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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Ilongbukid, San Rafael, Iloilo


Name: ___________________________________________Strand/Track: ________________Score: _________

I-Multiple Choices: Choose the best answer. Write your answer in a 1 piece of pad/yellow paper.

1. Which of the following ideas refers to the specific and deliberate use of language to convey meaning and is
considered as a device?
a. Literary Device b. Literary Technique c. Poetic License d. Figures of Speech
2. What is the central idea or message which the story or text
revolves in?
a. Character b. Point of View c. Theme d. Plot
3. The use of quoted speech or direct statements in the text is an example of literary technique. What specific literary
technique is this?
a. Conversation b. Dialogue c. Foreshadowing d. Flashback
4. Which of the following items does NOT belong to the group?
a. Characters b. Figures of Speech c. Symbolism d. setting
5. Which of the following items does NOT belong to the group?
a. Love b. Heroism c. Flashback d. injustice
6. What is the basic pre-requisite of analyzing techniques used in a text?
a. considerable comprehension level b. knowledge about literary techniques
c. both A and B d. b only
7. What aspect is deemed necessary in order for the reader to connect and relate with the text?
a. Experience b. Knowledge c. Love for Reading d. Love of writing
8. Why do writers use figurative language as one of the techniques in writing a text?
a. It is for the purpose of art and aesthetics.
b. It makes conveyance of meaning more understandable.
c. It functions as the other way of expression to impress readers.
d. It spice the writing composition.
9. What literary technique is employed when you encounter statements in a text such as, I remember one occasion in
the year 2018, during Christmas eve…?
a. Flashback b. Foreshadowing c. Representation d. In Media Res
10. What literary technique is employed when you encounter statements in a text such as, This house if shall pass will
be fruitful ‘til the end of its might…?
a. Dialogue b. Parallelism c. Symbolism d. Imagery
11. “I see all his stars- his stars of success!” What figure of speech is used in this statement if the star is used to
replace potentials?
a. Metaphor b. Metonymy c. Paradox d. Synecdoche
12. “I experience a lot of heartaches from the community I belong. Because I am a black man, I was rejected by few if
not some.” If this statement is part of the text, what is its theme?
a. Discrimination b. injustice c. Poverty d. Religiosity
13. “I know that today, you will rock it on! You will definitely get a high score in your exams! Why?
Because you are great and mommy too! Good luck baby!” If this statement is part if the text,
what is its theme?
a. Love and support of a Mother c. The Importance of Love and Care
b. The Power of Optimism d. Supporting someone is crucial.
14. Which of the following statements best shows Heroism as a theme?
a. I never thought I could do that. I ran away from the killer!
b. To save one’s life is not a choice. It is a duty to God and to fellowmen. I saved the boy even
if I risk my life.
c. Anna knows how blessed she was. She decided to donate half of her profit to charity.
d. Looking back to our life status before, we are compared to a stray dog with no permanent
refuge, no food to eat, no any single penny and no one dares to lend us a helping hand.
15. A theme is not only limited to one word or phrases. It could also be a complete statement,
universal and debatable. Which of the given themes passes this standard?
a. Money is the root of all evil.
b. Life in America is not at all a bed of roses.
c. God is supreme and the greatest of all who came from nowhere.
d. Life is short.
16. What is being elucidated in the During Writing Stage?
a. Ideas b. Theme c. moral lesson d. Worksheet
17. This element makes creative nonfiction literally.
a. theme and content c. language and style
b. form and structure d. coherence and unity
18. It is an ongoing process of rethinking the paper, reconsidering your arguments, reviewing your evidence, refining
your purpose and reorganizing your presentation.
a. drafting b. editing d. revising
19. It is called as a story within a story.
a. flashback b. foreshadowing c. frame story d. parallel structure
20. This refers to the patterns the events of a story form.
a. characterization b. setting c. plot Structure d. flashback
21. “Who is recounting or narrating the story?” This question is
answered by_____________.
a. characters b. point-of-viewc. symbolism d. setting
22. Examples of this are the crucifix that may represent suffering and death as its negative interpretations, but it can
also suggest salvation, sacrifice and even victory. This convention of prose is called _____________.
a. characters b. symbol c. setting d. theme
23. This is a literary convention in which an author gives readers hints about what will happen later in the story.
a. flashback b. foreshadowing c. flash-forward d. In Media Res
24. In a Creative Non-Fiction, what do you call the framework of a particular
a. Blueprint b. Plot Sequence c. Timeline d. Patttern
25. “Maria is very anxious about her current situation. She doesn’t know what to do.” Granting that this is told by a
narrator, what point of view (POV) is being applied?
a. 1st Person POV B. 2nd Person POV c. 3rd Person POV d. Omniscient POV
26. What is the most appropriate question that should be asked in order to analyze the characters and their
characterizations in the story?
a. What are the names of the characters?
b What are the dialogues that they uttered?
c. What are the relationship of characters from each other?
d. How did the characters exemplify their roles in the story?
27. Which of the following guidelines should be taken into consideration when you need to analyze the Point of View
used in the story.
a. The important dialogues should be considered.
b The characters’ speech should be analyzed based on their attitude.
c. The narrator of the story and the pronouns he/she uses should be considered.
d. The description of the settings and the development of the plot in the story.
28. “God’s faithfulness is evident” is an example of _________.
a. Mood b. Moral c. Theme d. POV
29. Granting that you are reading a CNF story and you came across with this sentence: “I can hear the loud and
endless cries of our people because of this pandemic.” What kind of figurative language is exemplified?
a. Apostrophe b. Hyperbole c. Paradox d. Onomatopoeia
29. How do you analyze the symbolisms present in a CNF story?
a. Look at the object in a literal level.
b. Try to compare the object with another object of its kind.
c. Look for the deeper meaning of the object and connect it with how it is valued or given importance in the story.
d. Look for a word it represents.
30. How do you analyze the different figurative languages in the story?
a. Interpret them in its surface level.
b. Read and look for its implicit meaning.
c Read them as if you are reading them normally.
d. Read them in their deeper sense and see their relationship with the story.
31. What are the most essential skills in analyzing the elements in a CNF story?
a. The ability to read the text.
b. The ability to read and understand the texts.
c. The ability to read, understand, and analyze both the texts and the elements of the story.
d. The ability to read and integrate the theme of the story to another text.
32. Hamlet wants to kill his father’s murderer, Claudius, but he also looks for proof to justify his action. This is a
a. Man vs. Man b. Man vs. Nature c. Man vs. Self d. Man vs. Society
33. Faustus thinks honestly about repenting, acting upon the advice of ‘the good angel,’ but ‘the bad angel’ distracts
him by saying it is all too late. This is a conflict.
a. Man vs. Man b. Man vs. Nature c. Man vs. Self d. Man vs. Society
34. When the mother said “Well, son, I’ll tell you: Life for me aren’t been no crystal stair,” in Langston Hughes’
Mother to Son, she used .
a. Allusion b. Hyperbole c. Metaphor d. Oxymoron
35. The sentence “Death lays his icy hands on kings.” employs.
a. Imagery b. Metaphor c. Personification d. understatement

II. Essay

Direction: Briefly discuss the following: (5 pts each )

1. Guidelines in Writing a First Draft
2. Types of Creative Nonfiction
3. Types of Essay

Prepared by:


Teacher III

Approved by:

Head Teacher

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