Membership Guide For Tech Mahindra LT Europe & RTW

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Underwritten by:
Foyer Global Health MAYFAIR WE CARE


Section 1 - Important information about your policy
About Foyer Global Health--------------------------------------------------- Page 3
Welcome-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4
Definitions & Eligibility--------------------------------------------------------- Page 5-7

Section 2 – Your Mayfair Policy cover in detail

Table of Benefits---------------------------------------------------------------- Page 8-13
What does your Policy include---------------------------------------------- Page 14-16
Terms & Conditions Relating to Non-Medical Covers------------------ Page 17-21
Your Policy exclusions---------------------------------------------------------- Page 22-25
General Conditions-------------------------------------------------------------- Page 26-30
Home Country Extension------------------------------------------------------- Page 30


Excellence made in Luxembourg, since 1922

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is widely recognised as one of the key centres for international
cross-border insurance.

The success of the Luxembourg insurance and reinsurance market is the result of a combination of
factors. This includes the country’s financial, political and social stability as well as its versatility
and availability, and the business-oriented approach of the regulatory authorities. It’s highly
qualified multilingual workforce as well as its legal and regulatory framework, ensuring both the
protection of policyholders and the ability to create tailor-made products, can also be listed among
Luxembourg’s key success factors.

Foyer Global Health is the specialist expatriate brand by Luxembourg’s leading insurance company
Foyer Group. Our health plans are the result of decades of experience with customers from all
over the world. We offer first-class cover in combination with comprehensive medical assistance
services as well as other services, which can be added to your plan in accordance with your
individual needs.

Dear Member:

Mayfair Administrators would like to welcome you to the plan. As the worldwide administrator
for the plan, we are certain that you will be pleased with the insurance coverage as well as the
assistance provided to you.

If you require medical treatment due to illness, accident or injury, there is only one thing you
need to remember:

Call the Mayfair We Care Medical Assistance Hotline

The Mayfair Assist Hotlines are available 24 hours a day/365 days a year and attended to by
Mayfair Administrators/Assist and medical staff. Mayfair Assist Contact Details are printed on
your Mayfair We Care Insurance Coverage Document which you should always carry with you, in
case of an emergency.

As one of the many benefits provided, Mayfair Assist is at your service to assist with medical
referrals and works directly with the physicians and hospitals to ensure that you are receiving
appropriate care. As long as you are eligible for treatment and we are notified of your need for
medical attention prior to your seeking treatment, Mayfair Administrators will also make direct
payment arrangements with the providers billing department on your behalf.

In the event that you are experiencing a true medical emergency and cannot phone our assistance
centre first, please present your Mayfair Insurance Coverage Document to the medical provider
and ask them to contact Mayfair Assist for benefits and eligibility. A family member or friend may
also contact us on your behalf.

If you have questions regarding your coverage or plan benefits as outlined below please email us
on: (you also have access to a complete range of information on the
Mayfair plan within your Insured’s login located at: Mayfair
Administrators are also available to answer additional questions/request claim forms via the
Mayfair Assist Contact Details or the following email ID: If
you should file a claim for reimbursement or are sending any other information to Mayfair
Administrators, please remember to write “Attention: Mayfair Administrators” in the subject line
of the e-mail to help ensure rapid service.

We sincerely hope you have a healthy stay, however, please remember that we are here to help
should you require our services.


Mayfair Administrators.

Accident /Accidental means an unexpected, unusual and specific event, which occurs during the
Period of Insurance at an identifiable time and place but shall also, include exposure resulting from
a mishap to a conveyance in which the Insured Person is travelling.

Ambulance Service means the necessary medical transportation to a local Hospital.

Bodily Injury means injury, which is caused, by Accident and which within twelve months from the
date of such Accident shall result in the death or disablement of the Insured Person.

Country of nationality means the country for which the member holds a passport and is registered
as a national citizen.

Country of residence means the country for which the member resides for periods of 6 (six)
months, or longer, per period of coverage

Dependent means the legal spouse (wife or husband) of the Insured Person (not including those
legally separated) or the person living with the Insured Person in a recognised permanent
partnership or any unmarried children, stepchildren and children legally adopted, who are under
eighteen (18) years of age, living in the Insured Person’s household or absent only to attend
school, extended to include those under twenty-five (25) years of age whilst having the same
permanent residence as the Insured Person.

Expatriate Cover means insured coverage under this Insurance policy anywhere in the world
(provided the appropriate premium has been paid) outside the Insured Person’s Home Country.

Expatriate means any persons living or working outside their country of nationality for a period of
greater than 6 months per period of cover.

General Outpatient Services means outpatient services provided or ordered by a Physician who is
licensed as a General Practitioner.

Hospital means an institution licensed as a hospital and operated for the care and treatment of
sick, pregnant and injured persons, which institution provides twenty-four (24) hour nursing care
and health facilities for diagnosis and, except in the case of a hospital primarily concerned with the
treatment of chronic diseases, for major surgery.

Hospital Services are medical treatments provided during the Period of Insurance to the Insured
Person who is admitted as a registered patient to a Hospital. Services include a semi private
hospital room and meal charges, use of hospital medical facilities and all medical treatment and
medical services ordered by a Physician.

* We will cover hospital room charges up to a semi private rate unless a private room is medically

Insured Person means any eligible employee of the Policyholder (as defined in the Group Contract)
and his/her Dependents, as declared to Mayfair We care, whilst outside of home country.

Insurer or Underwriter: Foyer Santé SA, société anonyme, with its headquarters in L-3372
Leudelange, 12, rue Léon Laval

Laboratory and X-Ray Services means laboratory testing procedures and radiographic and nuclear
medicine procedures used to diagnose and treat medical conditions. Laboratory and X-Ray
Services are included as Specialist Outpatient Services if they are provided by or ordered by a
Physician who is licensed as a specialist or consultant.

Loss of limb includes permanent loss of use by physical separation or otherwise of one or both
hands at or above the wrist and/or one or both feet at or above the ankle.

Loss of sight means total and irrecoverable loss of sight in one or both eyes.

Medical Expenses means all reasonable and customary costs incurred during the Period of
Insurance in respect of medical, surgical or remedial treatment given or presented by a Physician
together with Hospital, Hospital Services, Ambulance Services, and Laboratory and X-Ray Services.

