Home Service Managment System

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Prepared by

Code Warriors

Rashad M.I.A – E2041370

Ishkhan Ahamed I – E2041335

Divyanjali P.L.U.I – E2041405

Created: 2022.10.11
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. i
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. iii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Definition, Acronyms, Abbreviations .............................................................................. 2
1.3.1 Definitions................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.2 Acronyms & Abbreviations ...................................................................................... 2
1.4 References ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 Overall Description.................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Product Perspective .......................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 System Interface........................................................................................................ 5
2.1.2 User interface ............................................................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Hardware Interface.................................................................................................. 14
2.1.4 Software Interface ................................................................................................... 14
2.1.5 Communication Interface........................................................................................ 14
2.1.6 Memory ................................................................................................................... 14
2.1.7 Operations ............................................................................................................... 15
2.1.8 Site adaptation requirements ................................................................................... 15
2.2 Product Functions........................................................................................................... 15
2.3 User Characteristics........................................................................................................ 16
2.4 Constraints...................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.1 Safety and security considerations .......................................................................... 16
2.4.2 Hardware limitations:.............................................................................................. 16
2.5 Assumptions and dependencies ...................................................................................... 16
2.6 Apportioning of Requirements ....................................................................................... 16
3 Specific Requirements ........................................................................................................... 17
3.1 External Requirements ................................................................................................... 17
3.1.1 User Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 18

3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces ................................................................................................ 23
3.1.3 Software Interfaces ................................................................................................. 23
3.1.4 Communication Interfaces ...................................................................................... 23
3.2 Functional Requirements................................................................................................ 24
3.2.1 Service Provider Management ................................................................................ 24
3.2.2 Client Management ................................................................................................. 24
3.2.3 Service Category Management ............................................................................... 24
3.2.4 Booking Management ............................................................................................. 25
3.2.5 Notification Management ....................................................................................... 25
3.2.6 Inquiry Management ............................................................................................... 25
3.2.7 Feedback Rating Management ................................................................................ 26
3.2.8 System Should Generate the Report ....................................................................... 26
3.3 Non-Functional Requirements ....................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 Security ................................................................................................................... 26
3.3.2 Usability .................................................................................................................. 26
3.4 Design Constraints – Logical Database Requirement .................................................... 27
3.4.1 Entity Relationship.................................................................................................. 27
3.4.2 Relational Schema for Proposed System ................................................................ 28
3.5 Other Requirements........................................................................................................ 29
4 Appendixes ............................................................................................................................ 30
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix B ............................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix C ............................................................................................................................... 32
Appendix D ............................................................................................................................... 33
Appendix E ................................................................................................................................ 34
Appendix F ................................................................................................................................ 35
Appendix G ............................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix H ............................................................................................................................... 37
Appendix I ................................................................................................................................. 38
Appendix J................................................................................................................................. 39

List of Tables
Table 2-1: Hardware Interfaces .................................................................................................... 14
Table 2-2: Software Interfaces ...................................................................................................... 14
Table 3-1: Functional Requirements - Service Provider Account ................................................ 24
Table 3-2: Functional Requirement - Client Account................................................................... 24
Table 3-3: Functional Requirement - Service Category Management ......................................... 24
Table 3-4:Functional Requirement - Booking Management ........................................................ 25
Table 3-5: Functional Requirement - Notification Management .................................................. 25
Table 3-6: Functional Requirement - Inquiry Management ......................................................... 25
Table 3-7: Functional Requirement - Feedback Rating Management .......................................... 26
Table 3-8: Functional Requirement - Report Management .......................................................... 26
Table 3-9: Admin Table ................................................................................................................ 28
Table 3-10: Location Table ........................................................................................................... 28
Table 3-11: Service Category Table ............................................................................................. 28
Table 3-12: Service Sub Category Table ...................................................................................... 28
Table 3-13: Service Provider Table .............................................................................................. 28
Table 3-14: Client Table ............................................................................................................... 28
Table 3-15: Service Table ............................................................................................................. 29
Table 3-16: Inquiry Table ............................................................................................................. 29
Table 4-1: Service Provider Management - Use Case Narratives ................................................ 31
Table 4-2: Service Category Management - Use Case Narratives ............................................... 32
Table 4-3: Client Management - Use Case Narratives ................................................................. 33
Table 4-4: Booking Management - Use Case Narratives ............................................................. 34
Table 4-5: Notification Management - Use Case Narratives ........................................................ 35
Table 4-6: Inquiry Management - Use Case Narratives ............................................................... 36
Table 4-7: Report Management - Use Case Narratives ................................................................ 37
Table 4-8: Feedback Rating Management - Use Case Narratives ................................................ 38
Table 4-9: Responsibility Matrix .................................................................................................. 39

