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Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

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Flexor tendon injuries: Repair & Rehabilitation

Oliver Pearce a, Matthew T Brown b, Katrina Fraser c, Luca Lancerotto d
Trauma Registrar, Trauma & Orthopaedic Department, Southmead Hospital, Southmead Road, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK
Fellow in Hand & Wrist Surgery, Lothian Hand Unit, St John’s Hospital, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6PP, UK
Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist (Hand Therapy), Lothian Hand Unit, St John’s Hospital, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6PP, UK
Consultant Hand & Plastic Surgeon, Lothian Hand Unit, St John’s Hospital, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6PP, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Flexor tendon injuries are common and occur mostly by penetrating trauma. Suspected flexor tendon in-
Flexor tendon juries require a thorough clinical assessment and often are not isolated injuries. A detailed understanding
tendon injury
of flexor tendon anatomy and spatial relationships is essential, especially when repairing multi-tendon
tendon repair
injuries. Principles of flexor tendon repair include a strong suture construct, minimising gap formation
flexor rehabilitation
between tendon ends, preserving tendon blood supply and providing a smooth repair interface. Moreover,
adequate exposure of the zone of injury using full-thickness skin flaps and preservation of neurovascular
and pulley structures is essential. In this article an overview of contemporary management strategies is
presented. Today’s hand surgeons and therapists can choose from a variety of treatment options when
managing these important and potentially life-changing injuries.
Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction The FPL is a deep flexor that originates from the mid-radius
and neighbouring interosseous membrane and is innervated by the
Flexor tendon injuries are common and occur mostly by pen- anterior interosseous branch of the median nerve. It traverses the
etrating trauma. The highest incidence is observed in males and carpal tunnel radially en route to its insertion at the base of the
those aged 20-29 years, with work-related injuries accounting for distal phalanx of the thumb. The thumb has an additional flexor
25% of acute presentations [1]. Tendon injury may be classified muscle, the flexor pollicis brevis (FPB), which is an intrinsic mus-
as acute or chronic, and as either direct or indirect [2]. Acute in- cle of the thenar eminence that contributes to flexion of the thumb
jury may result from blunt or penetrating trauma, or from a sud- metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ).
den activity-related insult causing distal avulsion. Tendons exhibit The FDP muscle originates from the proximal three quarters
high mechanical strength, flexibility and elasticity to facilitate their of the ulna and interosseous membrane and has dual innervation
unique role in locomotion [3,4]. Advances in our understanding from the anterior interosseous branch of the median nerve (in-
of tendon biology, healing, material properties and design, repair dex and middle fingers) and the ulnar nerve (ring and little fin-
techniques, and rehabilitation regimes have improved outcomes for gers). The middle, ring and little fingers share a common FDP mus-
these important and potentially life-changing injuries. This review cle belly. The FDP inserts into the base of the distal phalanx and
aims to present an evidence-based, comprehensive and practical acts as a primary flexor of the distal interphalangeal joint (DIPJ)
overview of contemporary flexor tendon injury management. and a secondary flexor of the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ)
and MCPJ. The FDS muscle originates from two heads: medial epi-
condyle of the distal humerus (common flexor origin) and the
proximal radius. It is innervated by the median nerve, which lies
Functional anatomy
on its deep surface. The FDS is a primary PIPJ and a secondary
MCPJ flexor. In the carpal tunnel, the FDP tendons lay deep and
A detailed understanding of flexor tendon anatomy and spatial
side-by-side, whereas the FDS tendons are arranged in two layers:
relationships is essential, especially when repairing multi-tendon
those to the middle and ring fingers are volar to the tendons to the
injuries. Furthermore, anatomical variations exist, with specific ex-
index and little fingers. In the palm, FDS tendons are superficial to
amination techniques helping to identify such differences [5].
FDP tendons to the same digit, and the two tendons to each finger
The thumb has a single proper extrinsic flexor tendon, the
run in tunnels formed by the vertical fascial fibres of Legueu and
flexor pollicis longus (FPL). The index, middle (long), ring and little
Juvara (the common digital neurovascular pedicles and lumbrical
fingers have two: the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and the
muscles are located between each pair). Each FDS tendon divides
flexor digitorum profundus (FDP).
0020-1383/Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

Fig. 1. Flexor pulley system of the finger and thumb. The pulley system is formed
from the condensations of the osseofibrous synovial sheath resulting in five annular
pulleys (A1-A5) and three cruciate pulleys (C1-C3). The thumb is formed of three
main pulleys, two annular pulleys (A1, and A2), and one oblique pulley (OP) formed Fig. 2. Flexor synovial sheaths, bursae and the Space of Parona. The thumb and
from the insertion of adductor pollicis. little finger synovial sheaths are continuous with the radial (blue asterisk) and ulnar
bursae (red asterisk), respectively. The bursae may communicate directly or through
rupture via the Space of Parona in the distal forearm.

