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HEMISTRY Questions Bank For Class Test

1) Impurities present in an ore...

A) Gangue B) flux C) slag D) ore

2) The process of removal of gangue from ore is A) oxidation B) reduction C) smelting D)


3) Metal lead and tin are refined by process

A) Distillation B) Polling C) Liquation D) Electrolytic refining

4) The process in which copper Matte is converted into blister copper

A) froth floation B) gravity separation C) Bessmerisation D) calcination

5) Metal combines with Mercury to form alloy known as A) metalloid B) blister copper C) amalgam
D) Malachite

6) Chemical formula of lime

A) calcium carbonate B) magnesium carbonate C) calcium oxide D) magnesium oxide

7) Temporary hard water contains impurity of

A) calcium chloride B) magnesium chloride

C) calcium sulphate D) magnesium bicarbonate

8) In soda-lime process precipitate formed is known as

A) slag B) sludge C) flux D) gangue

9) The suspended impurities present in water is removed by { question wrong because first
three procees s used for removing impurities but last one is not a process
used for remove impurities}
A) coagulation B) filtration C) sedimentation D) sterilization

10) Alloy is not prepare by method A) fusion B) reduction C) compression D) electromagnetic


11.There is process of extraction of metal from ore.....

a) Ore b)Flux c) Metallurgy d)Gangue

12.Ore tinstone is concentrated by process.....

a)Calcination b) Roasting c)Electrolysis d) Gravity separation

13.Melting point of Iron is...

a)1083oC b)1530oC c)232oC d)419oC

14.A property of metal in which it can be drawn into its wire is known as

a) ductility b)malleability c) weldability d)mechinability

15.Solder is an alloy contains

a)lead and tin b) mercury and zinc

c) iron and carbon d) copper and zinc.

16.Water which produces good leather is known as

a)soft water b)hard water c)lime water d)none of these.

17.Temporary hardness of water can by removed by only..

a) cooling b) boiling c) filtering d) sedimentation.

18)Collidal impurities present in water are removed by

a) sedimentation b) filtration c) sterilization d) coagulation.

19)In reverse osmosis, there is solvent flows in the direction

a) reverse b) forward c)both sides d) none of above.

20.Unit of B.O.D.

a)mg/lit. b)gm/lit c)meter/lit.d)none of above.

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