List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Block Diagram of Proposed System ............................................................................ 5
Figure 2-2:Prototype Interface – Admin Login .............................................................................. 7
Figure 2-3:Prototype Interrace – Manage Service Category .......................................................... 7
Figure 2-4: Prototype Interface – Add Service Category ............................................................... 8
Figure 2-5:Prototype Interface – Manage Service Provider ........................................................... 8
Figure 2-6:Prototype Interface – Manage Client ............................................................................ 9
Figure 2-7:Prototype Interface – Manage Booking ........................................................................ 9
Figure 2-8: Prototype Interface – Change Password .................................................................... 10
Figure 2-9: Prototype Interface – Inquiries ................................................................................... 10
Figure 2-10: Prototype Interface – Find Service........................................................................... 11
Figure 2-11: Prototype Interface -Register Service Provider ....................................................... 11
Figure 2-12: Prototype Interface -Register Client ........................................................................ 12
Figure 2-13: Prototype Interface – Login Page for Service Provider ........................................... 12
Figure 2-14: Prototype Interface – Login Page for Client ............................................................ 13
Figure 2-15: Prototype Interface – Services ................................................................................. 13
Figure 3-1: Admin Login for Proposed System ............................................................................ 18
Figure 3-2Admin Dashboard for Proposed System ...................................................................... 18
Figure 3-3: Manage Service Category for Proposed System ........................................................ 19
Figure 3-4: Add Service Sub-Category for Proposed System ...................................................... 19
Figure 3-5:Manage Booking for Proposed System ....................................................................... 19
Figure 3-6:Manage Service Provider for Proposed System .......................................................... 20
Figure 3-7: Manage Client for Proposed System .......................................................................... 20
Figure 3-8: Home Page for Proposed System ............................................................................... 21
Figure 3-9: Register Service Provider for Proposed System ........................................................ 21
Figure 3-10:Register Client for Proposed System ........................................................................ 21
Figure 3-11:Login Service Provider for Proposed System ........................................................... 22
Figure 3-12: Login Client for Proposed System ........................................................................... 22
Figure 3-13: Services for Proposed System .................................................................................. 22
Figure 3-14: Entity Relationship Diagram Version 01 - Proposed System .................................. 27
Figure 4-1: Use Case Diagram for Manual System ...................................................................... 30

Figure 4-2: High Level Use Case Diagram................................................................................... 30
Figure 4-3: Use Case Diagram for Service Provider Management .............................................. 31
Figure 4-4: Use Case Diagram for Service Category Management ............................................. 32
Figure 4-5: Use Case Diagram for Client Management ............................................................... 33
Figure 4-6: Use Case Diagram for Booking Management ........................................................... 34
Figure 4-7: Use Case Diagram for Notification Management ...................................................... 35
Figure 4-8: Use Case Diagram for Inquiry Management ............................................................. 36
Figure 4-9: Use Case Diagram for Report Management .............................................................. 37
Figure 4-10: Use Case Diagram for Feedback Rating Management ............................................ 38

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
In this fast-growing technology, people need of the appointment of person to solve the problems
related to our daily life task like plumbing related problem, mechanical problem, electrical
problem electronic problem etc. Web based Home Service Booking Management System,
greatly simplifies the booking process of a service provider to accomplish the needs of clients. At
present manual system is carried on by the organization. The major problem here is large number
of booking details are hard to handle manually. And it is difficult convey the clients about the
services provided by the organization due to the current pandemic situation. According to the
above problems the organization is need of a web-based solution to supply an efficient client

The purpose of this document is to present detailed description of the system. It will explain the
purpose and features of the system and what the system will do. This document is intended for
both the stakeholders and the developers of the system. And, the document explains the system’s
limitations and solution, and explains what functions are going to be in the system and describe
barriers of the system and have described details of the functional and nonfunctional requirement
of the system through this document.

