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College of Criminal Justice Education

BUGNAY, Trimester SY 2023-2024
Score: /

Group #: 3 Submission Date: 9- 30-2023

Forensic LABORATORY Experiment 7:
NOTE: Write your references on the last page.


1. What kinds of forensic examination can be conducted on hair samples?

Answer :

- Microscopic test of hair: This test can determine the color, length, diameter, and
shape of the hair, as well as the presence of any artificial treatments or damage. It
can also compare different hair samples and determine if they are from the same
source or not.

- DNA examination of hair: This test can extract the genetic material from the hair
root or shaft and compare it with a reference sample. It can identify the individual
who shed the hair or exclude a suspect from being the source of the hair.

2. What is the difference between a microscopic test of hair and a DNA

examination of hair?

Answer : - A microscopic test of hair can only provide class evidence, which
means it can narrow down the possible sources of the hair to a group of people who
share similar characteristics, but it cannot identify a specific person. A DNA
examination of hair can provide individual evidence, which means it can link the
hair to a single person with a high degree of certainty, as long as there is a
reference sample available for comparison.

3. How many hair strands are required for microscopic test and DNA test?

a. Head hair

b. Pubic hair

Answer :

a. For microscopic test, at least 25 to 50 full-length hairs from different areas of

the head are needed to obtain a representative sample. For DNA test, only one hair
with root attached is sufficient, but more hairs may be collected to increase the
chances of obtaining a good quality DNA profile.

b. For pubic hair, the number of strands required is lower, generally around 10 to
20 strands.

4. Why is it necessary to comb the pubic region of the rape victim before
collecting hair samples for examination?

Answer : - It is necessary to comb the pubic region of the rape victim to

remove any foreign hairs that may have been transferred from the assailant during
the sexual assault. These hairs can be used as evidence to link the suspect to the
crime scene or exclude him from being involved.

5. How do you process evidence which is attached in blood or caught in

metal or glass?

a. Attached in dry blood or caught in metal or crack of glass

b. Found on a small and large object

Answer :

a. Attached in dry blood or caught in metal or crack of glass

- Evidence that is attached in blood or caught in metal or glass should be carefully

removed and placed in a paper envelope or bag. The envelope or bag should be
labeled with the date, time, location, and description of the evidence, as well as the
name and signature of the person who collected it. The evidence should be stored
in a cool and dry place until it is sent to the laboratory for analysis.
b. Found on a small and large object.

- Evidence that is found on a small and large object should be photographed and
documented before being collected. The object should be wrapped in paper or
placed in a container that prevents any movement or loss of the hair. The container
should be labeled with the same information as above. The evidence should be
stored in a cool and dry place until it is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

6. What makes hair an important trace evidence in the crime scene?

Answer : Hair is an important trace evidence in the crime scene because it can
provide information about the identity, characteristics, and activities of the person
who shed it. Hair can also indicate the type and manner of contact between the
victim and the suspect, as well as the presence or absence of a weapon or tool. Hair
can be used to link a suspect to a crime scene or exclude him from being involved.
Hair can also corroborate or contradict other evidence or statements.


Forensic Biology Evidence Information- Serology Analysis. 2023. Retrieved from.
1. What is present in the bloodstain which causes to give the desired color reaction with

Tetramethyl Benzidine Test?

Answer: Hemoglobin is present in the bloodstain which causes to give the desired color reaction

with Tetramethyl Benzidine Test. It has the capacity to cleave oxygen molecules from H202

and catalyze the response from the diminished form of 3, 3', 5, 5'-tetramethylbenzidine to the

oxidized blueish-green colored being produced. The hemoglobin per oxidase action changes over

the chromogen tetramethy|benzidine joined within the dipstick into an oxidized form, turning in

a green-blue color.

2. What is the composition of Tetramethyl Benzidine reagent?

Answer: The composition of Tetramethyl Benzidine reagent is: TMB (3,3',5,5'-

[Tetramethylbenzidine) substrate H202 and buffer.


1. Why are some fruits, vegetables and chemicals called blood contaminants in the examination

of blood?

Answer: They are called blood contaminants because they have some properties that are the same with
human blood. Moreover, some of the food items contain natural chemicals hat are toxic to humans such
as potatoes which contains solanin, pears which contains formaldehyde, etc. On the other hand,
chemical contamination happens when a food becomes contaminated by any kind of chemical
substance. Basically, chemicals are also used in the kitchen for cleaning and disinfection so it would
eventually contaminate the food. It may also occur from food preparation, dirty kitchen, poor sterile
technique and when someone sprays cleaning chemicals close to uncovered food.

2. Why do blood contaminants give false positive result when used with the screening test for

Answer: Several factors can affect blood contaminants to give false positive result.

A. The handling of specimen which is improper. A false positive result could occur

either due to possible human errors or laboratory contamination.

