CST805 Computer and Network Security

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Course Guide for CST805

CST805 – Computer and Network Security is a 3-credit unit. The course is a
core course in first semester. It will take you 15 weeks to complete the course.
You are to spend 91 hours of study for a period of 13 weeks while the first
week is for orientation and the last week is for end of semester examination.
The credit earned in this course is part of the requirement for graduation.

You will receive the course material which you can read online or download
and read off-line. The online course material is integrated in the Learning
Management System (LMS). All activities in this course will be held in the LMS.
All you need to know in this course is presented in the following sub-headings.

Course Competencies
By the end of this course, you will gain competency in:

• Protecting Data at Rest and During Transmission

• Protecting System and Network Infrastructure
• Regulatory Compliance and Auditing

Course Objectives
The course objectives are to:

• Explain the principles security in computer and network systems.

• Identify and troubleshoot different forms of computer and network
systems attacks
• Explain cybersecurity compliance and regulatory landscape.

Working Through this Course

The course is divided into modules and units. The modules are derived from
the course competencies and objectives. The competencies will guide you on
the skills you will gain at the end of this course. So, as you work through the
course, reflect on the competencies to ensure mastery. The units are
components of the modules. Each unit is sub-divided into introduction,
intended learning outcome(s), main content, self-assessment exercise(s),
conclusion, summary, and further readings. The introduction introduces you

to the unit topic. The intended learning outcome(s) is the central point which
help to measure your achievement or success in the course. Therefore, study
the intended learning outcome(s) before going to the main content and at the
end of the unit, revisit the intended learning outcome(s) to check if you have
achieved the learning outcomes. Work through the unit again if you have not
attained the stated learning outcomes.

The main content is the body of knowledge in the unit. Self-assessment

exercises are embedded in the content which helps you to evaluate your
mastery of the competencies. The conclusion gives you the takeaway while
the summary is a brief of the knowledge presented in the unit. The final part
is the further readings. This takes you to where you can read more on the
knowledge or topic presented in the unit. The modules and units are presented
as follows:

Module 1 Fundamentals of Computer and Network


Unit 1 Computer Security

Unit 2 Overview of Networks and Internet
Unit 3 Cryptography
Unit 4 Web Security
Unit 5 Program Security

Module 2 Threats and Attacks

Unit 1 Malware
Unit 2 Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
Unit 3 Cyber Terrorism

Module 3 Security Management

Unit 1 Risk Analysis

Unit 2 Security Policies
Unit 3 Vulnerability Assessment

Module 4 Cyber Law and Ethics

Unit 1 Security and Law

Unit 2 Privacy and Ethics

There are thirteen units in this course. Each unit represent a week of study.

Presentation Schedule
The weekly activities are presented in Table 1 while the required hours of
study and the activities are presented in Table 2. This will guide your study
time. You may spend more time in completing each module or unit.

Table I: Weekly Activities

Week Activity
1 Orientation and course guide
2 Module 1 Unit 1
3 Module 1 Unit 2
4 Module 1 Unit 3
5 Module 1 Unit 4
6 Module 1 Unit 5
7 Module 1 Unit 6
8 Module 1 Unit 7
9 Module 1 Unit 8
10 Module 2 Units 1 and 2
11 Module 3 Unit 1
12 Module 3 Unit 2
13 Module 3 Unit 3
14 Revision and response to questionnaire
15 Examination

The activities in Table I include facilitation hours (synchronous and

asynchronous), assignments, mini projects, and laboratory practical. How do
you know the hours to spend on each? A guide is presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Required Minimum Hours of Study

S/N Activity Hour per Hour per
Week Semester
1 Synchronous Facilitation (Video 2 26
2 Asynchronous Facilitation (Read and respond 4 52
to posts including facilitator’s comment, self-
3 Assignments, mini-project, laboratory 1 13
practical and portfolios
Total 7 91

Table 3 presents the mode you will be assessed.

Table 3: Assessment
S/N Method of Assessment Score (%)
1 Portfolios 10
2 Mini Projects with presentation 20
3 Laboratory Practical 20
4 Assignments 10
5 Final Examination 40
Total 100

A portfolio has been created for you tagged “My Portfolio”. With the use of
Microsoft Word, state the knowledge you gained in every Module and in not
more than three sentences explain how you were able to apply the knowledge
to solve problems or challenges in your context or how you intend to apply
the knowledge. Use this Table format:

Application of Knowledge Gained

Module Topic Knowledge Gained Application of Knowledge Gained

You may be required to present your portfolio to a constituted panel.

Mini Projects with presentation

You are to work on the project according to specification. You may be required
to defend your project. You will receive feedback on your project defence or
after scoring. This project is different from your thesis.

Laboratory Practical
The laboratory practical may be virtual or face-to-face or both depending on
the nature of the activity. You will receive further guidance from your

Take the assignment and click on the submission button to submit. The
assignment will be scored, and you will receive a feedback.

Finally, the examination will help to test the cognitive domain. The test items
will be mostly application, and evaluation test items that will lead to creation
of new knowledge/idea.

How to get the Most from the Course

To get the most in this course, you:

• Need a personal laptop. The use of mobile phone only may not give you
the desirable environment to work.
• Need regular and stable internet.
• Need to install the recommended software.
• Must work through the course step by step starting with the programme
• Must not plagiarise or impersonate. These are serious offences that
could terminate your studentship. Plagiarism check will be used to run
all your submissions.
• Must do all the assessments following given instructions.
• Must create time daily to attend to your study.

There will be two forms of facilitation – synchronous and asynchronous. The
synchronous will be held through video conferencing according to weekly
schedule. During the synchronous facilitation:

• There will be two hours of online real time contact per week making a
total of 26 hours for thirteen weeks of study time.
• At the end of each video conferencing, the video will be uploaded for
view at your pace.
• You are to read the course material and do other assignments as may
be given before video conferencing time.
• The facilitator will concentrate on main themes.
• The facilitator will take you through the course guide in the first lecture
at the start date of facilitation

For the asynchronous facilitation, your facilitator will:

• Present the theme for the week.

• Direct and summarise forum discussions.
• Coordinate activities in the platform.
• Score and grade activities when need be.
• Support you to learn. In this regard personal mails may be sent.
• Send you videos and audio lectures, and podcasts if need be.

Read all the comments and notes of your facilitator especially on your
assignments, participate in forum discussions. This will give you opportunity
to socialise with others in the course and build your skill for teamwork. You
can raise any challenge encountered during your study. To gain the maximum
benefit from course facilitation, prepare a list of questions before the
synchronous session. You will learn a lot from participating actively in the

Finally, respond to the questionnaire. This will help ACETEL to know your areas
of challenges and how to improve on them for the review of the course
materials and lectures.