Mugging: Mugging is a type of theft, in which the perpetrator (the mugger) accosts the victim in a
public place and demands money and/or valuables through the use of force or fear or physical

Outpatient Services means medical treatments provided to the Insured Person when the Insured
Person is not a registered patient in a Hospital, or in any other facility for medical care. Outpatient
Services include services performed in a Hospital casualty ward or emergency room.

Permanent Total Disablement means total and absolute disablement which prevents the Insured
Person from engaging in or giving attention to his/her usual occupation and having lasted for
twelve consecutive months from the date of the Accident and having proved to the Underwriters’
satisfaction to be beyond the hope of improvement. In respect of a Dependent as defined herein,
Permanent Total Disablement shall mean total and absolute disablement which prevents such
dependent from engaging in or giving attention to any business or occupation of any and every
kind and having lasted for twelve consecutive months from the date of the Accident and having
been proved to the Underwriters satisfaction to be beyond the hope improvement.

Physician means any person legally licensed to practice medicine in the country where treatment
is provided and includes doctors of medicine, general practitioners, specialists and consultants.

Prescription Drugs means medications whose sale and use are legally restricted to the order of a
Physician and do not include items that may be purchased without a Physician’s prescription.

Sickness means serious illness of the Insured Person, which becomes manifest and was contracted
during the Period of Insurance and is perceived by a Physician to necessitate immediate medical
treatment. Nursing at home means the service of a government licensed nurse in the Insured
Person’s home where domiciled when prescribed by a Physician for medical as distinct from
domestic reasons.

Specialist Outpatient Services means outpatient services provided by or ordered by a Physician
who is licensed as a specialist or consultant to whom the Insured Person has been referred by
another Physician.

Transportation of Mortal Remains or Local Burial means the expense of preparation and the air
transportation of the mortal remains of the Insured Person from the place of death to the Home
Country or the preparation and local burial of the mortal remains of the Insured Person who dies
outside his/her home country.

This Membership Guide gives the main details of the insurance provided to TECH MAHINDRA
LIMITED. In the event of any dispute regarding cover, terms, exclusions and conditions, the wording
of the Master Policy shall apply.

Maximum Annual Benefit: An insured has a per claim maximum limit of EUR 100,000


SECTION A: Medical Expenses and Hospitalisation

Inpatient Admissions: EUR 10 per claim
Deductible for Sect A Outpatient and Other treatments: EUR 10 per
claim, unless otherwise stated
Fully Covered – All reasonable and customary
costs covered for emergency hospitalizations.
Hospitalization & Inpatient Admission Expenses
Deductible for Inpatient Admission: EUR 10
per claim
Room Limit Semi Private Room (twin bedded)
Fully Covered – Ambulance medically required
Ambulance Services for inpatient admission or transfer for
emergency treatment
Fully Covered – All reasonable and customary
costs covered.
Outpatient Expenses
Deductibles: EUR 10 per claim, unless
otherwise stated
Health checks: The following are covered - All necessary
health check-ups are covered for the first 24 months.
The following immunization shots are covered–
2 months, 12 months
Max limit per Insured per annum EUR 600
4 months, 15 months
6 months, 18 months
9 months,
* Reimbursement only

Health check-ups /Wellness Care for Children + 2yrs to age
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary it is
hereby understood and agreed that, in respect of children who
have not attained their 16th birthday and who have been
insured under this policy for a continuous period of not less
than six months (6 month eligibility period waived for child
needing routine physical examination to enter into a local Max cover limit (per claim): EUR 600
school), this insurance extends to cover the cost of ONE routine
(Per 12 months) physical examination, which shall include any
vaccinations, inoculations and the like carried out or provided at
such routine physical examination, during the period of
insurance. In regards to the above you must get pre-
* Reimbursement only
Health check-ups /Wellness Care for all Insured’s after 12
months of coverage:
ONE routine (per 12 months) physical examination, which shall
include any vaccinations, inoculations and the like carried out or
Max cover limit (per claim): EUR 600
provided at such routine physical examination, during the
period of insurance. In regards to the above you must get pre-
* Reimbursement only
Dental Care: For all Dental care except for any preventative
treatment (such as cleaning, scaling, polishing) and any Max cover limit (per annum): EUR 1,000
orthodontic work. Deductible: EUR 10 per claim.
* Reimbursement only
Routine Dental Care:
Max EUR 50 per annum.
One routine dental check-up after 90 days continuous coverage.
Deductible: EUR 10 per visit.
* Reimbursement only
Vision Care:
Covers infections & accidental damage
* Reimbursement only
Routine Vision Care: One routine check-up plus one pair of
prescription spectacles / lenses after 12 months of continuous Max cover limit (per annum): EUR 200
coverage. Deductible: EUR 10 per visit
* Reimbursement only
All Prescription Drugs are covered,
Prescription drugs/medicines: excludes OTC (Over the Counter –
* Reimbursement only available without a Physician’s
Mental Disorders: Emergency treatment for psychiatric Max cover limit (per annum): EUR 2,000
conditions or mental disorders. Deductible: EUR 10 per claim.

Pre-existing and Chronic Illnesses: (Asthma,
Diabetes, Hypertension, etc.). To cover Dr’s visit &
Max cover limit (per annum): EUR 2,500
the prescribed medicine in-conjunction with that
Deductible: EUR 10 per Dr’s visit.
visit (ONLY for pre-existing/chronic condition’s)
*Reimbursement only
Chiropractic treatment, osteopathy, homeopathy,
Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture,
Short-Term Rehabilitation Expenses
prescribed physiotherapy, speech therapy,
* Reimbursement only
oculomotor therapy and occupational therapy
Max limit: EUR 1,000 per annum
COVID19 TEST if symptomatic Fully covered at Dr’s office

SECTION B: Maternity Expenses

Maternity Expenses:
* 3 month eligibility period: The Insured’s must be
Maximum: EUR 15,000
covered for a min of 3 months before this can be availed.
Deductible: EUR 100
Travel Expenses if returning to Home Country:
Max Limit (before the 3 month eligibility is
We would allow for the travel expenses up to EUR 1,200
completed): EUR 2,000 per Insured person per
of the expectant mother to and from home country
policy period.
should she wish to go back to home country for her
delivery. If a woman is pregnant at the inception of her
The maximum payable benefit under maternity
policy or within 3 months of enrolment this benefit will
is EUR 15,000
not be applicable. It would not be applicable after the
7th month too.

