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Subject- Verb Agreement

Module in English 7
First Quarter



Department of Education • Schools Division Office of Apayao

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Apayao
Capagaypayan, Luna, Apayao

Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum
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This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division particularly

the Learning Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of
Education, Schools Division of Apayao - CAR which is in response to the
implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education - CID,

Schools Division of Apayao - CAR. It aims to improve learners’ performance
specifically in English.

Date of Development : May 2020

Resource Location : San Francisco National Agricultural & Trade High
School, Luna District, SDO-Apayao, CAR
Learning Area : English
Grade Level :7
Learning Resource Type : Module
Language : English
Quarter/Week : Q1/W1
Learning Competency/Code : Observe correct subject-verb agreement.


The developer would like to express her heartfelt and sincere appreciation to
the following for their support and contribution in making this module:

Wilfreda S. Gamiao, Public Schools District Supervisor of Luna for the

encouragement to come up with a module;

Her husband, Albert C. Llantada and daughters (Aljean Elysza, Aljean

Aeiouxyz) for the inspiration, moral and financial support;

Her fellow teachers who shared their knowledge and technical assistance in
the development of this module; and,

Above all, Our Divine Creator for the wisdom and strength which led to the
realization of this work.



Librarian II Project Development Officer II



Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division


OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent


Copyright Notice …………………………………………………..……...…..…. ii
Preface …………………………………………………………………...…….… iii
Acknowledgement……………………………………………………. …….…... iv
Table of Contents……………………………………………………….……. … v
Title Page…………………………………………………………………………. 1
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. 2
Learning Objectives
Pretest………………………………………………………………….…………. 3-4
Lesson Proper
Review…………………………………………………………………………. 5
Activity 1……………………………………….……………….…………. 5
Discussion of Activity 1……………………………………...…………… 6
Enrichment ……………………………………………………….…………… 7
Activity 1…………………………………………………………………… 7
Assessment 1……………………………………………...……………… 7
Activity 2…………………………………………………………………… 7
Assessment 2………………………………………………...…………… 7
Activity 3…………………………………………………………………… 8
Assessment 3……………………………………………...……………… 8
Generalization …………………………………………………………………… 8
Application ……………………………………………………………….………. 9
Post-Assessment …………………...…………………………………………… 9
Additional Activities……………………………………………….……………… 10
Answer Key………………………………………………………………………. 11
Reference Sheet………………………………………………………………… 12

Subject- Verb Agreement

Module in English 7
First Quarter


What I Need to Know

This module contains activities on subject-verb agreement which is extremely

important for everyone to learn and be familiar at these modern days. Using correct grammar
help other people understand our messages easily and clearly. Moreover, it is a valuable tool
for success in many areas of life such as business. Develop your language skill specifically in
the proper use of subject and verb in a sentence through this module.

For the facilitator:

As the facilitator, be patient and understanding in assisting the learner/s to accomplish
this module. Give clear instructions on how the student goes about the activities. Encourage
the learner/s to finish this module and learn from every task provided. In addition, remind the
learner/s to use separate sheets in answering the activities.

For the learner:

Kindly keep this module neat at all times. Read thoroughly every page and follow the
instructions indicated in every activity. Please answer the activities honestly. Write your
answers in a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to compare your answers with the ANSWER
KEY only after you are done answering all the given tasks. If there are questions, feel free to
ask your teacher, parent or peer who facilitates this module.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Complete sentences using correct subject-verb agreement

2. Identify errors in subject-verb agreement
3. Correct errors in subject-verb agreement

The table below will help you understand the parts of this learning module which you
need to read and undergo the activities.


This contains a brief introduction of
What I need to know the content of the module. It
contains the instructions for the
facilitator and the learner. Also, it
contains the learning objectives
which you need to accomplish.
This is a pre-assessment of what you
What I know know about the lesson you ar to
This connects the current lesson
What’s In with the previous lesson.

This introduces the lesson through

What’ s New an activity.