at the MCPJ into radial and ulnar slips, which permit FDP passage
up through FDS. After rotating 180°, the FDS slips reunite beneath
the FDP tendon at the ‘Camper’s chiasm’ before they redivide and synovial sheaths of the index, middle and ring fingers run from the
insert onto the middle three fifths of the middle phalanx. distal palmar crease to the DIPJ. In contrast, the synovial sheaths of
The tendon pairs to each finger lie encased within a tendon the thumb and little finger are continuous with the radial and ul-
sheath distal to the MCPJs, which isolates them from the surround- nar bursae at the wrist, respectively. There is potential for commu-
ing tissues. The tendon sheath is comprised of two mirror mem- nication between the synovial sheaths of the thumb and little fin-
branes, an outer parietal (fibrous) layer and an inner visceral (syn- gers, through either direct communication or rupture via the Space
ovial) layer coating the tendon, which are in continuity with each of Parona in the distal forearm. The Space of Parona is a virtual
other at the proximal and distal ends. The virtual space between space between the pronator quadratus and the FDP tendons.
the two membranes is filled with synovial fluid, which has a lu- Pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis is an infection of the flexor ten-
bricating function that facilitates tendon gliding and contributes don sheaths, which may complicate open injuries. Infection within
to tendon nutrition. Condensations, or thickenings, in the fibrous the thumb or little finger sheaths may rapidly progress to its con-
sheath result in five annular pulleys (A1-A5) and three cruciate nected sheath counterpart (Fig. 2). Inoculation during open tendon
pulleys (C1-C3) (Fig. 1). The A1, A3 and A5 pulleys originate from injury necessitates a thorough intra-operative assessment and all
the volar plates of the MCPJ, PIPJ and DIPJ, respectively. The thumb wounds will require irrigation ahead of tendon repairs. Overt infec-
has a unique pulley configuration including two annular pulleys tion is a contraindication to tendon repair and staged debridement
(A1, A2) and an extension of the adductor pollicis aponeurosis and washouts will be required.
forming a single oblique pulley (O1) overlying the proximal pha- Verdan described five distinct zones along the entire flexor
lanx, which is considered the most important. The digital pulley tendon course, with zone 1 distal and zone 5 most proximal
system provides a series of fulcrums ensuring tendons remain ad- (Fig. 3), with different implications for tendon healing and repair
jacent to the axis of the phalanges. This facilitates the conversion [6]. Zone 1 lies distal to FDS insertion and includes only FDP within
of linear translation to rotational torque at the IPJs. Historically, the synovial sheath. Zone 2 extends from the insertion of FDS to
the A2 and A4 pulleys are considered critical in the prevention the proximal border of the A1 pulley, with the intimate arrange-
of ‘bow-stringing’ and subsequent loss of functional excursion. The ment of FDS and FDP within the tendon sheath in this zone con-

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

paratenon [8–11]. The epitenon and paratenon are together known

as the peritenon. The extrasynovial flexor tendons (zones III-V) are
surrounded by a filmy vascularized collagenous ‘microvacuolar’ or
loose areolar-like system, which aids tendon gliding and supports a
complex microvascular network [12]. Frictionless tendon gliding is
facilitated by proteoglycans, which bind directly onto collagen fib-
rils via glycosaminoglycan side chains. Tenocyte synthetic function
is both aerobic and anaerobic, a process that requires significantly
less oxygen when compared to skeletal muscle [13,14]. This low
oxygen requirement permits tendons to maintain load and tension
for prolonged periods in the absence of ischaemic damage. How-
ever, this results in slower tendon healing, especially when com-
pared to bone [15].
Tendons exhibit viscoelastic properties, including stress-
relaxation and creep, which is dependent on the relative content
of collagen, protein, water and proteoglycans [16,17]. Tendons
are highly deformable at low strain rates, which permits energy
absorption during prolonged mechanical loading. High strain rates
promote increased tendon stiffness facilitating the transmission
of explosive tensile forces from muscle to bone. Collagen fibrils
interdigitate with the deep myocyte recesses at the myotendinous
junction, which is the weakest zone of the muscle-tendon unit

Vascular Supply

Flexor tendon nutrition is provided by three different sources.

The vascular network of the tendon derives from vessels penetrat-
ing into the tendon at its extremities, the myotendinous junction
Fig. 3. Verdan’s flexor tendon zonal classification. Five zones of the digital flexors
(red lines) and three zones of the thumb (green lines) form the zonal classification
and bone-tendon interface (enthesis), and along its digital course
of flexor tendon injuries. Zone 1 is distal to FDS insertion on the middle phalanx. via the intrasynovial vincula system, or mesotenon (Fig. 5). This
Zone 2 is proximal to this up to the proximal border of the A1 pulley. Zone 3 is vascular network corresponds to an “intrinsic” vascularity as de-
between this and the distal margin of the carpal tunnel. Zone 4 represents the area fined for other tendons. The intrinsic component most specific to
within the carpal tunnel. Zone 5 forms the area of flexor tendons proximal to this.
the long digital flexor tendons is the vincula system. The volar
The thumb has three distinct flexor zones (green lines): zone Th1 is distal to the
interphalangeal joint (IPJ), zone Th2 is between the IPJ and MCPJ, and zone Th3 lies branches of the digital arteries give rise to a vascular plexus that
between the MCPJ and carpometacarpal joint. reaches FDS and FDP tendons via a short (brevis) and long (longus)
vinculum to each. The vincula longa also have a practical implica-
tion for the repair of tendon divisions: the retraction of proximal
tributing to challenges for primary repair [7]. Zone 3 extends from tendon stumps divided distal to the vincula will be limited within
the proximal border of the A1 pulley to the distal margin of the the sheath, while tendons divided more proximally may retract fur-
transverse carpal ligament and includes the origins of the lumbri- ther proximal (the lumbricals also help prevent retraction). A sec-
cal muscles from each FDP tendon. Zone 4 represents the contents ond, “extrinsic”, vascular contribution derives from blood vessels
of the carpal tunnel. Zone 5 covers the forearm proximal to the penetrating into the peritenon from the surrounding areolar tissue
carpal tunnel. The thumb has three distinct flexor zones: zone Th1 [12]. The extrinsic system is limited to the tendon segments out-
is distal to the IPJ, zone Th2 is between the IPJ and MCPJ, and zone side the tendon sheath.
Th3 lies between the MCPJ and carpometacarpal joint. The specific The long segments in which the tendon is physically separated
anatomical and management considerations for each zone will be from surrounding tissues by the tendon sheath are relatively avas-
addressed later in this review. cular. These segments rely largely on a third source of exchange of
metabolites: diffusion from the synovial fluid [21]. The formal vas-
Tendon structure & function cular network within the sheath is predominantly dorsal. Without
an extrinsic contribution, this results in areas of relative hypoper-
Macroscopically, healthy tendons are brilliant white and main- fusion, which is further compromised at junctional zones, at areas
tain a fibroelastic texture. Microscopically, tenoblasts and tenocytes of torsion, friction or compression, and with advancing age [22,23].
comprise 90-95% of the cellular volume, lying within an extra- The extensor tendons, by comparison, are without a synovial
cellular matrix. The remaining cellular volume includes chondro- sheath and receive extrinsic vascularity from paratenon vessels,
cytes, and synovial and vascular cells. The extracellular matrix is which penetrate the epitenon to run within the endotenon septa
made of type 1 collagen and other extracellular components, pri- for their entire length.
marily synthetised by tenocytes, including glycoproteins and pro-
teoglycans (1-5%), elastin (2%), glycosaminoglycans and other acel- Tendon healing
lular elements. Collagen fascicles (comprised of multiple collagen
fibres) are enveloped in a thin connective tissue layer known as Tendon healing occurs via sequential phases of inflammation
the endotenon (type III collagen) (Fig. 4). This is formed from the (first week), cellular proliferation (5 days – 4 weeks), and re-
deep connecting extensions of the outer epitenon (type III colla- modelling (months) (Table 1) [21]. Historically, tendon healing has
gen) which is a loose connective tissue sheath within which vas- been attributed to intrinsic and extrinsic processes, with the rela-
cular, lymphatic and neural networks are present. Superficially, the tive contribution of each dependent on the presence of a synovial
tendon is surrounded by a silky smooth ‘false sheath’ known as the sheath (i.e. zones 1 and 2), which supports extrinsic healing. This