SECTION C: Emergency Repatriation & Related Medical Expenses:

Up to EUR 100,000. Less any amount paid under Sect A medical expenses.

• Additional up to EUR 1,000-to cover expenses for close business associates, relatives or friend to
remain with Insured.
• Cover costs of transporting one member of the family necessarily having to accompany the Insured
person returning to the Home Country.
• On-going treatment in home country for up to 12 months from the date of incident/loss or when the
Section C max limit is reached, whichever is the earlier
• Staff replacement: We will cover the actual travel costs of replacement staff up to a max of EUR
• The decision to approve or require Repatriation is made by the Underwriter or their authorised
representatives, so long as the Insured is certified fit to fly.
• Repatriation of mortal remains to EUR 30,000 as per the Schengen visa requirement.

The below non-medical benefits are insured through HDI

SECTION D: Personal Accident:

Personal Accident: -
Death (under 16yrs old benefit EUR 1,000):
Benefits are administrated by Mayfair We Care, who can be
EUR 25,000
contacted by email:
Loss of one or more eyes/or limbs: EUR
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary
it is understood and agreed that the maximum amount
payable by the Underwriters in respect of all Insured Persons
Permanent total disablement: EUR 25,000
travelling in the same conveyance is EUR 300,000.

SECTION E: Loss of personal effects

Loss of personal effects - ONLY as a result of Mugging:
If, despite your due care & attention your property is stolen by way
of: mugging (i.e. pick pocketing, document case/handbag snatching,
etc.) we will cover items such as Laptop, watch, camera, mobile
phone/PDA, wallet, etc. which the insured has on their person or in
constant visual contact at the time of the loss. We will cover each
item for its initial value with proof of purchase less any wear and
Maximum Limit EUR 1,000
tear. We will NOT cover items such as glasses, sunglasses, IPOD or
Max cash limit of EUR 250.
other music playback items and we do not cover cash or property
Deductible: EUR 50 each claim.
left unattended in a residence or elsewhere.

For all claims an original police report must be provided.

For any claim proof of purchase/ownership must be provided for

each item being claimed. (This does not cover unattended
property/cash left at residence Or anywhere else).
Loss of passport
EUR 250 per passport lost.
A Police report & application for new passport and receipt for
Deductible: Nil
expenses incurred will be required.

Personal liability:
Property damage
If a claim is made or a suit is brought against you for Property
Damage caused by an occurrence to which this coverage
applies, We will pay up to a max of EUR 200,000 for our limit of
liability for the damages for which you are legally liable

Medical payments to others:

Max claim limit: EUR 200,000
We will pay the necessary medical expenses that are incurred
Deductible: EUR 200
or medically ascertained within one year from the date of an
Accident causing Bodily injury. Medical expenses means
reasonable charges for medical, surgical, x-ray, dental,
ambulance, Hospital, professional nursing, prosthetic devices
and funeral services. This coverage does not apply to you or
regular residents of your household. As to others, this
coverage applies only if the bodily injury is caused by your
Loss of international driving license: Max claim limit: EUR 100 per International
An application for a new International driving license and Driving License lost.
receipt for actual expenses incurred will be required. Deductible: Nil
Loss of baggage (Checked in):
We will reimburse you, up to maximum of EUR 1,000, for the Max claim limit: EUR 1,000
cost of the replacement of the entire baggage and its contents. Deductible: Nil
All claims must be verified by the Common carrier
Delay of baggage:
We will reimburse you for the expense of necessary personal
Max claim limit: EUR 200
effects, up to a maximum of EUR 200 if your Checked Baggage
Deductible: first 10hrs (There is no cover
is delayed or misdirected by a Common carrier for more than
for the first 10hrs)
10 hours from the time you arrive at the destination stated on
your ticket
Trip delay:
Max claim limit: EUR 250
We will reimburse Reasonable Additional Expenses for the Trip
EUR 10 for every 10hrs (There is no cover
Delay, subject to the maximum of EUR 250, if your trip is
for the first 12hrs)
delayed more than 12hrs due to a Covered Event.
Trip interruption:
We will pay loss of travel and / or accommodation expenses up
to a max of EUR 1,000, for the unused, non-refundable pre-
paid expenses paid by an Insured Person, less the value of
applied credit from the unused return travel ticket to return Max claim limit: EUR 1,000
home, if prior to the date of return, the Insured Person's Deductible: Nil
Insured Journey is interrupted due to the Unexpected Death,
Serious Injury or Serious Sickness of the Insured Person, Close
Business Associate and/or an Insured Person's Immediate

Emergency hotel accommodation:
We will pay accommodation expenses up to EUR 2,000, if prior
to the date of return, the Insured Person's Insured Journey is
Max claim limit: EUR 2,000
interrupted due to the Unexpected Death, Serious Injury or
Deductible: Nil
Serious Sickness of the Insured Person, Close Business
Associate and/or an Insured Person's Immediate Family or due
to a delay by the Common carrier
We will pay you a distress allowance of EUR 25 for every 24hr Max claim limit: EUR 250
period during which any common carrier in which you are EUR 25 per 24hrs
traveling has been Hijacked, where as a direct consequence, Deductible: Nil
your trip has been disrupted up to a max of EUR 250.

What is covered under the policy?

If, during the Period of Insurance, the Assured on behalf of the Insured Person shall incur
necessary and reasonable Medical Expenses as a result of Accidental Bodily Injury or Sickness the
Underwriters shall reimburse the Assured up to the amount stated in the Schedule of Benefits for
the following:-
1. The fees of a Physician, surgeon, radiologist or other specialist to whom the Physician has
referred the case, including the cost of prescription drugs, dressing or appliances prescribed,
Outpatient Services, General Outpatient Services and Specialist Outpatient Services.
2. Maintenance and attendance in Hospital pay beds or Nursing home and nursing at home in
bed by a qualified resident or daily nurse if ordered by a Physician, surgeon, or other
specialist to whom the Physician has referred the case.
3. Emergency transport including Ambulance Services necessarily incurred in connection with
events covered by this Section.
4. The cost of Transportation of Mortal Remains or Local Burial as defined.
5. The cost of emergency dental procedures necessary to restore or replace sound natural
teeth lost or damaged by Bodily Injury or by Sickness. This treatment must be undertaken at
the initial consultation to the dentist for the emergency relief of pain. Subsequent planned
consultations will not be eligible.

