(S4EL) P1B Sit-Writing Phrases

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Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Sentence Fluency
 Vary sentence beginnings
 Vary sentence length and structure
 Avoid similar beginning and ending sounds

Exercise 1
Look at the example paragraphs below. Can you identify the problem with each
of the paragraphs?
Smoking can put you at risk of getting many health problems. Smoking
can cause heart, lung and psychological problems. Smoking can also make you
nervous and depressed.
Given that your appearance is what you are always concerned about, you
should, all the more, make an effort to give up smoking as it is such a bad habit.
After all, the semll from cigarette smoke does not go away and instead lingers
and stays on on your clothes and skin.
Think of the things you were thinking of getting. Wasting money on
cigarettes is like washing your wish list away.

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Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Transitioning between paragraphs

 Good flow to ease understanding
 Structuring of paragraphs
 Use of transitional words

To add on information
also moreover likewise
besides furthermore similarly
in addition

To show effect/consequence
consequently as a result therefore
thus hence then

To show contrast
However conversely on the other hand
nevertheless nonetheless

To provide evidence
For example For instance

Exercise 2
Look at what you have written for Exercise 1. Now, check the paragraphs and
try to link them up using transitional words and phrases where necessary. You
might find that you have to add information to the paragraphs.

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Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Read the paragraphs below, paying special attention to the underlined words in
bold and the transition of ideas from one paragraph to another.

Being able to sleep well is necessary to build up one’s immunity as the body needs
rest. However, many people today have problems getting a good night’s sleep and
researchers have found that an increasing percentage of the population suffer from
sleep deprivation. As a result, people these days complain about the lack of mental
alertness during the day.

There are many reasons for sleep deprivation. One of them is related to the use of
mobile devices in the bedroom. As mobile devices become part of our daily lives,
research has also found that many people use their devices before they go to bed.
Unfortunately, the blue hue from these devices can trick your mind into waking up at
a time when you need to sleep. In addition, watching videos or playing games before
bed can keep your mind more active than it should be before bed. Consequently, your
sleep suffers.

Para 1: raises issue of ‘sleep deprivation’

Para 2: first sentence, uses ‘sleep deprivation’ again to tie back to Para 1

Exercise 3
Edit the following paragraphs for any errors in the use of language.

another reason for sleep deprivation are the increasing simulating the brain gets
prior to bedtime. For many, working hours is long, and stress or irregular
sleeping times and routines can stimulate the mind before bedtime or preventing
you from getting a good nights’ rest.

for others, the brain might be keep alert from stimulants they consume, like
alcohol and caffeine. Most people were aware of caffeine as a stimulant but
think that alcohol or nightcaps help them to sleep. While alcohol might have a
temporary sedating effect, it has an averse effect on the body’s regular sleeping

Exercise 4
Do a final check of Exercise 2.

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Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Situational Writing Phrases

Proposing Ideas and Comparing Options

1. The _____ is certainly worth considering as...

2. Having thought through/considered the various options/alternatives, I feel that _____
should be adopted.
3. _____'s idea seems the most convincing as it is well thought through and most
comprehensive and detailed.
4. In no uncertain terms, the _____ package is most appropriate for....
5. The _____ idea, is by far, the most feasible and practical....
6. Having considered the merits and demerits of all three proposals. this _____ proposal
is still the most feasible and plausible.
7. Despite the few minor drawbacks/shortcomings/setbacks/limitations, the _____
proposal is still worth considering because...
8. True, the _____ proposal has a few limitations/constraints, but they are outweighed by
the numerous disadvantages/benefits/merits.
9. While the other two _____ have their merits, this _____ is even more
10. creditable...
11. Undeniably, the other two options have their merits/benefits/strengths, but they do
have some serious drawbacks. _____, however, …
12. This _____ idea far surpasses the others in terms of...
13. This _____ is comparatively/relatively more advantages...

Expressing a view

1. I am of the opinion of/view that…

2. I tend to think that…
3. My view/opinion is that…
4. In my opinion/view, …
5. I would recommend /advocate that...
6. I hold the view/opinion that...
7. I am all for...

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Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Expressing disagreement/disapproval

1. I disagree with the view that...

2. I disapprove of that...
3. I reject....
4. I tend/am inclined to reject the...

Informal - Topic Shifters

1. Incidentally, ...
2. That reminds me...
3. As I was saying before, ...

Informal - Conversation Markers

1. As you well know, ...

2. I suppose, …
3. Come to think of it, ...
4. Well, ...
5. Guess what, ...
6. I don’t suppose you've heard of it...
7. Thank goodness...

Informal - Concluding Remarks

1. Do write often
2. Do stay in touch
3. We'll keep in touch
4. Till we meet again
5. Do send my regards to...
6. Don’t forget to write...

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Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

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Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Compiled by Future Academy

Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Compiled by Future Academy

Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Compiled by Future Academy

Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Compiled by Future Academy

Paper 1 Section B O-Level Boot Camp 20-23 June 2023

Source: https://critical-thought.com/situational-writing-formats-o-levels-english/

Compiled by Future Academy

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