Final Exam Practice

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Final Exam Practice

1. If it … rain, we'd be in the garden.

a. don’t
b. doesn’t
c. didn’t
d. is
e. are
2. If you had worn a lighter jacket, the car driver … you earlier.
a. would have seen
b. would have see
c. would have saw
d. would see
e. saw
3. We … TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the theatre tickets.
a. watch
b. will watch
c. would watch
d. would have watch
e. would have watched
4. If I were a millionaire, I … in Beverly Hills.
a. live
b. lived
c. did lived
d. would live
e. would have lived
5. You would save energy if you … the lights more often.
a. switch off
b. switched off
c. switches off
d. switching off
e. switchs off
6. If we had read the book, we … the film.
a. would have understood
b. would understand
c. understanded
d. understanding
e. understand
7. If it rains, the boys … hockey.
a. don’t play
b. won’t play
c. wouldn’t play
d. wouldn’t have play
e. wouldn’t have played
8. If he … his own vegetables, he wouldn't have to buy them.
a. grow
b. grows
c. grew
d. grown
e. had grew
9. We … John if we'd known about his problems.
a. helps
b. will help
c. would help
d. would have helped
e. would had help
10. If they … new batteries, their camera would have worked correctly.
a. used
b. had used
c. use
d. using
e. having use
11. You gave me a book. The book is great.
Please combine the sentences above using the right relative pronoun!
a. The book which you gave me is great.
b. The book where you gave me is great.
c. The book whose you gave me is great.
d. The book who you gave me is great.
e. The book whom you gave me is great.
12. The boy often visits me. His father is a doctor.
Please combine the sentences above using the right relative pronoun!
a. The boy who father is a doctor often visits me.
b. The boy whom father is a doctor often visits me.
c. The boy which father is a doctor often visits me.
d. The boy where father is a doctor often visits me.
e. The boy whose father is a doctor often visits me.
13. My uncle is a teacher. He has got three children.
Please combine the sentences above using the right relative pronoun!
a. My uncle whose teacher has got three children.
b. My uncle whom is a teacher has got three children.
c. My uncle who is a teacher has got three children.
d. My uncle which is a teacher has got three children.
e. My uncle where is a teacher has got three children.
14. This is my school. I learned English here.
Please combine the sentences above using the right relative pronoun!
a. This is the school which I learned English.
b. This is the school whose I learned English.
c. This is the school why I learned English.
d. This is the school where I learned English.
e. This is the school whom I learned English.
15. That pencil is on your desk. It belongs to me.
Please combine the sentences above using the right relative pronoun!
a. The pencil whose desk belongs to me.
b. The pencil which is on your desk belongs to me.
c. The pencil where is on your desk belongs to me.
d. The pencil when is on your desk belongs to me.
e. The pencil why is on your desk belongs to me.
16. A man answered the phone. He was rather rude.
Please combine the sentences above using the right relative pronoun!
a. The man who answered the phone was rather rude.
b. The man whose answered the phone was rather rude.
c. The man whom answered the phone was rather rude.
d. The man who is answered the phone was rather rude.
e. The man which answered the phone was rather rude.
17. The athlete was on TV last night. His career was ruined by health problems.
Please combine the sentences above using the right relative pronoun!
a. The athlete who career was ruined by health problems was on TV last night.
b. The athlete whom career was ruined by health problems was on TV last night.
c. The athlete whose career was ruined by health problems was on TV last night.
d. The athlete which career was ruined by health problems was on TV last night.
e. The athlete why career was ruined by health problems was on TV last night.

Please complete the blanks 18-25

Hollywood Film Proposal:
Dear Alfred,
Here is my film proposal. The (18) plot is about two brothers who were separated at the age
of six months. The (19) setting is in Dublin, Ireland. In the (20) opening of the film, Patrick,
who is the (21) hero of the story, discovers he has a twin brother. The other main (22)
character is Andrew, Patrick’s brother. Patrick is a famous lawyer, but his brother is a
dangerous criminal. Andrew is the (23) villain of the story as he pretends to be his brother in
order to assume Patrick’s life and money. The (24) dialogue between the two brothers will be
realistic. The (25) ending of the film has a big surprise for everyone!
More soon,