1.2 Scope
Home Service Booking Management System will provide an easy way to automate all
functionalities for booking a service provider to a relevant service according to their location.
Service provider is registered by providing relevant details through the system. Admin is able to
verify the details provided by service provider and accept or reject the request due to the security
purpose. Here client may be able to select a service provider according to his preferred location.
If client prefers to book a relevant service provider, client should register to the system. Service
providers may be able to accept or reject the bookings placed by the client. Client may be able to
cancel the booking before 24 hours. Here client can rate the service provider and give his
valuable feedback through the system. The scope of our project is to design a complete
environment to provide a safe and user-friendly environment for web-based service booking.

Home Service Booking Management System does not handle any payments through the system.
Payment for a service should be rated by the service provider according to his service. Therefore,
payment method is above the system boundaries and cannot handle through the system.

1.3 Definition, Acronyms, Abbreviations

1.3.1 Definitions
▪ Admin: Admin has maximum privileges to access the system.
▪ Service Category: This part of the system includes the categories of services provided
by the system.
▪ Service sub-category: Services is a sub part of service category.
▪ Service Provider: Service provider can accept or reject bookings according to his
▪ Client: Client is the end user of the system, who can make bookings services.

1.3.2 Acronyms & Abbreviations

▪ HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
▪ PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
▪ CSS: Cascading Style Sheet
▪ MySQL: Structured Query Language.
▪ DB: Data Base
▪ IDE: Integrated Development Environment
▪ SRS: Software Requirement Specification
▪ RAM: Random Access Memory
▪ GB: Gigabytes
▪ VGA: Video Graphics Array
▪ GHZ: Gigahertz
▪ CPU: Central Processing Unit
▪ XAMPP: cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl

1.4 References
[1] N. M. Indravasan, “An Online System for Household Services,” International Journal of
Engineering Research, vol. 6, no. 13, p. 4, 2018.

[2] “Bellboy.” https://bellboy.lk/ (accessed Oct. 12, 2022).

[3] “Find a Trusted Local Tradesperson | Local Heroes.” https://www.localheroes.com/ (accessed

Oct. 12, 2022).

[4] “Home | QuickHelp | Find Electricians, Plumbers, Painters and more in Sri Lanka.”
https://www.quickhelp.lk/ (accessed Oct. 12, 2022).

[5] “House Cleaning & Handyman Services | Handy.” https://www.handy.com/ (accessed Oct.
12, 2022).

[6] “IEEEXplore-SRS-template,” studylib.net. https://studylib.net/doc/25725932/ieeexplore-srs-

template (accessed Oct. 12, 2022).

[7] “Service Today: Plumbers | Electricians | Air Conditioning.”

https://www.servicetoday.com.au/ (accessed Oct. 12, 2022).

[8] C. Kilgore, M. Peitz, and K. Schmid, “System Requirements Document for Safe Home,” p.

[9] M. Arturo et al., “This SRS is the result of a class assignment carried out by RMU’s Fall
2014 class of ENGR3410 – Fundamentals of Software Engineering under the supervision of Dr.
S. Acharya. Appreciation goes to all the members of this class listed below:,” p. 23.

[10] “ඕනවැඩක් (OnaWadak) - Find the best Plumbers, Electricians, Masons, Electronic and AC
Repair in Colombo Sri Lanka at a very reasonable prices.” https://onawadak.lk/ (accessed Oct.
12, 2022).

