because humans are so stubborn and
proud, they don’t think about problems that may be caused because of them pride. Then I would
like to new nuclear energy stations may be developed in the next year cause I know it’s a way to
fight again global warming and although it’s a really dangerous project and radiation is really bad
for humans if its realized by a wise way it would be a great help and develop for the humanity.

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