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T. A.

Pai Management Institute

Manipal Academy of Higher Education
MBA-BKFS (Term-3)





Group- B2

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Hardik Gandhi (23B113) Professor Shweta

Jhanvi Bhatia (23B116)
Sarvesh Gaikar (23B138)
Shivam Pareek (23B143)
Surbhi Dhoot (23B156)
Answer 1:

Mr. Agarwal's main Objectives were:

1. Stream line Recruitment and selection process, focus on creating a clear chain of command for
both recruitment and selection, Distribute the responsibilities of new plant at TELCO propely
amongst the employees and create a new cost management policy to save cost for the company.

2. Focus on getting maximum returns to cut down operational costs, especially in the context of the
high cost of renting the new Telco store and reach a break-even point at the earliest to manage
budgetary constraints.

3.Hire employees with a high-quality salesforce possessing both technical and interpersonal skills
and ensure sales executives have current and in-depth knowledge about the products that the
company produces in context of selling two-wheeler scooters. context to employee retention recognize the high cost that is involved in recruitment process,
focus on retaining employees so that this irrelevant cost is mitigated and at last emphasize the
importance of retaining experienced and skill staff labour.

Answer 2:

Before Moonka Auto hires new salespeople, Ashok Agarwal should take a cue from their top
performers. This means identifying the key qualities and skills that make them successful, and then
updating the job description to reflect these essential traits. Streamlining the recruitment process
can save Agarwal time and resources. This involves evaluating the budget, focusing on effective
channels like written tests and phone screenings, and creating a clear process. To ensure the focus is
on relevant skills, a panel of top salespeople can conduct preliminary interviews based on pre-
defined evaluation criteria. Sharpening recruitment ads, carefully considering recruitment agencies,
and implementing the process in phases will lead to a more targeted and successful hiring strategy.
Feedback and continuous improvement will ensure this process is even better for future needs.

Answer 3:

Moonka Auto, seeking to fill a crucial sales position at its new Jamshedpur branch, faced a
recruitment dilemma. Their reliance on traditional methods like word-of-mouth referrals, while
yielding some success through employees like Agarwal, ultimately proved insufficient. This resulted
in a limited pool of candidates and potentially missed out on highly qualified individuals.

By employing the following strategic recruitment techniques, Moonka Auto could have encouraged
employees to apply for this job opening:

1. Casting a Wider Net:

Online Job Portals and Networking Platforms: Stepping beyond word-of-mouth, utilizing popular
platforms like Naukri, LinkedIn, and specialized automotive forums could have opened doors to a vast
pool of actively seeking candidates with relevant skills and experience. Imagine attracting talent who
wouldn't have stumbled upon Moonka Auto through traditional channels.
Leveraging social media: Engaging with potential candidates on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
could have built brand awareness and attracted individuals who resonate with Moonka Auto's values
and culture. Targeted campaigns highlighting the dealership's positive work environment, career
growth opportunities, and commitment to customer service could have resonated with the right

2. Tapping into Local Gems:

Community Engagement: Building ties with the Jamshedpur community through career fairs, college
campus recruitment drives, and partnerships with local automotive training institutes could have
unearthed hidden gems – promising individuals familiar with the local market and customer base.
Imagine the advantage of recruiting someone who understands the specific needs and preferences
of Jamshedpur customers. Knowing the intricacies about the place would make the candidate ideal
for recruitment.

Targeted Advertising: Tailor-made job postings highlighting Moonka Auto's unique selling points, like
competitive compensation packages, personalized training programs, and opportunities to excel
within Honda's network, could have attracted candidates who align with the company's vision and
goals. This laser-focused approach would have ensured that they attracted talent who were truly
excited about what Moonka Auto offers.

Video Job Descriptions: Creating video job descriptions can be an engaging way to showcase the
company culture, work environment, and job responsibilities. This approach can help candidates
better understand the role and determine if they are a good fit for the company.

3. Unleashing the Power of Referrals:

Incentivized Employee Referral Program: Instead of relying solely on Mr.Agarwal's goodwill, a formal
program with attractive incentives could have motivated other employees to tap into their
professional networks and recommend qualified individuals. This would have harnessed the
collective knowledge and connections of the existing workforce to identify top talent.

By implementing these strategies, Moonka Auto could have transformed their recruitment
landscape. This would have made sure that their new branch is staffed with passionate salespeople
handpicked from a diverse pool of qualified candidates, each brimming with local knowledge,
industry expertise, and a deep understanding of Moonka Auto's values. This strategic approach
promises not only a successful recruitment process but also a long-term competitive advantage in
the Jamshedpur market.

It is not just about filling a single vacancy. It's about building a winning team for the future. By
embracing a wider, more strategic recruitment approach, they can unlock their full potential and
achieve lasting success in Jamshedpur and beyond to keep their legacy alive.

Answer 4:

The Moonka Auto case study follows Ashok Agarwal, the founder of a dealership for Honda two-
wheeled vehicles in India, as he searches for the right salespeople to join his team.

Agarwal faces the challenge of opening a second dealership and needs to recruit quality salespersons
to kick-start sales revenues. He realizes that his previous unplanned and haphazard recruitment
process is not effective and considers alternatives such as a quick telephonic interview, objective
written tests, and a panel of star salespersons. Ultimately, he develops a more structured
recruitment process that involves a telephonic interview, a written test, and a panel of star

Ashok Agarwal needed to establish an effective recruitment process for Moonka Auto. Here are six
alternatives available to Agarwal:

1.Quick Telephonic Screening: This involves a short phone interview to assess basic suitability and
communication skills. It filters out clearly unqualified candidates quickly, saving time and resources
for further stages.

2.Objective Written Test: A standardized test with multiple-choice questions objectively assesses
knowledge and skills relevant to sales, like product understanding, market awareness, and basic
math. It provides a quantifiable basis for comparison.

3.Panel Interview: A group of interviewers, like star salespersons, assess candidates from various
angles. This provides diverse perspectives, allows for team dynamics evaluation, and identifies
candidates who excel in group settings.

4.Behavorial Assessments: Psychometric tests or personality assessments go beyond skills to

evaluate factors like motivation, work style, and stress tolerance. This ensures alignment with
company culture and predicts potential success in the specific sales role.

5.Employee Referral Program: Existing employees recommend individuals from their networks,
leveraging their insider knowledge of company culture and potentially identifying well-matched
candidates. It fosters trust and loyalty while saving recruitment costs.

6.Recruitment Agencies: Specialized agencies use their expertise and extensive networks to source
and screen qualified sales candidates. They handle time-consuming tasks, but come with additional
costs and require clear job descriptions.

7.Competency-Based Interviews: Structure interviews around specific competencies relevant to the

sales role, assessing candidates' past experiences and behaviors in sales-related situations.

8.Role-Play Exercises: Introduce role-play exercises during the interview process to assess
candidates' sales techniques, customer handling, and product knowledge in practical scenarios.

9.Assessment Centres: Conduct assessment center exercises to evaluate candidates' sales skills,
customer interaction abilities, and teamwork in simulated work scenarios.

These alternatives provide Agarwal with various options to enhance the recruitment process and
identify the most suitable salespersons for Moonka Auto.

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