This contains a brief discussion of
What’s In It the lesson.

These are activities to check your

What’s More understanding of the lesson.

This summarizes the important ideas

What I Have Learned presented in the lesson.

This is a real life application of what

What I Can Do you have learned.

This is a post assessment of what

Assessment you have learned.

This is an activity that will

Additional Activity/ies strengthen your knowledge about the

What I Know
Find out how wide your knowledge is about the lesson in this module. Write the letter
that corresponds to your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Please be patient in answering
all the items. Take note of the items which you were not able to answer correctly for you will
find the correct answers as you go through this module.

1. A. The singer play the ukulele on stage.

B. The singer plays the ukulele on stage.

2. A. Lorna writes to her parents in the province regularly.

B. Lorna write to her parents in the province regularly.

3. A. Basketballs roll across the floor.

B. Basketballs rolls across the floor.

4. A. The rhythm of the pounding waves is calming.

B. The rhythm of the pounding waves are calming.

5. A. The dog strays when the gate is left open.

B. The dog stray when the gate is left open.

6. A. The women who went to the meeting were bored.

B. The women who went to the meeting was bored.

7. A. A can of beans sits on the shelf.

B. A can of beans sit on the shelf.

8. A. The patients need to fight against the disease.
B. The patients needs to fight against the disease

9. A. The dried ipil- ipil leaves are used as fertilizer by the local farmer.
B. The dried ipil-ipil leaves is used as fertilizer by the local farmer.

10. A. The carabaos which the farmer takes care of are strong and industrious.
B. The carabaos which the farmer takes care of is a strong and industrious.

11. A. The farmer under the mango tree is industrious.

B. The farmer under the mango tree are industrious.

12. A. The colors of the rainbow is beautiful.

B. The colors of the rainbow are beautiful.

13. A. A list of technical words which the author wrote is at the end of the book.
B. A list of technical words which the author wrote are at the end of the book.

14. A. A part of the ancestral house belong to her brother.

B. A part of their ancestral house belongs to her brother.

15. A. The school principal visits our classroom every day.

B. The school principal visit our classroom every day.

1A Subject- Verb Agreement

What’s In

Now, you will recall the rules of subject-verb agreement used in sentence writing.

Consider speaking in froni of a big crowd. Some dignitaries are present; politicians,
administrators and others. It happened you committed an error in grammar while delivering
your impromptu speech. How would you feel?

Here are some of the rules on subject-verb agreement which everyone should know
and apply.

Rule Example
1. Subjects and verbs must agree in number.
a. A singular subject takes a singular verb. The baby is very hungry.
b. A plural subject takes a plural verb. The players are tired after the game.
2. Who, that, and which are considered a. One who spends too much
singular or plural according to the noun choosing ends up with cracked
directly in front them? Do not get wares.
confused by the words that come between b. A monkey which is dressed up is
the subject and the verb; they do not affect still a monkey.
agreement. c. Cans that contain nothing are
3. Prepositional phrases between the subject A friend in need is a friend indeed.
and the verb do not affect agreement.

What’s New

After recalling some concepts in subject-verb agreement, you will now study the given
sentences as an introduction for this lesson. Look unto the subject and verb of every sentence

1. Our ancestors were value-oriented people.

2. She is one of the brightest students in the class.
3. He who speaks too much works too little.
4. A study about the CoVID-19 antidote is on-going.

What do you notice about the underlined words? Are they singular or plural? How
about the words in bold letters? Which one is singular and which one is plural?

What’s in It
Can you identify the subject and the verb in a sentence? Do you know which one is
singular and which one is plural? What about a prepositional phrase or a relative phrase or
clause in between the subject and the verb? You will know as you go through this lesson.

In a sentence, there is a subject (the one being talked about) and a verb (word that
links or shows action). Given are examples below.

1. The carpenters are working under the heat of the sun.

subject verb
2. The country girl dances happily in the farm.

