Rubric Presentation Nuclear Energy

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Criteria Level 1: 50-59% Level 2: 60-69% Level 3: 70-79% Level 4: 80-100%

Communication Technical: Missing several Most presentation All presentation All presentation
-good choice of format presentation requirements included requirements included and requirements included
-sufficient content requirements Some grammar/spelling clearly labeled No grammar/spelling
-easy viewing/large font Many grammar/spelling errors Just one or two errors
-bullet point text only errors Few graphs/ pictures grammar/spelling errors Pictures/visuals presented
-colorful No pictures/ graphs/ included. Visuals/graphs included throughout
-Time (10mins) trends OK vol./tone/pace throughout the Excellent, varied
-Peer assessment during Poor vol./tone/pace Some attempt to engage presentation but not vol/tone/pace
presentation No attempt to engage audience labeled Lots of interaction with
audience Some ref. to visuals Good vol./tone/pace aud.
Oral: No ref. to visuals Presentation 5-7 mins or Engaged audience Good Ref to visuals throughout
-audibility / tone/ pace Presentation to short or 13-15 mins ref. to visuals Presentation between
-engaged audience with to lengthy Some questions added at Presentation 7-8 mins or 9-11 mins.
anecdote <5 mins, or >15 mins. the end of the 12-13 mins Interactive tools were
-made reference to visual No peer assessment presentation. A formative quiz used to perform peer
conducted as peer assessments during
assessments during presentation.

Thinking Structure: No mention of impacts Some mention of impacts Impact on society was Thorough explanation on
- Impact to Society on society on society discussed to a good Impacts On society with
-career opportunities No mention of career Brief mention of career extent relevant examples
-safety aspects opportunities opportunities Explained career Explained career
No safety requirements Limited understanding of opportunities opportunities in detailed
explained safety requirements Most of the safety aspects Excellent coverage of
are covered safety aspects with
relevant examples

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