1. The Underwriters Medical Co-ordinator shall give prior approval for all Medical Expenses
exceeding EUR 1,000



If, during the period of insurance, an Insured person has been insured under this policy for a
continuous period of not less than three months, shall incur necessary and reasonable medical
expenses as a result of pregnancy, child birth, miscarriage, abortion and complications thereof, the
Underwriters shall reimburse the Insured person for such medical expenses incurred AFTER the
aforesaid three months period up to the amount stated in the schedule of benefits, Sect B.

1. The Underwriters’ Medical Co-ordinator shall give prior approval for all Maternity Medical
Expenses exceeding EUR 1,000
2. All pregnancies once confirmed by a Doctor (Service Provider) must be notified immediately
or NO later than 30 days to Mayfair
3. Sect B, Maternity benefit is subject to a company cap of 25% of the gross annual premium
(excluding IPT if applicable). Any amount above this cap has to be paid by the assured or by
its employees.


The Underwriters will pay repatriation and other expenses up to the amount stated in the
Schedule of Benefits (less any amount paid under Section A-Medical Expenses) arising out of
reasonable travel and accommodation expenses in respect of repatriation of an Insured Person to
his/her home country (including the cost of transporting one member of the family necessarily
having to accompany the Insured Person returning for treatment) in the event of treatment being
necessarily undertaken there on the instructions of a Physician, and also the cost of return journey
in the event of such a person being certified as fully recovered.

Furthermore repatriation will be subject to the Insured Person suffering from a medical condition:
(i) That necessitates being placed on the critical list, or
(ii) For which satisfactory treatment is not available in the country where such treatment is
required and/or where recovery would be substantially expedited thereby.
(iii) That is covered by this Insurance.

Cover will also include medical or hospitalisation costs incurred after repatriation, which arise
directly from an incident requiring the Insured Person’s repatriation in accordance with this

Underwriters may require an Insured to be repatriated, in certain circumstances and at their

discretion, so long as the insured has been certified fit to fly by the relevant Medical Doctor.

1. The Underwriters’ Medical Co-ordinator shall give prior approval for all Repatriation

Conditions for repatriation and treatment in home country

• When treatment is not available in the member’s country of residence, or where otherwise
pre-approved by us.
• The treatment period will last no longer than 90 days (in the event that any treatment is
anticipated to last longer than 90 days would be subject to pre-approval at our discretion)
• Will return back to their country of residence within 90 days of arrival (in the event that any
period is anticipated to last longer than 90 days would be subject to pre-approval at our
• The member must be medically fit to undertake the journey unescorted

Not covered:
• Cost of transport for the principle member and/ or locally-accompanying person, including a
child, is not covered unless the situation is emergency evacuation and repatriation (link to
these terms) or as approved by us.
• Cost of an escort not covered unless required and therefore covered under the terms of the
evacuation and repatriation benefit.
• The cost of accommodation in the principle country of residence pre and post-hospital
admission periods
• Cost of transport costs to and from medical appointments when treatment is being received
as a day-patient.

Foyer will treat COVID-19 as we would any other comparable disease ; i.e., seasonal flu subject to:

• Your plan covers outpatient diagnostic testing included on your plan,

• they are symptomatic,
• they are referred by a medical practitioner, and
• the testing is received in an appropriate medical facility
• Any subsequent treatment (Inpatient & Outpatient) will be covered as it would any other
eligible medical condition, in accordance with your plan.

For all claims an original police report must be provided. For any claim proof of purchase /
ownership must be provided for each item being claimed.

An application for a new International driving licence and receipt for actual expenses will be

If, during the Period of Insurance, the Insured Person sustains Bodily injury as a direct result of an
accident, the Underwriter will compensate the Insured up to the amount stated in the Schedule of

(a) In respect of an Insured Person under the age of 16 years at the time of Bodily Injury, the
death benefit will be limited to EUR 1,000.
(b) No benefit will be payable, unless the death or loss occurs within 12 months of the date of
(c) No benefit will be payable without proof to the Underwriters that the disablement has
continued for twelve months from the date of the Accident and in all probability will
continue for the remainder of the Insured Person’s life
(d) One benefit will only be payable in respect of the same Accident.
(e) Exposure Clause - In consideration of the premium paid hereon it is hereby agreed that
subject otherwise to its terms, limitations and conditions; this Insurance covers claims
arising out of bodily injury caused by exposure to the elements as the result of an accident
covered hereunder.
(f) Disappearance Clause - In consideration of the premium paid hereon it is hereby agreed
that, subject to all the terms, limitations, conditions and exclusions of this Insurance except
as specifically provided herein, if the Insured Person disappears during the coverage of this
Insurance and his/her body is not found within one year after his/her disappearance, and
sufficient evidence is produced satisfactory to the Underwriter that leads them inevitably to
the conclusion that he/she sustained accidental bodily injury and that such injury caused
his/her death, the Underwriter shall forthwith pay the death benefit under this Insurance
provided that the person or persons to whom such sum is paid shall sign an undertaking to
refund such sum to the Underwriter if the Insured Person is subsequently found to be living.
(g) Any claim arising from benefits travel cover which are incurred in the Insured Person’s
country of Domicile or place of secondment.


