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Do you know something about robots?
A: I afraid I don’t know the first thing about robots. I have seen some sci-fi movies about robots but
that’s about it. That wraps up my knowledge about them.
Did you like any film that has robots in it when you was a child ?
A:yes, of-course . Doraemon is one of my favorite film about robots that I have seen when I was
young. It talks about a daily life of clumsy boy named nobita with his friend a robot cat named
Doraemon. Doraemon is the robot that come from the future, he has a lot of magical stuff like magical
door, which can lead you to other places. When I was a child I always desire to have magical stuff of
Do you use robot in your daily life?
A: No really. I mean there are a lot of machine in my house which work automatically. They help me a
lot in daily life but I’m afraid I can not refer them as robots
Will you be comfortable if you are in a car driven by a robot?
A: To be honest, I don’t think so. I mean, I’m even not comfortable when sitting in a car driven by a
stranger human, let a lone a robot. But I believed that in the future, technology will become too
advance to the point where human drivers are not needed anymore, anyway, I still prefer the way
they are now.
2. Geography:
1. How do you feel about geography ?
A: I think geography is quite fascinating. I’m into discovering the evolution of our planet,human beings
and other species. Moreover, geographic lessons at school always keep me on the edge of my seat
and make me stay focused on it. Listening to all the geographical facts or dealing with the charts and
data, which is really like an eye-opener.

2. Do you think learning geographic knowledge is useful for you?

A: Yes, I think so. It must be useful as it is one of core subjects in school curriculum. You know that,
Studying geography help me to know more about the nature phenomenon, culture of other countries
and the location of many countries. It help me expand my horizon.

3. Have you ever studied geography at school ?

A: Absolutely yes. Geography is one of core subjects in my school curriculum. Unlike History, learning
Geography is more fascinating because you can discover some interesting facts, traditions and
customs of countries and continents or find out the causes of some natural phenomena.

4.Would you visit a country because of its geographical location?

A: Yes, since I’m a curious person, I always want to set foot in new places, especially somewhere with
the spectacular scenery.

3. Helping other:
1.Do you usually help people around you?
Well, it depends on who I’m gonna help. If they are important to me like my family members or my
best friend, I always try my best to help them. But they are just a stranger or someone not close to
me, if I’m happy I will glad to help them, if my mood is bad, I won’t. because when I’m sad, I’m kinda

2. How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family, and friends?
A:There are numerous ways to help them, such as helping classmates with their studies,doing
housework with my mother, or just taking care of my sibling when they need.

3. Do your parents teach you how to help others?

A: definitely yes, I mean all parents want their kid to be supportive but They also told me that I just
need to be helpful with our family. This is because if I’m too nice, others might take advantage of me.

