Bhs Inggris

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Temperature examination is one of the examinations used to assess the condition of metabolism

in the body, where the body produces heat chemically through the metabolism of blood

The average normal temperature is 36.5-37,50C

Instrumens preparation :

1. Oral Thermometer
2. Axila Thermometer
3. Rectal thermometer
4. Desinfectant water
5. Soap water
6. Water
7. Tissue
8. Book
9. Pen

Patients preparation :

1. Greeting and introducing ourselves

2. Explain the procedures and objectives of the action
3. Asking to patient's for readiness

Environmental preparation :

1. Set the lighting

2. Maintain patient privacy
3. Close the sketsel

Nurses preparation :

1. Washing hands
2. Wearing mask and handscone

Implementation :

 For Oral
1. Adjust the patient position (sit / sleep)
2. The thermometer is checked for whether the mercury has fallen if not swing
gingerly until full mercury at the lowest point (below 35˚c).
3. Instruct the patient to open the mouth, place the thermometer reservoin under the
tongue and then encourage the patient to close the mouth.
4. Wait 10 minutes, remove the thermometer and dry it with a tisue 1 times with a
slow pressure from the top to the reservoir with a spin.
5. Read the results by placing the horizontal thermometer at the level of the turning
eye between the fingers to the clear mercury limit.
6. Record the results in the notebook.

 For axila :
1. Keep the client's privacy with the curtain or door closed.
2. Rinse the mercury glass thermometer in cold water, wipe clean and lower.
3. Open the dress or shoulder gown and arm, insert the thermometer into the center
of the armpit, lower the client arm, and cross the client's forearm.
4. Leave the thermometer in place for an accurate reading of 5-10 minutes.
5. Lift the thermometer and wipe clean with sparkle rotation, read the mercury level.
6. Lower the thermometer and return it to the storage area, wash your hands.
7. Documentation.

 For Rectal :
1. Keep clients privacy with curtains or closed doors, or positions. Wearing
2. Wash, clean and lower the thermometer with the same techniques as oral
3. Install the rectal shield, lubricate the ends of the tube with 1 to 1.5 inch lubricant.
4. Open the anus by raising the upper buttocks with dominant hands. Slowly insert
the thermometer into the rectum toward the 1.5-inch umbilicus in adults and 0.5
inches in the infant.
5. Leave the thermometer for 2 minutes for accurate reading.
6. Remove the thermometer and wipe clean with rotation motion, wipe the anal area
to clean the lubricant or faeses.
7. Read the mercury level, help the client to a comfortable position.
8. Wash thermometer in warm soapy water and rinse it in cold water and put the lid
back in place, dry it and put it back in place.

 Evaluation :
1. Reviewing the patient's response.
2. Asking for patient complaints after action.
 Dokumentasi
Nurses Name
Patients Name

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