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

Fig. 4. Microscopic hierarchical structure of tendons. The tendon proper and fascicles are covered by a defined connective tissue sheath called the epitenon and endotenon,

Fig. 5. Extrinsic blood supply to the flexor tendons. Radial and ulnar digital arteries supply a vascular plexus that travels within the short and long vincula. Flexor tendon
vascularity is predominantly dorsal.

Table 1
Tendon healing stages.

Stage Time Description

Inflammatory First week Inflammation is characterised by the immediate development of a fibrin clot while recruitment of neutrophils,
macrophages, platelets and erythrocytes facilitate neovascularisation and primary stabilisation of the tendon ends
within the zone of injury [32].
Proliferative 5 days – 4 weeks From approximately 1-4 weeks, fibroblasts mediate the synthesis of proteoglycans, type III collagen and other
extracellular matrix components [33]. Collagen organisation is disordered, and cellularity and water content increases.
From 21 days (week 4) longitudinal organisation begins, with fibroblast proliferation from the endotenon (intrinsic)
taking over collagen synthesis and resorption.
Remodelling Months to years From 6-8 weeks, decreased cellularity and matrix synthesis (including type III collagen) is accompanied by increased
type I collagen synthesis. Organised collagen forms longitudinal bundles along the tendon axis to increase tendon
strength [34].

dual theory oversimplifies the complex interplay of cells, matrix, synovial sheath and other peritendinous tissues surrounding the
gene expression and growth factors; however, it provides a reason- zone of injury, including fibroblasts and macrophages. They de-
able baseline description [24,25]. posit type III collagen and organise granulation tissue, filling the
The extrinsic response initially far outweighs the intrinsic re- gap and providing biomechanical stability, respectively [26,27]. Ca-
sponse in zones 1 and 2. In the hours and days following injury, nine models, including the landmark experiments by Lundborg
inflammatory cytokine chemotaxis attracts extrinsic cells from the et al., have revolutionised our understanding of intrinsic healing