4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
A: well, obviously yes. I’m a clumsy person so when I was a child, my parent helped me a lot. For
example, wearing cloth for me. Moreover, they gave their valuable time by listening, suggesting and
supporting or even taking care of my emotional aspects when I am sad
4. Gift:
1. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?
A: Definitely not. I am a clumsy person so making a handmade gift is not my thing , moreover, I’m
afraid that when I send a handmade gift to my friends but they don’t like it that will break my heart
and make me down in the dump.
2. How to choose a gift?
A: Depends on who they are. If they are just a normal friend or someone is not important, we just
need buy random things in gift store. But if they are some one that is important, like my parent or my
best-friend or my crush, I will definitely choose a meaningful gift for they like something they need or
something they like
3. Can you share an experience of giving a special gift to someone?
Well, 3 months ago was my mother birthday, so I gave her a special gift. You know that, I’m just a
student and don’t earn money, so I had saved money for a year to buy her a necklace. I know that she
like it, but she always act like “ oh. Don’t be silly honey, don’t waste money to buy gifts for me, all i
need is you” whenever I try to give her something. Yeah, she always sacrifice for us unconditionally.
5. Fish and fishing:
1. Is fishing popular in your country?
A: well it’s not my thing but from my observation, fishing is a prevalent pastime activity in my
country. I guess it’s appealing not only because it’s cheap but also a good way to practice patience.
2. Do you like eating fish?
A: not really! I mean I’m not really a picky eater but I just hate fish. I can not stand the fishy smell of it,
not to mention the fact that you can easily choke on a fish bone if you’re not careful enough. It kind of
spoils the experience. Fish dishes is not appealing to me at all.
3. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?
A:can I say it’s the market? Because unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to visit any aquarium, so I
wish I can do it soon. Fish is a popular and common food in my country so I can find fish in any kind of
market, not only seafood market.
4. Have you watched the TV program about fish?
A: I have to tell you that program about fish is not popular in my country. I mean I used to watch
some TV programs about the ocean when I was a child, but I feel it is not fascinating so I no longer
watch it.
6. Films
1. What films do you like?
A: actually, I’m not keen on watching film. I used to watch TV series with my family when I was young
but when I grow up I don’t like watching film anymore. I prefer watching a short video on tiktok about
2-3 minutes than a movie that lasts for 2-3 hours. I know that tiktok has a negative affect on me, it
make me cannot concentrate on somethings for too long. By the way, I often watching review film on
tiktok. It’s a short video that overview all plot in a film so I can understand the movie without
spending a lot of time on it
2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?
A: definitely yes. I mean who doesn’t right. When I was a kid, I was so obsessed with watching film. I
even forgot to do my homework when watching film. One of my favorite film was “ boys over
flowers”, it talks about a super rich guy fall in love in with a poor girl. Omg, you know what, I have
been dreaming to have a romantic love like the couple in movie. But I know that it will never come
3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
A: my mother didn’t like me to go to the cinema when I was young. She always said “ why you have to
go to the cinema, we already have a television at home, don’t be wasting like that, we’re not rich”.
that’s kinda funny right ? but it made me sad a lot, because when ever my friend invite me to go to
the cinema with them, I always have to deny them, that’s the reason why I don’t have a lot of friends
in secondary school.
4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
A: because when I was young, I don’t have ability to go to the cinema, so when I’m in university, I
move to another city, it’s a free period my life, I often go out with my friends and of course, I go to the
cinema quite often, the first time I went to the cinema, I was shock because the screen in cinema is
big, it make me feel like I’m in the movie
5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?
A: may be yes. Because cinema is one of the ideal place for hanging out with friends. After watching a
movie, you will have a lot topic to gossip with friends. Cinema is considered like a go-to place
whenever we don’t know where we should go.
7. Tea or Coffee
1. What do you prefer, tea or coffee?
A: unlikely most Vietnamese teenager who are addicted to coffee. I am a dedicated tea enthusiast,
especially green tea. I love tea due to its taste, it might be bitter at first sip, but then you will feel the
sweet taste in your mouth. Moreover, having a cup of iced tea in the hot weather can slake my thirst.
2. What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?
A: well, the adult like my parent, they often prepare tea for their guess. On the other side, the
teenager like me, we usually go to cafe to gossip with our guess. It’s more convenient than preparing
3. When was the last time you drank coffee or tea?
A: the last time I drank tea was 2 hours ago, you know that, I have to go to this place very early so
when waiting for checking, I was so thirsty, and I decided to buy a cup of iced tea to slake my thirst.
Drinking tea not only slake my thirst but also make me feel calm down
8. Musical instruments
1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? Why?
A: Piano is my favorite instrument, although I don’t really know how to play it, I like hearing its sound
because it is melodious, tuneful. When I was young, if my memory serve me right, I was 5 years old
and my mom used to buy me piano toy and teach me how to play the basic song. And I still know how
to play that song now.
2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
A: yeah. I used to learn how to play a piano when I was five years old, firstly, my mom bought me a
piano toy and I liked playing it so much, so my mom let me engage in a piano class. But then I was lazy
didn’t want to practice it everyday so I don’t learn it anymore.
3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
A: Yes, I think it's a great skill and it's really enjoyable to be able to play a musical instrument. All
children should have opportunity to learn that skill at school.
4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?
A: I think play an instrument without the guide of teachers is quite difficult because you don’t have
any knowledge about this instrument and don’t know what to do and how to correct your mistakes.
But with someone who have talent in playing instrument, I think they may not need guide of teacher.
9. Quiet place
1. Are there many quiet places in your city?
Well, now I’m currently residing in HCM city, which is a bustled city, so it is impossible to have quite
places in my city.
2. Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone?
A: I think most people want to be alone as they want to escape from the chaos of their life. Moreover,
an introvert like me, I sometimes need to be alone because I want to recharge my batteries. If I have
to be in some place has too many people like in the party, I will need a quiet place to be calm down.
3. Is there much noise around your home?
A: well, yeah. I live in the district 10, one of the central district in HCM city, and you know that, there
are a lot of noise like the honk vehicles or student talk with each other, and the first time when I
moved here, I have to force myself to adapt to that noise.
4. Does this noise affect you in any way?
A: oh yes, when I first lived in HCM city, I couldn’t sleep because I’m quite sensitive with the noise, but
then, when I totally adapt the lifestyle in here, it seem to be not a big problem.
5. Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?
I’m not sure. I think it is true to say that there are a lot of noise in big city like HCM city, but with the
town like my hometown, it is still peaceful and suitable for relax, so I think it depend on where do you
6. Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?
A: of course I don’t. I’m quite sensitive with noise, when I have to stay in somewhere too noisy in a long
time, I will have a headache. Further more, I can not concentrate on something if the surrounding is too

