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Using PAST TENSE: vacation

What did you do on vacation?

Past tense verb examples
do/does= did go= went have= had eat= ate drink= drank read= read(“red”) ride= rode
watch= watched see= saw play= played walk=walked study= studied swim= swam take= took
buy= bought sing= sang run= ran sleep= slept shop= shopped cook= cooked speak= spoke
In the following sentences use the correct verb from the box above:
slept studied
1. I ______ __(sleep) a lot but I __________ (study) too!
went bought
2. I ________ (go) shopping with my friends; we __________(buy) lots of cool things.
played ate
3. I __________ (play) in the park and_________(eat) ice cream with my family.
took swam
4. My parents _________(take) us to the beach and we _________(swim) in the ocean.

Noun or activity examples:

(the) mall / store /park fireworks sleep exercise walk read/study beach mountains
BBQ burgers hotdogs salad grilled meat shaved ice ice cream watermelon pineapple
PlayStation Nintendo Switch Xbox YouTube movie shopping book/comic board games

WRITE sentences about common things to do on vacation, use the verbs & nouns in the boxes above:
Practice SPEAKING #5-7 with your partner.
Example: “… I went (go) to the mall with my friends” “I watched (watch) lots of TV/YouTube”
went park
5. For vacation I ________ (go) to _________________ (where) with my friends/family. (CIRCLE)
ate burgers hotdogs
6. I ____________ (eat) _________________ and ________________(2 foods) they were delicious!
7. I _________(go) to my friend’s house and we watched
__________(play/watch) _______________ game/movie)
ASK your partner questions 8-17 and WRITE the answers, then switch roles. Be sure to write/speak
? I was in Medellin
8. Where did you go? ___________________________________________________
? I went with my sister
9. Who did you go with on vacation? ___________________________________________________
10. Did you play any games or sports? Which ones? ?_____________________________________________
yes, i played voleyball

? I ate sandwiches and drank soda.

11. What did you eat and drink on vacation? __________________________________________________
12. What places did you visit there? ?________________________________________________
I visited la pidera del peñol, comuna 13 and downtown medellin.

I bought some key chains for my family

13. What did you buy there? ___________________________________________________
? I liked to visit the tourist places in Medellin.
14. What was your favorite thing you did on vacation? ___________________________________________
? I spent three weeks
15. How long did you stay there? ___________________________________________________________
? I stayed in a hotel near downtown
16. Did you stay in a hotel /camp/hostel/house? ________________________________________________
? The hotel was big, it had green areas, it was very nice.
17. How was the hotel(place ) like? __________________________________________________________

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