1.5 Overview
The manual Home Service Management System that is carried on by the organization is typically
requires a great deal of paperwork. And the manual process also creates an administrative burden
for the organization. Web based Home Service Booking Management System is a better solution
to reduce paperwork and supply an efficient client service. This system allows clients to make
bookings over service provider according to their needs. And service provider can give response
to the request of client.

The summary of the first chapter describes introduction and the scope of the SRS document.
Several problems in manual system has been identified clearly and the functionalities of the
proposed system are defined under the scope.

In summary to the second chapter, it gives clear idea about the prototype user interfaces,
hardware interfaces, software interfaces, and communication interfaces which should be created
according to the proposed Home Service Management System.

In third chapter it is briefly explained about the product function, external requirements,
functional and non-functional requirements. Moreover, logical database requirement is also
discussed in design constraints.

Finally, in appendixes section all the required use case diagrams and use case narratives are
being discussed.

2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
Web based Home Service Management System consists of frontend, backend, and a database.
Frontend of the system is handled by clients and service providers, here service providers can
register according to preferred services and client can book a service provider according to their
needs. If the service provider is not available, he is able to decline the request of client and
moreover, client also can cancel the booking within 24 hours. Backend of the system is handled
by the admin here admin can manage service category and service provider acceptance or
rejection management. Moreover, admin can generate reports regarding bookings and most
valued services. Database is the main part of the system which connects backend and the
frontend of the system. Database always get update with the backend transactions and frontend

Figure 2-1: Block Diagram for Proposed System

2.1.1 System Interface

There are 14 system interfaces from backend and frontend of Home Service Management
System. In backend there are 8 proto-type interfaces and front end there are 6 interfaces.

Backend Interfaces

• Admin Page Login

• Admin Management

❖ Under admin management can handle following functions
• Dashboard
• Manage Admin Profile
• Service Category Management
• Service Subcategory Management
• Service Provider Management
• Client Management
• Booking Details
• Inquiry Management

Frontend Interfaces

• Home Page – Home page consist of search

• Service Provider Registration Page – Service Provider can register by filling the online
registration form
• Service Provider Login Page – Can login to the system using email with password
• Service Providers page – Service provider can view the booking details and edit their
profile if need.
• Services Page – Services page consist of types of services provided through the website
• Client Registration Page – Client can register by filling the online registration form
• Client Login Page – Can login to the system using email with password
• Client’s profile – Client can view his profile details and edit their profile if need.
• Service Provider Booking Page – Client can book a service provider through the page
with the date, sub-category, and remark.

2.1.2 User interface Back End Prototype Interfaces
• Admin Login

Figure 2-2:Prototype Interface – Admin Login

• Manage Service Category

Figure 2-3:Prototype Interrace – Manage Service Category

• Add Service Category

Figure 2-4: Prototype Interface – Add Service Category

• Manage Service Provider

Figure 2-5:Prototype Interface – Manage Service Provider

• Mange Client

Figure 2-6:Prototype Interface – Manage Client

• Manage Booking

Figure 2-7:Prototype Interface – Manage Booking

• Change Password

Figure 2-8: Prototype Interface – Change Password

• Inquiries

Figure 2-9: Prototype Interface – Inquiries

10 Front End Prototype Interfaces
• Find Service

Figure 2-10: Prototype Interface – Find Service

• Register Service Provider

Figure 2-11: Prototype Interface -Register Service Provider

• Register Client

Figure 2-12: Prototype Interface -Register Client

• Login Page for Service Provider

Figure 2-13: Prototype Interface – Login Page for Service Provider

• Login Page for Client

Figure 2-14: Prototype Interface – Login Page for Client

• Services

Figure 2-15: Prototype Interface – Services

2.1.3 Hardware Interface
Table 2-1: Hardware Interfaces

Component Recommended
Processer Intel Core I i3-5005U CPU @ 2.00GHz
Hard disk 500 GB
System Type 64-bit operating system
Display Super VGA with a resolution of 1024 x 768
Mouse Optical Mouse
Keyboard QWERTY Keyboard

2.1.4 Software Interface

Table 2-2: Software Interfaces

Component Software Version

Operating System Windows 7
Server XAMPP Control Panel (3.3.0)
Database MySQL
IDE Visual Studio Code
Web Browser Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
Diagram Dia, StarUML

2.1.5 Communication Interface

Sufficient internet bandwidth is needed to run the system without any interruptions.