Learner Support
You will receive the following support:

• Technical Support: There will be contact number(s), email address and

chatbot on the Learning Management System where you can chat or
send message to get assistance and guidance any time during the

• 24/7 communication: You can send personal mail to your facilitator and
the centre at any time of the day. You will receive answer to you mails
within 24 hours. There is also opportunity for personal or group chats
at any time of the day with those that are online.

• You will receive guidance and feedback on your assessments, academic

progress, and receive help to resolve challenges facing your stuides.

Course Information
Course Code: CST 805
Course Title: Computer and Network Security
Credit Unit: 3
Course Status: Compulsory
Course Description/Blurb: This course focuses on contemporary
security, network intrusion detection
systems, network threat and mitigation,
password cracking, port scanning, attacks
and threats on the computer; transmission
protocols and layers. Attacks on DNS and
leveraging P2P deployments; data analytics,
monitoring real-time network activities
enables agile decision making, detection of
suspected malicious activities, utilisation of a
real-time visualization dashboard, and
employment of a set of hardware and
software to manage such detected suspicious
Basic Requirements: computer system, virtual machine, Linux
operating system
Academic Year: 2020
Semester: First
Course Duration: 13 weeks
Required Hours for Study: 91

Course Team
Course Developer: ACETEL
Course Writers: Dr O. S. Adebayo and Dr U. S. Dauda
Content Editor: Dr Ismaila Idris
Instructional Designers: Inegbedion, Juliet O. (PhD) and Dr Lukuman Bello
Learning Technologists: Dr Adewale Adesina, Mr. Miracle David, and …
Graphic Artist: Mr Henry Udeh
Proofreader: Mr Awe Olaniyan Joseph

Module 1: Fundamentals of
Computer and Network

Module Introduction
Introduce the module and state the units under the module.

Unit 1: Computer Security

Unit 2: Overview of Networks and Internet
Unit 3: Cryptography
Unit 4: Web Security
Unit 5: Program Security

Unit 1: Computer Security

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Definition of Computer Security
3.2 Computing Assets and their Threats
3.2.1 Threats and Attacks
3.2.2 Countermeasures
3.3 X.800 security architecture for OSI
3.4 Principles of Security Design
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
This unit will acquaint you with principal computer security concepts. After
studying the unit, you will acquire skills to analyse types of computer
assets; their threats and general countermeasures to ameliorate the

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

describe the key security requirements of confidentiality, integrity,

and availability

explain the X.800 security architecture for OSI

discuss the types of security threats and attacks that must be dealt

with and give examples of the types of threats and attacks that apply

to different categories of computer and network assets

summarise the functional requirements (countermeasures) for
computer security

◆ explain the principle of security design.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Definition of Computer Security
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) a United States
of America federal agency that deals with measurement science, standards,
and technology related to U.S. government and the promotion of U.S.
private sector innovation provides a widely accepted definition of computer
security in its Internal/Interagency Report NISTIR 7298 (Glossary of Key

Security Terms, May 2013) as follows:

Computer Security: Measures and controls that ensure

confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information system
assets, including hardware, software, firmware, and information
being processed, stored, and communicated.

This definition shows that computer security entails not only the security of
physical computing assets or resources but also the information being
processed, stored or communicated over a network. Thus, computer
security is an encompassing term which covers both network and Internet
security. However, the subfield of network and Internet security can be
seen as consisting of measures to deter, prevent,
detect, and correct security violations that involve the transmission of
information (William Stallings, 2017).

Availability Integrity

Authenticity Assets

Confidentiality Accountability

Fig. 1.1: Computer Security Objectives

Another important take away from this definition is the identification of

three key computer security objectives, namely: confidentiality, integrity
and availability, as indicated in figure 1.1.

Data confidentiality: It entails ensuring that private or confidential

information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorised persons. This
also implies that people are given the authority to control which kind of
information about them may be collected and stored and who may access
such information. This means ensuring the privacy of individuals.

Integrity: This encompasses both data integrity and system integrity.

Data integrity entails that both information and programs are changed only
in a manner specified by the authority concerned while system integrity is
to ensure that a system performs its intended function in an unimpaired
manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorised manipulation of
the system.

Availability: This concept implies that computing systems provide prompt

and efficient service to authorised users without denying them the service
when needed.

Some objectives are added to the computer security objectives by security

experts. What are these objectives?

Two other security objectives alluded to by security experts include

authenticity and accountability.

Authenticity: This means the ability to ascertain that users who access a
computing system or communicate over a network are who they say they
are. This involves the genuineness, verifiability and trust of communicating
partners or user of a computing facility.

Accountability: This relates to the ability to trace the actions of a user of
computing assets to that user uniquely. The user should not be able to
repudiate or deny taking the actions when faced with the forensic evidence
of the trail of his action. This will deter intruders from assessing the system
and enable security expert to isolate attack and provide intrusion detection
and prevention mechanism.

Confidentiality: This is to ensure the information is received by the person

intended for.

Integrity: This is to ensure the information has not been tampered with
either editing, deleting, or removing.

Availability: Is to ensure information is made all the time readily without

denial of service. This concept implies that computing systems provide
prompt and efficient service to authorised users without denying them the
service when needed.

Authenticity: ability to ascertain that users who access a computing

system or communicate over a network are who they say they are.

Accountability: Is the ability to trace the actions of a user of computing

assets to that user uniquely.

There are differences and similarities among computer security, network
security and cyber security. Discuss few of this differences and similarities.

3.2 Computing Assets and their Threats

The assets of a computer system can be categorised as follows:

Hardware: This includes all physical devices associated with the

computing platform. It includes computer systems, external data storage
and data telecommunications devices.

Software: This includes both system software such as operating system,

system utilities, and application software of different kinds.

Data: Including files and databases, as well as security-related data, such

as password files.

Communication facilities and networks: These are local and wide area
network communication links, bridges, routers, and so on (see Unit 2 of
this module).

Each of the assets above is susceptible to different security vulnerabilities
that expose them to security threats or attacks which invariably
compromise any of the five security objectives highlighted in Figure 1.1.

3.2.1 Threats and Attacks

A threat can be defined as potential security harm to any computer asset.

An attack, on the other hand, is a threat that is carried out (threat action)
and, if successful, leads to threat consequences that are detrimental to the
operational security of an organisation. The entity carrying out the attack
is referred to as an attacker or threat agent.

Two types of attacks:

• Active attack: An attempt to modify system resources to affect their

• Passive attack: An attempt to study or make use of information
from the system such that the operation of the system is not affected.

Two types of attacks based on the origin of the attack:

• Inside attack: Initiated by an entity inside an organisation who owns

the computing assets. The insider is authorized to access system
resources but uses them maliciously for personal motive to disrupt
the organization.

