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Self Respect 1

Self Respect

Jacob Dunn


Being a white male in America is categorized in a specific “box” that is shaped by

historical and societal contexts that have defined what it means to be white in America.

It is a box that has its own set of privileges and biases. While not naturally negative, this

box has greatly influenced my experiences and perspectives in various ways. As a kid,

like most people, I was not aware of the “box” that I was put in, but through taking

classes like Ethnic Studies I have started to question and reflect my identity more


I have found that my identity is more than just my race or gender. It is my family's

history, my core values, life experiences, hobbies, and many more things. I used to

think that acknowledging my own identity would lessen others. But, through reflecting on

myself, I have found that my own acknowledgment, rather, helps me build others up and

guide them to accept their own identity as well.

To me, self respect is the most important part of personal growth and long term peace.

It means appreciating my worth beyond the stereotypes or assumptions based on my

identity and the boxes I fit in. It also means to challenge the stereotypes that might exist

within my own beliefs. Additionally, it means finding harmony with the universe and

trying to understand and respect everything around you.

Self Respect 2

Martin Luther King Jr. said that through his study of Gandhi, he was convinced that “true

pacifism is not nonresistance to evil, but nonviolent resistance to evil,” and that “he

[Gandhi] resisted with love instead of hate.” Many people try to fight hate with hate

which leads to the creation of a wall and the inability to ever understand each other. The

quotes by MLK helped me realize that fighting hate through love creates an opportunity

for peace and understanding.

Through personal experiences, I have found many situations where my identity as a

white American has granted me certain advantages. For example, there has never been

a time that I left Walmart with my receipt being checked. But, almost any time one of my

friends that are not white leave Walmart their receipt gets checked. While this is just a

small inconvenience that may be caused by a subconscious decision, it has made me

realize the privilege I was given by just being born into a certain “box.”

Through experiences like this, I have learned that self respect requires me to challenge

stereotypes that may reinforce inequality and ensure that I too don’t make a

subconscious decision that will inconvenience someone's time just because they were

born into a different “box.”

Through my self reflection, I have decided on a goal in life to ensure that everybody

feels that they can embrace their unique identity without having a fear of judgment or
Self Respect 3

discrimination. I believe that through challenging stereotypes within myself and society, I

can help to ensure that individuals won’t feel they are being picked on based on the box

that they were born in. For example, before judging someone based on their

background, I will try to understand them as an individual to create a more inclusive


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