Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography.

“Chapman, John. “The Tragedy of America's Entry into World War I”. Mises Institute. 11

Oct. 2018. Austrian Economics. 27 Nov. 2023. The American journalist, John

Chapman, mentions his opinion about the United States involvement in World War I.

He explains the background of World War I, and the consequences in the United

States of it. Although, he concludes with the analysis of actual human behavior with

the question of “do humans learn from their mistakes?”.

Coontz, Stephanie. “What we really miss About the 1950s”. Rereading America: Cultural

Context for Critical Thinking and Writing. 7 Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen and

Bonnie Leslie, Eds. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2007. (31-47). Stephanie discusses

what are the factors that make people feel nostalgia for the 1950’s. The main purpose

of her research article is to announce all the War and Great Depression repercussions

that American families had; these consequences are related to the fascination of the

50’s. Besides the explanation of why people miss this specific period of time, she

intends to change people's perspective by giving the weak points of most people's

argument: The 50’s were the best to live in.

“Entrada en vigor de la “Ley Seca” en Estados Unidos”. Instituto de Relaciones

Internacionales. 2020. Universidad Nacional de Plata. 27 Nov. 2023. This institute

describes the entry of the National Alcohol Prohibition in the United States on

January 17th in 1920. Mentioning that this law banned the production, sale and

distribution of alcoholic beverages. This law was repealed by the amendment XXI.

Although, this institute provides details about the historical context of this law, which

seeks alcohol control in the United States.

Gatto, John. “Against School”. Rereading America: Cultural Context for Critical Thinking
and Writing. 11 . Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen and Bonnie Leslie, Eds. Boston:

Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2019. (114-122). Gatto was an elementary school teacher. He

highlights the main feeling that students, teachers and any other person relate with

school: boredom. In his expository essay he criticized the school system by

questioning the importance and purpose of forced schooling.

“Gender Stereotypes in Advertising”. Victoria State Government. Apr. 2022. Shequal. 16

Oct. 2023. These guidelines share statistics of Australian advertisement with the

purpose of spreading information about the most common gender stereotypes in

advertisements. Also breaks down some of the common female stereotypes seen in

ads today.

Graff, E: J. “What Makes a Family?” Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical

Thinking and Writing. 5 Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle, Eds.

Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2001. (26-39). She starts with the historical background

of the concept “familia”-a Latin etymology-. Starting with the definition of Romans’

family and ending with her own definition of it: “a network of human relations, which

survive even when their forms change” (28). Graff’s main goal is to make the readers

change their thought of what could be the principal aspects that a family -and all

families in the world- could have.

Rodriguez, Cecilia. “Worldwide Leader Educational Systems, their performance,

methodology, and Approbatory Ranges” Daena: International Journal of Good

Conscience. Apr. 2018. Spenta Mexico. 6 Oct. 2023. This research mentions the

countries with the best school systems and compares them; these countries are

Estonia, Japan, Canada, Korea, and Finland. The main purpose of the research is to

analyze the characteristics that these countries share, and try to generate changes in

our schooling practices in order to progress.

Selser, Julio. “La Ley Seca Estadounidense. Crónica de un fracaso”. Organization CAMDP.

2003. CAMDP. 26 Nov. 2023. This article mentions the statistics of alcohol

consumption, hospitalized patients regarding alcohol consumption and deaths due to

alcohol consumption. The main purpose of this article is to analyze whether the

National Alcohol Prohibition in the United States was a good tool to decrease the

violence rates in 1920 or not.

Soto, Gary. “Looking for Work”. Rereading America: Cultural Context for Critical Thinking

and Writing. 7 Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen and Bonnie Leslie, Eds. Boston:

Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2007. (26-30). “Looking for work” is not an essay. Gary -the

narrator- tells us a short story of a nine year-old guy: Gary Soto. The main idea of the

story is to analyze what the consequences of the media influence are. The fact of

Gary’s feeling out of place -because he has a different perspective of what a family

should be- is related to some consequences. Economic deficiencies, cultural

differences, migration, are one of the topics that we could notice in this short story.

“The US consumes more alcohol now than before Prohibition”. APNews. 2020. APNews. 26

Nov. 2023. This article published by APNews talks about alcohol consumption in the

United States, highlighting the National Alcohol Prohibition in the 1920s. This article

is based on statistics of alcohol consumption in New York City between 1920 and


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