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

[28,29]. The specialised fibroblasts (tenocytes) from the epitenon tion, active IPJ flexion of the thumb will cause simultaneous flexion
and endotenon, lead intrinsic tendon healing during the prolifer- of the index finger DIPJ [37].
ative and remodelling phases through the synthesis, longitudinal When the patient first presents, open contaminated wounds (or
orientation and crosslinking of collagen fibrils. In general, intrin- those sustained in agricultural, aquatic, animal or sewage environ-
sic healing is associated with enhanced biomechanical outcomes, ments) should be cleansed in an antiseptic solution and appropri-
whereas extrinsic healing contributes to adhesion formation [30]. ate prophylactic antibiotic therapy should be commenced. Infected
Tendon repair aims to minimise extrinsic processes and maximise wounds should be managed empirically, with wound swabs taken
intrinsic healing. Early post-operative mobilisation aims to coun- for microbiological analysis before commencing antibiotics. Estab-
teract adhesion formation and enhance intrinsic remodelling. Of lish tetanus status and administer a booster if indicated by local
note, remodelling never achieves complete tendon regeneration or guidance. Supplementary clinical assessment should be achieved
‘normalisation’, with thinner collagen fibrils resulting in inferior with plain radiographs, ultrasound or magnetic resonance imag-
tendon strength and mechanical properties compared to the pre- ing depending on the nature of the injury, particularly in blunt
injury state [27,31]. trauma and closed injuries [38–42]. Plain radiographs help to ex-
clude concurrent fractures, avulsion injuries, joint dislocations and
Clinical evaluation pre-morbid joint pathology that may explain limited movement
range. Ultrasound facilitates a dynamic assessment, making it a su-
Suspected flexor tendon injuries require a thorough clinical as- perior imaging modality.
sessment and often are not isolated injuries. The history should
elicit general patient characteristics including age, handedness, oc- General repair principles
cupation, hobbies, general health (including medications and aller-
gies), previous hand injuries and home circumstances (rehabilita- Principles of flexor tendon repair include a strong suture con-
tion is prolonged and restrictive). Always clarify the timing, loca- struct, minimising gap formation between tendon ends, preserving
tion and mechanism of injury, with penetrating or open injuries tendon blood supply and providing a smooth repair interface. Ade-
requiring a judgement regarding soft tissue contamination. En- quate exposure of the zone of injury using full-thickness skin flaps
quire regarding current symptoms and any changes since the in- and preservation of neurovascular and pulley structures is essen-
jury, including pain (location and nature), altered sensation (dis- tial. Direct tendon handling with instruments should be minimised
tribution) and functional deficits (loss of movement or disability). to avoid iatrogenic injury, which predisposes to adhesion forma-
If the patient has sought previous medical review (i.e. emergency tion. Non-toothed forceps are used to grasp the cut ends of the
department) or if the presentation is delayed, ascertain treatments tendon at the radial or ulnar corners. Tendons that have retracted
received, including wound care, splinting, antibiotics and tetanus from the zone of injury (due to muscle tone and delays) may be
status. secured ready for tension-free repair using a hypodermic needle
Apply the orthopaedic examination principles of look, feel and (e.g., 25 Fr gauge) once retrieved. The chosen approach should seek
move. Inspect for wounds, swelling, scars and asymmetry. Assess to present the zone of injury and incorporate any skin lacerations
the digital cascade: a resting injured digit that appears extended in the design of the incisions. A zig-zag Bruner incision is com-
compared to its neighbours suggests a complete FDP injury. Open monly used to approach the flexor tendons (Fig. 6) [43]. Less di-
injuries necessitate an assessment of neurovascular status, soft tis- rect digital access is afforded by the lateral approaches (mid-lateral
sue viability or loss, and the risk of joint cavity and/or flexor or mid-axial), which raise radial- or ulnar-based full thickness skin
sheath inoculation. Palpate along the proximal path of the injured flaps (Fig. 6) [44]. The mid-lateral and mid-axial approaches utilise
tendon; tenderness proximal to the zone of injury commonly sug- longitudinal skin incisions that run parallel, and volar or dorsal, to
gests the level of tendon retraction in complete injuries. Assess the the neurovascular bundles, respectively. A combination of the two
vascular status by considering skin colour, temperature, turgor and approaches can be used, especially when incorporating wounds.
capillary refill time. Assess neurological status using light touch Tendon stump retraction within the sheath may require distal or
and two-point discrimination. proximal extension or secondary incisions to facilitate retrieval.
Review the broad range and quality of tendon motion by asking The strength of the repair is dependent on the choice of suture
the patient to make a fist, assessing the tenodesis effect upon pas- material, number of core strands and repair techniques applied.
sive wrist motion, and, finally, examining FDP and FDS separately Traditionally, techniques involve a core suture augmented with
in each digit. FDP is assessed through active DIPJ flexion range and an epitendinous circumferential running suture. Suture choice and
power whilst stabilising the middle phalanx in extension. FDS is technique help to minimise repair site elongation, or gap forma-
assessed by immobilising the neighbouring digits in full extension tion, which is a key detrimental factor to repair site integrity. Im-
(cancelling the effect of FDP) and asking the patient to flex the mediately following tendon repair, Tang et al. recommends intra-
digit: normal or partial injuries will permit MCPJ and PIPJ flexion. operative assessment using the ‘extension-flexion’ test: passive fin-
Alternatively, ask the patient to flex PIPJ whilst stabilising the prox- ger extension checks for gapping, moderate passive flexion con-
imal phalanx in extension: active PIPJ flexion with DIPJ extension firms smooth gliding, and, finally, pushing the digit to almost full
represents intact FDS function. Consider partial tendon injury with flexion will permit assessment of sheath or pulley impingement
painful active flexion, triggering or neurovascular deficits. FPL func- [45]. During the first 21 days post-repair, tensile strength remains
tion is assessed by stabilising the proximal phalanx of the thumb static, with ultimate tensile strength increasing significantly there-
and asking the patient to flex at the IPJ. Pre-morbid limitations after as the tendon remodels [46]. The in vivo canine study by Gel-
to movement are assessed through passive motion. Remember to berman et al. demonstrated that healing of tendon repairs with no
compare suspected deficits with uninjured digits. gaps or gaps <3mm acquired strength six weeks post-repair and
Little finger assessment is complicated by an absent FDS in 21% that gaps >3mm did not accrue strength with time [46].
of individuals, with right and left hand asymmetry existing in 26%
[35]. In addition, some individuals have a reduced active range of Suture Material
movement of the little finger DIPJ. The Linburg–Comstock anomaly
describes a tendinous connection between FPL and FDP of the in- The optimal suture material for flexor tendon repair must be
dex finger, which may exist in 21% of patients [36]. On examina- easy to use and manipulate, minimise gap formation, maintain

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

Fig. 6. Common surgical approaches to the flexor tendons. A. A traditional Bruner incision (dashed green line) provides a direct volar approach to the flexor tendons. Distally,
Bruner incisions should stop at the pulp centre to avoid scar sensitivity during pinch grip. Mid-lateral or mid-axial incisions may be combined with the Bruner (dashed blue
line), especially when incorporating wounds. B. The mid-axial longitudinal incisions (dotted yellow line) are sited parallel and dorsal to the neurovascular bundle (red line),
utilising the dorsal apex of the digital palmar creases during flexion (yellow dots). The mid-lateral incision (not shown) is sited at the mid-point between the volar and
dorsal surfaces (volar to the neurovascular bundle).