• Outside attack: This is initiated by an entity from outside the

organization who owns the computing resources. Such an entity is
not authorised to access the computing assets. Example of such
attackers includes terrorists and criminal hackers.

We can identify four different kinds of attacks; their impacts or attack

consequence; the security objectives and the possible assets targeted by
looking at Table 1.1. This table is derived from RFC 4949 published by
Internet Society which is a professional membership society with worldwide
organisational and individual membership that provides guidance in
addressing issues that confront the future of the Internet.

3.2.2 Countermeasures
Countermeasure is any means taken to deal with a security attack.
Ideally, a countermeasure can be devised to prevent a particular type of
attack from succeeding. When prevention is not possible or fails in some
instance, the goal is to detect the attack then recover from the effects of
the attack. Table 1.2 summarised the proposed Security Requirements
published by NIST in one of their several Federal Information Processing
Standards tagged (FIPS 200) that can serve as a countermeasure for
security attack and threat.

3.3 X.800 Security Architecture for OSI
Having discussed the concepts of assets, threat attacks and
countermeasure in the preceding section. We now look at a standard
security architecture that has been propounded to help security experts to
holistically access their security requirements, develop security mechanism
and services to achieve their stated security needs.

The International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication

Standardisation Sector (ITU-T) is one of the three sectors of the ITU. ITU-
T’s mission is the development of technical standards covering all fields of
telecommunications. ITU-T standards referred to as Recommendations.
The X.800 recommendation titled: Security Architecture for OSI, is targeted
at security experts and IT managers to assist them in the task of providing
security for their computing assets.

Fig. 1.2: OSI Model

Furthermore, because this architecture was developed as an international

standard, computer and communications vendors have developed security
features for their products and services that relate to this structured
definition of services and mechanisms. Figure 1.2 depicts the OSI model
for better understanding. X.800 security architecture for OSI views
organization of security into three perspectives, namely:

Security attack: Any action that compromises the security of the
computing assets of an organisation.
Security mechanism: A process (or a device incorporating such a
that is designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack.
Security service: A processing or communication service that enhances
the security of the data processing systems and the information transfers
of an organization. The services are intended to counter security attacks,
and they make use of one or more security mechanisms to provide the

This can be further expressed using Table 1.1 for threats, Table 1.2 for
security requirements for countermeasures, and Table 1.3 for security
services. The security services propounded by X.800 are grouped into five
main categories and 14 subcategories which are summarised in Table 1.3.

Some of the security mechanisms are meant to be provided at different

layers of communication protocols, while some are not. The list of security
mechanisms is summarised in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Threat and their Consequences (Adapted from Internet Society

Attacks Consequence Compromised Targeted

Security Computing
Objectives Assets
Exposure: Sensitive data Unauthorised Confidentiality Network
are directly released to an Disclosure devices
unauthorized person A circumstance
or event Computer
Interception: An whereby system
unauthorised entity directly an entity gains
accesses sensitive access to data Data
data travelling between for storage
authorised sources and which the devices
destinations. entity is not
Inference: A threat action authorised
whereby an unauthorised
indirectly accesses sensitive
data (but not necessarily the
data contained in the
communication) by reasoning
from characteristics or by-
products of communications.
Intrusion: An unauthorised
entity gains access to
sensitive data

by circumventing system’s
security protections.
Masquerade: An Deception integrity or
unauthorised entity gains An event data integrity
access to a system or whereby an uthenticity
performs a malicious act by authorised accountability
posing as an authorised entity
entity. receiving false
Falsification: False data data believing
deceive an authorised entity. it
Repudiation: An entity to be true
deceives another by falsely
responsibility for an act
Incapacitation: Prevents or Disruption Availability or Network
interrupts system operation A circumstance system devices
by or event that integrity
disabling a system interrupts or Computer
component. prevents the system
Corruption: Undesirably correct
alters system operation by operation of Data
adversely system storage
modifying system functions services and devices
or data. functions
Obstruction: A threat action
that interrupts delivery of the
services by hindering system

Table 1.2: Security Requirements for Countermeasures Source: Based on


Security Functions
Access Control Limit information system access to authorised users,
processes acting on behalf of authorised users, or
devices (including other information systems) and to
the types of transactions and functions that authorised
users are permitted to exercise.
Awareness and (i) Ensure that managers and users of organisational
Training information systems are aware of the security risks
associated with their activities and of the applicable
laws, regulations, and policies related to the security
of organisational information systems; and (ii) ensure
that personnel are adequately trained to carry out their
assigned information security-related duties and
Audit and (i) Create, protect, and retain information system
Accountability audit records to the extent needed to enable the

monitoring, analysis, investigation, and reporting of
unlawful, unauthorised, or inappropriate information
system activity; and (ii) ensure that the actions of
individual information system users can be uniquely
traced to those users so they can be held accountable
for their actions.
Certification, (i) Assess the security controls in organisational
Accreditation, information systems periodically, to determine if the
and Security controls are effective in their application; (ii) develop
Assessments and implement plans of action designed to correct
deficiencies and reduce or eliminate vulnerabilities in
organisational information systems; (iii) authorise the
operation of organisational information systems and
any associated information system connections; and
(iv) monitor information system security controls on an
ongoing basis to ensure the continued effectiveness of
the controls.
Configuration (i) Establish and maintain baseline configurations and
Management inventories of organisational information systems
(including hardware, software, firmware, and
documentation) throughout the respective system
development life cycles; and (ii) establish and enforce
security configuration settings for information
technology products employed in organisational
information systems.
Contingency Establish, maintain, and implement plans for
Planning emergency response, backup operations, and post-
disaster recovery for organisational information
systems to ensure the availability of critical information
resources and continuity of operations in emergencies.
Identification Identify information system users, processes acting on
and behalf of users, or devices, and authenticate (or verify)
Authentication the identities of those users, processes, or devices, as
a prerequisite to allowing access to organisational
information systems.
Incident (i) Establish an operational incident-handling
Response capability for organisational information systems that
includes adequate preparation, detection, analysis,
containment, recovery, and user-response activities;
and (ii) track, document, and report incidents to
appropriate organisational officials and/or authorities.
Maintenance (i) Perform periodic and timely maintenance on
organisational information systems; and (ii) provide
effective controls on the tools, techniques,
mechanisms, and personnel used to conduct
information system maintenance.