• Network type – HSPA, LTE, 5G

• Bandwidth – 5 Mbps
• Router capacity- 2.4 GHz with 50 Mbps

2.1.6 Memory
As minimum requirement 2 GB RAM is needed and above 4 GB RAM is recommended to run
the system.

2.1.7 Operations
Service Provider is able to register through his desired service according to his eligibility. Admin
is able check the eligibility and approve or reject his request. Client is able to check a preferred
service provider and book for a service. Service provider is able to accept or decline the request
according to his availability.

2.1.8 Site adaptation requirements


2.2 Product Functions

• Service Provider registration function allows registering themselves according to their
preferred services.
• Client registration function allows them to select a preferred service provider according
to their locations.
• Admin login function allows handling the main functions interacting with back end. In
addition to that this will allow them to modify the database data and generate various
• Service Provider acceptance function allows admin to view the request of a service
provider and accept or reject the request according to his eligibility.
• Service Provider booking function allows client to book a service provider according to
his preferred service and service provider is able to accept or decline the booking
according to his availability.
• Services cancellation function allows clients to cancel the booking within 24 hours of
• Inquiry handling function allows clients and service provider to communicate difficulties
faced by them when using the system. Moreover, it allows admin to understand the
experience had by the user.
• Feedback handling function allows clients to communicate with the service provider
about the experience.
• News and Notification function allows clients and service provider to get notified about
the service status.

2.3 User Characteristics
Admin: Admin have a basic knowledge of English and should have knowledge in database
handling, data modification and report generation. Moreover, admin should have a proper
experience in handling reservation system.

Client: Client should have a basic knowledge of English and should be able to communicate
with the service provider.

Service Provider: Service provider should have a basic knowledge of English and should have
certified document to register as a service provider.

2.4 Constraints
2.4.1 Safety and security considerations
Admin has access to view the process held through the system. But service provider and clients
are not able to view those details due to security purpose. Therefore, system has three different
logins for admin, service provider, and client.

2.4.2 Hardware limitations:

The minimum requirement of hardware limitation contains
• 5GB Hard disk capacity
• Intel Core I i3-5005U CPU
2.5 Assumptions and dependencies
Home Service Management System is a web based which allows running in any platform. When
considering windows platform, it is able to run on windows 7 and above version.

This web-based system is totally dependent on local host server.

2.6 Apportioning of Requirements

Home Service Management System allows clients only to make booking of a service provider.
Payments are not handling through the system.

3 Specific Requirements
3.1 External Requirements
The main goal of web-based Home Service Management System is to take the appointment of
person who solve the problems related to our daily life lie plumbing, mechanical and electrical
problems. This web-based application is very useful because the client doesn’t have to visit to
service provider’s office; he can easily make appointment via this web application. Home
Service Management System consists of frontend, backend, and a database. Database plays a
major role in the system which connects frontend and backend of the system. Database always
updates the frontend and backend about the reservations and appointments. Frontend consists of
interactive user interfaces to attract every user. Clients and Service Providers plays major a role
in the frontend section. Here service providers can register according to preferred services and
location. Client can view service providers profile and if client needs an appointment of a service
provider, he needs to register through the client registration by providing necessary details. If
service provider is not available, he is able to decline the request of client and moreover, client
also able to cancel the booking within 24 hours. Also, client and service provider are able to send
an inquiry message to admin. Client is able to rate a service he got from the system as feedback.
Backend of the system is handled by the admin here admin can manage service category and
service provider acceptance or rejection management. Admin can view every booking detail and
admin can generate reports regarding last month booking, demand services, and demand

3.1.1 User Interfaces Back End Interfaces

• Admin Login – Admin can login using username or email with password

Figure 3-1: Admin Login for Proposed System

• Admin Dashboard – Admin can view total service category and total registered service

