Assignment 2 Innovation

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1. What it is?
National Cleaning Day. Helsinki, Finland.

The goal of Cleaning Day is to make recycling simple and to foster a vibrant and
responsible urban culture. Cities and neighborhoods are transformed into massive
market areas and flea markets. Anyone may sell their used products on the streets, in
their yards, or at home, as well as make the finest finds of the day.
Cleaning Day has no formal organizer; instead, all participants plan their own events.
Everyone must pick up after themselves.

2. Problem it tries to solve.

Promotes awareness about the environmental consequences of trash and pollution,
encouraging people to take responsibility for keeping their surroundings clean. With the
National Cleanup Day, people can eliminate the disposal of items that can still be used
and adopt a recycling system. This is important to protect the environment and make
people live in clean conditions.

3. How the innovation delivers values to the users, or the greater society and
A clean environment minimizes illness risk and promotes public health generally. As a
result, healthcare expenditures may be reduced and employees may be more productive.
National Cleaning Day helps to preserve natural resources and biodiversity by
encouraging proper waste management and environmental activities. This programme
create a sense of community and civic duty. Strong communities frequently result in
higher levels of social capital and a more resilient society. A clean and well-kept
environment may boost property prices, tourism, and local businesses. Cleaner public
places may draw more tourists, resulting in economic growth in the area. Other than that,
who join the programme nothing to lose because they don't choose to throw away their
goods while selling them as used goods. Cities and nations that actively participate in
National Cleaning Day project a favorable image on a national and worldwide scale. This
can attract investment, tourists, and improve a location's general reputation. National
Cleaning Day provides a variety of values, ranging from personal well-being to larger
societal and economic advantages. It highlights the interconnection of community life's
environmental, social, and economic components.
4. How is the innovation different or better from existing practices, and in what ways it
creates new ways of doing thing?
National Cleaning Day is different from existing ways because National Cleaning Day
often involves strong community engagement, stressing a bottom-up approach in which
citizens organize and participate in clean-up activities. This participation at the
grassroots level separates it from typical top-down approaches. Include working with
a wide range of stakeholders, including local governments, non-profit groups,
corporations, and educational institutions. The collaborative approach improves the
initiative's efficacy. Initiatives use technology, such as mobile applications or internet
platforms, to expedite clean-up activities' coordination, communication, and reporting. This
technologically smart strategy boosts efficiency and engagement. National Cleaning Day
initiatives distinguish themselves via community empowerment, comprehensive
environmental education, collaboration with varied stakeholders, new technology,
persistent participation, impact monitoring, and policy advocacy. These factors, taken
together, lead to a more dynamic and successful approach to promoting cleanliness and
environmental responsibility.

1. What it is?
Source. Fabriano, Italy.
Source International is like a helping hand for communities dealing with pollution and health
issues from big industries. They offer fancy tech help and scientific support for free, so these
communities can figure out how much damage is happening and do something about it. But
it's not just about fixing things themselves. Source International also trains local leaders,
calling them promoters, so they can set up their own monitoring systems for the environment
and society. These promoters then teach others in their area, making sure things work well
and stick around for the long run. It's like teamwork making sure things get better.

2. Problem it tries to solve:

Source International is tackling the urgent environmental and health crises in Cerro de
Pasco, known as one of the most polluted places globally. Unregulated mining has
contaminated water, soil, and air with heavy metals, resulting in severe health issues for the
residents. Moreover, the community faces widespread human rights violations,
encompassing access to water, education, health, a clean environment, property, and
information. Source International's primary goal is to bring these issues to light and actively
work towards alleviating them.

3. How the innovation delivers values to the users, or the greater society and
Source International's impact is significant. They don't just talk about the problems, they also
conduct in-depth studies, such as analyzing heavy metal concentrations in children's hair, to
provide concrete evidence. This data isn't just for awareness; it serves as a powerful tool to
advocate for the community's human rights on both local and international platforms.
Moreover, the organization empowers the community by training local leaders in social and
environmental monitoring, fostering sustainable practices. Their efforts have led the
Peruvian government to declare a health emergency in Cerro de Pasco, resulting in
allocated funds for remediation. This has translated into tangible improvements in
healthcare, environmental restoration plans, and support for affected families.
4. How is the innovation different or better from existing practices, and in what ways it
creates new ways of doing things:
What sets Source International apart is their holistic approach. They seamlessly blend
scientific studies, human rights impact assessments, and community engagement to
comprehensively address the crisis. The use of data-backed evidence has successfully
garnered the attention of key authorities, such as the Peruvian Ministry of Health, leading to
concrete actions like declaring a state of emergency. Furthermore, their collaboration with
the Center of Climate Crisis Analysis (CCCA) demonstrates strategic advocacy, influencing
international decisions. Source International's methodology goes beyond conventional
activism; it integrates scientific research, community empowerment, and global collaboration
to drive substantial and lasting change. This multifaceted strategy is instrumental in creating
a new paradigm for addressing complex environmental and societal challenges.

1. What it is?
Electric Busses for Municipal Use. Sofia, Bulgaria.

The electric buses are crucial to encourage more people to use public transport as part of
attempts to make cities more sustainable. Electric buses are also capable of reducing
pollutants and climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions while keeping noise levels to a
minimum, therefore improving living conditions for city dwellers. As a result, they are
increasingly being used not just for metropolitan public transportation, but also as
alternatives to gasoline-powered school and shuttle buses.