Media Protection (i) Protect information system media, both paper and
digital; (ii) limit access to information on information
system media to authorised users; and (iii) sanitise or
destroy information system media before disposal or
release for reuse.
Physical and (i) Only authorised individuals should have physical
Environmental access to information systems, equipment, and the
Protection respective operating environments; (ii) protect the
physical plant and support infrastructure for
information systems; (iii) provide supporting utilities
for information systems; (iv) protect information
systems against environmental hazards; and (v)
provide appropriate environmental controls in facilities
containing information systems.
Planning Develop, document, periodically update, and
implement security plans for organisational
information systems that describe the security controls
in place or planned for the information systems and the
rules of behaviour for individuals accessing the
information systems.
Personnel (i) Ensure that individuals occupying positions of
Security responsibility within the organisations are trustworthy;
and that they meet established security criteria for
those positions; third-party service providers are
inclusive. (ii) ensure that organisational information
and information systems are protected during and after
personnel actions such as terminations and transfer;
(iii) employ formal sanctions for personnel failing to
comply with organisational security policies and
Risk Assessment Periodically assess the risk to organisational operations
(including mission, functions, image, or reputation),
organisational assets, and individuals, resulting from
the operation of organisational information systems
and the associated processing, storage, or
transmission of organisational information.
Systems and (i) Allocate sufficient resources for adequate protection
Services of organisational information systems. (ii) Employ
Acquisition system development life-cycle processes that
incorporate information security considerations. (iii)
employ software usage and installation restrictions;
and (iv) ensure that third-party providers employ
adequate security measures to protect the information,
applications, and/or services outsourced from the

System and (i) Monitor, control, and protect organisational
Communications communications i.e. information transmitted or
Protection received by organisational information systems at the
external boundaries and key internal boundaries of the
information systems; and (ii) employ architectural
designs, software development techniques, and
systems engineering principles that promote effective
information security within organisational information
System and (i) Identify, report, and correct information and
Information information system flaws in a timely manner; (ii)
Integrity provide protection from malicious code at appropriate
locations within organisational information systems;
and (iii) monitor information system security alerts and
advisories and take appropriate actions in response.

Table 1.3: Security Services (X.800)


The assurance that the communicating The assurance that data received is as
entity is the one that it claims to be. sent exactly by an authorised entity
(i.e., contain no modification,
insertion, deletion, or replay).
Peer Entity Authentication Connection Integrity with
Used in association with a logical Recovery
connection to provide confidence in the Provides for the integrity of all user
identity of the entities connected. data on a connection and detects any
modification, insertion, deletion or
replay of any data within an entire data
with recovery attempted.
Data-Origin Authentication Connection Integrity without
In a connectionless transfer, provides Recovery
assurance that As above, but provides the only
the source of received data is as detection without recovery.
Access Control Selective-Field Connection
The prevention of unauthorized use of Integrity
a resource (i.e., this service controls Provides for the integrity of selected
who can have access to a resource, fields within the user data of a data
under what conditions access can block transferred over a connection
occur, and what those accessing the and takes the form of determination of
resource are allowed to do). whether the selected fields have been
modified, inserted, deleted, or
Data Confidentiality Connectionless Integrity
The protection of data from Provides for the integrity of a single
unauthorised connectionless data block and may
disclosure. take the form of detection of data

modification. Additionally, a limited
form of replay detection may be
Connection Confidentiality Selective-Field Connectionless
The protection of all user data on a Integrity
connection. Provides for the integrity of selected
fields within a single connectionless
data block; takes the form of
determination of whether the selected
fields have been modified.
Connectionless Confidentiality Nonrepudiation
The protection of all user data in a Provides protection against denial by
single data block. one of the entities involved in a
communication of having participated
in all or part of the communication.
Selective-Field Confidentiality Nonrepudiation, Origin
The confidentiality of selected fields Proof that the message was sent by the
within the user data on a connection or specified party.
in a single data block.
Traffic-Flow Confidentiality Nonrepudiation, Destination
The protection of the information that Proof that the message was received
might be derived from the observation by the specified party
of traffic flows.

Table 1.4: Security Mechanisms (X.800)


May be incorporated into the Mechanisms that are not specific to
appropriate protocol layer in order any particular
to provide some of the OSI security OSI security service or protocol
services layer.

Encipherment Trusted Functionality

The use of mathematical algorithms That which is perceived to be
to transform correct with respect to some criteria
data into a form that is not readily (e.g., as established by a security
intelligible. The transformation and policy).
subsequent recovery of the data
depend on an algorithm and zero or
more encryption keys.
Digital Signature Security Label
Data appended to, or a The marking bound to a resource
cryptographic transformation of, a (which may be a data unit) that
data unit that allows a recipient of names or designates the security
the data unit to prove the source attributes of that resource.
and integrity of the data unit and

protect against forgery (e.g., by the
Access Control Event Detection
A variety of mechanisms that Detection of security-relevant
enforce access rights to resources. events

Data Integrity Security Audit Trail

A variety of mechanisms used to Data collected and potentially used
assure the integrity of a data unit or to facilitate a
stream of data units. security audit, which is an
independent review and
examination of system records and
MECHANISMS Deals with requests from
Authentication Exchange mechanisms, such as event
A mechanism intended to ensure handling and management
the identity of an entity by means functions, and takes recovery
of information exchange. actions.

Traffic Padding
The insertion of bits into gaps in a
data stream to frustrate traffic
analysis attempts.
Routing Control
Enables selection of particular
physically secure
routes for certain data and allows
routing changes, especially when a
breach of security is suspected.
The use of a trusted third party to
assure certain
properties of data exchange.

3.5 Principles of Security Design

The National Centers of Academic Excellence in Information

Assurance/Cyber Defense, which is jointly sponsored by the U.S. National
Security Agency and the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, list the
following as fundamental security design principles:

• Economy of mechanism
• Fail-safe defaults
• Complete mediation
• Open design

• Separation of privilege
• Least privilege
• Least common mechanism
• Psychological acceptability
• Isolation
• Encapsulation
• Modularity
• Layering
• Least astonishment

For a detail discussion of this principle see (Stallings W. and Brown L.


4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

A. Which of the following is not among the five computer security goals?
A. Integrity
B. Availability
C. Access Control
D. Data Confidentiality
E. Accountability

Answer: C, Access Control

F. Identify the fundamental security design principles among the

A. Open design
B. Authorisation
C. Separation of privilege
D. Close design
E. Least privilege

Answer: A, C, and E

5.0 Conclusion
This unit has introduced you to key security concepts. We have identified
the key security objectives and the various kinds of threats that can thwart
these objectives. In addition, you should appreciate the various
countermeasures that can be put in place to avoid the attack. Finally, by

following the set of security principles, you should be able to propose and
identify suitable security mechanism suitable for an organisation.

6.0 Summary
Computer security principle consists of identifying five key objectives that
are the concern of security experts. The types of threats and attacks have
been identified. We also discussed the various security mechanisms
proposed by the standard body, such as NIST and ITU-T. In the end, we
highlight the key security design principle that can guide professionals in
proposing a new security mechanism suitable to an organisation needs.