Figure 3-2Admin Dashboard for Proposed System

• Manage Service Category – Admin can view and edit service category

Figure 3-3: Manage Service Category for Proposed System

• Add Service Sub-Category – Admin can add sub-category according to service category

Figure 3-4: Add Service Sub-Category for Proposed System

• Manage Booking – Admin can view the booking details

Figure 3-5:Manage Booking for Proposed System

• Manage Service Provider – Admin can manage service provider and accept or reject the
registration request

Figure 3-6:Manage Service Provider for Proposed System

• Manage Client – Admin can view the registered client

Figure 3-7: Manage Client for Proposed System

20 Front End Interfaces
• Home Page – Client can search a service provider selecting category with location

Figure 3-8: Home Page for Proposed System

• Register Service Provider - Service provider can register using the registration form

Figure 3-9: Register Service Provider for Proposed System

• Register Client – Client can register using the registration form

Figure 3-10:Register Client for Proposed System

• Login Service Provider - Service Provider can login providing email address and

Figure 3-11:Login Service Provider for Proposed System

• Login Client - Client can login providing email address and password

Figure 3-12: Login Client for Proposed System

• Services – Client can view the available services

Figure 3-13: Services for Proposed System

3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
Since the application must run on a web browser a desktop computer or a laptop with i3
processor capacity is recommended to run the website. 500GB hard disk capacity and 4GB RAM
is recommended. 64-bit operating system with 1024 x 768 display resolution is used to run the
system smoothly. Moreover, optical mouse and QWERTY keyboard are used as input devices to
make users familiar with the system.

3.1.3 Software Interfaces

• Windows Operating System with Windows 7 version is needed as the minimum
requirement in order to run the system.
• XAMPP Control panel (3.3.0 version) is needed as the minimum requirement in order to
run the website connecting with local host. This platform allows MySQL and Apache
platforms to run in local host.
• MySQL (8.1.6 version) is needed as minimum requirement in order to handle the data in
the database.
• Microsoft Visual Studio Code (1.63.2 version) is used as the IDE to edit codes related to
the system.
• Web Browser is needed as a minimum requirement in order to run the system in a
browser such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox are used.

3.1.4 Communication Interfaces

XAMPP local host server is used to run the system in web browser as localhost. In our
system service provider and client has communication through notification to maintain the status
like in their profile page they can identify the confirmation and working status.

3.2 Functional Requirements
3.2.1 Service Provider Management
Table 3-1: Functional Requirements - Service Provider Account

Requirement ID Description
SPM01 The system shall allow service provider to create account by entering
name, email, password, contact, NIC, certificate and location.
SPM02 The system shall allow authenticate service provider to login to the
SPM03 The system shall allow to manage the booking status
SPM04 The system shall allow to update service provider account
SPM05 The system shall allow to change username and password
SPM06 The system shall allow to logout from the system

3.2.2 Client Management

Table 3-2: Functional Requirement - Client Account

Requirement ID Description
CM01 The system shall allow client to create account by entering name,
email, password, contact, address.
CM02 The system shall allow authenticate client to login to the system
CM03 The system shall allow to update client account
CM04 The system shall allow to change username and password
CM05 The system shall allow to logout from the system

3.2.3 Service Category Management

Table 3-3: Functional Requirement - Service Category Management

Requirement ID Description
SCM01 The system should allow admin to add category
SCM02 The system shall allow to update and delete category
SCM03 The system shall allow to add sub-category
SCM04 The system should allow to view category

3.2.4 Booking Management
Table 3-4:Functional Requirement - Booking Management

Requirement ID Description
BM01 The system should allow client to book a service
BM02 The system shall allow service provider to accept or reject the request
BM03 The system shall allow client to cancel the booking before 24 hours
BM04 The system should allow to admin, service provider and client to
view booking schedule

3.2.5 Notification Management

Table 3-5: Functional Requirement - Notification Management

Requirement ID Description
NM01 The system should notify client with the status of service
confirmation details
NM02 The system should notify service provider with the status of client
booking details

