Assignment Week 4 - Electrical Terminada

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National University of Engineering

English II

Names: Jonathan José Jirón Aguirre

Jonathan Josue Siles Solano
Isaac Sandino.

Teacher: Msc. Rebeca García Orozco

Date: 03 september of 2023

National University of Engineering
English II

Week 4
I. Choose one of the following topics, then write a paragraph with its 3 main parts.
1. Importance of electrical engineering in society.
2. Employee rights
3. Laboratory Safety

Importance of electrical engineering in society.

Electricity is the resource through which we obtain benefits, such as light in our homes,
technological advances in electronic devices, medical equipment, etc. Without it, there would
be no adequate lighting, no radio and television communications, no telephone services, and
people would have to do without electrical appliances that have now become an integral part
of the home. Also, without electricity, transportation would not be what it is today.
It is also manifested, through: lighting public in squares, parks, highways, tunnels, roads, etc,
in order to provide security and visibility to pedestrians and better development automotive
traffic at night; the traffic lights on public roads allow regulating and Control the flow of
vehicles. Also, in the media We appreciate the importance of electricity, as that the operation
of radio, television, cinema, the broadcast of the press, the Internet, etc. depends largely on
this type of energy

II. Write a paragraph, consider its 3 main parts. How do you see yourself in 10 years
National University of Engineering
English II

Note: If you are working in a group, each one of the members has to write a paragraph about: How do you see
yourself in 10 years?

Jonathan José Jirón Aguirre:

I have short, medium, and long term goals, I started with my technical career which I have managed to
complete and obtain my degree of general technician in industrial electricity, I plan to finish my
university degree and become an electrical engineer, I also see myself having my own home together
with my family, my job and my own business, my vehicle and economic stability. I conclude with my
main goal, which is to give my mother the life she deserves.

Isaac Neftali Sandino:

Hello! My name is Isaac Neftalí Sandino Sierra, I am 18 years old, I am currently studying the second
semester of my electrical engineering degree at the National University of Engineering (UNI). I chose
this career because of its great importance and needs in the country, but mainly because of my father,
since he is an electrical engineer and his profession caught my attention. I am also attached to drugs,
this product of my mother, I like to attend and learn a lot about drugs, their functioning and active
principles, and last and least important my passion for music was born when I was 16 years old, I I have
fallen in love with the melody produced by each chord on the guitar. I have visions for the future, I see
National University of Engineering
English II

myself as a great engineer to serve my country and an exceptional musician, in addition to supporting
my mother’s business, Farmacia Eben-ezer.

Jonathan Josué Siles Solano:

In 10 years, I envision myself as a successful and balanced electrical engineer, focused on both my
career and my personal relationships. My main idea will be to develop sustainable energy solutions,
while maintaining a balanced and enriching life with my family and friends. Three important details in
this vision include:

1. *Featured Professional Career: * I will continue advancing in my career as an electrical engineer,

leading innovative projects and contributing to the development of clean and efficient technologies.

2. *Quality Time with Family: * I will prioritize spending quality time with my family, participating in
activities together and supporting each other in our individual goals.

3. *Growing Friendships: * I will cultivate and maintain close relationships with trusted friends, sharing
experiences and supporting each other in life's challenges.

In conclusion, in a decade, I envision myself as a successful electrical engineer striking a healthy balance
between career, family, and friendships. My primary goal will be to create a sustainable future, while
valuing and nurturing the personal relationships that enrich my life.

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