its tensile strength until intrinsic tendon strength is achieved, (e.g. Bunnell) have anchor points which are aligned perpendicular
and provide good biocompatibility to prevent immune-mediated to the fibre orientation, and integrate a small portion of epitenon.
adhesion formation or granulomatous reactions. Non-absorbable Grasping techniques (e.g. cruciate, most modified Kessler) include
monofilament sutures are often used, including polypropylene non-closed suture loops (arcs) around the epitenon and tendon fi-
(Prolene®) angggggd nylon (Ethilon®). These synthetic monofila- bres that loosely constrict the tendon substance on loading [50].
ment sutures should be manually stretched, or pretensioned, be- The Pennington repair is a further modification of the Kessler
fore use to prevent post-operative elongation and gap formation technique that maintains a grasping (sliding) configuration; how-
[47]. Monofilament sutures, polypropylene in particular, have rela- ever, it utilises a loop link to provide increased tendon hold [51].
tively poor knot security and can be more difficult to handle due Locking techniques (e.g. Adelaide) possess closed loops that be-
to their inherent memory. Non-absorbable polyester (Ethibond® or have as a noose to more effectively anchor or trap the contained
Ethibond Excel®) sutures are a braided alternative with high ten- fibres [52].
sile strength, superior knot security and no tendency to elongate,
but glide less and can be more difficult to evenly tension. Regard-
Core Suture
less of material, a non-cutting, or ‘taper point’, needle will avoid
the potentially catastrophic risk of cutting through buried suture
Numerous ex vivo studies have demonstrated that repair
strength is proportional to the number of strands crossing the re-
Suture Configuration pair site, with studies consistently supporting a minimum of four
core suture strands [53–58]. However, high strand numbers con-
Core sutures can be divided into three primary components: tribute to increased bulk and deformed repair zones leading to
longitudinal, transverse and link segments [48]. The link compo- increased friction during tendon excursion [58,59]. Overall repair
nent usually comes to lie outside the tendon (epitenon) and vari- strength and resistance to gap formation is critically influenced
ably connects the longitudinal and transverse segments. Variations by increasing core suture purchase length (distance from the cut
in the link component (constructed as an arc, loop or knot) will tendon end to the core suture limb farthest away from the lacer-
produce either a sliding grasping or locking suture configuration, ation site) and the use of higher calibre sutures [60,61]. Biome-
representing a hierarchy of increasing grip at the suture-tendon chanical studies support core tendon purchase of 7-10 mm with
interface. Locking configurations are favoured as they facilitate in- dorsal suture placement (closer to the bone) [62,63]. The modi-
creased transmission of axial tension and will impact repair sur- fied Kessler core suture technique is associated with less adhesion
vival and overall strength [49]. Non-grasping (sliding) techniques formation on meta-analysis; however, many techniques remain

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

Fig. 7. Common suture techniques for core and epitendinous repair.

popular (Fig. 7) [57]. A 3/0 or 4/0 polypropylene (Prolene®), ny- strength by 10-50% [64,65]. Strength may be further increased with
lon (Ethilon®) or polyester (Ethibond®) core suture may be reli- suture purchase of 2-3mm from tendon ends and increasing the
ably used. depth of engagement [66,67]. A 6/0 polypropylene (Prolene®) or
nylon (Ethilon®) epitendinous suture is commonly used. The use
Epitendinous Circumferential Suture of a taper point needle is key to minimising the risk of accidental
damage to the core suture. Access can be optimised by complet-
Epitendinous circumferential repair aims to prevent gap for- ing the dorsal and volar epitendinous repairs before and after the
mation, reduce repair site bulk and may increase overall repair

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

core repair, respectively. Simple continuous or Silfverskiold suture

techniques are described (Fig. 7).

Flexor tendon repair

Partial tendon injury

The treatment of partial flexor tendon injuries remains contro-

versial. Concerns regarding untreated partial tendon injuries in- Fig. 8. Moiemen & Elliott sub-classification of zone 1 flexor tendon injuries.
clude complete rupture, symptomatic triggering and loss of excur-
sion. It remains common practice to manage injuries less than 50%
of tendon cross-sectional area with debridement alone [68]. Har-
iharan et al. reported that threshold load levels of partial tendon 4 injuries were recognised separately, and fracture fixation usually
injuries were higher than physiological loads experienced during precedes tendon repair. In some cases, it may be necessary to ex-
active motion, concluding that partial tendon injuries can with- cise small bone fragments [79,80]. Type 5 represents a FDP avul-
stand forces applied during active mobilisation rehabilitation [69]. sion with an attached bone fragment combined with a concomi-
In vivo suture repair of partial lacerations results in reduced tensile tant significant fracture of the distal phalanx [81].
strength, higher rates of rupturing, and inferior excursion proper- Zone 1 pure tendinous lacerations have been classified by
ties when compared to non-sutured tendon [70–72]. Moiemen and Elliot into three subtypes: type 1a occur distal to
Flexor tendon injuries less than 50% cross-sectional area may the A5 pulley, type 1b occur between the distal edges of the A4
be debrided or repaired with a running epitendinous suture to and A5 pulleys, and type 1c occur beneath the A4 pulley (Fig. 8)
avoid triggering [73]. Near complete injuries are managed similar [77]. Type 1a lacerations are not amenable to core suture repair
to complete lacerations, with core suture placement and a supple- and are managed like avulsion injuries. Type 1b and 1c injuries
mentary running epitendinous suture. Therefore, partial tendon in- can be repaired with conventional suture techniques. Moderate re-
juries undergoing suture repair should be protected and rehabili- pair bulk is acceptable in zone 1 and some authors suggest direct
tated using the same active mobilisation regimes as for complete repair with many more core sutures to maximise tensile strength
repairs. [45].
Two low volume prospective clinical studies have advocated a For injuries not amenable to tendon-to-tendon repair, either
conservative approach to partial tendon injury in zone 2, specifi- closed avulsions or Moieman and Eliot type 1a injuries, external
cally. Wray et al. studied partial tendon lacerations with a median and internal anchoring techniques have been described. First re-
cross-sectional area of 60%, demonstrating excellent function with ported by Bunnell, the pull-out button external fixation technique,
no reports of complete rupture. They concluded that partial in- involves placement of a proximal stump core suture (e.g. 4-strand),
juries should not be repaired, and early active motion should com- which is passed through the distal phalanx and nail plate via paral-
mence in the absence of ‘bevelling’ or ‘bunching’. A more recent lel transosseous tunnels [83–85]. The monofilament suture is ten-
prospective study with 5-year follow-up further supported non- sioned and secured to the tendon stump prior to transosseous pas-
repair of tendons with major injury (>50%), who replicated man- sage, and tied externally over a plastic button (Fig. 9). Alternatively,
agement principals recommended by Wray [68,74]. This included the sutures may be passed around the distal phalanx to avoid vi-
exploration under digital block anaesthesia, pulley excision for im- olating bone. At 6-8 weeks the button is removed and the suture
pingement, and chamfering of prominent tendon edges. material is pulled out. Polypropylene sutures are the most easily
removed, but a higher number of knots is advisable. Some authors
Complete tendon injury: Zones 1-5 report high complication rates with the pull-out technique, includ-
ing infection (22%), nail fold necrosis, nail plate deformity (35%)
Zone 1 and DIPJ stiffness [86]. Complications can be minimised by placing
Zone 1 injuries include only the FDP tendon, and can result the nail plate exit point well distal to the lunula and using a small
from either penetrating injuries or closed avulsions. Zone 1 avul- button with the convex surface in contact with the nail. Alterna-
sion injuries, or jersey finger, are relatively uncommon and presen- tively, the nailbed can be avoided entirely using a coronal osseous
tation is often delayed. They occur mostly in young adults when tunnel [87,88].
the distal phalanx is subjected to forced extension during active Internal fixation techniques avoid bulky external constructs and
flexion [75,76], and can involve the enthesis alone or the avul- broadly involve 2- or 4-strand trans-osseous or multi-strand bone
sion of a fragment of distal phalanx with the tendon. The ring fin- anchor fixation [88–92].
ger is the most commonly affected. Treatment is often challenging, Advances in bone anchor design make them an attractive al-
with reports suggesting variable outcomes [77]. Three main fac- ternative to the pull-out technique. Anchor fixation is associated
tors influence the prognosis of zone 1 injuries, including length with reduced rates of infection, nail deformity, and an earlier re-
of diagnostic delay, characteristics of the avulsed bone fragment turn to work [93]. The FDP is secured to its footprint using a mod-
and, most importantly, the degree of proximal stump retraction ified Bunnell or Becker suture technique. The cadaveric study by
and subsequent disruption to the vincula vascular system. The de- Brustein et al. identified greater load to failure when using two
gree of retraction influences the overall management of avulsion Mitek micro QuickAnchor® anchors (4-strand repair with 4/0 Ethi-
injuries and may be referenced according to the Leddy and Packer bond) when compared to a single Mitek mini anchor (2-strands).
classification (Table 2) [78]. Four-strand repair with two anchors was also stronger than 2-
Although early repair is preferred for all flexor tendon injuries, strand repairs with a pull-out suture [94]. Retrograde anchor place-
Leddy and Packer type 1 injuries require surgical repair within ment angled towards the DIPJ may be employed; however, load to
three weeks due to the risks of tendon devascularisation (vincula failure is not affected [95]. Care should be taken to avoid dorsal
system disruption), pulley collapse and fibrosis, and muscle con- cortex violation (to protect the nail matrix), with retrograde an-
tracture preventing advancement. Type 2 and 3 injuries may be gulation (45 degrees) recommended in the little finger [96]. Fluo-
treated up to three months with good results. Type 3 may be roscopy may be used to confirm anchor position. The anchor tech-
treated with K-wire or mini screw and/or plate fixation [82]. Type nique might have higher failure risks in osteoporotic bone, and be

