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The Peter Crouch podcast opens loudly with harsh music, which got my attention but not quite

in the
right way. Peter crouch has an obnoxiously rough, gritty voice which immediately put me off, but in
respect to the genre of podcast it fits, which works well as football is loud and men are loud; It's quite
blatantly obvious this podcast is desired by men who watch and love football. I don't think this podcast
was edited properly as they would have noticed that there's no need to repeat yourself 3 times over
every subject/ fact they're stating. This podcast is very informal which I think works well as it's a chatty
podcast and its audience would prefer this technique as it's more of a comfortable listening which is
both relatable and funny for its target audience which is clearly appointed to 14- 25 ages. Adverts were
included in this podcast which i think was expected since Peter has quite a large online presence since
he is a famous ex footballer, and he gets a lot of views so companies would feel inclined to want him to
address their enterprise in his show as it would gain attention and would make money. I liked the
comedic style, even though it wasn't my type of comedy i still can appreciate that aspect of the podcast
as it was good humor directed to its targeted audience.

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