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DocuSign Envelope ID: F95529D9-C852-49DA-9CF4-618E29F6A757 THIS IS A COPY The

Authoritative Copy of this record is held at www.docusign.net BOOTCAMP is Rithm

School This text is dummy TRAINING COURSE is Coding Bootcamp This text is dummy
GRADUATION DATE is 12/15/2023 This text is dummy BORROWER: LENDER: Brianna Tran
FinWise Bank DATE: 06/20/2023 756 East Winchester, ADDRESS: Suite 100 4026
Cloverfield Court Murray, UT 84W107 San Jose, CA 95121 GRADUATION DATE TRAINING
COURSE BOOTCAMPE Income TOTAL The are borrowing. total $21,000.00 LOAN Share amount
AMOUNT Loan you (“ISL”) & The of Qualified INCOME Estimated your fixed P future
9.50% SHARE percentagYe Monthly Total RATE Costs The of ISL FINANCE financing could
Up maximum to cost V $10,500.00 CHARGE cost you amount I this The cumulative
Monthly TOTAL maximum $31,500.00 Payments OF amount PAYMENTS this of all Key
Minimum Income Threshold $40,000.00 $3,333.33 month ISL C yr Terms / / Grace O 1
month Period Monthly Payment. Maximum Monthly Payments Your 48 payments Payment
Term OR Multiple Payment $31,500.00 Ends Upon Cap the OR Implied Cap Earliest
Implied 21.00% this APR of: APR disclosure. OR Maximum Payment Period 96 months You
are required The time after you You will make Payments end Payments end if Payments
end to make complete your Monthly if the the cumulative this many Monthly Training
Course Payments indexed cumulative total of all months after the Gross Income used
to beyond the Total Loan ISL could cost you calculate your Amount. according to the
terms of

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