7. Is making noise one of people’s rights?

A I think people have a right to talk and make noise, but it must depend on the time and place. I mean
they can make noise in the park or the cafe shop, but they cannot make noise in the library or in the
temple. And they need to avoid to make noise after 10 p.m because their neighbor also need to take a
10. Science
1. When did you start to learn science?
Well I started learning science since I was in secondary school. I have to tell u the truth that I
completely bad at subjects related to science like chemistry or biology. Because when I was in
secondary and hight school, I’m only allowed to learn theory lesson but not doing experiment in the
lab. You know that, science subjects are very difficult to remember without experiment.
2. What is your favorite science subject?
Like I have said, none of them is my favorite subject. I find hard to understand them. And when I was
in high school, my performance in science subject are pretty bad, and teachers seem to dislike me. So
it make me hate their subject more.
3. Is there any technology that you think is helpful in daily life?
Of course yes. I think internet is quite useful in my daily life. It helps me lot in study and communication
with my family. Like, I can search the information for my study on the internet, or I can video call with my
parents when I miss them
4. Do you think science classes are important?
Yes, I think science play vital role in the development of society so science classes must be important,
and I want school will allow student to practice more in the lab, not only studying theory lesson.
11. Public transport
1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
I think motorbikes are the popular transports in my country. Motorbike is easy to use and also flexible
in the small road.
2. How often do you take buses?
Well, actually not much. Because my rental room is quite near my university so I mostly walk to my
school. But sometime, when I need to go to somewhere pretty far like going back to my hometown, I
sometimes use buses.
3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?
Uhm I think they’re both advantage. I mean they’re are both beneficial when you travel to the far
destination. But in my opinion. Trains are more advantage than planes because the price of plane
ticket is higher, and it also depends on weather, while the price of trains ticket is more affordable and
it doesn’t depends on the weather.
4. Is driving to work popular in your country?