2. Problem it tries to solve.

Reinventing transport in Bulgaria is a challenging undertaking that will need actions on
several fronts. Many buses on the road nowadays are diesel-powered. Not only are those
buses bad for the environment, but they are also bad for people's health, contributing to
greater incidences of asthma and other health problems. People may enhance their living
circumstances by using electric buses, and it may also benefit the environment by providing
to cleaner air, decarbonization, and fighting climate change.

3. How the innovation delivers values to the users, or the greater society and
Adopting electric buses over diesel buses can provide demonstrable health and
environmental benefits. Electric buses are more efficient than diesel buses and have
reduced running expenses. When comparing electricity to diesel, fuel savings may be
considerable, and the buses have fewer moving parts and require less maintenance. Aside
from that, electric buses are safe, dependable, and have downtime rates comparable to
other technologies. Their smooth, quiet rides let passengers to relax and converse freely,
and the lack of a diesel engine decreases noise pollution. Furthermore, both public transport
and school buses are frequently utilized in densely populated regions, and children are
especially vulnerable to the detrimental impacts of pollution, which has been related to
asthma and poor test performance in schools. Electric buses create better air for society by
eliminating car emissions and particles.
4. How is the innovation different or better from existing practices, and in what ways it
creates new ways of doing thing?
Electric busses are different from existing ways because an electric bus is a sort of electric
vehicle, which means it is powered by electricity rather than diesel or petrol. In contrast to a
hybrid vehicle, which mixes battery power with an internal combustion engine, an electric
bus is powered entirely by electricity. As a result, electric cars are frequently referred to as
"all-electric vehicles" to emphasize that they do not use any other sort of power. Electric
buses are a newer alternative to regular buses, but they are quickly becoming a popular
option for cities, commercial transportation firms, and school districts interested in using
electric vehicle technology. Electric buses are more expensive at first than conventional
types, but they can save money over time. Of course, electric buses may be found
everywhere. They make noiseless contact with an overhead cable, similar to trams. Many
other metros are undoubtedly employing electric buses to reduce diesel emissions. Electric
buses may become more popular in the near future, however for the time being, most people
do not see many electric buses on the road. This is mostly due to the fact that, like any new
idea, electric buses will take time to gain traction.

1.What it is?
Myrorna; Stockholm, Sweden.
Myrorna collects clothing and other items from private individuals throughout Sweden,
primarily through the use of drop-off points such as stores, boxes, and at-home pick-up
services, as well as through recycling centers. Additionally, Myrorna works with select
partners such as municipal authorities, housing associations, and commercial companies to
collect items. The company’s stores are located in more than 450 locations across the
country, and are open seven days a week. Myrorna’s business model is all about helping
people reuse their stuff. They collect clothes, gadgets, and furniture that they don’t use
anymore and then resell it in their stores, donate it to the needy, or recycle it. They always
use eco-friendly methods and make sure the items are in good condition so someone else
can use them. Plus, all the money they make from the sale goes to help the Salvation
Army’s social work in Sweden.

2. Problem it tries to solve:

The goal of Myrorna is to help protect the environment and conserve natural resources by
reducing waste that would otherwise end up in landfills or incinerators. People often throw
away their stuff, even if it’s sweater condition but no longer needs it, like clothes, bags,
electronics, toys, furniture, and appliances. Myrorna solves this problem by extending the life
of unused items, which provides huge environmental advantages. For instance, the second-
hand items will be reused and sold at a lower price at their store. When something is used
multiple times, it saves on the earth’s resources. When the material can’t be reused, it’s
recycled to make new things, like a PET bottle that turns into a fleece sweater.

3.How the innovation delivers values to the users, or the greater society and
Myrorna educates users to save the environment by increasing reuse. Besides, they offer
work experience to people who are far from the labor market. They will create a stable
financial surplus from this innovation that goes to the Salvation Army’s social work. The
Salvation Army carries out a number of different social activities and projects that are of
great benefit to society. It can be about supporting families with children who suffer from
financial difficulties or distributing food bags and clothes to people who need temporary help
with their finances. More examples of efforts that Myrorna’s surplus is involved in and
contributes to are arranging children and family groups, helping lonely elderly people or
arranging sheltered accommodation for women exposed to trafficking or domestic violence.
People living in homelessness can get breakfast, heat, a shower and clean clothes, and the
money also makes it possible to offer day activities for the homeless, EU migrants and
people with mental illness.

4.How is the innovation different or better from existing practices, and in what ways it
creates new ways of doing thing?
Recycling textiles has the potential to create employment, reduce waste, and generate
substantial profits. As the need for sustainable fashion increases, the potential of recycled
textiles as a business proposition is becoming increasingly attractive to the majority of major
brands. Recycled textiles can be repurposed by manufacturers into new products such as
apparel, accessories, or home furnishings that can be resold to brands for a profit. Besides,
the cost savings associated with purchasing second-hand goods from Myrorna is one of the
most widely recognized advantages. Purchasing second-hand goods can often result in
savings of as much as 50% compared to buying new. In addition, recycling clothes or
donating them to charity like Myrorna is a great way to make a difference. For example,
users can help them raise money for basic services, healthcare and support for people who
need it most.

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