Moreover, a sentence should have a subject that agrees with its verb to have a clear
meaning. Let us take sentence no. 1 under What’s new part of this module which illustrates
rule no. 1b (A plural subject takes a plural verb.)

Our ancestors were value-oriented people. (ancestors is a plural subject; were

is a plural verb)

Sentence no. 2 shows rule no. 1a that a singular subject agrees with a singular verb.
Let us take a look at it.

She is one of the brightest students in the class.


Moreover, the sentence no. 3 shows rule no. 2 that a relative phrase/ clause in between
the subject and the verb does not affect the agreement. This means that the verb still follows
the number of the subject of the sentence.

He who speaks too much works too little.

subject relative phrase

While the sentence no. 4 illustrates rule no. 3 that says a prepositional phrase between
the subject and the verb does not affect agreement. Still the verb goes with the number of the
A study about the CoVID-19 antidote is on-going.

subject prepositional phrase

What’s More

In the above discussion, you were able to identify examples of sentences with the
subject and verb, prepositional phrase, and a relative clause in between subject and verb.
Now you are going to check your understanding of the rules you have learned.

Try this! Activity 1: Fill me correctly!

Direction: Fill in with the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject of the
sentences given.

1. Albert ___________ (attend) a seminar about organic agriculture at Baguio City.

2. Parents ___________ (be) advised to attend the quarterly parent-teacher conference.
3. Those cars _____________ (belong) to the richest man in our barangay.
4. They ________ (be) going to the birthday party tomorrow.
5. The bus ________ (is) ready to pick up the players after the game.
6. The children __________ (enjoy) watching telenovelas every night.
7. My friends __________ (watch) a lot in the television this summer.
8. She __________ (is) witnessed the miracle in his life.
9. The flowers in the vase ___________ (be) from my friends.
10. The student with all the master’s degrees ________ (be) very motivated.

Try this! Activity 2: Identify Me!

Direction: Write S if the verb used in the following sentences is correct, if not write V.
1. Shiela have to go to the clinic for her monthly prenatal check-up.
2. The projects of the government are successfully implemented.
3. Teachers need to undergo trainings and seminars about online learning.
4. Her stay in the province for a month were enjoyable and worth remembering.
5. Working mothers wishes for special leave of absence.
6. The members of the Glee Club practice daily for the play.
7. The basketball game which we are waiting is postponed tomorrow.
8. The students has to be on time to all their classes.
9. The examinees were focused during the test.
10. The little girl who is wearing a red dress is my niece.

Try This!
Activity 3: Choose which one

Direction: Read each sentence and choose the correct verb in the parenthesis to complete the
given sentences.
1. We (is, are) excited for the family vacation in Baguio City next week.
2. Maryjane (has, have) a lot of household chores to do after school.
3. The Teng brothers (is, are) good basketball players.
4. The coach (was, were) upset when the team failed to win the game.
5. The students who work hard on their school projects and activities (get, gets) high
6. The survey about enrolment (shows, show) a rapid increase this year.
7. The manager’s secretary (has, have) finished typing her report.
8. The movie about survival (take, takes) two hours to watch.
9. The leaders of other countries (help, helps) the Philippines to combat the pandemic.
10. They (go, goes) to church every Sunday.

What I Have Learned

In this activity, you will answer an activity to check your understanding about the
lesson you have learned.

Direction: Write C if the sentence is correct, X if it is not correct and then write the correct
1. She answer the question assigned to her.
2. My husband fails to feed the pigs at times.
3. Authorities strategizes to have better learning results of the learners.
4. The drama queen lives a simple life behind camera.
5. Laborers expect for higher wage rates next month.
6. Pregnant women are not allowed to stay out due to the pandemic.
7. The young man who delivered bags of cement is from Cagayan.
8. The teacher inside the classroom are friendly and kind.
9. Cheating is not a mistake. It is a choice.
10. The student sleeps during her classes.

What I can Do

How did you find the previous activities? Were they easy or difficult? In the next
activity, you are to construct sentences correctly based on real life experiences you have.