12. Chatting
1. Do you often chat with friends?
Definitely yes. I mean who doesn’t right. I have 2 besties who I always reach out to whenever I get a
problem. I have to tell you that we talk with each other almost every time like during the school
breaks, in our extra classes, or even via Facebook. But we still feel it is not enough.
2. Do you prefer to chat online or face to face?
A: I prefer both. It depends on who I’m gonna chat with. If they are a stranger or a guy who I first
match on Tinder, I just want chat with them on the internet, I am little bit shy when I have to talk with
someone whom I don’t know. But if they are my besties, of course I want to chat with them face to
3. Do you prefer group chat or individual chat?
A: actually, I like to chat with individual rather than a group. I mean I afraid when I chat with a group
but they ignore me, and it make me be down in the dumps. I’m kinda sensitive person.
13. Running
1. Do you go running a lot?
A: well. Actually I’m a sedentary person and my physical health is not good so I don’t often go
running. I prefer have a jogging than running because running make me exhausted. I remember that
when I was in physical education class, I had to run 2 round in my school yard and after running, I felt
like cant breath.
2. Where do you usually like to run?
A: I don’t really like running, but if I have to, I choose somewhere that has a fresh air and shaded area
like in the park or near the lake. Who want to run under the hot temperature right, it will make me
exhausted and I don’t want it
3. What do you think of running?
A: I think running is quite good for our health if we do it frequently, and combine with a balance diet.
Gradually, you will feel that it improve your health a lot
14. Map
1. Do you often use map?
A: In the development society like nowadays, most people don’t use paper maps like the day before,
unless they are learning geography. Me either. I don’t use map, but I normally take advantage of
google map- an online application app on my phone, when I don’t know the position of a road in my
2. What is the difference between mobile maps and paper maps?
There are enormous differences between mobile maps and paper maps. A:Firstly, you can search for a
place in just a minute with electronic maps which paper maps can not do it. Secondly, an electronic
map can tell you the current traffic flow so that you can steer clear of the terrible traffic congestion.
The last one is that it can position you and guide you to your destination more quickly as compared to
a conventional paper map.
3. Who taught you how to use maps?
A: At school, my geography teachers sometimes instruct students to read a map, but not in a detailed
way I think. When I was a child, I asked my parents about the symbols on the map and tried to learn
them by heart, which gave me a lot of fun.
4. Are you good at reading map?
A: Honestly, my sense of direction is not very good, I used to use Google maps to search for a route
but still got lost. However, I would rather seek help from local people which is sometimes more
reliable and accurate.

16. Volunteer (Charity)

5. 1. Do you ever give money to charity? / Have you ever done any volunteer work?
A: Yes,I definitely do! Although I don’t have a lot of money, I always want to help the poor people
around me. Besides money, I also donate food, rarely used clothing, shoes, household items, etc. The
list is endless.
6. Why many people want to volunteer?
A: Well, there are a lot of reasons why people choose to volunteer their time and energy to help
others. Some people volunteer because they have a personal connection to the cause they are
supporting, while others volunteer simply because they want to help make their community better.
Whatever the reason, volunteering is a great way to give back and make a positive impact on the lives
of others.
7. Would you like to work as a volunteer?
A: Actually no. I don’t really like to do volunteer,
8. What could you do to help if you had no money?
A: There are various thing that I can do to help other people. To elaborate, I could donate food, rarely
used clothing, shoes, household items, et cetera… to citizen who live in remote areas. We can help
others by many ways, not only donating money.
17. Clothing
1.What's your favorite color of clothes?
A: I like most colors, but my most favorite colors to wear are black and white because these two
colors are classic and versatile, and they are easy to match with other accessories.
2.What kind of clothes do you never wear?
A: Well I could come up with some, for example T-shirts with large brand signs. I don’t like
clothes that a lot of people wear. I also wouldn’t wear clothes made from nylon fabric to protect
the environment.
3.What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
A: Well it depends on the weather for me. In summer, I like to wear ripped jeans or short shorts
and a shirt or crop top with a light jacket. But in winter, I would wear an oversized hoodie on
top of a shirt.
4.Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?
A: No. I don’t. I have two sections in my wardrobe. While one section of clothes is reserved for
weekday wear that includes formal office wear, the weekend wear constitutes casual and party
18. Health
1. How do you keep healthy?
A:Personally, I would say there are numerous way to keep healthy like doing the exercise, eating
healthy, sleep enough,… but because I’m sedentary person, so I rarely do the exercise. However, I still
keep my body healthy by avoiding drink alcohol and smoke cigarette, drinking enough water
2. What are your favorite sports?
A: ohm actually I’m a an inactive and sedentary person so I don’t really like any kinds of sport. When I
was in primary school, I used to play badminton, but when I grow up, badminton is not appealing to
me at all.

3. Are there health classes in your school?

No, actually. From primary school through high school, I don't recall taking any health-related
classes because our school prioritized academics. What a loss!

4. What sports help people stay healthy?

Each sport possesses its ability to help us maintain good health in different ways. The sport you
choose depends on your state of health. Before going to play sport, you should carefully consider
which sport is really good for you and can provide a lot of fun as well as maintain a healthy condition.