E. Spielberg
18. The correct word is …
a. hero
b. plot
c. ending
d. character
e. villain
19. The correct word is …
a. plot
b. villain
c. hero
d. setting
e. dialogue
20. The correct word is …
a. hero
b. plot
c. dialogue
d. villain
e. opening
21. The correct word is …
a. plot
b. opening
c. hero
d. ending
e. dialogue
22. The correct word is …
a. character
b. opening
c. ending
d. closing
e. plot
23. The correct word is …
a. setting
b. villain
c. plot
d. ending
e. opening
f. hero
24. The correct word is …
a. character
b. dialogue
c. hero
d. villain
e. ending
25. The correct word is …
a. hero
b. plot
c. villain
d. ending
e. character
This text is for question 26-35
Thunderstorms, with their jagged bursts of lightning and roaring thunder, are actually one of
nature's primary mechanisms for transferring heat from the surface of the earth into the atmosphere.
A thunderstorm starts when low-lying pockets of warm air from the surface of the earth begin to rise.
Line The pockets of warm air float upward through the air above that is both cooler and heavier. The rising
(5) pockets cool as their pressure decreases, and their latent heat is released above the condensation line
through the formation of cumulus clouds.
What will happen with these clouds depends on the temperature of the atmosphere. In winter,
the air temperature differential between higher and lower altitudes is not extremely great, and the
temperature of the rising air mass drops more slowly. During these colder months, the atmosphere,
(10) therefore, tends to remain rather stable. In summer, however, when there is a high accumulation of
heat near the earth's surface, in direct contrast to the considerably colder air higher up, the
temperature differential between higher and lower altitudes is much more pronounced. As warm air
rises in this type of environment, the temperature drops much more rapidly than it does in winter;
when the temperature drops more than four degrees Fahrenheit per thousand feet of altitude,
(15) cumulus clouds aggregate into a single massive cumulonimbus cloud. or thunderhead.
In isolation, a single thunderstorm is an impressive but fairly benign way for Mother Earth to
defuse trapped heat from her surface; thunderstorms, however, can appear in concert, and the
resulting show, while extremely impressive, can also prove extraordinarily destructive. When there is
a large-scale collision between cold air and warm air masses during the summer months, a squall
(20) line, or series of thunderheads, may develop. It is common for a squall line to begin when an
advancing cold front meets up with and forces itself under a layer of warm and moist air, creating a
line of thunderstorms that races forward at speeds of approximately forty miles per hour. A squall
line. which can be hundreds of miles long and can contain fifty distinct thunderheads, is a
magnificent force of nature with incredible potential for destruction. Within the squall line, often
(25) near its southern end, can be found supercells, long-lived rotating storms of exceptional strength that
serve as the source of tornadoes.

26. The topic of the passage is … .

a. the development of thunderstorms and squall lines
b. the devastating effects of tornadoes
c. cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds
d. the power of tornadoes

27. "Mechanisms" in line 2 are most likely … .

a. machines
b. motions
c. methods
d. materials

28. It can be inferred from the passage that in summer … .

a. there is not a great temperature differential between higher and lower altitudes
b. the greater temperature differential between higher and lower altitudes makes
thunderstorms more likely to occur
c. there is not much cold air higher up in the atmosphere
d. the temperature of rising air drops more slowly than it does in winter

29. The word "benign" in line 16 is closest in meaning to … .

a. harmless
b. beneficial
c. ferocious
d. spectacular
30. The expression "in concert" in line 17 could best be replaced by … .
a. as a chorus
b. with other musicians
c. as a cluster
d. in a performance

31. According to the passage, a "squall line" in line 20 is … .

a. a lengthy cold front
b. a serious thunderstorm
c. a line of supercells
d. a string of thunderheads

32. The pronoun "itself' in line 21 refers to … .

a. a large-scale collision
b. a squall line
c. an advancing cold front
d. a layer of warm and moist air

33. All of the following are mentioned in the passage about supercells EXCEPT that they
a. are of short duration
b. have circling winds
c. have extraordinary power
d. can give birth to tornadoes

34. This reading would most probably be assigned in which of the following courses?
a. Geology
b. Meteorology
c. Marine Biology
d. Chemistry

35. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses … .

a. the lightning and thunder associated with thunderstorms
b. various types of cloud formations
c. the forces that contribute to the formation of squall lines
d. the development of tornadoes within supercells

Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets!

1. It would be nice if you talk to your teacher. (should)
2. Today is Monday and I need to go to school. (have to)
3. She has money and wants to save it in the bank. (have to)
4. You can’t eat in this room. It’s not allowed. (must)
5. It’s Saturday night and I don’t need to study. (have to)

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