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

Table 2
Leddy & Packer classification of zone 1 FDP avulsion injuries.

Type Level of Retraction Blood Supply

Type 1
Palm Disruption of vinculum
longus and brevis

Type 2
Level of A3 pulley (PIPJ) Vinculum longus intact

Type 3
Level of A4 pulley (DIPJ). Large Vincula both intact
avulsion fracture limits retraction.

Type 4 [79,80]
Variable retraction within pulley Variable
system or palm. Large avulsion
fracture detached from retracted

Type 5 [81]
Level of A4 pulley (DIPJ). Avulsion Variable
fragment with concomitant distal
phalanx fracture.

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

Fig. 9. Pull-out and internal fixation techniques for zone 1 injuries. A| Bunnell pull-out suture button technique. B| Internal fixation with distal phalanx bone anchors (usually

contraindicated in avulsions of large fragments or distal phalanx Table 3

Boyes pre-operative injury classification for tendon grafting.
Zone 1 tendon repairs risk FDP overtightening and advance- Grade Description
ment. Advancement greater than 1cm risks significant flexion con- 1 Good: minimal scar, supple joints, no trophic changes
tracture or a ‘quadrigia’ effect on the intact FDP tendons [97]. 2 Cicatrix: scar limiting gliding of graft (heavy skin scarring or
Quadrigia is a flexion lag in digits neighbouring a shortened FDP, deep scarring from failed primary repair or infection)
affecting the middle, ring and little fingers, which are connected 3 Joint damage: loss of passive joint motion
4 Nerve damage: digital nerve injury with trophic changes
by a common muscle belly.
5 Multiple damage: multiple fingers with combination of above