7.0 References/Further Reading

Stallings, W. & Lawrie, B. (2018). Computer Security Principle and Practice.

(2nd ed.). Prentice-Hall.

Stallings, W. (2017). Cryptography and Network Security Principle and

Practice. (7th ed.). Prentice-Hall.

Whitman, M. E. & Mattrod, H. J. (2012). Principle of Information Security.

(4th ed.).

Unit 2: Overview of Networks and Internet

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Computer Networks
3.2 Network Types and their Technologies for Connecting to the
3.2.1 Local Area access Network
3.2.2 Metropolitan Access Network
3.2.3 Wide Area Access Network
3.3 Layered Protocols Architecture
3.3.1 TCP/IP Protocol Stack
3.3.2 OSI Reference Model
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
Computer networks and the Internet play important roles in enabling us to
carry out our day to day social and business activities. In this unit, you will
become familiar with different kind of network and how they enable us to
connect to the Internet. You will also be able to describe the different
protocols that govern how the Internet enables us to transfer information
from one end system to another.

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• define a computer network

• identify different network types
• describe key networking protocols and their hierarchical relationship
in the context of a conceptual model such as the OSI and TCP/IP.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Computer Networks

Computer networks are considered as a collection of end systems which are
connected with the aid of networking devices to share information or
resources. This network can span different geographical locations and the
physical medium of transferring data can vary from copper wire to fibre
optics and range of other mediums.

For any two end systems to communicate, there must be a rule governing
their communication. To manage the complex systems of communication,
it is practical to breakdown the process of communication between two
entities into several layers with each layer dedicated to handling a portion
of the task involved in the process. Each layer is then imbibed with
protocols that govern the communication at that layer. Thus the peer
entities at different layers of the communicating entities must have
protocols governing their communication, i.e. an application process on one
computer and another application process on the other computer they must
have a rule governing their communication. At the lowest layer, the transfer
rate of between two end systems attached to the physical medium and the
signalling and encoding of bits forms the protocols at that layer.

Thus, we can look at networking form the point of view of the geographic
span in conjunction with the physical medium that connects them. On the
other hand, we can also look at it from the point of view of protocols that
govern the communication between two systems. Two common reference
model that governs this model of layered protocol communication is OSI
and the TCP/IP reference models. The next sections shall look into these
two issues. A network protocol is necessary for the security of a network,
itemise some of the protocols.

3.2 Network Types and their Technologies for

Connecting to the Internet
The Internet is a network of networks that interconnects billions of
computing devices throughout the world. These devices are often at the
first instance connected to an access network. These access networks are
made up of communication links and network switches to connect the end
systems. The communication links vary from copper wire to optical fibre
and radio link, as shown in Figure 1.3. Also, the most common packet
switches nowadays are routers and link-layer switches. They both accept

incoming packets in one port and forward to another port towards the
destination address of the packet.

The access networks are connected to the Internet through the gateway
routers to the network core that made up of the Internet service providers
(ISP) network infrastructure, which consists of interconnected routers
through different communication links.

Access network


Fig. 1.3: Network Types.

(Source: Kurose and Ross 2017)

As shown in Figure 1.3, the ISPs support a variety of types of network

access of the end systems, including residential broadband access such as
cable modem or DSL, high-speed local area network access, and mobile
wireless access.

The Internet is all about connecting end systems to each other, so the lower
level ISPs must also be interconnected through national and international
upper-tier ISPs such as Level 3 Communications, AT&T, Sprint, and NTT.
An upper-tier ISP consists of high-speed routers interconnected with high-
speed fibre-optic links. Each ISP network, whether upper-tier or lower-tier,
is managed independently, runs the IP protocol and conforms to certain
naming and address conventions.

End systems, packet switches, and other pieces of the Internet run
protocols that control the sending and receiving of information within the
Internet. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet
Protocol (IP) are two of the most important protocols on the Internet.
The IP protocol specifies the format of the packets that are sent and
received among routers and end systems. The Internet's principal protocols
are collectively known as TCP/IP.

3.2.1 Local Area access Network

Of all the access networks through which end systems, i.e. laptops, mobile
phone, pcs e.t.c. connect to the Internet; a local area access network is
predominant. This local area network is often privately owned and ranges
from the home network, institutional network in universities or corporate

Wired and Wireless technologies in common use today are Ethernet 802.3
and Ethernet 802.11 commonly called Wi-Fi Network. A typical example of
the topology of Ethernet 802.3 LAN is shown in Figure 1.4. Each computer
speaks to the Ethernet protocol and connects to a box called a switch with
a point-to-point link. A switch has multiple ports, each of which can
connect to one computer. The job of the switch is to relay packets between
computers that are attached to it, using the address in each packet to
determine which computer to send it to.

institutional link to
ISP (Internet)
institutional router

Ethernet institutional mail,

switch web servers

Fig. 1.4: Local Area Access Network

(Source: Kurose and Ross 2017)

Wired LANs use a range of different transmission technologies. Most of

them use copper wires, but some use optical fibre. LANs are restricted in
which means that the worst-case transmission time is bounded and known
in advance. Knowing these bounds helps with the task of designing network
Typically, wired LANs run at speeds of 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps, have low delay
(microseconds or nanoseconds), and make very few errors. Newer LANs
can operate at up to 10 Gbps.

Fig. 1.5 (a): Ethernet Twisted Pair Cable

Fig. 1.5(b): Coaxial Cable

Wireless LANs every computer has a radio modem and an antenna that it
uses to communicate with other computers. Each computer talks to a
device called an AP (Access Point), wireless router, or base station, that
relays packets between the wireless computers and also between them and
the Internet.

3.2.2 Metropolitan Access Network

A MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) covers a city. The best-known
examples of MANs are cable television networks.
These systems grew from the use of large community antennae for serving
television signal to neighbouring homes through cable. These later grow to
cover large cities. With the advent of the Internet revolution, engineers
then found ways of using the same cable for television signal for getting
Internet data to the homes. Figure 1.6 depicts such a system where both
television signals and Internet are fed into the centralised cable headend
by ISP for subsequent distribution to people’s houses.

Fig. 1.6: Metropolitan Access Network using Cable Television

3.2.3 Wide Area Access Network

Wide Area Network can cover a whole country and is often owned by public
ISP, telecommunication companies or a private entity who leased line from
the telcos. Examples include the Wide Area 3G and 4G LTE network rolled
out by telcos to carry both voice and data at the national and international
scale. Also, a national ISP network may be seen as a form of Wide Area

3.3 Layered Protocols Architecture

To reduce the design complexity of network communications, the protocols
which are implemented in hardware/software or both are organised into
layers. The protocols are the rules that govern the format and kind of
information that are exchanged between peer layer entities. The protocols
in each layer handle different parts of the functions involved in ensuring
successful communication between any two end systems. With this, each
layer relies on the services provided by the layer below it. Without needing
to know how those services are implemented. For example, a layer n
protocol may provide reliable delivery of messages from one application on
one end system to another application on the other system albeit
implemented in software. This layer may, however, rely on an unreliable
edge-to-edge message delivery service of layer n – I below it, while relying
on its own ability to detect and retransmit lost messages.

