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HanBook Course Dictionary

Pinin, 中文, or English

Whole syllable: yì Video guide

Radical: 丿
Structure: Single-component character

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Chinese dictionary Show pinyin

1 v. fml administer; pacify; govern

yì ān

2 adj. fml stable

Chinese Characters with pinyin yì

意 艺 异 易 亦
idea; desir skill; art separate; have no di also
e different fficulty in
doing thin

Hot words today

衣柜 robe
赶紧 quickly
舒服 comfortable; be/feel well
到 arrive; thoughtful
我 self; one
你 you; one
打算 plan; plan
爱 love; cherish
老板 owner; master
劲 strength; potency

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