Acsp - Ep - Lesson Plan - Darren - Harding - P5 - Eng - Fun - 8 - Jan - 2024

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EP Lesson Plan LP #

Subject: Eng Fun P5/8 Date: 1/8/2024

Topic: Sense Verbs & Adjectives Strand/Indicator:

Students will engage in the following teaching activities: (You can choose more than one)
r Independent Activities r Simulations r Group Work r Visuals r Project Based Learning

r Cooperative Learning r Pairing r Integration r Critical Thinking r Communication

r Problem Solving r Hands-On r Lab/Experiments r Lecture r Other:

By the end of this lesson students will be able to…

1. Understand the sense verbs: feel, look, smell, sound and taste.

Objectives: 2. Understand the correct grammar form when using sense verbs in sentences.




Does this part of the lesson/activity require the use of an iPad? Yes No

1. Teacher introduction to the topic. Illicit from students the verbs related to our senses. r r

2. Teacher to introduce the grammar point related to sense verbs (Subject + sense verb + adjective). r r

3. Stress that sense verbs are followed by an adjective; most others verbs are followed by an adverb. r r

4. Teacher to guide students on exercises A,B,C and D on Page 76 of ODG. r r

Students to do pair work on Exercise B on Page 77 and Exercise C and D on Page 78. Teacher will randomnly ask
5. r r
students to write answers on whiteboard and other students to cross check.
6. Youtube Online Quiz - Sense Verbs (boys vs girls teams) r r

7. r r
8. r r

9. r r

10. r r

11. r r

12. r r

13. r r

14. r r

15. r r

Assignment: r r
I was generally satisifed with the classroom environment and management during the lesson with most students participating well
1. and the core lesson objectives achieved.
Time management was an issue and I did not complete all activities due to the shorter class time in the lesson week.
Comments: I could have assigned pair work better to ensure all students were discussing questions and possible answers with other students.
3. Students tended to prepare answers independently.
I could have prepared an activity for more creative work such as students to write and present their own sentences based on subject
4. and adjectives prompts from Teacher. Other feedback from Teacher observers have been well noted for my future lessons /
development. Thankyou.

Is this lesson an active learning experience for the students? r Yes r No

Subject Teacher Co-Teacher Head of Subject

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