As outlined in the table of benefits

If an Insured Person loses his passport during the Risk Period, then we will reimburse costs up to a
the maximum units for expenses incurred in obtaining a duplicate or fresh passport either
overseas or within 30 days of return to home country. A police report and application for new
passport will be required to substantiate the claim

(a) We will indemnify an Insured Person, subject to the Limit of Indemnity specified in the
Benefit table, against his actual legal liability (including defense costs) to pay damages for his
negligence which results from a third party civil claim first made against the Insured Person
during the Policy Period for third party death, bodily injury or property damage.
(b) To the extent that We accept a claim under a) then We will also, subject to the Limit of
Indemnity, pay all costs, fees and expenses incurred in the investigation, defense or
settlement of any claim.
(c) Coverage under a) is limited to third party civil claims which are made against an Insured
Person during the Policy Period for an event or occurrence which took place during the Risk

The Insured Person shall:
(a) Immediately and in any event within 10 days, give Us written notice of any claim or demand
made against him/her or any circumstance which might reasonably be expected to give rise
to a claim or demand
(b) Not admit liability for, or settle, or compromise or make or promise any payment in respect
of any claim or incur any costs or expenses in connection with a claim without our prior
written consent.
(c) Allow Us (in Our sole and absolute discretion) to take over and conduct in the name of the
Insured Person the investigation, defence and/or settlement of any claim, for which purpose
the Insured Person shall provide all the cooperation and assistance We may require. Having
taken over the defence of any claim, We may in Our sole and absolute discretion relinquish
the same
(d) We will not settle any claim without the Insured Person’s consent but if the Insured Person
refuses to consent to any settlement, then Our liability will not exceed the amount for which
the claim could have been settled plus the defence costs incurred with Our consent up to
the date of such refusal
(e) In respect of any claim, We may in Our sole and absolute discretion make payment of the
lesser of the amount available under the Limit of Indemnity or of any lesser amount for
which the claim could be settled in full and final settlement of any liability We may have
under this Policy in respect of the claim, including the costs of defending it
(f) Any and all amounts we expend in the payment of any claim or defense costs will reduce the
Limit of Indemnity.
(g) Where personal liability claims are for a total value of less than 1,000.00 units in full and final
settlement, Underwriters will consider such claims without official legal proceedings against
the insured so long as all other policy criteria is met. Additionally, the Underwriter must be
satisfied that there is sufficient and consistent written evidence supporting the claim from
the Insured, Plaintiff and any other independent witnesses. Statutory declarations may be
required and at least 3 valuations on damages caused by the Insured must be submitted.

We will not make any payment for any claim in respect of any Insured Person directly or indirectly
for, caused by, arising from or in any way attributable to:
(a) A claim by one Insured Person against another or against an Insured Person by a relation, a
travelling companion or work colleague

(b) The transmission of an illness or disease by an Insured Person
(c) The Insured Person’s professional activities or the supply of goods or services.
(d) Being a keeper or owner of animals.
(e) The ownership, possession or use of vehicles, aircraft or watercraft
(f) The use or misuse of weapons, including firearms
(g) Any deliberate, wilful, malicious or unlawful act or omission
(h) Insanity, the use or abuse of solvents, alcohol or drugs (except as medically prescribed but
not including for the treatment of drug addiction)
(i) Any ownership or occupation of land or buildings except as a temporary residence by the
Insured Person
(j) Any agreed assumption of risk except to the extent that liability would have attached in the
absence of such agreement


We will reimburse up to the benefit maximum per International driving license lost.
An application for a new International driving license and receipt for actual expenses incurred will
be required.

We will pay benefits, in case of permanent loss of an entire piece of checked baggage, held in care,
custody and control of a Common carrier, due to the theft or due to misdirection by a Common
carrier or due to non-delivery at its destination while an Insured Person is a fare paying passenger
on the Common carrier under the circumstances covered during the course of an insured journey.
Benefits will only be payable in case of loss of an entire piece of checked baggage, and not for the
damage to the luggage or partial loss of its contents.
We will reimburse, up to the benefit maximum, for the cost of the replacement of the entire
baggage and its contents. All claims must be verified by the Common carrier. The maximum
amount to be reimbursed per bag is 50% of the maximum benefit, and the maximum value per
article contained in any bag is 20% of the maximum benefit.
There is also a combined maximum limit of 20% of the maximum amount for the following,
Jewellery, watches, articles consisting in whole or in part of silver, gold, platinum, furs, articles
trimmed with or made mostly of fur. Loss of a Pair/Set: (pair or set of articles is treated as one
article e.g. a pair of earrings)


In addition to the General Exclusions listed in this Policy this coverage section shall not cover any
non-Documented Loss and We will not be liable under this section for any:
a) excluded classes of property: animals, motor vehicles (including accessories), motorcycles,
boats, motors, any conveyance (except bicycles while checked in as baggage with a Common
carrier), snow skies, household effects, antiques, electronic equipment such as computers
(including software and accessories), personal data assistants or handheld computers,
cellular phones, digital video disc player, compact disc player, video camcorder, eyeglasses
or sunglasses, contact or corneal lenses, artificial teeth, bridges or prosthetic limbs, hearing
aids, money, securities such as credit cards, debit cards, cheques, travellers cheques,
membership cards, tickets or documents, business good or samples, data recorded on tapes,
cards, discs or otherwise, musical instruments, perishables, consumables and money/cash
b) Loss of your baggage sent in advance or souvenirs and articles mailed or shipped separately.

c) If at the time of occurrence of any loss there is other valid and collectible insurance in place,
we will be liable only for the amount above what is or will be paid under such insurance but
under the maximum allowed for in this insurance.
d) Any actual or alleged loss arising from any delay, detention, confiscation or distribution of
baggage by customs, police or other public authorities.

We will reimburse you for the expense of necessary personal effects, up to the benefit maximum if
your Checked Baggage is delayed or misdirected by a common carrier for more than 10 hours from
the time you arrive at the destination stated on your ticket. An Insured Person must be a ticketed
passenger on a common carrier. Additionally, all claims must be verified by the Common carrier
who must certify the delay or misdirection.