Zone 2
Bunnell (1948) once referred to this unforgiving zone as ‘no 2-strand core repair [106,107]. Significant improvements have ac-
man’s land’ due to the higher risk of post-operative tendon ad- companied the adoption of 4-strand repairs [107]. Of note, the FPL
hesions and stiffness [98]. In recent decades, outcomes follow- is relatively avascular at the level of the MCPJ which might con-
ing zone 2 repairs have improved significantly with advances in tribute to increased rupture rates (i.e. within zone 2) [108]. The
repair technique, suture material and early controlled rehabilita- retrieval of retracted tendons may be aided by proximal-to-distal
tion regimes. For complete FDP and FDS zone 2 injuries, dual re- massage, passive thumb and wrist flexion, gentle pulley dilatation
pair may cause overcrowding, which risks triggering, adhesion for- or venting and secondary incisions at the carpal tunnel or distal
mation, reduced excursion and increased rupture rate [99–103]. forearm. Distal passage may be aided by using a tendon passer or
Therefore, three operative strategies exist: (1) repair of FDP alone a paediatric feeding tube [109].
with debridement of the FDS stump; (2) repair of FDP and a sin-
gle slip of FDS; (3) repair of FDP and both FDS slips. If both FDS
and FDP are repaired, it is essential to avoid malrotation and re- Special consideration: Single- or two-stage tendon reconstruction
store the correct anatomical relationship between both tendons.
The level of FDS injury relative to the A2 pulley often dictates the Single-stage free tendon graft reconstruction may be required
repair strategy. If repair of both slips encroaches on the A2 pul- for segmental tendon loss or delayed presentations (i.e. >4 weeks
ley, one or both slips may be excised. If the repair is proximal to post-injury when retraction impedes primary repair). If the tendon
slip decussation, and does not encroach on A2 during excursion, stumps almost approximate, consider tendon lengthening (i.e. Le
2-strand FDS core suture repair is appropriate. Partial division, or Viet lengthening within the muscle) [110]. A single small diameter
venting, of the A2 pulley (up to 50%) and A4 (up to 100%) does not primary palm-to-fingertip graft is sometimes performed for FDP or
substantially increase the work of flexion and can permit improved combined FDS and FDP injuries in zone 2, which avoids repair bulk
access and prevent triggering [104,105]. within the most unforgiving section of the pulley system by posi-
tioning the repairs outwith [111]. The graft is secured distally us-
ing established zone 1 techniques and proximally using a weave
Zones 3-5 technique (i.e. Pulvertaft) after tensioning. Prerequisites for single-
More proximal zones receive little attention in the literature. stage reconstruction include mobile joints with full passive mobil-
Surgical concepts of optimal tendon repair described previously ity and no wound or joint contractures, an intact flexor pulley sys-
can be applied to tendon injuries within these zones. Concurrent tem with a minimally scarred or contaminated bed (i.e. no infec-
injury of adjacent neurovascular structures including the super- tion), no neurovascular impairment (Boyes’ grade 1) and a patient
ficial palmar arterial arch (zone 3), median nerve (zone 4) and who is willing to cooperate with post-op rehabilitation [112,113].
proximal neurovascular structures within the forearm of zone 5 Boyes outlined these prerequisites in his classification for tendon
may complicate post-operative rehabilitation. Furthermore, zone grafting, with grades 2-5 often managed with staged reconstruc-
3 includes the lumbrical origins along FDP, thus risking flexor- tion (Table 3).
lumbrical adhesions. Zone 3 triggering may warrant a preventive Two-stage reconstruction options include the Hunter-Salisbury
A1 pulley release. (donor graft) technique and, less frequently, the modified Paneva-
Holevich (remnant FDS transposition) technique [114,115]. Both
Flexor Pollicis Longus techniques involve a first stage comprising debridement of the in-
jured tendon (maintaining a 1cm distal FDP stump if possible) and
Complete zone 1 and 2 FPL injuries are frequently associated placement of a temporary flexible silicone rod spacer in the space
with early proximal stump retraction, found either deep to the of the obliterated sheath to develop a smooth gliding bed, or pseu-
thenar musculature or within the carpal tunnel. The FPL has no dosheath. The silicone rod is sutured distally to the FDP stump to
lumbrical to help limit retraction. Historically, zone 2 rupture rates prevent migration and should extended proximally into the palm
were highest in the thumb, approaching 8% in studies reviewing or distal forearm. If bowstringing occurs during flexion, the pul-

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

leys, A2 in particular, are reconstructed. Additionally, the modified

Paneva-Holevich first stage requires the proximal tendon stumps
of FDS and FDP of the injured digit to be sutured together in
the palm to create a loop (4-strand end-to-end repair). Immedi-
ate post-operative rehabilitation maintains joint mobility. A min-
imum of three months between stages helps to optimise move-
ment range and scar maturity that reduce the risks of stiffness and
tendon rupture, respectively. The Hunter-Salisbury second stage in-
volves extrinsic free tendon graft placement, with donor options
including palmaris longus, plantaris, extensor indicis proprius, ex-
tensor digiti minimi, or extensor digitorum longus to the second
toe. The distal and proximal repair techniques are performed sim-
ilarly to those used in single-stage reconstruction. The modified
Paneva-Holevich second stage involves loop retrieval, cutting the
FDS tendon proximally at its musculocutaneous junction, and tun-
nelling it up through the pseudosheath to the remnant FDP stump
[115]. Regardless of technique, a post-operative early active reha-
bilitation protocol should follow.