It must be noted that for or a layer n on one machine to carry out
communication with layer n on another machine, they must make use of
the rules and conventions defined for the layer n protocol. Also, the two-
peer layer on a different machine does not directly transfer data to each
other. Instead, it passes data and control information to the layer
immediately below it. Until the lowest layer is reached; where the data exit
through the physical medium on the source machine and arrive at the
physical medium on the destination machine and to then traverse the layers
their until it reaches the final layer. Each layer will be interacting through
the protocol information corresponding to their layers and pass the rest of
the data to the upper layer until the message finally arrived at the final

The collection of protons in all layers for network architecture is referred to

as protocol stack. An example is the Internet protocol stack which consists
of 5 layers. The Internal protocol stack is named Transmission Control
Protocol Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The next subsections discussed TCP/IP
protocol stack and the OSI reference model, which consists of seven layers.
Although the OSI protocols were defined, they are not being used today
only the reference model persists for theoretical study TCP/IP, on the other
hand, is de—facto protocols for the Internet.

3.3.1 TCP/IP Protocol Stack

The Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a suite of
protocols initially designed for the Internet core functionality. It is a five-
layer protocol stack namely: Application, Transport, Network, Data Link and
Physical. The description of the functionality of each layer is described as

Fig. 1.7: TCP/IP Protocol Layer for Communication between Two


Application Layer
The application layer defines the protocols for the network applications. In
many cases, the application that communicates is located on remote end
systems with one serving as a client and other serving as the server.

Many applications run on the Internet the most prevalent being Web and
e-mail. The web application primary protocol is the hypertext transfer
protocol which defines the format and types of messages exchanged
between a web server and a browser requesting for a web document from
the webserver. Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) is the protocol used
by email application for the transfer of email between email servers or email
servers and email clients. Others Internet application protocols include file
transfer protocol (FTP) which provides for the transfer of files between two
end systems. Another is the domain name system (DNS) which is used for
the translation of human-friendly domain names for Internet end systems
like ww.noun.edu.ng to a 32-bit network IP address.

An application-layer protocol is present in counterparts end systems, with

the application in one end system using the protocol to exchange packets
of information with the application in another end system. This packet of
information at the application layer is referred to as a message. As noted
earlier, this message will be given to the layer below, i.e. the transport
layer which added header information to the message which will be decoded
by the peer layer on the destination end systems see Figure 1.5.

Transport Layer
The transport layer in the TCP /IP protocol stack is responsible for
transporting application-layer messages between application endpoints on
communicating end systems. There are two major transport layer
protocols, namely TCP (transport control protocol) and UDP (user datagram
protocol). TCP provides a connection-oriented service to the application
layer protocols. This service includes guaranteed delivery of application
layer messages to the destination and flow control (that is, sender/receiver
speed matching). TCP also breaks long messages into shorter segments
and append header and trailer control information to them, as shown in
Figure 1.5. It also provides a congestion-control mechanism, so that a
source regulates its transmission rate when the network is congested. The
UDP protocol provides a connectionless service to its applications. This kind
of service does not provide reliability, no flow control, and no congestion
control. The transport-layer packet is generally regarded as a segment.

Note that neither TCP nor UDP provides security services. A transport layer
protocol that is strengthened with the security mechanism for
authentication is SSL and TLS protocols. This is used in conjunction with
HTTPS at the application layer for more secured transfer of application layer

Network Layer
After transport-layer protocol (TCP or UDP) in a source host passes
transport-layer segments the application layer messages into a segment,
each segment is provided with the destination address of the recipient and
then passed to the network which forward the messages toward their
destination. The packets at the network layer are known as datagrams.
The Internet's network layer includes IP protocol and other routing
protocols such a BGP, OSPF e.t.c. All Internet components that have a
network layer must run the IP protocol. The routing protocols determine
the routes that datagrams take between sources and destinations. The IP
protocol is of two versions IP4 and IP6. The IP4 address is a 32-bit address
which is being depleted as a result of the enormous growth of the hosts IP
6 is 64-bit address with the aims of providing more address space to
accommodate more hosts on the Internet.

Link Layer
The network layer relies on the services of the link layer to move a packet
from one node (host or router) to the next node in the route toward the
destination. To do this, the network layer at each node passes the datagram
down to the link layer, which delivers the datagram to the next node along
the route. At this next node, the link-layer passes the datagram up to the
network layer. There could use many intermediate routers along the route
to the destination, and this process is repeated, and the segment
encapsulated in the datagram passes through all the routers until it finally
reaches the destination link layer and network layer for onward delivery to
transport layer there and finally to the application layer Figure 1.5
illustrates this

There could be different link layers hardware encountered along the way
with different link-layer providing a different kind of services to the network
layer. Examples of link layer protocols include Ethernet and WiFi, and the
cable access as disused in section 3.2. Link-layer packets are often referred
to as frames.

Physical Layer
While the job of the link layer is to move entire frames from one network
element to an adjacent network element, the job of the physical layer is to
move the individual bits within the frame from one node to the next. The
protocols in this layer are again link dependent and further depend on the
actual transmission medium of the link (for example, twisted-pair copper
wire, single-mode fibre optics). For example, Ethernet has many physical-
layer protocols: one for twisted-pair copper wire, another for
coaxial cable, so also for fibre, and so on. In each case, a bit is moved
across the link differently.

3.3.2 OSI Reference Model
The Open system Interconnection OSI model is only a theoretical model
whose protocols are not being used on any practical network. Unlike TCP/IP
it has seven layers with five similar to the layers in TCP/IP. The two distinct
layers are:
 presentation: allow applications to interpret the meaning of data,
e.g., encryption, compression, machine-specific conventions
 Session which ensures synchronization, checkpointing and recovery
of data exchange

As these layers are missing in the TCP/IP protocol stack, their functions can
be implemented at the application layer if needed.

Fig. 1.7: OSI Reference Model

As we have learnt in the unit, OSI model and TCP/IP have few differences
and similarities. Can you discuss some of these?

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
1. Which of the names of packets at each layer of the TCP/IP protocol
stack corresponds?
A. Message and Application
B. Datagram and Transport
C. Segment and Network
D. Packet and Data Link

Answer: A

2. There is a limitation of TCP and UDP transport layer protocols. Which

of the protocols listed below overcomes the challenge?
C. SSL and TLS
D. Telnet

Answer: A

Install packet tracer, simulate a typical local area network, then submit the
screenshot of the necessary to your tutor’s email.