(a) If upon further investigation it is later determined that your Baggage checked with the
Common carrier has been lost, any amount claimed and paid to you under the Baggage
Delay Policy Section will be deducted from any payment due you under the Common carrier
Loss of Baggage/personal effects section as applicable
(b) Baggage delay benefit does not apply in the insured’s home country.
(c) Any actual or alleged delay arising from detention, confiscation or distribution by customs,
police or other public authorities


We will reimburse Reasonable Additional Expenses as a result of Trip Delay, subject to the
maximum stipulated in the benefit table if your trip is delayed more than 12hrs due to Covered

(a) Delay of a common carrier caused by inclement weather; or
(b) Delay due to a strike or other job action by employees of a Common carrier scheduled to be
used by an Insured Person during the trip; or
(c) Delay caused by Equipment Failure of a common carrier


We will not reimburse for any claim in respect of any Insured Person directly or indirectly for,
caused by, arising from or in any way attributable to:
(d) Any delay due to a covered event which was made public or known to you prior to your
(e) Delay caused by strike or industrial action if already notified at the time the Insured Person
booked his ticket or paid or committed to other travel and accommodation expenses.
(f) The failure to arrive for the Carrier’s departure in sufficient time to complete all departure
formalities in accordance with the Carrier’s published time schedule.
(g) Any delay arising from the order or action of any government, civil authority or official
government body.
(h) For which you cannot provide receipts

We will pay loss of travel and/or accommodation expenses up to the benefit maximum, for the
unused, non-refundable pre-paid expenses paid by an Insured Person, less the value of applied
credit from the unused return travel ticket to return home, if prior to the date of return, the
Insured Person's Insured Journey is interrupted due to the Unexpected Death, Serious Injury or
Serious Sickness of the Insured Person, Close Business Associate and/or an Insured Person's
Immediate Family.

a) If a Policy holder or Insured Person has other insurance against a loss covered by this
Section, then the Company shall not be liable for a greater proportion of the loss than the
applicable benefit under this Section bears to the total applicable benefit under all such
b) If the Insured Person receives any form of compensation from the common carrier in the
form of vouchers, tickets or coupons, then these items will be surrendered to us.


We will pay accommodation expenses, if prior to the date of return, the insured person's insured
journey is interrupted due to the unexpected death, serious injury or serious sickness of a close
business associate and/or an insured person's immediate family with whom the Insured Person is

a) If a Policy holder or Insured Person has other insurance against a loss covered by this
Section, then the Company shall not be liable for a greater proportion of the loss than the
applicable benefit under this Section bears to the total applicable benefit under all such
b) If the Insured Person receives any form of compensation from the common carrier in the
form of vouchers, tickets or coupons, then these items will be surrendered us.

We will pay Insured Person a distress allowance for every 24hr period during which any common
carrier in which an Insured Person is travelling has been Hijacked

What does the policy not include?
1. Expenses for health examination or check-up not required with the treatment of a sickness
or an injury.

2. Pre-existing condition: Bodily injury or sickness, as defined in this policy, arising out of a pre
– existing condition. A pre-existing condition as used herein, means a condition for which
medical advice or treatment was recommended by or received from a physician or other
health care practitioner at any time during the twenty four (24) month period preceding the
date of commencement of the Insured person's cover under this policy, or symptoms were
present at any time during the twenty four (24) month period preceding the date of
commencement of the Insured person's cover under this policy, which symptoms would
cause a reasonably prudent person to seek advice or treatment from a physician or other
health care practitioner.

3. The EUR 10 of each and every claim under SECTION A.

4. Expenses incurred 12 months after the first expense is incurred.

5. Pregnancy and childbirth other than as provided under SECTION B.

6. Mental or nervous disorders, psychiatric treatment, routine dental treatment, cosmetic

surgery, unless following an accident, physiotherapy unless required in connection with
treatment of sickness or injury drugs not prescribed by a doctor, transplantation of any kind.

7. War and kindred risks and/or Radio-active contamination.

8. Any expenses incurred in respect of pulmonary tuberculosis after diagnosis.

9. Any expenses incurred in respect of fertility/infertility and sterility treatment.

10. Any expenses incurred in respect of any medical prescription relative to special diets, weight
control, drug addiction, alcoholism, children’s food, baby supplies and birth control (devices
or pills).

11. Any expenses incurred in respect of anorexia, anxiety, insomnia, homesickness, dizziness
(normal and not due to Sickness), loss of appetite and fatigue.

12. Any expenses incurred in respect of scalp/hair treatment and wigs.

13. Any expenses incurred in respect of any cancer, malignancy, malignant neoplasm,
metastases, melanoma or any such related condition.

14. Any congenital abnormalities or nutritional deficiencies.

15. HIV/HIV-related (including AIDS) and venereal disease.

16. Any congenital abnormalities.

17. Accidents or injuries resulting from participating in high risk or hazardous sports such as, but
not limited to: Scuba Diving, Horse Jumping/racing, hang gliding, skiing or snowboarding
outside of a resorts boundaries, Heli skiing, mountaineering, hunting, use of firearms or
air/spring powered guns, parachuting, ice hockey, bungie-cord jumping, white-water rafting,
jet-skiing, racing of any kind and any organised sport undertaken on a professional or
sponsored basis, etc.

18. Intoxicating liquor or drugs (other than drugs taken in accordance with treatment prescribed
by a registered medical practitioner but not for the treatment of drug addiction).

19. Suicide or wilfully self-inflicted injury or sickness or disease.

20. This insurance does not cover death, disablement or expense in any way caused or
contributed to by HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) and/or any HIV related illness
including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and/or any mutant derivative or
variations thereof however caused.

21. This insurance does not cover death, disablement or expense in any way caused or
contributed to by STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and/or any STD related illness or any
variations thereof however caused.

22. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this insurance, or any endorsement
thereto, it is agreed that this insurance excludes any loss or expense of whatsoever nature
directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to, caused by, resulting from, or in
connection with any of the following regardless of any other cause or event contributing
concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss or expense;
1) War, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not),
2) Invasion,
3) Act of an enemy foreign to the nationality of the insured person or the country in, or
over, which the act occurs,
4) Civil war,
5) Riot,
6) Rebellion,
7) Insurrection,
8) Revolution,
9) Overthrow of the legally constituted government,
10) Civil commotion assuming the proportions of, or amounting to, an uprising,
11) Military or usurped power,
12) Explosions of war weapons,
13) Utilisation of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons of mass destruction
howsoever these may be distributed or combined,
14) Murder or Assault subsequently proved beyond reasonable doubt to have been the
act of agents of a state foreign to the nationality of the insured person whether war
be declared with that state or not,
15) Terrorist activity

For the purpose of this exclusion;

i. Terrorist activity means an act, or acts, of any person, or group(s) of persons, committed for
political, religious, ideological or similar purposes with the intention to influence any
government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. Terrorist activity
can include, but not be limited to, the actual use of force or violence and/or the threat of
such use. Furthermore, the perpetrators of terrorist activity can either be acting alone, or on
behalf of, or in connection with any organisation(s) or governments(s).
ii. Utilisation of Nuclear weapons of mass destruction means the use of any explosive nuclear
weapon or device or the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material
emitting a level of radioactivity capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death
amongst people or animals.
iii. Utilisation of Chemical weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge,
dispersal, release or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when
suitably distributed, is capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst
people or animals.
iv. Utilisation of Biological weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge,
dispersal, release or escape of any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or
biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically
synthesized toxins) which are capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death
amongst people or animals.