19. Language
1. What languages can you speak?
I can speak both Vietnamese and English. Might be my English is not too excellent , but it is enough
for me to have a conversation with you. Further more, I have a plan to study Chinese after I got an
ielts certificate. Because in globalization like nowadays, languages are quite important, you must have
to know many languages to compete with others in the work.
2. What languages would you like to learn in the future?
A: like I have said, I am gonna study Chinese as the third language. China is the country that have the
most population in the world. For example, one fifth population in the world speak Chinese, so you
want to communicate with others when travel, you have to know both English and Chinese.
3. How do you learn a foreign language?
A: I mostly learn at school and from social media. I have to learn English when I was in first grade, but
to tell the truth, I quite hate English at that time due to its difficult grammar. Like, you have to put the
s after the noun if they are more than 1, like 1 apple, 2 apples. While the verb, you have to put the “s”
if it subject is singular, like I dance, they dance but he dances ? Does he dance more than me ? nah, I
don’t think so.
4. How are languages taught and learned in your school?
Well, most student in Vietnam learn English pretty soon, their parent force them to study foreign
language in their first grade, but they don’t learning English through hearing and speaking, they
mostly learn English through writing and reading, that the reason why some student learn English
when they were young but they still don’t know how to speak, they only good at grammar. What’s a
20. Dream and ambition
1. How long can you remember your dream when you wake up?
A: Well, it usually lasts for few minutes. I usually talk with my friends immediately about the dream I
had last night but I can’t recall any details after that.
2.Do you like hearing others dream?
A: Yes. Sometimes you can gain insight into the person (hiểu ai đó) who tells the dream because
sometimes dreams reflect some kind of reality.
3. Do you think dream will affect life?
Answer: I don’t think so. Dreams while sleeping just indicate poor sleeping quality, but I do
think that dreams have special meanings.
4.Do you often have dream at night?
Answer: I don’t think I usually dream at night because I always sleep like a rock every night. If I have
dream, I immediately forget it after I wake up
5. Have you had a bad dream before?
Answer: Yes. I dreamt about how I performed poorly when I was sitting the finals and it turned
out to be one of worst nightmares I’ve ever dreamt.
6. What was the strangest dream you have had?
Answer: Well, the strangest dream I’ve had was travelling from VN to the US by cycling. It
took me just over 4 days to make it to the States and I was quite disappointed when I woke up.
To be honest, I do want more of this kind of strange dreams.
7. What do you usually dream about?
Answer: I usually dream about what happened in the daytime. For example, during the exam
week, I even take exams in my dreams. It’s like an endless nightmare.
20. Ice cream
1. Do you love ice cream?
Yes, I do like ice cream, especially something that is peanut butter flavoured or caramel
flavoured. If it has chocolate, then it’s a bonus too.

2. Did you often eat ice cream when you were a child?
Yes. of course. Ice cream is one of my favourite desserts since my childhood. Especially
when I was around 13 years old, I almost ate ice-cream every day. For me at that time, a
day without ice cream was like a day without sunshine.

3. Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?
Well, actually there are no dedicated ice cream stores around my house. However, there
are some local supermarkets near there which offer a limited selection of ice cream brands
and flavors.

21. Concentration
1. What do you need to be focused?
A: Well, I think there are certain ways that keep myself always fixated on a
task. I would normally set aside a specific time and place and request to be left alone for a period of
time. Another alternative for me is to seek out a quiet location where I know I will be able to work

2. What might distract you when you are trying to stay focused?
A: Well, there are many things.I sometimes abandon a task because I am disturbed
by either a noise or sound, or other thoughts creeping into my mind suddenly.

3. What do you do to help you concentrate?

A: Whenever my work requires complete concentration, I played the finger
gyroscope for about 5 minutes to be mentally well-prepared to undertake the task. All you need to do
when playing this toy is holding the spinner in one hand and the other hand spinning rapidly using
small continuous strikes with indefinite practice. What really amazes me is that it keeps rotating for a
long time and seems to go on non-stop. All my vision is captivated by this little instrument.

4. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

A: For a very long period of time, I suffered great concentration issues and
was not able to focus on one thing for a long period of time. Until now, my focus capacity has become
sharper as I have been trying different ways to concentrate on my important work. The key here
is to prioritize and carry out your task in order with absolute commitment.

