Exercise Hubble'sLaw

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Exercise 31.4 Hubble’s law and the Big Bang theory In this exercise you will calculate redshifts in the emission spectra from distant objacts and use them to calculate recession spaeds. You ‘yl use Hubble's Iow and explain how thi isin agreement with tra Gig Yang theory. You wi use AB = AL and v= Hyd here the Mable constant Hy = 2.4 107 9 “The speed of light ¢ = 9.0% 108 m= 41 Sunspots move across the face of the Sun. This indicates that the Sun rotates. | spectrum is obtained from one adge of the Sun, as it rotates tovrards the Earth. This ls compared with a spactrum obtained from the Centre of the Sun, which is not moving towards or away from the Earth. 2 State and explain any difference in the two spectsa. 1b The edge moves towards the Earth at a peed of 2000 m =, Calculate the percentage change in wavelength observed, © The wavelength of one line in the spectrum is approximately 300 nm. Estimate how accurately the wavelength must be measured ‘tp shew that there is diference in the two spect, 2. The table shows the wavelength ofa line In the calcium spectrum detected Inthe light from three galaxies. n the laboratory ths ine Is known to have a wavelength of 299.7 nm. CE 404.5 ‘2 Calculate the apparent change in wavelength of the line For each galaxy 1b Calculate the speed of recession of each galaxy avay from Earth, (¢ _Use Hubble's law to calculate the distance of each galaxy from Earth. a galaey is meving away from the Earth at 2 spaed of 2.2 « 107 ms", line In the hydrogen spectrum is knovin to have a wavelength of 410 nm. Calculate the wavelength of this spectral line emitted by the galaxy when measured on Earth 44 Using Hubble's aw, calculate: 3 the distance from Earth ofa star that is racading from the Earth at 2500 ken +! the speed ofa galaxy that is 190 Mpc away from Earth, where 1 parsec = 3.1 x 10° m, ‘5. Explain how redshift laads tothe ideas of an expanding Universe and to the Big Bang theory,

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