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Declaration of Academic Integrity

Please fill in the required information and sign to indicate that you have read and accepted the
following statements. Your assignment will not be accepted without this declaration.
By listing my/our name(s) and signing below, I/we confirm that:
1. I have read and understood the University Code of Conduct, including the information on practices
concerning academic integrity and that in the attached coursework submission, I have worked
within its expectations.

2. I have read and understood the peer evaluation guidelines and that in the attached coursework
submission, I have worked within its expectations.

3. I am aware that failure to act in accordance with the University Code of Conduct may lead to the
imposition of penalties which may include the requirement to revise and resubmit an assignment,
receiving a lower grade, or receiving an F grade for the assignment; suspension from the University
or termination of my candidature.

4. I consent to the University copying and distributing any or all of my work in any form and using
third parties to verify whether my work contains plagiarised material, and for quality assurance

I also declare that I have fully and properly in accordance with the assignment instructions
(tick where appropriate):

☐ Not used Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) assistance in any way in the development or
generation of this assignment

☐ Used GAI as permitted to assist in generating key ideas only

☐ Used GAI to refine syntax and grammar for correct language submission only

I also declare that I have:

a. Fully and honestly submitted the digital paper trail required by assignment instructions; and that
b. Wherever GAI assistance has been employed in the submission in word or paraphrase or
inclusion of a significant idea or fact suggested by the GAI assistant, I have acknowledged this
by a footnote; and that,
c. Apart from the foregoing notices, the submission is wholly my own work.

Tutorial Group _________ Cluster/Table ___________

Student name(s) and signature(s):

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