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My Foundations Youth Housing

PO BOX 114,

P: (02) 8306 7905

ABN: 76 169 740 041

Adina Central - Combined Agreement &

Schedule of Works Disclosure
32/2 Lee Street, Haymarket NSW 2000

This agreement is between My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd

and Aung Zayar Paing, Chuah Chan Sang.

Lease Start Date: Tue 01/08/2023

Powered by iProperty Express

32/2 Lee Street, Haymarket NSW 2000 Adina Central - Combined Agreement & Schedule of Works Disclosure
Adina Central - Combined Agreement & Schedule of Works Disclosure
Notice of By-Laws &/or Additional Terms
The Adina Central is staffed 24 hours a day and is a safe, secure and child friendly environment. This letter is to advise you that as a Tenant/s of
My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd (MFYH), you need to follow certain By-Laws that apply to all residents. This may include the Common Area of your property, block of
units or the complex where you reside to ensure everyone can live alongside and enjoy the shared space.

*Common Area means (lift, stairwell, hallways, and any other area that all Tenants have access to)

Here is a list of the By-Laws along with some suggestions on how to work with them and guidelines whilst living at the Adina Central:

Behaviour, noise and guests

1. We ask that at all times, you follow any directions of the Adina Central Youth Housing Manager &/or onsite Security
2. All residents must take all reasonable steps to ensure that their guests do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other residents or
neighbours or any person lawfully using common property. No violence, abuse, threatening, verbal or physical abuse, antisocial behaviours towards Staff, Security, other re
3. Any illegal activity in a property or on common areas will be reported directly to Police
4. Quite Hours shall be between the hours of 10:30pm & 7:00am (Monday to Friday) and 11:00pm & 7:30am (Saturday and Sunday). During these hours, you may not play
loud music, or make any loud noise which may disturb other residents
5. We also ask that you are mindful of noise as it travels, and it is not just on the floor level you live that can hear you – other residents above and below you can too

Building repairs, cleaning & rubbish

1. We do organise some common area cleaning for this building – this is done regularly, and our cleaners will usually vacuum, wipe handle rails, and mop certain areas. We
will still need you to try to keep common areas clean as this makes a better living environment for everyone
2. All Common Area repairs are to be reported to your Youth Housing Manager or onsite Security
3. Never leave bicycles, garbage bags or any other items in the common area or halls
4. Garbage should be tied up securely in bags and disposed correctly in the onsite waste bins. DO NOT place garbage in the hallways or common areas.
5. All furniture contents or fittings in the common area cannot be removed or tampered with. Any damage to contents or fittings will need to be reported to My Foundations
Youth Housing Ltd. There may be a charge to the Tenant for the replacement or repair of any damage caused by a Tenant or their guest

Children playing on common property in the building

1. A Tenant must not permit any child of whom they are responsible for to play on common property within the building.

Gatherings on common area

1. Gatherings of people are not permitted in common areas. This can make people uncomfortable or can be confronting for other residents.

Keeping of animals

1. A tenant must not, without the approval in writing from My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd, keep any animal on their property or on common areas of the property.
Our general policy is that there are no pets permitted in any property


1. Any mail that is received at the Adina Central will be held at reception for your collection, or we will endeavour to drop this under your property door once received

Smoking and Fire Safety

1. Tenants or their guests are not permitted to smoke in the property or common areas
2. Tenants are not to interfere with the smoke alarms ie: Covering them up or removing from their location. This is a serious safety issue and is a breach of your Residential
Agreement and will not be tolerated under any circumstance
3. Tenants are to take the necessary actions to prevent the Fire Alarm System being activated. By using the necessary exhaust fans within the property, close doors
while having a shower, using rangehoods while cooking. Any set off the smoke alarms will be the Tenant’s responsibility to pay all costs incurred should the Fire Brigade or o
approx. $2,200.00


