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WHAT IS LEGAL SECRETARY secretaries to work late to make sure all

paperwork is prepared and ready to go for a

• A legal secretary plays a crucial role in the big case.
everyday workings of a law office. Legal
secretaries require extensive knowledge of LEGAL TERMINOLOGIES
legal proceedings and documentation. It is
• AFFIDAVIT - A written document that
not uncommon for the most experienced
contains evidence that the person making
and high performing legal secretaries to go
the affidavit swears or affirms is true.
on to be promoted to paralegal positions
Affidavits should only contain facts, not
within a law firm.
opinion, not argument and not personal
WHAT DOES A LEGAL SECRETARY DO? comments or attacks. Other documents like
emails, letters, photos and even copies of
• The role of a legal secretary is to support the text messages can be attached to an affidavit
lawyers and paralegals in a law office or as exhibits to support the factual statements
organization. Most legal secretaries converse made in the affidavit. Evidence given to the
directly with attorneys, clerical personnel, court on an application should only be given
courtroom staff members, clients, expert by properly made and filed affidavits.
witnesses and commercial vendors.
• ARGUMENT - Often written down as an
➢ As legal secretaries tend to possess a
outline or even in full paragraphs. If you are
specialized skill set across various computer
going to refer heavily to your written
programs, the tasks which they are
argument, you should make copies of it to
responsible for can range from more
give to the judge and the opposing party to
traditional secretarial jobs such as answering
follow along.
phones and taking messages, to creating
• ATTORNEY - Another word for ‘lawyer’.
detailed spread sheets, presentations, or
• THE BAR - Either an actual metal or wooden
preparing law documents.
horizontal bar or the physical area separating
➢ Legal secretaries have to be extremely
the seats where people sit to observe or wait
organized, sharp, personable, and self-
their turn in front of the judge from the
disciplined, ready for an array of assignments
counsel table.
and able to meet tight deadlines on a daily
• THE BENCH - The place where the judge sits
and overlooks the courtroom.
➢ Legal secretaries must also interact with all
• CHAMBERS - A courtroom in BC Supreme
kinds of people on a regular basis. The kinds
Court where a judge or master hears a
of communication involved in a day's work
variety of applications usually starting with
involve face-to-face, phone, and e-mail
the shortest applications, i.e. 5 minute
communication, and even video
conferencing with clients, lawyers,
• CONSENT ORDER - An order that contains
paralegals, opposing counsel, city officials
terms which all parties have agreed to
and more.
LIKE? • COUNSEL TABLE - The long desk where there
is usually a podium in the middle and space
• Most legal secretaries work in law offices.
on each side for the applicant and
However, they can also be found in
respondent to sit and put their material.
government agencies, corporate legal
departments of companies, and public
interest firms. Legal secretaries can expect a
fast-paced, high-stress work environment
with firm deadlines. It is common for legal
sitting in front of the judge in the courtroom awarded at the end of a trial which represent
(and behind a computer) who is responsible all of the successful party’s reasonable legal
for checking you in at 9:45 a.m., for recording costs.
the proceedings, for handing up material • STAMP - Not the thing that you stick to a
from the litigants to the judge and back letter (remember those?) but a rubber stamp
again, and generally assisting the judge and with the court’s name on it and the date.
the parties with administrative or clerical • SUBMISSIONS - Your presentation or
matters. argument made to the court.
• COURT COSTS - Costs that are usually • SUBPOENA - A document that is served on a
awarded to the successful party after trial witness to require the witness to attend a
based on a scale and on specific amounts set trial to give evidence on a certain day and at
out in a Tariff attached to the Rules of Court. a certain time. A witness who fails to show
• DISBURSEMENTS - Costs that a party will pay up could be found in contempt of court and
to their lawyer for things like photocopying, could be arrested and brought to court if the
faxes, courier charges, filing fees, etc. court issues a “bench warrant”. This does not
• DISCOVERY - This is a term that is used with happen very often.
both productions of documents and • SUMMARY JUDGEMENT - An application
examination of a party by the opposing party, you can make to ask the court to make an
under oath/affirmation and with a court order in your favour based simply on the
reporter transcribing all of the questions and facts in the Notice of Civil Claim or Response
answers for later use. to Civil Claim on the basis that there is no
• FILE, FILED, FILING - Documents that start or actual case against you or there is no defence
respond to a court process, affidavits, and to your claim.
orders are just some of the documents that • SUMMARY TRIAL - A hearing in Supreme
have to be filed with the court before they Court that is normally limited to affidavit
are served or delivered to other parties. evidence and argument from the parties and
• PLEADING - Refers to the Notice of Civil is often a quicker and cheaper way to have
Claim and the Response to Civil Claim and your case decided than going to an actual
Counterclaim. trial where witnesses will give their evidence
• REGISTRAR - A person appointed to sit in live in front of the judge.
special Registrar’s Hearings to decide cases • THIRD PARTY - A person or company
about, for example, lawyer’s fees and the involved in some way in the events or
amount of costs that should be paid by the incidents that lead to the plaintiff suing the
losing party after a trial. defendant.
• REGISTRY - This is where you have to go to • TRIAL LIST - Lists of the court hearings to take
file documents or obtain copies of place at the Courthouse on any particular
documents from a court file. day.
• RULES OF COURT - These govern the • YOUR HONOUR - How you address a Master
procedure that is to be followed, including of the Supreme Court.
how documents are to be prepared, filed,
delivered, the timelines that have to be
• SOLICITOR - Another word for ‘lawyer’. This
is a bit old-fashioned and you won’t hear it
used much in court except perhaps when
people talk about “solicitor-client costs”.


There are three key points here:

1. Although morals and ethics are not precisely

measurable, people generally, have similar
reactions about what actions or conduct can
rightly be called ethical or moral.
2. As humans, we need and value ethical
people and want to be around them.
3. Saying that someone or some organization is
law-abiding does not mean the same as
saying a person or company is ethical. Here
is a cautionary note: for individuals, it is far
from easy to recognize an ethical problem,
have a clear and usable decision-making
process to deal it, and then have the moral
courage to do what’s right.


• There is a difference between legal

compliance and moral excellence. Few would
choose a professional service, health care or
otherwise, because the provider had a
record of perfect legal compliance, or always
following the letter of the law. There are
many professional ethics codes, primarily
because people realize that law prescribes
only a minimum of morality and does not
provide purpose or goals that can mean
excellent service to customers, clients, or
patients. Business ethicists have talked for
years about the intersection of law and
• Simply put, what is legal is not necessarily
ethical. Conversely, what is ethical is not
necessarily legal. There are lots of legal
manoeuvres that are not all that ethical.

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