Imagine you are in Baguio City for a week-long vacation. Write at least ten (10) sentences
about it considering the rules of subject verb agreement learned.

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the lesson, you are now ready to do the
following assessment activity.

Direction: Choose which sentence is correct considering subject-verb agreement.

1. A. Mary’s brother eats a lot in the birthday party.
B. Mary’s brother eat a lot in the birthday party.

2. A. The slaughter of dogs for their meat are against the law.
B. The slaughter of dogs for their meat is against the law.

3. A. The children collects pebbles along the seashore.

B. The children collect pebbles along the seashore.

4. A. My mother makes an excellent native delicacy.

B. My mother make an excellent native delicacy.

5. A. The teacher observe the students while they work in class.

B. The teacher observes the students while they work in class.

6. A. The opinion of people vary from time to time.

B. The opinion of people varies from time to time.

7. A. The students from remote areas have to walk distant kilometers going to school.
B. The students from remote areas has to walk distant kilometers going to school.

8. A. A mother who thinks of her children’s welfare is loved and cared at all times.
B. A mother who thinks of her children’s welfare are loved and cared at all times.

9. A. Face to face learning is not encouraged during a viral pandemic.

B. Face to face learning are not encouraged during a viral pandemic.

10. A. Learners with back subjects is not allowed to enroll in a higher year level.
B. Learners with back subjects are not allowed to enroll in a higher year level.

11. A. A single mother who works hard for her child is worth-loving.
B. A single mother who works hard for her child are worth-loving.

12. A. Relatives with high social status has to extend help to the poor ones.
B. Relatives with high social status have to extend help to the poor ones.

13. A. Perfumes sold in the market varies in price.

B. Perfumes sold in the market vary in price.

14. A. Technological gadgets are not allowed in schools.

B. Technological gadgets is not allowed in schools.

15. A. A person who came from a place with positive cases has to undergo quarantine.
B. A person who came from a place with positive cases have to undergo quarantine.

Additional Activity
This is an activity that will reinforce your knowledge about the lesson.

Direction: Write the most appropriate verb in the following sentences.

1. Romeo ____ (be) required to read in our English class.
2. The insects on the plants _______ (be) sprayed.
3. The teachers in our school _______ (be) having a meeting.
4. The problem at the wedding ______ (be) ventilation.
5. The man who sells fruits and vegetables _____ (be) moved to the city.
6. His birthday wish ______ (be) a happy and contented life on earth.
7. The young entrepreneur _______ (think) for a successful business.
8. Job order workers _______ (face) life difficulty at this time of a pandemic.
9. My daughters ________ (be) watching cartoon movies.
10. Students in the cities ________ (be) stranded during the lockdown.

Pre-assessment What I Have Learned
1. B 1. X
2. A 2. C
3. A 3.X
4. A 4.C
5. A 5.C
6. A 6.C
7. A 7.C
8. A 8.X
9. A 9.C
10. A 10.C
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. A
What’s More Assessment
Activity 1 1.A
1. attends 2.B
2. are 3.B
3. belong 4.A
4. are 5.B
5. is 6.B
6. enjoy 7.A
7. watch 8.A
8. has 9.A
9. are 10.B
10. is 11.A
Activity 2 13.B
1. V 15.A
2. S
3. S Additional Activity
4. V
5. V 1. is
6. S 2.were
7. S 3.are
8. V
9. S 5.has
10. S
Activity 3 8.face
1. are 10.were
2. has
3. are
4. was
5. get
6. shows
7. has
8. takes
9. help
10. go
Answer Key

Creencia, Cherry Rose P. and Eden C. Gomez. Skillbook In English IV. Quezon City,
Souvenir Publications, Inc., 2002.
English 7 Learners’ Material pp. 29-30.

Subject for Copyright Evaluation

For inquiries or feedback, please write or email:

Department of Education - Schools Division of Apayao

Capagaypayan, Luna, Apayao
Email Address:

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