22. Fixing things

1. Do you like to fix things? (Why/Why not?)
Depends on the item, the cost, the age (if has running parts) as well as time and if I know
how to do it. If I can easily fix them, I always do. However, for electronic gadgets, fixing
things can often cost more and take more time and effort than just replacing them. In that
case, I’m sorry to say, I’ll just replace them.

2. Who taught you how to fix things when you were young?
I learned that from my father who it seemed was always fixing something broken or worn

3. What do you think is broken and cannot be repaired should be?

When you have to replace something, it is because replacement parts are not available or
cost more than a completely new assembly. For example, If I break headphones, chances
are I’m going to replace them.

23. Friends
1. Do you have many close friends?
I have only one friend I would confide in. I’m quite picky and more importantly, I have a
somewhat irrational fear that none of my friends really like me and that I'm just a guy they
can barely tolerate and it is hard for me to live in harmony with them.

2. Do you think friendship is important?

There is no doubt that friendships play a vital role in our life. They make our lives interesting
and wonderful. They help us develop a sense of sharing whether they are tangible things or
just inspirational or motivational words of wisdom.

3. Which do you prefer to spend time with: a friend or spend time alone?
It depends. Normally, I'm more of a loner and generally spend more time in solitude than
with friends. But when I’m in a bad mood, loneliness makes me feel isolated from the whole
world. These days, I will hang out with my friends so that sad and unhappy thoughts cannot
come into my mind.
4. What kind of people do you like to have as friend?
I find myself attracted to people who are honest and who know how to behave with others.
I always avoid making friends with people who have a superiority complex.

5. Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?

Actually I like to talk with cyber friends more than having real-world conversations. I think
others observe me a lot, they judge me and hence I become very self conscious and shy
away from speaking face to face.

6. Are most of your friends from school or from outside school?

Most of my friends are from high school. People who I met at work or from clubs have less
in common with me, whereas at Uni we all shared interests in the same things and subjects
7. How often do you meet with your friends?
When I was younger, I used to meet my friends almost everyday. Even friends outside of
school were a part of my daily social interactions. But now, as a 23 year old working
professional, I barely meet anyone during weekdays. I meet my closest friends only on some
weekends. These meetups are sporadic too.

8. What do you and your friends do together?

My closest friends and I have a mutual interest which is we always have a thirst for clothes
shopping, so whenever we have time, we will go shopping together until we break the
bank. Sometimes when we are out of money, just window shopping is enough.

9.How do people in your country meet others and make friends?

I don't think it particularly matters what country you're from. In every country, you can
make friends just by sitting next to someone a few times during class, then a friendship
logically happens. Otherwise, you can make cyber friends through social networks like
Facebook or Twitter.

10. Do adults and children make friends in the same way?

Adults use self disclosure to develop trust and loyalty among friends. This is quite
complicated in practice while children usually use common interests and goals as the basis
of their friendships. More importantly, kids have a whale of time with whoever, but adults
have to use their time for work and taking care of their family.566

11. Do you think it is possible to become real friends with people you meet on the
Of course it is possible to establish real friendships with someone online. What you need in
a friendship is truthfulness, reliability, empathy, respect and loyalty. If you're getting all
that from your online friends then you can consider them as genuine friends.

