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Correlation of Bullying and Sociology Student's Academic Performance in Bukidnon State


Nova Mae R. Bartolaba

Submitted in fulfillment in Quantitative Research

Bukidnon State University

College of Arts and Sciences
City of Malaybalay

August 2023

Bullying encompasses various forms, including verbal and physical assaults, threats,

the use of derogatory terminology, and criticism. Various factors, whether acting

independently or in combination, have an impact on and contribute to the occurrence of

bullying in children. The persistence of bullying within school environments is a significant

challenge in terms of eradication or prevention due to its utilization by student populations.

According to Alison (2016), bullying is widely recognized as a global issue that has

significant impacts on the emotional, social, and physical well-being of children of school

age across the globe. Academic achievement refers to the measurable results that indicate the

extent of an individual's performance inside the educational context, specifically in schools,

colleges, and universities. These outcomes are reflective of the goals established within the

instructional setting (Steinmayr et al., 2016).

Bullying is regarded as a severe issue in academic settings all around the world,

according to Shahria et al. (2015). It has been discovered that the act of bullying exerts a

detrimental influence on academic performance. The impact of bullying was shown to be

more pronounced among females than to males. Bullying poses a multifaceted issue in the

lives of school children. Interpersonal violence poses a significant concern for all students,

encompassing both individuals who engage in bullying behavior and those who experience


According to Darling-Hammond, Flook, Cook-Harvey, Barron, and Osher (2019), a

school serves as a primary setting for students to dedicate a significant portion of their time

towards personal growth and development. Students who receive assistance from their
teachers experience an enhanced sense of belonging, greater engagement, reduced behavioral

issues, and improved academic performance.

As a result, students who are bullied in this manner are unable to follow or pay

attention to their studies effectively, and they may even dislike going to school as a result. In

addition, kids miss opportunities to take part in conversations with their peers and even to

take pleasure in activities at school. A significant number of researchers came to the

conclusion that there is a connection between bullying and academic performance. When

attending their classes, students are unable to maintain their concentration.


Alison M , Boswell ( 2016) School Level Predictors of Bullying Among High

SchoolStudents, PhD Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky.

Darling-Hammond, L., Flook, L., Cook-Harvey, C., Barron, B., & Osher, D. (2019).

Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and

development. Applied Developmental Science, 1–44.


Shahriar Kibriya, Zhicheng Phil Xu and Yu Zhang(2015) The impact of bullying

oneducational performance in Ghana: A Bias-reducing Matching Approach

electedPaper prepared for presentation for the 2015) of School Agricultural &

Applied EconomicsAssociation and Western Agricultural Economics

Association Annual Meeting, SanFrancisco

Steinmayr, R., Crede, J., McElvany, N., & Wirthwein, L. (2016). Subjective well-being, test

anxiety, academic achievement: Testing for reciprocal effects. Frontiers in

Psychology, 6, 1-13.

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