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The Gospel Matthew 4:1-11, the sentence in the Gospel that struct me most is on verse 11

“Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him“. In the Gospel it was said that Jesus
was tempted three times but Jesus never resorted from these temptations and that Jesus did never
do what Satan tells him to do. Because of this verse, I realized that God will always be here
beside us guiding us for the right things to do. The passage has also helped me and inspired me
to do the good things despite of temptations that shall try to breakthrough. With this verse, it
helps me to become stronger and made me realized that on every temptation I am not alone
because God is always here, He might be not visible in naked eyes but we can always feel the
love and His care for all of us.

When I was a child I was tempted to steal money from my lolo’s wallet to pay for the
computer shop and for me to play games. I did not think twice on this situation, so I entered into
his room and found the wallet inside his pocket. With this, I was tempted and brought into
darkness. And when we as humans were brought into darkness, evil will take this opportunity to
manipulate and control us. But these things in life must not be again repeated. In every mistakes
and imperfections that we have done, it must be a lesson for us to become a better sons and
daughters of God. And because of this past experience, it also taught me a lesson that we must
first think wisely before making the action and that temptation is the greatest problem that afflicts
the Christian life but we must not let these temptations take control but rather we must fight against it
every moment of every day and with this being said, when we overcame these challenges in life we
could be able build a better relationship with God the Father.

Prayer: Our heavenly father, Thankyou for the love and care that you gave me on my every
single day of my life. I ask you to give me more strength to face my trials and please guide me
always on my daily life. Heavenly father please forgive me for my sins, I ask you for a
everlasting life. Amen.

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