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Announcing the Azure AI Advantage Offer



Olivia Shone

Published Nov 15 2023 08:00 AM




If you are innovating with AI, Azure is the cloud platform to build on. Apps are the business-critical,
digital front door for many businesses. The digital-first nature of modern business has effectively made
almost every company into a software company. Now, almost every company will be an AI company,
too, as companies differentiate products and digital customer experiences with AI-powered, intelligent

Azure offers a full, integrated stack purpose-built for intelligent applications, giving you a competitive
edge and superior performance. This includes a cloud app platform, data at scale, and pretrained and
responsible AI – the building blocks for scalable and high-performance intelligent apps.

Organizations experience faster time to market, lower latency and improved security when their AI app
stack is built on Azure. With Azure you can leverage provisioned throughput to scale seamlessly as your
app grows. You’ll benefit from a world-class infrastructure and security to safeguard your data, and
enhance the reliability of your generative AI applications, while leveraging the speed of Azure Cosmos
DB to retrieve and process data. Create more responsive, higher-performing gen AI apps by connecting
Azure Cosmos DB with Azure AI atop the scalable platform of Azure Kubernetes Service. This enables
instant access and delivery of real-time information in powerful new ways.

To help you on this journey, we are happy to introduce an offer to help new and existing Azure AI and
GitHub Copilot customers save when using Azure Cosmos DB, by providing 40,000 Request Units per
second (RU/s)[1] of Azure Cosmos DB for for 90 days. This is the equivalent of up to $6,000 in savings[2]
for a customer.

thumbnail image 1 of blog post titled

Announcing the Azure AI Advantage Offer

To be eligible for the offer[3], customers must use GitHub Copilot or Azure AI services in their
subscription, and create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account and must enroll in offer within 30
days of account creation. After the 90 day trial period, customers will continue to run their application at
the normal Azure Cosmos DB pricing.

Azure AI services and GitHub Copilot customers deploying their intelligent apps to Azure Kubernetes
Service may be eligible for additional discounts. Speak to your Microsoft representative to learn more.

In addition, today we are announcing the expansion of the Copilot Copyright Commitment, now called
Customer Copyright Commitment (CCC), to customers using the Azure OpenAI Service. By extending the
CCC to Azure OpenAI Service, Microsoft is broadening our commitment to defend our commercial
customers and pay for any adverse judgments if they are sued for copyright infringement for using the
outputs generated by Azure OpenAI Service. As part of this expansion, we’ve published new
documentation to help Azure OpenAI Service customers implement technical measures and other best
practices to mitigate the risk of infringing content. Customers will need to comply with the
documentation to take advantage of the benefit.

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