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The pictures illustrate the development of a village called Pancha over the period of 10 years.

Overall, the village underwent significant changes involving the upgradation of the main road and the
introduction of new utilities. It is noticeable that similar development can be seen in educational and
religious facilities.

The most remarkable modification of Pancha village was the transformation of the main road
running through the village from north to south. In 2005, it was a dirt track with numerous potholes.
After a decade, it was converted into a new dual carriage way with traffic signs being added on the
right-hand side of the road and electricity poles on the opposite side. Another striking development
was the introduction of two telecommunication towers on the bottom lefthand corner of the layout.
Accordingly, most houses in the area were equipped with satellite dishes instead of antennas.

Other changes were the expansion and reorganizing of the local market on the left-hand side of the
road, above the row of houses. While two houses on other side of the road were pulled down, a big
pagoda was demolished to make room for two smaller ones. Finally, the former primary school was
converted into a primary and secondary school with some facilities being erected within the school’s

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