3.2.6 Inquiry Management

Table 3-6: Functional Requirement - Inquiry Management

Requirement ID Description
IM01 The system should allow service provider and client to inquire any
complains to admin
IM02 The system should allow admin to view inquiry
IM03 The system should allow admin reply to the inquiry manually

3.2.7 Feedback Rating Management
Table 3-7: Functional Requirement - Feedback Rating Management

Requirement ID Description
FRM01 The system shall allow client to rate the service provider according to
their services
FRM02 The system shall allow service provider to view the rating

3.2.8 System Should Generate the Report

Table 3-8: Functional Requirement - Report Management

Requirement ID Description
RM01 The system shall allow admin to generate report regarding last month
booking details
RM02 The system shall allow admin to generate report regarding demand
RM03 The system should allow admin to generate report regarding demand
service provider

3.3 Non-Functional Requirements

3.3.1 Security
Security is one of the main functions in the system. As this system collects sensitive data from
clients and service providers’ data should be protected by the system. User privileges
authenticate every system user to avoid unauthorized accesses.

• User password is encrypted in the database.

• In service provider registration could not register unwanted people because admin
verifies each service provider with NIC and certificate.
• In this system admin, service provider and client has separate login.

3.3.2 Usability
Usability is another function related to the system. System should consist of user-friendly
interfaces and the given clear instructions also easy to handle by teenage to old people. The
features' capacity to suit users' demands and circumstances determines how usable they are.

3.4 Design Constraints – Logical Database Requirement
3.4.1 Entity Relationship

Figure 3-14: Entity Relationship Diagram Version 01 - Proposed System

• Admin can verify the service provider
• Service acts like a booking management
• Client can book the services service provider can confirm (accept or reject) the request
• Service providers register with selecting according to their location
• Service Provider has a composite attribute as Full Name
• Client has a composite attribute as Full Name

3.4.2 Relational Schema for Proposed System
Table 3-9: Admin Table

admin_id u_name email password contact address

Table 3-10: Location Table

location_id district

Table 3-11: Service Category Table

Serices Category
ct_id ct_name

Table 3-12: Service Sub-Category Table

Services Sub Cat

sub_ct_id service_name ct_id

Table 3-13: Service Provider Table

Service Provider
sp_id first_name last_name email password contact address nic
certificate status location_id ct_id

Table 3-14: Client Table

client_id first_name last_name email password contact address

Table 3-15: Service Table

Service_id date client_id sp_id ct_id sub_ct_id status rating

Table 3-16: Inquiry Table

inq_id name email subject message

3.5 Other Requirements


4 Appendixes
Appendix A
Use Case Diagram for Manual System

Figure 4-1: Use Case Diagram for Manual System

High level Use Case Diagram

Figure 4-2: High Level Use Case Diagram

Appendix B
Service Provider Management Module

Figure 4-3: Use Case Diagram for Service Provider Management

Author: Ahamed Rashad

Date: 2022/10/03
Version: 1.0
Table 4-1: Service Provider Management - Use Case Narratives

Use-Case Name: Service Provider Management Use-Case Type - Business

Use-Case ID: FT-01 Requirements
Priority: High Priority
Source: Online Form
Primary Business Actor: Service Provider
Other Participating Actors: Admin
Other Interested Stakeholders:
Description: 1. Service Provider Registration
2. Admin verify the Service Provider
3. Service Provider Login
4. Service Provider Edit Profile
5. Service Provider Delete Profile
6. Service Provider Logout
Appendix C
Service Category Management Module

Figure 4-4: Use Case Diagram for Service Category Management

Author: Ahamed Rashad

Date: 2022/10/03
Version: 1.0
Table 4-2: Service Category Management - Use Case Narratives

Use-Case Name: Service Category Management Use-Case Type - Business

Use-Case ID: FT-02 Requirements
Priority: High Priority
Source: Document
Primary Business Actor: Admin
Other Participating Actors: Service Provider
Other Interested Stakeholders: Client
Description: 1. Adding Service category
2. Edit Service category
3. Delete Service category
4. View Service category
Appendix D
Client Management Module

