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The objective of chronotherapy is to optimize medical treatments taking into account the body's circadian rhythms.

Chronotherapy is
referred to and practiced in two different ways: (1) to alter the sleep–wake rhythms of patients to improve the sequels of several pathologies;
(2) to take into account the circadian rhythms of patients to improve therapeutics

According to the current research evening administration of antihypertensive medications resulted in improved blood pressure control and
decreased risk of cardiovascular events compared to morning administration

Furthermore, experimental models have shown that the dosing time of over 30 oncology medications affects their efficacy and toxicity by
more than 50%,risk of venous thromboembolism, were increased in women who took raloxifene in the morning, not evening.

Chronotherapy is a relatively new method of treatment that is based on the premise that administering medications at different times of the
circadian cycle will minimize side effects and maximize therapeutic effects,
Studies in mice and rats have shown that the tolerability of 30 different drugs for cancer varied by as much as 50% depending on the time of
administration in relation to the circadian rhythm, and the dose could be increased at certain times without increasing side effects.

The rhythm of the immune system of cancer patients has also been examined to determine if timing of medications might affect
outcome.Chronobiologic infusion of floxuridine has been shown to result in low toxicity.

Contraindications are patient characteristics that may suggest that a patient is at an increased risk of experiencing poor outcomes with a
given intervention that may be best avoided when those factors are present. 19 Contraindications may be related to age, gender, obesity,
smoking status, general health, systemic, psychiatric, or genetic comorbidities, medication use, personal preferences, or a variety of other

Patients with gout have multiple comorbid conditions.

 Patients with gout frequently have contraindications to acute and chronic gout medications.
 •Therapeutic decisions should be based on individualized risks and benefits.
 •Potential adverse effects may be averted with heightened clinician and patient education.

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