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CLASS –IX Subject- English(Objective) MM: 15

NAME ____________________________ ROLL NO. _____DATE ______________

Q1 .Choose the correct options. (1X5 = 5)

i) How is wind by nature?
a) Soft b) Caring c) Destructive d) Conserving
ii) Two roads…… the undergrowth. What is the mood of the poet?
a) Indifferent b) Joyous c) Complaining d) Regretful but thoughtful
iii) A full deep cry rose within his dry throat and with a sudden jerk of his body he ran from where he stood.
Who is ‘he’ in the above extracts?
a) The child b ) The shopkeeper c) The child's friend d) The child attendant

iv) In what subject was Margie doing poorly?

a)Maths b)English c) Geography d) Science
v) Who had this opinion about Einstein?
“He was boring”
a) His mother b) His teacher c) His playmates d) His father
Q2.Fill in the blanks. (1X2= 2)

i) ___________ rupees the ticket collector charges for Toto?

ii) Bismillah Khan learn to play Shehnai from________
Q3. Do as directed. (1X4= 4)
i) Write the negative sentence of the given sentence.
Ice melts at 0° centigrade.
ii) Copper is_______useful metal.(Fill in the blanks with correct articles)
iii) _______is your favorite Chinese dish. (Use the suitable determiners)
iv) Write the syntax of future continuous tense.
Q4.Multiple Choice Questions. (1X4= 4)
i) Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs given below.
There report must be read______so that the performance can be improved
a) Carefully b) Quickly c) Awfully d) Differently
ii) They had not been going to office since 5th July.
Identify the tense used in the above line?
a) Present perfect continuous tense b) Present continuous tense
c) Past perfect continuous tense d) Past perfect tense
iii) We have________money right now; we should go out for dinner another day.
a) Little b) A little c) The little d) None of these
iv) ________of the time I am not at home.
a) Most b) Several c) All d) None of these

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