Figure 4-5: Use Case Diagram for Client Management

Author: Ahamed Rashad

Date: 2022/10/03
Version: 1.0
Table 4-3: Client Management - Use Case Narratives

Use-Case Name: Client Management Use-Case Type - Business

Use-Case ID: FT-03 Requirements
Priority: High Priority
Source: Online Form
Primary Business Actor: Client
Other Participating Actors: Admin
Other Interested Stakeholders:
Description: 1. Client Registration
2. Client Login
3. Client Edit Profile
4. Client Delete Profile
5. Client Logout
Appendix E
Booking Management Module

Figure 4-6: Use Case Diagram for Booking Management

Author: Ahamed Rashad

Date: 2022/10/03
Version: 1.0
Table 4-4: Booking Management - Use Case Narratives

Use-Case Name: Booking Management Use-Case Type - Business

Use-Case ID: FT-04 Requirements
Priority: High Priority
Source: Online Request
Primary Business Actor: Client
Other Participating Actors: Service Provider
Other Interested Stakeholders: Admin
Description: 1. Client can Book a Service
2. Service Provider can accept or reject the request
3. Client can cancel the booking before 24 hours
4. Admin, Service Provider and Client can view the
booking schedule
Appendix F
Notification Management Module

Figure 4-7: Use Case Diagram for Notification Management

Author: Ahamed Rashad

Date: 2022/10/03
Version: 1.0
Table 4-5: Notification Management - Use Case Narratives

Use-Case Name: Notification Management Use-Case Type - Business

Use-Case ID: FT-05 Requirements
Priority: Medium Priority
Source: Status
Primary Business Actor: Service Provider, Client
Other Participating Actors: Admin
Other Interested Stakeholders:
Description: 1. Send booking status to Client with Service confirmation
2. Send booking status to Service Provider with Client
Appendix G
Inquiry Management Module

Figure 4-8: Use Case Diagram for Inquiry Management

Author: Ahamed Rashad

Date: 2022/10/03
Version: 1.0
Table 4-6: Inquiry Management - Use Case Narratives

Use-Case Name: Inquiry Management Use-Case Type - Business

Use-Case ID: FT-06 Requirements
Priority: Medium Priority
Source: Online Form
Primary Business Actor: Service Provider, Client
Other Participating Actors: Admin
Other Interested Stakeholders:
Description: 1. Service Provider and Client can inquire any complains
to Admin
2. Admin can view inquiry
3. Admin can reply to the inquiry manually
Appendix H
Report Management Module

Figure 4-9: Use Case Diagram for Report Management

Author: Ahamed Rashad

Date: 2022/10/03
Version: 1.0
Table 4-7: Report Management - Use Case Narratives

Use-Case Name: Report Management Use-Case Type - Business

Use-Case ID: FT-07 Requirements
Priority: Medium Priority
Source: Document
Primary Business Actor: Admin
Other Participating Actors:
Other Interested Stakeholders:
Description: 1. Admin can generate Last month booking details
2. Admin can generate demand services
3. Admin can generate demand service provider
Appendix I
Feedback Rating Management Module

Figure 4-10: Use Case Diagram for Feedback Rating Management

Author: Ahamed Rashad

Date: 2022/10/03
Version: 1.0
Table 4-8: Feedback Rating Management - Use Case Narratives

Use-Case Name: Feedback Rating Management Use-Case Type - Business

Use-Case ID: FT-08 Requirements
Priority: Low Priority
Source: Status
Primary Business Actor: Client
Other Participating Actors: Service Provider
Other Interested Stakeholders: Admin
Description: 1. Client can rate the Service Provider according to his
2. Service Provider can view the rating
Appendix J

Responsibility Matrix
Table 4-9: Responsibility Matrix

Index Number Name Work Done

E2041405 Divyanjali P.L.U.I Chapter 01,Prototype
Interfaces, Proposed
E2041370 Rashad M.I.A Chapter 02, Use case
Narratives, Relational
E2041335 Ishkhan Ahamed I Chapter 03, ER Diagram, Use
case Diagram

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