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I. Stakeholder Group: (Meet with your group/team and answer the questions below with as much information or more questions.
Use these as your opening statement at the dialogue proper. ).

Who are you? What group do

you represent?

What are your group’s most

important goals based on
your core values?

Why are these goals

important to your group?

State what you would like to

see happen.

What will you do if you don’t

get what you want?

NRConfesor .November 2023
II. Mapping of Stakeholder Groups: (As a result of your meeting with the Other Parties, what information do you now have
about them?) Write down their responses on this table-map.) LISTEN. Note: This is to be completed during the first part of the
dialogue proper.

What are your

Who are you? What group’s most Why are these goals State what you What will you do if
Stakeholder Group group do you important goals important to your would like to see you don’t get what
represent? based on your core group? happen. you want?
Ministry of Forestry

Ministry of Tourism

Local Government
of Manado

NRConfesor .November 2023
What are your
Who are you? What group’s most Why are these goals State what you What will you do if
Stakeholder Group group do you important goals important to your would like to see you don’t get what
represent? based on your core group? happen. you want?

Local fisherfolks

Local business


Sulawesi Sports

NRConfesor .November 2023
III. Clarification of Positions of the Stakeholder Groups: (As you listen to the Other Parties during the dialogue proper, Identify
“gaps” in one’s understanding of the Other Parties. During the meeting with the others, you can use this form to “map” out what the Others
are also raising and how these are answered.)

Stakeholder Group Being Clarificatory Questions Responses

Ministry of Forestry

Ministry of Tourism

Local Government of Manado

Local fisherfolks

Local business groups


Sulawesi Watersports Association

NRConfesor .November 2023
IV. Harvest! Drafting Workable Arrangements: (During the dialogue proper, HARVEST what seems to be of common interest or
perspectives. identify workable arrangements among the stakeholders given the issue. To the dialogue facilitator, it may help to articulate
what arrangements are being agreed upon. Where there is disagreement, it is best to “park” these issues and these form part of the harvest.)

Questions Responses
1. What are workable (Place the arrangements in a slide or two ready for presentation as a report to a multi-stakeholder
arrangements that community. (Max: 3 to 4 minutes)
are possible for an

2. What will be the

scenario without a

NRConfesor .November 2023

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