B. Blood contaminants have some properties that are the same with human blood

which may cause false positive result, and

C. A false positive result may occur when the contaminants react with the chemicals

which will lead to different outcome that what was expected. For example, a

positive result of a blood in a stool can be a sign of colon cancer, yet also

indicates hemorrhoids.

D. False positive results could be because of the poor specificity of chemical testing

3, Why is it necessary that a study of these blood contaminants be made in relation to forensic

blood examination?

Answer: Blood is the most commonly recovered and important pieces of evidence utilized n forensic
investigations. Each pattern of blood stains can help in reconstructing a crime scene by conveying
information about the relative position and movement of the criminal and victim. Thus, it is necessary to
study blood contaminants in order not to be mislead during the investigation process. In addition, it also

gives a lot of valuable information and point an ongoing criminal investigation in the right path by using
blood contaminants.

4. Enumerate other chemicals which will possibly give positive result with the screening test for blood.

 An electrolyte panel test may include a sodium blood test. A blood test that detects sodium, as well
as other electrolytes including potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate, is known as an electrolyte
panel. Calcium, which helps to maintain whole-body homeostasis, and potassium, which helps to
balance acids and bases in the body, especially in in the blood. Chloride aids in the circulation of
blood throughout the body and the movement of fluid into and out of the cells.

 Phenolphthalein Test - Based on a peroxidase reaction of hemoglobin that generates a pink color, a
Phenolphthalein solution is used to show the presence of blood. Because other substances, such as
saliva, pus, malt extract, vegetable extracts, and the salts of certain heavy metals, have produced
false positives. This test is presumed to be correct.
3. Why is this reagent considered only a preliminary test?

Answer: It is only a a preliminary test because this reagent is very unstable, and determining the

exact reagent concentration without prior analysis is nearly always impossible. As a result, two

sets of blood tests performed with what are presumed to be identical reagents frequently provide

different findings. In this paper, it will be demonstrated how to overcome this challenge by

using sodium perborate as a peroxide alternative in all of these tests. With the benzidine test,

sodium perborate has been used frequently. As far as possible, it has not been utilized frequently

with the other color tests or with the Luminol test. These will give a tentative result.

4. Are the colors obtained from all the bloodstains the same?

Answer: Yes, the colors obtained from allthe bloodstains are the same.

5. Are the Tetramethyl Benzidine Test and Leucomalachite Test the same or different? Discuss

your findings.

Answer: Based on our findings, Tetramethyl Benzidine Test and Leucomalachite Test have similarities
and differences. One of its similarities is in terms of gathering results because both tests are qualitative
in nature. Secondly , both tests have the same purpose of proving the authenticity of a questioned
To conclude the differences between the two tests, he result of Tetramethyl Benzidine Test is blue while
Leucomalachite Test is bluish green.

6. What is indicated if the test gives positive results with the suspected bloodstain?

Answer: The result is positive if the color turns into a blueish green.

7. Why is there a need to darken the room when spraying Luminol Reagent?

Answer: The room must be darkened or we need to block out every source of lights in a room

when spraying Luminol reagent so that 1t can produce a faint blue glow when testing for blood

stains and to clearly see the production of light coming from the Luminol reacting with the

blood. Additionally, the test is so sensitive that it can detect blood in the parts per million range

even if it's years old. Investigators do darken the rooms. Luminol is sprayed over a wide arca

where the criminal acts are suspected to have occurred, and any bloodstains produce a faint blue

glow. These is caused by Luminol reacting with hematin, a substance formed as bloodstains age,

producing a luminescence that is best observed when it is dark. Wherein, luminescence can lasts

several minutes and can be photographed. Aged bloodstains tend to have more intense and

longer lasting luminescence that fresh blood and can be resprayed with Luminol for re-viewing.

8. Where is Luminol Test best applied? why do you think so?

Answer: Luminol Test is best applied to invisible or discreet blood stains that is in cloth or any

surfaces. Even if these cloth or areas or surfaces are being washed or concealed, Luminol test

can still reveal the invisible pattern of blood or the amount of blood. This Luminol test is also

important to investigators since = gives them a better understanding of the traces of undetected

blood staining and patterns at the crime scene, especially if the sprayed areas emit

chemiluminescence. Forensic investigators use Luminol test to trace and detect the invisible

bloodstains by which it reacts with iron in hemoglobin which is a composition of a blood.


Science Daily (2019, May 31). Detecting bloodstains with an antimalarial compound. Retrieved

w30and' 2520Confirmatorv%2520Forensic

Library Forensic Science. 2020. Experiment test for bloodstain. Retrieved from"%20of%620the
%20Sensitivit¥620a nd%20Specificity%620of"620Four.pdf
B. Focusing the microscope
Name of the prepared Under scanner Under LPO Under HPO



C. Microscopic measurements

Diameter of the circle that matches the Diameter of the circle that matches the
microscopic field, mm microscope field, microns

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