1. My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd reserve the rights to enter a property at a reasonable time to carry out a repair, to carry out inspections or for other reasonable
purpose. Residents will be notified beforehand.
2. Tenants shall maintain their property in a condition that does not create a fire and/or health hazards, including repulsive odours
3. It is the responsibility of the Tenant/s to care for the property and its contents during their occupancy
4. All contents and facilities including carpet, furniture, white goods, fittings will be left in good order without damage. Any damage to contents or fittings will need to be
reported to My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd. There may be a charge to the Tenant for the replacement or repair of any damage caused by a Tenant or their guest


1. Rent must be paid on time and in full to My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd on a weekly or fortnightly basis
2. Guests are not permitted to be living at the property short term or long term under
any circumstance without the approval in writing from My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd. No more than the Tenant
listed on the Residential Agreement can reside at the property

We want you to be aware that each Tenant has a responsibility to look after their property and the Common Areas and we ask that you report to your Youth Housing Manager
or onsite Security any repairs or breaches of the By-Laws.

These By-Laws are a part of your Residential Agreement, and any breach may result in the termination of this Residential Agreement.

Schedule 2 – Form of disclosure to occupants

Redevelopment at Central Station

The Central Station precinct, including the areas around 2 Lee Street, Haymarket (the Building) are undergoing major redevelopment. During your stay within the Building,
you should expect that there will be heavy demolition works, major construction works and night works carried out in the areas surrounding the Building in accordance with laws
and approvals from relevant governmental authorities (Authorised Works).

32/2 Lee Street, Haymarket NSW 2000 Adina Central - Combined Agreement & Schedule of Works Disclosure
The Authorised Works are to be carried out for Vertical First Pty Ltd ACN 636 939 985 and Dexus Property Services Pty Limited ABN 66 080 918 252 by BOJV (an
unincorporated joint venture of Built Pty Limited ACN 083 928 045 and Obayashi Corporation ARBN 002 932 756/ABN 86 002 932 756) including their employees, contractors
and sub-contractors (the Responsible Parties). Hours of activities:

The Authorised Works are expected to be carried out during the following hours:

1. Monday to Friday:
Set up: 6:30am daily
Working hours: 7am to 7pm
Shut down and lock up: to 7:30pm
2. Saturday:
Set up: 6:30am
Working hours: 7am to 3pm
Shut down and lock up: to 3:30pm

There may also be requirements for deliveries of special long loads (these may be before 5am).

In addition to the Authorised Works being carried out during the above listed hours, night works may occasionally be required.

Impact of Authorised Works

At various times, the Authorised Works will involve noisy activities such as:

demolition of concrete slabs;

moving of demolition bins;
use of excavators and other heavy machinery;
unloading of large vehicles;
excavation works, including rock breaking with heavy machinery;
use of electric hoists, diesel cranes, concrete pumps, impact wrenches and similar construction machinery and tools;
frequent vehicle movements; and
large volumes of construction workers in the vicinity.

The Authorised Works may cause some nuisance, vibration, dust, noise or other disturbance while you are staying in the Building.

Waiver and release

Having acknowledged the impact of the Authorised Works as described above, by deciding to stay in the Building, you agree to:

release the Responsible Parties who are carrying out the Authorised Works from any liability arising from:
any nuisance, vibration, dust, noise or disturbance caused in connection with the Authorised Works; and
any loss of quiet enjoyment of the Building due to the carrying out of the Authorised Works, except to the extent that the basis of any such claim was caused or
contributed to by the wrongful or negligent act of the Responsible Parties who are carrying out the Authorised Works; and
waive any claim that you have (or would have had but for the release referred to above) against the Responsible Parties.

You must not raise any objection to the carrying out of the Authorised Works or take any action to prevent the carrying out of the Authorised Works by the Responsible Parties.