Also excluded hereon is any loss or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly
arising out of, contributed to, caused by, resulting from, or in connection with any action
taken in controlling, preventing, or suppressing any, or all, of (1) to (15) above

In the event any portion of this exclusion is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the
remainder shall remain in full force and effect.

23. Any expenses incurred in respect of ear piercing, routine ear examinations and hearing aids.

24. Any expenses incurred in respect of artificial devices such as limbs and the like.

25. Any expenses incurred in respect of registration card in Hospitals.

26. Any expenses incurred in respect of any medical prescription relative to work and/or school
entries and the like.

27. Any expenses incurred in respect of transportation other than ambulance services.

28. Any expenses incurred in respect of preventive treatment unless specified in the schedule of
a) In respect of services or treatment at any long-term care facility, spa, hydro-clinic or
sanatorium that is not a Hospital.
b) In respect of costs arising from trips specifically made for the purpose of obtaining
medical treatment if not part of Section C of this policy.

29. Arising from any expenses with respect to treatment of the Insured Person(s) for any
Manifestation of infection of the Insured Person(s) with Tuberculosis.

30. Arising from endocrine-thyroid problems.

31. Arising from epilepsy, migraines and narcolepsy.

32. Arising from inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs, including irregular
menstruation and abdominal pain.

33. Arising from disorders of the skin; corns, calluses, etc.

34. Arising from backaches, rheumatoid arthritis and similar inflammatory condition

35. Arising from headaches.

1. The Assured/Insured Person shall declare to the Underwriters all material facts, which are
likely to affect this Insurance. Failure to do so may prejudice entitlement to claim and if the
Assured / Insured Person is uncertain as to what constitutes a material fact then it should be
disclosed to the Underwriters.

2. The Assured/insured Person shall declare to the Underwriters any intended travel to or
within or work in war zones or other disturbed areas of the world.

3. The Underwriters may cancel this policy at any time upon 30days notice by recorded
delivery letter to the Assured at the Assureds last known address.

4. This policy wording replaces any other wording previously issued to cover the Insurance
described herein. The Insurance is effective only after the person(s) concerned is / are
eligible for Insurance and become(s) and remain(s) insured in accordance with the terms,
provisions and conditions.

5. When an Insured Person undergoes medical treatment for Sickness he/she is insured from
the start of the treatment until the time, subject to the policy limitation, when it is medically
confirmed that treatment is no longer necessary. When compensation is claimed for medical
treatment received and a subsequent claim is made for a new course of treatment, which is
not in any way connected with the former treatment the subsequent claim, will be regarded
as a new claim. Upon receipt of proof of claim the Underwriters will pay for expenses
reasonably and necessarily incurred, and which are insured by this policy, as a direct result
of the Insured Person suffering Bodily Injury, Sickness, disease or dying during the Period of

6. The legal representative of an Insured Person who is incapacitated or deceased shall have
the right to act on their behalf. Benefits are payable to the Assured or to the licensed
providers of medical and dental care who provide treatment and services to the Insured

7. All claims payable under this policy, other than those where the prior approval of
Underwriters' Medical Coordinators must be obtained, should be notified to the
Underwriters' Medical Coordinators immediately in any event within thirty (30) days from
the date that Insured Person first became aware of the claim.

8. As soon as is practicable after the occurrence of Bodily Injury, or Medical Expense, which
may be the subject of compensation under this policy:
(a) The Assured/Insured Person shall give notice to the Underwriters and supply, without
cost to the Underwriters, such receipts and/or certificates or evidence, which
thereafter may reasonably be required.
(b) The Assured/Insured Person shall place himself/herself under the care of a Physician
whose advice he/she must follow.

9. The Underwriter shall have the right and opportunity through their medical representatives
to examine an Insured Person whenever and so often as they may reasonably require within
the duration of any claim. The Underwriters shall have the right and opportunity to order an
autopsy in the case of death, where law does not forbid this.

10. No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover under this Insurance prior to the
expiration of sixty days after proof of claim has been furnished in accordance with the
requirements of Underwriters. Nor shall any action be brought at all unless commenced
within two years from the date of the claim.

11. This cover is only available to applicants who have not attained their 65th birthday at
commencement of the insurance.

12. (a) Eligibility for benefits shall commence from the date that the Insured Person is included
for cover under this Insurance. This policy is an annual contract which, until terminated,
shall be renewed each year on the anniversary of the commencement date subject to
the Definitions in force at the time of each renewal and any variations as may be set out
in writing by the Underwriters.
(b) The policy automatically terminates at the end of the Period of Insurance.
(c) Where the renewal premium has not been paid and the Insured Person falls sick or
suffers Bodily Injury during the Period of Insurance and requires medical treatment
extending beyond the Period of Insurance, the claim can continue for a period of up to
four weeks from the last day of the Period of the Insurance provided that it can be
proved that return to the Home Country would have been impossible.

13. The cover under this policy will be terminated automatically when the Insured Person
returns to the Home Country.

14. Should it be required by law that the terms and conditions of this Insurance be amended,
the Insured Person shall co-operate with the Underwriters to effect the amendments

15. The Assured is not entitled to receive a duplicate indemnity or benefits from this Insurance
in addition to those from any other source, Including any reciprocal health arrangement and
/or National Health Programme. In the event of any payment of benefits under this policy,
the Underwriters shall be subrogated to all of the Assured's/Insured Person's rights of
recovery of those benefits against any person or organizations (either first or third party).
The Assured/insured Person shall cooperate with the administrator, or their designated
representative, and do whatever is necessary to secure those rights, including but not
limited to the completion of a subrogation agreement as a condition of the payment of
benefits, if necessary. The Assured/Insured Person shall do nothing, which would prejudice
those rights. It Is agreed that if the Assured/Insured Person fails to take the necessary legal
action to recover from a responsible party, the Underwriters, or their designated
representative, may proceed in the name of the Assured/Insured Person against the
responsible party and will be entitled to the recovery of the amount of benefits paid, and
the expenses for that recovery. In the event the Underwriters, or their designated
representative, recovers an amount greater than the benefit paid, the excess, reduced by
the expenses of the recovery, will be paid to the Assured.