5.0 Conclusion
You have learnt from this unit the various types of technology for
connecting to the Internet and the TCP/IP protocol stack, which enable the
end-systems on the Internet to communicate. Without the protocols, there
would not be a possibility of having seamless and organised communication
over the Internet. The work of cybersecurity experts is to eliminate all
threats and attacks on these network resources.

6.0 Summary
This unit has covered the description of various kinds of network
technologies for connecting to the Internet. It has presented the protocols
which are the rules governing how information is exchanged over the
Internet. Both TCP/IP protocol stacks and the OSI reference model are
discussed. The TCP/IP is made up of five layers which are application,

presentation, network, link layer and the physical layer. Each of these
layers performs one function or the other to ensure communication takes
place between networked computers. OSI reference model, on the other
hand, has seven layers which include the same layers in TCP/IP but with
the addition of presentation and session layers after the application layer.
The next unit will teach you the technique of cryptography which an
important tool to facilitate security of the data is being transferred on the

7.0 References/Further Reading

Kurose, J. F. & Ross, K. W. (n.d.). Computer Networking a Top-Down
Approach. (7th ed.). Prentice-Hall.

Tanenbaum, A.S. & Wetherall, D. A.(n.d.) Computer Network. (5th ed.).


Unit 3: Cryptography
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Cryptography
3.1.1 Categories of Cryptography Classic / Symmetric Cryptography
(Criptografia Clássica) Symmetric Cipher Model Asymmetric Encryption Scheme
3.1.2 Cryptography Fundamentals Features of Cryptosystems Basic types of cryptography The Basic Principles of Cryptography /
Historical Cipher Cryptanalysis and Brute-force attacks on
Symmetric Cipher Cryptanalysis Brute-force Attack Categories of Attacks
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
In this unit, you will be learning the application of cryptography to secure
data communication in the information systems. The cryptography is a
technique of encrypting and decrypting communicating data which could be
plaintext or ciphertext to ensure their security over an insecure
communicating network. The data or message in its original form is called
plaintext, and it’s called intelligible data. This data could be hijacked,
examined, or destroyed over an insecure communication channel. The
ciphertext on the hand is the encrypted data that has been transformed
into unintelligible form to prevent an attacker from identifying the contents.

In the unit, the cryptography is divided into symmetric cryptography and

asymmetric cryptography. Symmetric cryptography is an encryption and
decryption technique where one key called private key is used for message
encryption and decryption. This cryptography is divided into two basic
types: substitution and transposition ciphers. Substitution cipher includes

shift cipher, affine cipher, vigenere cipher, and hill cipher consists of 26
keyspace and can be easily deciphered using brute-force attack because of
its low number of the keyspace. The symmetric and asymmetric
cryptographies are discussed in this unit.

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• define cryptography
• categorise different types of cryptography
• explain different types of attacks
• apply cryptographic techniques to secure information systems.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Cryptography
Cryptography originated from the Greek word κρυπτός, kryptos, meaning
"hidden, secret"; and γράφ, meaning gráph, and "writing", or -λογία, -logia,
respectively. It is the study and practice of hiding information to ensure its
security. Cryptography also connotes the study of encryption and
decryption of message to ensure its protection over the communication
network. The study of modern encryption and decryption cut across
different field of disciplines, namely mathematical foundation of
cryptographic techniques, computing and communication or information
storage system, and security services and protocols in engineering

The principle of cryptography essentially is to ensure the confidentiality,

authentication, integrity, and availability. The task of confidentiality is
ensured at using the symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. In order to
ensure the authenticity of a message or document, the digital signature is
being used while cryptography hash functions are deployed to ensure
messages’ integrity.

Cryptography has two main categories, can you mention them?

3.1.1 Categories of Cryptography

Cryptography is divided into classical or symmetric cryptography and
modern /computational or asymmetric cryptography.

1. Classic / Symmetric Cryptography (Criptografia clássica)
This is a cryptography technique where encryption and decryption
functions together with the keys are kept secret and processed by
key players.

Fig. 1.8: Symmetric Cryptography

These cryptosystems are otherwise called symmetric ciphers. This is single-

key cryptography used prior to the development of public-key
cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography. Figure 1.8 depicts
how a single key is used to encrypt and decrypt a message. Most of the
symmetric ciphers are block-oriented in operation. That is the data is being
executed in bit by bit of eight bits or block at a time. It means the data will
store in the hard disk or other memory before the execution of another
batch. This led to the security vulnerability of block cipher cryptosystems.
Symmetric encryption is characterised by the use of a single private key for
encryption and decryption. Symmetric encryption consists of transposition
techniques, substitution techniques, rotor-machines, and other techniques.
All these forms of symmetric encryption are called classical encryptions. In
this encryption, the decryption algorithm is the reverse of the encryption
algorithm. That is, different computations technique is used in the
encryption and decryption algorithms, unlike asymmetric, which use the
same computations. The most commonly used symmetric ciphers are the
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES).

Encryption Decryption
X Function Y Function X
E() D()

  ,    , 
K     K
Fig. 1.9: Symmetric Cryptography Models

3.1.2 Symmetric Cipher Model

Asymmetric encryption model is a five-tuple scheme with plaintext,

encryption algorithm, secret key, decryption algorithm, and ciphertext.
These tuples define as follows:

• Plaintext or Cleartext: This is the original message that is

unintelligible in nature.
• Encryption / Cipher: This is a technique or algorithm used to
transform or encode plaintext to ciphertext.
• Decryption / Decipher: This is a technique or algorithm used to
revert or decode ciphertext into plaintext.
• Key: An input variable or parameter for the cipher/decipher,
encoding /decoding or encryption/decryption algorithms.
• Secret key or secret shared key: This is an input parameter used
in asymmetric encryption.
• Encipher / encrypt: This is a conversion/encoding of plaintext into
• Decipher, decrypt: This is for reverting/decoding plaintext from the
• Ciphertext: This is an encrypted message using an encryption
algorithm and a secret key.

Figure 1.9 shows a simplified symmetric cryptography model with X as

input message or plaintext, Y as ciphertext, Kx as the symmetric secret
key, encryption function E() given as Y = E(Kx, X) / Y={X}Kx, and
decryption function D() given as X = D(Ky,Y).

Given that   ଵ , ଶ , ଷ , … ௜ as plaintext to be encrypted using the key

  ଵ , ଶ , ଷ , … ௡ . The  elements of  and  elements of  are either
letters of finite alphabets A to Z or binary alphabet {0,1}.