Early Termination

If either My Foundations Youth Housing Ltd or the Resident/s is unsatisfied with the accommodation provided in the Building as a result of disturbance arising from the carrying
out of the Authorised Works, then either party may terminate this agreement on 7 days written notice. If this agreement is terminated pursuant to this provision, neither party will
be required to pay any termination fee or break fee. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision does not operate to waive any liabilities or amounts owed by either party prior to
termination of this agreement.

If you have any questions about any of these conditions, please contact your Youth Housing Manager AndrewProctor.

I acknowledge that I understand and accept the terms of this Notice of By-Laws &/or Additional Terms and Schedule 2 – Form
of disclosure to occupants by signing this agreement.
Applicant Acknowledgement
1. Aung Zayar Paing viewed and acknowledged at Tue, 01/08/2023 14:02 from device: iOS 16.5.1 iPhone Mobile Safari 16.5.2
2. Chuah Chan Sang viewed and acknowledged at Tue, 01/08/2023 14:02 from device: Windows 10 Other Chrome 115.0.0

32/2 Lee Street, Haymarket NSW 2000 Adina Central - Combined Agreement & Schedule of Works Disclosure

Applicant(s) Signatures
Applicant 1: Aung Zayar Paing

Signed at Tue, 01/08/2023 14:03 , from device: iOS 16.5.1 iPhone Mobile Safari 16.5.2

Applicant 2: Chuah Chan Sang

Signed at Tue, 01/08/2023 14:02 , from device: Windows 10 Other Chrome 115.0.0

Property Manager Signature

AGENT : Andrew Proctor

Signed at Tue, 01/08/2023 13:58 , from device: Windows 10 Other Chrome 115.0.0


Andrew Proctor (AGENT)

Tue, 01/08/2023 13:58 - Andrew Proctor stamped saved signature the Adina Central - Combined Agreement &
Schedule of Works Disclosure
Tue, 01/08/2023 13:58 - Andrew Proctor submitted the Adina Central - Combined Agreement & Schedule of
Works Disclosure

Aung Zayar Paing (Applicant)

Tue, 01/08/2023 14:02 - Aung Zayar Paing clicked 'start' button to view the Adina Central - Combined
Agreement & Schedule of Works Disclosure (iOS 16.5.1 iPhone Mobile Safari 16.5.2,
Tue, 01/08/2023 14:03 - Aung Zayar Paing stamped saved signature the Adina Central - Combined Agreement
& Schedule of Works Disclosure (iOS 16.5.1 iPhone Mobile Safari 16.5.2, IP:
Tue, 01/08/2023 14:03 - Aung Zayar Paing submitted the Adina Central - Combined Agreement & Schedule of
Works Disclosure (iOS 16.5.1 iPhone Mobile Safari 16.5.2, IP:

Chuah Chan Sang (Applicant)

32/2 Lee Street, Haymarket NSW 2000 Adina Central - Combined Agreement & Schedule of Works Disclosure

Tue, 01/08/2023 14:01 - Chuah Chan Sang clicked 'start' button to view the Adina Central - Combined
Agreement & Schedule of Works Disclosure (Windows 10 Other Chrome 115.0.0, IP:
Tue, 01/08/2023 14:02 - Chuah Chan Sang stamped saved signature the Adina Central - Combined Agreement
& Schedule of Works Disclosure (Windows 10 Other Chrome 115.0.0, IP:
Tue, 01/08/2023 14:02 - Chuah Chan Sang submitted the Adina Central - Combined Agreement & Schedule of
Works Disclosure (Windows 10 Other Chrome 115.0.0, IP:


Document Disclaimer
The contents of this document are of a general nature only and may not include provisions to deal with particular
circumstances. If you have any concern as to the scope of this document you should obtain qualified experienced
legal advice.

Before entering any information to appear in the schedule to the document you should check the accuracy and
completeness of that information.

iProperty Express Pty Ltd makes no representation as to the quality or accuracy of any information entered or any
other material that you may enter or add to the document.

iProperty Express Pty Ltd disclaims any liability for any loss or damage caused by any person using this document.


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