The Underwriters, or their designated representative, reserves the right to compromise the
amount of its claim If, in its opinion, it is appropriate to do so. In addition, this provision Is
applicable and full reimbursement is due the Underwriters (regardless of any fee agreement
the Assured/Insured Person may have with an attorney or legal representative) even if it is
determined the amount of the Insured Person's recovery does not fully indemnify them, or
if it is determined the Insured Person is not "made whole", as a result of the recovery, for
the Accident related injuries and expenses incurred. The Underwriters have full right of

16. This Insurance shall be construed and affected in accordance with Luxembourgish Law.

17. Any fraud, misstatement or concealment by an Insured Person, if unknown to the Assured,
in relation to any matter affecting this Insurance or in connection with the making of any
claim hereunder shall render this Insurance null and void in so far as it relates to the Insured
Person In question but any such fraud, misstatement or concealment by or known to the
Assured shall render the whole of this Insurance null and all claims hereunder shall be

18. Each Insured Person shall be deemed to be insured separately.

19. If any difference shall arise as to the amount to be paid under this policy (liability being
otherwise admitted) such difference shall be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed by
the parties in accordance with statutory provisions being in force at the time. Where any
difference is by this condition to be referred to arbitration the making of an award shall be a
condition precedent to any right of action against the Underwriters.

20. In any action, suit or other proceeding where the Underwriters allege that by reason of any
exclusion any consequence is not covered by the policy the burden of proving that such
consequences are covered shall be upon the Assured.

21. The observance of the terms of this policy shall be condition precedent to any liability of the

22. The Underwriters' Medical Coordinator shall have full authority to obtain all medical advice
information for administration of a claim.

23. This policy will cover you for expenses incurred for Bodily Injury (even if the accident is your
fault) following a motor vehicle accident, provided you are driving legally, and not under
influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. The Assured will be required to authorize The
Underwriters’ Medical Coordinator to subrogate against other policies or persons involved.

24. Sanctions
The Insurer shall not be deemed to provide cover and shall not be liable to pay any claim or
provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of
such claim or provision of such benefit would expose the Insurer to any sanction, prohibition
or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or
regulations of the European Union, United States of America or United Kingdom.

25. Subcontracting
In order to ensure that the insurance services are provided to the highest possible standard,
Foyer SANTE uses a service provider located in the United Kingdom for the administration of
the contract at the member level (enrolment) and for the processing of claims.

In this context of subcontracting, certain information is made available to these service

providers. The information transferred and/or disclosed in the context of this subcontracting
includes, where applicable, personal identification data (e.g. name, address, place of birth,
non-exhaustive list), contract data (e.g. duration of validity, members, Dependents...non-
exhaustive list) and any document or information useful in the context of claims management,
including health-related data (e.g. doctor's bills, medical prescriptions, medical reports...non-
exhaustive list). The Policyholder and each Insured Person expressly consent to such
outsourcing as described above.

This subcontracting constitutes a waiver of Article 300 of the amended law of December 7,
2015, and both the Policyholder and each Insured Person expressly and irrevocably agree to
this waiver.

26. Data Protection

The processing of personal data by Foyer Santé is made in accordance with
- the Law of 1 August 2018 governing the organization of the National Commission for
Data Protection and the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural person and
- the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016).

Foyer Santé will record and process the data communicated by the Policyholder, thereto,
acting in their own name or in the name and on behalf of the other insured parties, as well as
that which shall be communicated thereto at a later date, in order to assess risks, to prepare,
create, manage and execute the insurance policy(ies), to settle any claims and to prevent any

Personal data collected during the subscription process will only be processed to the extent
necessary for the performance of the contract or in compliance with pre-contractual
obligations in the context of the subscription.

Foyer Santé is the Controller and is responsible for such processing. It may communicate such
data to third parties in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in Article 300 of
the amended law of 7 December 2015 on the insurance industry and relating to professional
secrecy in insurance matters. Data protection is guaranteed with regard to third parties. Data
transfers to third parties outside the EEA can only take place under the legal and regulatory
obligations. Data may also be transferred to reinsurers, lawyers or other service providers as
part of managing the insurance policy or its pre-contractual measures.

As Controller, Foyer Santé may use the personal data in the context of necessary processing
in compliance with legal or regulatory obligations it is subject to.

None of this data will be used for commercial or advertising purposes. The processing of data
for marketing purposes shall always be subject to the agreement of the person concerned,
who retains the right of withdrawal.

In accordance with the regulation, Foyer Santé only collect the data which the processing is
necessary for the pre-contractual and contractual purposes as well as for compensation for
claims. Foyer Santé only process the special categories of personal data of Article 9 of the
General Data Protection Regulation (regulation EU 2016/679) on behalf of article 9 g for
reason of substantial public interest for compensation for claims in execution of the contract
or when the processing is necessary for legal purposes, to protect the vital interest or for
legitimate activities.

The Policyholder and the insured parties have the right to access and view their data, the right
to rectify them or to delete their personal data (in accordance with legal obligations
concerning their preservation), the right to limit the processing of their personal data and the
right to portability of personal data.

To exercise their rights, a form is available on our website or with sending us a complaint by
post to the Customer Service or directly to the Data Protection Office, Foyer Group, 12 rue
Léon Laval, L-3372 Leudelange. Postal address: L-2986 Luxembourg.

The retention period for this data is limited to the term of the insurance policy and the period
during which the retention of data is necessary for Foyer Santé to comply with its obligations
regarding limitation periods and other legal obligations.

Foyer Santé S.A. has designated a Data Protection Officer who may be contacted by posted
mail addressed to the data protection officer or by email sent to

Home Country Extension

This policy is extended to include cover for the Insured Person whilst in India subject to a
maximum per trip of up to 42 consecutive days provided they remain on the Assureds roster and
the premium as agreed by the Underwriters is paid by the Assured. 2 weeks prior notice (in
advance of trip) must be given to Underwriters through Foyer Global Health and coverage
confirmed by Underwriters.


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