23. Teachers
1. Do you like any teacher of yours?
A: Yes, I do. Throughout my academic life, I was instructed by many lovely teachers whom I love and
respect a lot. Among them, the person who inspired me the most is my English major teacher in my
high school.
2. Do you still keep in touch with your teachers?
Well, after high school graduation, I still contact my English teacher from time to time. Besides, on
special occasions like the Tet holiday or Teacher’s day, I still visit them with my friends to express our
3. Do you think it’s important to like your teacher?
A: Of course yes. When you have a good relationship with your teachers, you may find their way of
teaching more understandable. Most importantly, you will feel more motivated in studying and in the
end perform academically better when you feel deeply attached to your teachers.
4. Do you want to be a teacher?
A: No. It is not up my alley because I don’t think I have ability and skills to shape the young minds. To
elaborate, be a teacher, you are required many virtues, such as patient, good personality, and calm. I
admire people who are teachers, but I don’t wanna be a teacher. That job is not suitable with my
5. What qualities should a good teacher have?
A: To be a good teacher, beside knowledge there are many virtues that are required, such as patient,
calm, good personality, diligent and highly discipline. Moreover, if they want their students love them,
they should be a friendly and funny teacher.
7.Do you remember all your teachers
A: well to be honest, not really. Only the most memorable ones. Those are the teachers who either
clearly favored me or hate my guts. For those whom we were on good terms, I don’t remember them.
8. Do you think teachers should get angry at student?
A: Absolutely not. Tone really matters when it comes to educating students. Most don’t respond well
to negative behaviors, instead, educators should try killing them with kindness.
9. What’s the difference between young and old teachers?
A: well the elderly teachers come with experience, and so the student are better educated and have a
more positive learning experience. On the flip side, the younger ones are more energetic and often
more lenient, leading to students forming a closer bond with them.
Do you think teachers now differ from teachers in your parents generation?
For sure! Teachers from previous generation used to be a whole lot more serious and formal. On the
flip side, the teachers I’ve encountered are completely opposite. They’re much more willing to get
closer to the students as well as act like a peer rather than a teacher.
25. Rain
1. Do you like rainy days?
A: Generally speaking, I have a fancy for raining since my childhood is filled with memories of events
which mostly took place in the rain.
2. Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
I prefer rainy days to boiling weather because the weather would be not too hot. However, there are
points when raining is really annoying like when I have to go out. So, it mostly depends on the
3. What do you do on rainy days?
A: When I was a child, it was the best time for me and my besties went out, dance under the rain,
however it was a thing of the past. Now, rain is the opportune period for me to stay at home and
entertain my self. I would just sleep or scroll tiktok
3. Does
A: Unfortunately, tropical area, heavy rain, flood and traffic congestion
4. Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
A: I love the day full of sunshine as weather can really make or break my mood. When it rains outside,
I feel discouraged to even go out. When it’s rainy and gloomy, it puts me on a foul mood
5. Would you prefer to live in a very dry or very wet area?
A: well, neither, if I have to, I think I would choose
6. What do u
A: I would just power through because I’m too lazy to put on my rain coat. Call me unlucky but every
time I stop to wear my raincoat, the weather just stop raining immediately.
7. How does rain affect life in your country?
A: My heart goes out to the people who live in central Vietnam because every rainy season, they
suffer from natural disaster that is flood resulting in loss of houses and beloved ones.on top of that,
the amount of rain can really affect my country crops and harvest, like without enough there wouldn’t
be a successful rice harvesting season.
26. Week
1. What is your favorite day of the week?
I would say it is Saturday. When Saturday comes, I will get into the weekend holiday mood.The
pleasure comes from the anticipation of taking it easy on the next day which would be a Sunday. I can
spend the day with my family and relax at home, or spend time on my hobbies, make social calls, go
out shopping, go for a movie and a dinner at a restaurant or simply plonk
into my sofa and watch TV.

2. What is your least favorite day?

A: As I am a student, I’d say Monday is the least favorite day of week for me.That's when I am back to
school after the weekend and starting a new week.

3. What is the busiest day of the week for you?

As I am a student , I’d say Monday is the least favorite day of week for me.That's when I am back to
school after the weekend and starting a new week.

4. What do you usually do on weekends?

Well, on Saturday, I usually clean the house, go shopping and cook something delicious for dinner.
Sunday is my relaxing day. I can spend the whole day in bed watching movies or go for a walk with

6. Are weekdays and weekends the same for you?

No, weekdays and weekends are totally different for me. My weekdays are filled with work and study-
related tasks while my weekends are when I pursue my interests and hobbies.

27. Day off

1. When was the last time you had a few days off?
I had 5 days off during the recent holiday break - the National Day of Vietnam.It provided me a much-
needed chance to relax and recharge. I spent the time with my family and relaxed at home. I also
made social calls and went out shopping with friends and had dinners with them at famous
restaurants in the city.
2. What do you usually do when you have days off?
Well, normally when weekends come, I will clean the house, go shopping and cook something
delicious for dinner on Saturday. Then on Sunday, I will spend the whole day in bed watching movies
or going for a walk with friends.
3. Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
Both actually. I sometimes choose to spend time with my family, sharing conversations and enjoying
their company. Other times, I organize outings or gatherings with my friends in order to have fun and
strengthen our relationship.

