Acsp - Ep - Lesson Plan - Darren - Harding - P5 - Eng - Fun - 15 - Jan - 2024

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EP Lesson Plan LP #

Subject: Eng Fun Class: P. 5/8 Date: 1/15/2023

Topic: Topic 16 - It's + Adjective + Infinitive Strand/Indicator:

Students will engage in the following teaching activities: (You can choose more than one)
r Independent Activities r Simulations r Group Work r Visuals r Project Based Learning

r Cooperative Learning r Pairing r Integration r Critical Thinking r Communication

r Problem Solving r Hands-On r Lab/Experiments r Lecture r Other:

By the end of this lesson students will be able to…

Form sentences giving their opinions in certain situations using the form: It's + adjective + infinitive. For example, It's nice to meet
you. It's impossible to understand.
Objectives: 2. Write questions and change sentences from affirmative to negative using the target grammar.




Does this part of the lesson/activity require the use of an iPad? Yes No

1. ODG Page 82, Exercise B, C, D & E. Student pair work and classroom discussion for answer reviews. r r

2. ODG Page 83, Exercise F, G and H - Teacher to illicit responses and provide corrections where necessary. r r
ODG Page 83, Exercise I - Students to write four sentences using target grammar around the topic of working in
3. the circus. Selected students to write sentences on the white board - Teacher and other students to review and r r
4. ODG Page 84 - Module 8 Review r r

5. Students to complete worksheet reviewing Unit 15 (Sense Verbs) and Unit 16 (It's + Adjective + Infinitive) r r

6. r r

7. r r
8. r r

9. r r

10. r r

11. r r

12. r r

13. r r

14. r r

15. r r

Assignment: r r




Is this lesson an active learning experience for the students? r Yes r No

Subject Teacher Co-Teacher Head of Subject

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