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Introduction To Computer Security Final

Exam Questions

Multiple Choice

1.What is the primary purpose of hash functions in network

a. Data compression
b. Data encryption
c. Data integrity
Answer: c. Data integrity. Hash functions are primarily used for
ensuring the integrity of data by generating a fixed-size hash value
unique to the input data, making it ideal for data integrity

2. Choose the correct definition:

a. Message Authentication Code (MAC) is a type of hash function.
b. MAC is used for authenticating messages.
c. MAC is unrelated to cryptography.
d. MAC stands for Multiple Access Code
Answer: b. MAC is used for authenticating messages. Message
Authentication Code (MAC) is a cryptographic technique used for
verifying the authenticity and integrity of a message.
3. How many levels does the Manual Ability Classification System
(MACS) describe
a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 10
Answer: b. 5. The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS)
describes five levels based on a child's self-initiated ability to
handle objects and their need for assistance.

4.What is the purpose of a MAC in network security ?

a. Data compression
b. Data authentication
c. Data transmission speed
d. Data storage
Answer: b. Data authentication. MAC is used for authenticating
and ensuring the integrity of messages in network security.

5.Does the Manual Ability Classification System focus on software

or hardware capabilities?
a. Software
b. Hardware
Answer: a. Software. The Manual Ability Classification System
(MACS) focuses on a child's self-initiated ability to handle objects,
which is a software-related capability.
6. Which of the following is not a property of a good hash function
a. Deterministic
b. Collision-resistant
c. Reversible
d. Efficient
Answer: c. Reversible. A good hash function should be
deterministic, collision-resistant, and irreversible.

7. Which of the following is not a commonly used hash function

a. SHA-256
b. MD5
c. AES
d. SHA-1
Answer: c. AES. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a
symmetric encryption algorithm, not a hash function.

8. What type of information does a Message Authentication Code

a. public key
b. Private key
c. Message content
d. IP address
Answer: c. Message content. MAC is used to authenticate the
content and integrity of a message.
True or False

9.Hash functions are only used for data encryption. (True/False)

Answer: False. Hash functions are used for various purposes,
including data integrity verification and digital signatures.

10.Hash functions are reversible. (True/False)

Answer: False. Hash functions are designed to be one-way and

11.Is a MAC the same as a digital signature? (Yes/No)

Answer: No. MAC and digital signatures serve different purposes,
with MAC focusing on message authentication.

12.The choice of a hash function does not impact the security of a

MAC. (True/False)
Answer: False. The choice of a hash function is crucial for the
security of a MAC.

13.Is a MAC used for data encryption. (True/False)

Answer: False. MAC is used for message authentication, not data
Open Questions- (Answers may vary)

18.Describe a real-world scenario where the use of a Message

Authentication Code is crucial for secure communication.
Answer: In online banking, a Message Authentication Code is
crucial to verify the integrity of financial transactions, preventing
unauthorized modifications and ensuring secure communication
between the bank and the customer.

19.Explain the role of hash functions in preventing data tampering

during transmission.
Answer: Hash functions play a vital role in ensuring data integrity
during transmission by generating unique hash values for data.
Any tampering would result in a different hash value, signaling
potential data corruption.

20.Discuss the potential vulnerabilities of hash functions and how

they can be mitigated.
Answer: Hash functions may be vulnerable to collision attacks. To
mitigate, using stronger hash algorithms like SHA-256 and
incorporating salting techniques enhances security and reduces

21.Indicate your level of agreement with the statement: "Hash

functions are essential for ensuring data integrity in network
Answer: Strongly agree. Hash functions are fundamental in
guaranteeing data integrity by providing a reliable means to verify
that data has not been tampered with during communication.
Short Answer

22.Provide a brief explanation of HMAC and its significance in

network security.
Answer: HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) is a
specific type of MAC that uses a cryptographic hash function along
with a secret key. Its significance lies in providing a secure and
efficient way to authenticate the integrity and origin of messages,
commonly used in network security protocols like TLS.

23.Provide a concise definition of collision resistance in hash

Answer: Collision resistance in hash functions means that it is
computationally infeasible to find two different inputs that
produce the same hash output. This property is crucial to prevent
malicious tampering and maintain the integrity of the hashed

24.Name one practical application where Message Authentication

Codes are commonly used.
Answer: One practical application is in network communication
protocols like TLS (Transport Layer Security), where Message
Authentication Codes are used to ensure the integrity and
authenticity of transmitted data.
Additional Questions May Be Asked As Bounce
Questions. Rating Questions And Answers May Vary
(1 = Not Important, 5 = Very Important).

14.On a scale of 1 to 5, how important is it to choose a

cryptographic hash function with collision-resistant properties for
network security, and why?
Answer: 5. Choosing a hash function with collision-resistant
properties is crucial as it prevents attackers from creating different
inputs that produce the same hash value, enhancing data integrity.

15.On a scale from 1 to 5, rate the effectiveness of MACs in ensuring

message authenticity in network communication, and why?
Answer: 5. MACs are highly effective in ensuring message
authenticity by providing a cryptographic verification mechanism,
making it difficult for unauthorized entities to tamper with

16.On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the difficulty of

implementing a secure hash function, and why?
Answer: 3. Implementing a secure hash function can be complex
due to the need for collision resistance and other security
properties, but well-established algorithms like SHA-256 simplify
the process.

17.On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you trust the security of MACs

for authenticating messages, and why?
Answer: 5. MACs are highly trusted for authenticating messages as
they rely on cryptographic principles, making it challenging for
adversaries to compromise message integrity.

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