Flexor rehabilitation

An ideal rehabilitation protocol promotes intrinsic tendon heal- Fig. 10. Dorsal blocking splint, or ‘hood’. This traditional splint immobilises the
ing, minimises adhesion formation and optimises tendon glide to wrist in neutral or slight extension.
restore a functional range of movement without significant forces
which could compromise the repair [116,117]. Irrespective of the
rehabilitation protocol, post-operative rupture rates can approach modified Duran protocols comprised controlled passive MCPJ, PIPJ
4-6% [118–121]. Appropriate rehabilitation and compliance to ther- and DIPJ mobilisation [135,137]. The Kleinert protocol combines ac-
apy have a significant impact on repair outcomes. Communication tive extension against rubber band resistance and passive flexion
between the surgeon and the hand therapist is essential, with doc- through band recoil. Disadvantages of the Kleinert protocol include
umentation of zone of injury, repair quality and number of core the complex splint design and the risk of PIPJ flexion contractures
strands helping to guide therapy. Underlying fractures, significant due to prolonged resting flexion [138]. Although rarely used in iso-
soft-tissue injuries and neurovascular repair may also influence de- lation, the passive Duran exercises can support modern EAM pro-
cision making. tocols to achieve the extremes of movement.
Exercise regimes can be categorised into controlled passive EAM is considered routine for robust minimum 4-strand pri-
motion, place and hold, and controlled active motion. There re- mary repairs in compliant patients [139]. Patient understanding,
mains no absolute consensus or ‘gold standard’ regarding optimal motivation and compliance is key, whilst minimal swelling, soft-
mobilisation strategy [122]; however, advances in surgical repair tissue trauma and confidence in the repair are prerequisites [140].
techniques and materials have allowed rehabilitation protocols to Active motion should initiate from the DIPJ and progress through
evolve towards early active mobilisation (EAM) [123–128]. All pro- the PIPJ to the MCPJ (restricting to the PIPJ alone will prevent dif-
tocols aim to manage oedema and wound integrity. We present an ferential FDS and FDP glide). EAM was first developed in Belfast,
overview of historic and contemporary rehabilitation strategies. United Kingdom, for zone 2 repairs with active IPJ flexion starting
The degree of tendon excursion (glide distance) to prevent ad- 48 hours post-repair [141]. Emphasis was placed on DIPJ motion to
hesion formation is 1.7 to 3.5mm [46,129]. Although this can be achieve differential tendon glide [141–143]. The early Belfast proto-
achieved with passive rehabilitation protocols, active flexion con- cols used a Kleinert-type splint (without rubber bands) to support
fers additional mechanical strength [72]. Tendon tensile strength the wrist and MCPJs in flexion. Multiple modifications, including
remains static within the first three weeks of repair, while re- supporting the wrist in extension, have contributed to heteroge-
pair site rigidity increases [72]. During post-operative days 1-4 the neous contemporary EAM regimes.
resistance to gliding is increased secondary to increasing tendon A subcategory of EAM is ‘place and hold’ (or ‘active hold’) that
oedema, which resists smooth tendon gliding [130]. Therefore, re- combines passive and active flexion and utilises the digital ten-
habilitation is commonly commenced on day 3-5 post-repair. The odesis effect seen with wrist movement [144]. Although it may be
different flexor rehabilitation protocols are unified by use of a used to support EAM protocols, it has otherwise fallen from favour
dorsal blocking splint, or hood, to minimise excessive extension for flexor rehabilitation [145]. It is a popular early regime for other
and repair site tension (Fig. 10). Traditional forearm-based splints hand injuries, including fracture rehabilitation. The exercise regime
span the wrist and permit minimal or no active wrist extension is repeated hourly, as follows: (1) passive digital flexion to make a
[131–134]. Originally supporting the wrist in flexion, splints have fist combined with active wrist extension in the splint, (2) active
evolved past neutral and towards wrist extension. Splints support digital flexion to half a full fist (position held for a short period,
the MCPJs in flexion (30-45 degrees) and provide space to permit e.g. five seconds), and, finally, (3) active wrist flexion combined
full IPJ extension. Young children unable to adhere to protected re- with active digital extension. Full composite flexion is avoided as
habilitation protocols (i.e. up to 5 or 6 years of age) are immo- this puts additional strain on the repair site [145].
bilised in digital flexion for up to 4 weeks. The Manchester short splint EAM regime has gained popular-
Passive motion regimes, including the Duran & Houser and ity for zone 1 and 2 repairs (excluding FPL) [146]. The Manchester
Kleinert protocols, were developed in the 1970s when 2-strand re- short splint permits unlimited wrist flexion and extension up to
pairs were standard practice [125,135]. Despite modifications, they 45 degrees, which increases passive digital tendon excursion and
have limited capacity to preserve differential glide of FDS and FDP improves differential tendon gliding and DIPJ flexion arcs (Fig. 11)
within zone 2, which may explain greater adhesion formation and [146]. MCPJ extension is limited to 30 degrees. In 1988, Savage
compromised function [136]. The original Duran & Houser and identified 45 degrees of wrist extension to be the optimal posi-

O. Pearce, M.T. Brown, K. Fraser et al. Injury 52 (2021) 2053–2067

specific. This article has endeavoured to provide an overview of

contemporary management strategies. Today’s hand surgeons and
therapists can choose from a variety of treatment options when
managing these important and potentially life-changing injuries.

CME Learning points

- Partial tendon lacerations <50% are commonly managed with

debridement alone. Partial lacerations >50% may be managed
with epitendinous repair to avoid triggering (+/- core repair).
Near complete lacerations are managed with core and epitendi-
nous repair.
- Minimise tendon handling with instruments to reduce the risk
of adhesions and optimise tendon healing.
- Zone 1 avulsion injuries are closed and often present late. They
are classified according to the Leddy and Packer classification.
- Zone 1 lacerations not amenable to primary end-to-end repair
may be secured using two micro suture anchors or traditional
pull-out button techniques. Anchors are associated with a re-
duced risk of infection and nail complications, and an earlier
return to work.
Fig. 11. The Manchester short splint. This splint permits active wrist movement up - Zone 2 injuries should be managed with core sutures (min-
to 45 degrees extension. imum 4-strands) and a running circumferential epitendinous
suture. Partial division of the A2 and A4 pulleys (up to 50%
and 100%, respectively) can permit improved access and pre-
tion for minimising the work of digital flexion for active regimes. vent triggering.
Peck et al. compared the Manchester short splint and traditional - Early active mobilisation (EAM) rehabilitation starting from 3-5
forearm-based splints for zone 2 repairs (FDS and FDP) managed days post-repair increases the mechanical strength of the repair,
with early passive and active motion and identified improved IPJ prevents adhesion formation and optimises movement range.
flexion arcs at 12 weeks with the short splint (median 59 de- - The Manchester short splint is a popular contemporary EAM
grees versus 30 degrees; p<0.001) with no increased risk of rup- protocol for zone 1 and 2 repairs.
ture [146]. From our experience, non-compliant patients, or those - Tendon reconstruction using single-stage or two-stage (e.g.
unable to follow instruction, tend to fair better with the Manch- Hunter-Salisbury technique) is indicated for delayed presenta-
ester short splint as it permits some hand function. tions or injuries with segmental tendon loss and/or tissues of
Rehabilitation of FPL repairs requires a dorsal forearm-based poor quality.
splint, which often combines neutral wrist alignment, car-
pometacarpal joint abduction, MCPJ flexion (e.g. 20 degrees) and
Conflict of interest
a neutral IPJ to permit full extension. The splint is maintained
both day and night for six weeks with gradual weaning between
Authors confirm no conflicts of interest
6-8 weeks. Zone 5 wrist flexor repairs (flexor carpi radialis and ul-
naris) are protected with dorsal wrist splintage (neutral) with no
digital restrictions until removal at six weeks.
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