28. Bags
1. Do you like bags?
A: Well, to be honest, I’m not a bag enthusiast, with me bag is just one of my personal items. Wearing
a bag when going out helps me carry my necessities as well as giving me a fashionable look.
2.What types of bags do you like?
A: Well, I use a backpack on a daily basis because I always put heavy stuff inside the bag such as my
laptop, books,... so I guess it is also my top priority thanks to its convenience.
8. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?
A: Yes. I’m a creature of habit so I can not go out without my bags. I always bring my personal stuff
such as water bottles, whenever I get outdoors; therefore, carrying a bag gives me a sense of comfort.
9. Did you use school bags when you were a child?
Of course yes. I remember that when I was in first grade, my mom used to buy me a school bags with
an image of Disney princess on it. I was so happy when I she gave it to me. I showed it with everyone
and when someone complement it, I felt over the moon.
10. What kind of bag do you often bring for a holiday?
A: Off the top of my head, I would say a durable suitcase because it is waterproof and quite reliable
and versatile. Further more, suitcases often have enough space for me to bring essential stuff like
clothes, makeup items or skincare products.
11. Do you like to receive bags as gift?
A: Not really because I’m not a bag enthusiast, I prefer somethings like lipsticks, shoes or clothes as
gifts than bags. Additionally, I only use my backpack on all occasion so if someone gift me a bag, I
think will never use it.
12. Have you given bags as gifts to other?
A: I reckon that bags are a little bit to personal. It is a huge risk because the bag may not suit receiver
personal preference and style. If I have to gift someone a kind of bag, it will be a suitcase.

29. Wild animals

1. Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?
I have to say that I don’t like wild animals. Whenever I see a big and dangerous animals or watching
them eat their preys, I get goose bumps. Therefore, programs relate to wild animals is not up to my
2. Where can you see wild animals?
Well, you can see wild animals in the botanical zoo. But to tell the truth, it pains me to see them being
captivity. i like seeing them in the wild, in their home. Not in a tiny enclosures where they get sick or
overweight due to lack of exercise. I agree, some zoos are good, taking good care of the animals, but
most zoos have tiny enclosures where animals are cramped.
3. In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?
I think every country has wild animals but it is not easy to see them as they live in the forest.
However, if you go to Kangaroo Island, South Australia, you will have the chance to spot not only the
Australia’s national icon: the kangaroo but also seals, penguins, koalas, and even whales off the
island’s shores.
5. What is your favorite wild animal?
A: Although I don’t really like wild animal but Koala is one of the wild animal that I am fascinated by
because I have never seen them in the real life so it’s quite exotic to me. Moreover, I think Koala is
kinda adorable with a chubby body.
6. Have you ever seen a wild animal?
A: Obviously yes. I have seen it botanical zoo. But i have never seen them in their habit because it
kinda dangerous when see.
7. Is it important to protect wild animal?
A: It is crucial to conserve the wild animal population as they’re an irreplaceable part of food chain,
their dying would result in imbalance of the ecology.
8. How can we protect wild animal?
A:There are numerous ways to protect wild animal. To elaborate, we can protect animals by building
conservation areas sponsored by governments or by captive breed and reintroduction them to natural

30. Riding a bike

1. Did you have a bike when you were young?
Yes, I did have a bike when I was in high school. It was a birthday gift from my father. I remember that
time he taught me how to ride a bike and kept reminding me that I should wear the helmet for safety

2. Did you ride a bike when you were little?

Sure. My father was teaching me how to ride a bike since I got my first bicycle. And it became my
main form of transportation for getting to school everyday during the high school years.
3. Did you ride a bike to school?
Yes, I did. As my secondary school was pretty close to my house so my parents allowed me to go to
school by bike. I remember that time I was very good at riding a bicycle.

4. Do you ride a bike when you go out now?

No, I don’t. My university and favorite spots are located far from my house, so I have to ride my
motorbike to get to those places. Sometimes I use public transport to get around too.

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