Coa 23-0035

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PT Lesso Technolgy Indonesia JALAN SEMARANG DEMAK KM 14,7,BLOK D RT 001 age woot BATU, KARANGTENGAH, KAB, DEMAK, JAWA Borouge TENGAH 59561 Indonesia CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Material HES490LS Total Quantity 148.500 MT Production Date 05.02.2023 Date 08.03.2023, OurReference 6000028434 Your Reference SPO23/0255 Batch No 4123081 Delivery No: 800105075 Batch Quantity 74.260 MT Property Reference Test Method | Unit Value Melt Flow Rate (190°C/5.0ka) 18192 (S0-1133) 9/10 min 024 Melt Flow Rate (180°C/21.6Kg) 18192 (80-1133) 9/10 min 70 Density 18202 (180-1183) kgim* 960 Carbon Black Content 'B184 (180-6084) % 231 Disp/Carbon Black 164 (ISO-18553) 10 (Oxidation Induction Time (210°C) 8162 (IS0-11367) rnin 7 Moisture Content B187 (\S0-15512) em 20 Total Volatiles 8185 (EN12099) pm 250 This Certificate conforms to EN 10204, Inspection Cerificate 3.1 ‘Abu Dhabi Polymers Co. Ltd (Borouge) LLC Borouge Tower, Sheikh Khalifa Energy Complex, Lab Manager Name : Khaled Dale Comiche Road P.O. Box 6825 Abu Dhabi UAE a iy Com Tel: +971 27080000 Fax: +971 2 7080090 Designas Manager, Quay Control & Lab Borouge is @ joint venture of ADNOC and Borealis, INSPIRING TOMORROW ? Page 1 of 3 PT Lesso Technology Indonesia JALAN SEMARANG DEMAK KM 14,7,BLOK D RT 001 Rwoot an DP Ene) KARANGTENGAH,KAB. DEMAK,JAWA Borouge ieee CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Prowucton Date 06022023 Date da 2003 SurReteronce S0o0026484 FourReference Spozstz8s Batch Quanity 2476017 Propery Reference Test Method [Unt Value Wat Fow Rate HPCE Ok 5102 160.10 [erOmin 025 Dens 5262 (80-1189) om? i ‘This Certificate conforms to EN 10204, Inspection Certificate 3.1 sn Borouge ices ea ‘Abu Dhabi Polymers Co. Ltd (Borouge) LLC _u Bkhelefa Borouge Tower, Sneikn Kralifa Energy Complex Lab Manager Name : Khaled Dhalel Gomiche Road P.O. Box 6925 Abu Dhabi UAE Designation Tek: +971 2 7080000 Fax: +971 2 7080909 Borouge is a joint venture of ADNOC and Borealis Manager, Quality Control & Lab INSPIRING tomorrow? PT Lesso Technology Indonesia JALAN SEMARANG DEMAK KM 147,BLOK D RT 091 an DP woot BATU, KARANGTENGAH, KAB, DEMAK, JAWA. Borouge TENGAH 59581 Indonesia CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Materia Hesdsous Total Quantity 148,500 MT Production Dato 07.022029 Date 08.08.2003, OurReference 5000028434 YourReference SPO23/0255 BatchNo 1129063, Dellvery No 800105078 Batch Quantity 49500447 Property Reference Test Method | Unit Value Met Flow Rate (190°C/S.0kg) B192 (ISO-1133) 9/10 min 0.25 Mott Flow Rate (190°021 he) 192 (504199) anomin 68 Density 8262 (80-1183) gm 360 ‘Carbon Black Content B184 (ISO-6964) % 2.33 | DispiCarbon Black 164 (80-18559) 60 Onidation induction Time (210°) 162 180-11957) | min 2 Moisture Content 187 (80-6512) | ppm 0 Total Volatiles: | B185 (EN12099) ppm 290 This Certificate conforms to EN 10204, Inspection Certificate 3.1 ‘Abu Dhabi Polymers Co. Ltd (Borouge) L.L.C Borouge Tower, Sheikh Khalifa Energy Complex, Corniche Road P.O. Box 6925 Abu Dhabi UAE Tel; #971 2 7080000 Fax: +971 2 7080999 Borouge is @ joint venture of ADNOC and Borealis, Page 9 of 3 [nce saree ance _u BKbltl Lab Manager Name : Khaled Dhaiei Designation Manager, Quality Control & Lab INSPIRING TOMORROW ?

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