The ciphertext  ଵ , ଶ , ଷ , … ௝ is generated from the combination of

plaintext  and key  as inputs using the encryption function and
encryption algorithm where

and the ciphertext is transformed to plaintext  by the
receiver using the decryption function  and encryption
algorithm , where

Asymmetric Encryption Scheme

This is double-key cryptography where the sender and receiver of message
use different keys (private and public keys) for encryption and decryption
respectively. In this cryptosystem, both encryption and decryption
functions are computed using the same techniques but different keys.
Virtually (but not all) most of the cryptosystems are stream cipher oriented,
where data are encrypted at once as they arrive, within the encryption
algorithm. That is, the data do not store in any location before encryption.
This solves the problem of the likelihood of a breach in the security of data.
That is, data stored in a memory location while waiting for other data to be
encrypted. Asymmetric encryption systems are modern cryptosystems
which include RSA and ElGamal cryptosystems.

Encryption Decryption
X Function Y Function X
E() D()

Y=E(Kx, X) X=D(Ky, Y)
Kx Y={X}Kx Ky
Fig. 1.10: Asymmetric Cryptography Model

Differentiate between Symmetric and Asymmetric cryptography?

The symmetric and asymmetric cryptographies are compared in terms of a

number of keys, encryption algorithm (reverse or same), below:

The secret key for symmetric is given as Kx = Ky = K while Kx and Ky are

different in asymmetric. Also, in terms of encryption and decryption
functions, the decryption function D( ) in symmetric cryptography is the
reverse of encryption algorithm E( ) whereas the encryption and decryption
functions in asymmetric are obtained using the same computation.

In terms of encryption and decryption functions, the decryption function D(

) in symmetric cryptography is the reverse of encryption algorithm E( )
whereas the encryption and decryption functions in asymmetric are
obtained using the same computation.

3.1.2 Cryptography Fundamentals Features of Cryptosystems
1. The technique used in converting plaintext to ciphertext
The two conventional principles used by cryptosystems are
substitution and transposition techniques. In substitution system, the
bit or letter elements are mapped into another bit or letter elements
respectively while in transposition, the bits or letters in a plaintext
are rearranged.
2. The number of keys used for encryption and decryption
When a single key is used to encrypt and decrypt a plaintext, then
the system is called symmetric cryptosystem. While the asymmetric
cryptosystem involves the use of more than one key for encryption.
3. The method of processing the plaintext
When a cryptosystem encrypts input parameters in one block or 8 bit
of elements at a time, yielding an equivalent block or 8 bit of output
for each input parameters, then the type of enciphering is called
block. A stream cipher, on the other hand, encrypts the input
parameters in bit by bit as it arrives and produces the output
parameter at a time. The Basic Principles of Cryptography / Historical


1. The channel between Ade and Ola is public.

2. There available secret key क share by Ade and Ola.
3. Ade encodes his message X using a public encryption algorithm
ए and key क represented by ࢅ = एक (ࢄ).
4. Ola decrypts Ade’s message using a public decryption algorithm
ঞ andकrepresented by ࢄ = ঞक (ࢅ). Cryptanalysis and Brute-force attacks on

Symmetric Cipher
These two approaches are used by an attacker to decipher the ciphertext
without having the key. The basic aim is to obtain the key used for
encryption. Cryptanalysis
Cryptanalysis or criptanálise, otherwise called code-breaking, is an attempt
to examine or discover the contents of plaintext or key used for encryption
using publicly available information. This attack depends on previous
general knowledge of features of plaintext or type of encryption or
decryption algorithm.

34 Brute-force Attack
An attacker uses brute-force attack by trying all possible available keys on
the ciphertext until a meaningful plaintext is obtained.

Bob enters Mr Jay’s office but met his absence; he saw Mr Jay’s laptop on
his desk. He boots the system to steal some files stored on the laptop.
When the system boots up, it was locked and required a password to reveal
the desktop. Bob does not have this password, and he decides to try
different password combinations to hack into the system. What type of
attack is Bob carrying out on Mr Jay’s laptop? Categories of Attacks on cryptography

1. Ciphertext only: In this attack, the encryption algorithm and

ciphertext are known to the attacker.
2. Known plaintext: This is an attack where an attacker knew the
encryption algorithm, ciphertext, or one or more plaintext-ciphertext
pairs with the secret key.
3. Chosen plaintext: An attacker knew encryption algorithm,
ciphertext, chosen message in addition to its corresponding
ciphertext generated with the secret key.
4. Chosen ciphertext: Encryption algorithm, ciphertext, preempt
chosen-ciphertext by an attacker, with corresponding deciphered
plaintext using a secret key k known to the attacker.
5. Chosen text: Encryption algorithm, ciphertext, attacker’s chosen
plaintext message, together with its corresponding ciphertext
obtained using secret key k, assumed attacker’s chosen-ciphertext,
together with its corresponding decrypted plaintext generated with
the secret key.

The secret key for symmetric is the same, i.e. Kx = Ky = K while Kx and
Ky are different in asymmetric.

In terms of encryption and decryption functions, the decryption function D(

) in symmetric cryptography is the reverse of encryption algorithm E( )
whereas the encryption and decryption functions in asymmetric are
obtained using the same computation.

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

1. A decrypted text is known as _____________
A. Ciphertext
B. Plain text
C. Ordinary text

D. Modified message
Answer: B
2. Identify an attack on symmetric cryptography in the options below.
A. Ciphertext
B. Brute force
C. Steganography
D. Code
Answer: B

5.0 Conclusion
In this unit, you have learnt the concepts of cryptography and how
cryptography could be applied to secure data communication in the
information systems. The cryptography is defined as a technique of
encrypting and decrypting communicating data which could be plaintext or
ciphertext to ensure their security over an insecure communicating
network. The data or message in its original form is called plaintext, and
it’s called intelligible data. This data over insecure communication network
needs to be protected using the method of encryption and decryption to
ensure its security over the network. The ciphertext is defined as the
encrypted data that has been transformed into unintelligible form to
prevent attackers from identifying the contents. In the unit, you also learnt
that cryptography is divided into symmetric cryptography and asymmetric
cryptography. Symmetric cryptography is defined as encryption and
decryption technique where one key called private key is used for message
encryption and decryption. This cryptography is divided into two basic
types: substitution and transposition ciphers. Substitution cipher includes
shift cipher, affine cipher, vigenere cipher, and hill cipher consists of 26
keyspace. It can easily be deciphered using brute-force attack because of
its low number of keyspace.

6.0 Summary
This unit summarised the basics of cryptography as a field of study that
deals with the protection of communicating data using encryption and
decryption techniques. The unit categorised cryptography as symmetric
and asymmetric ciphers. The types, attacks, the principles of cryptography
are examined in the unit. The security of symmetric ciphers depends on the
form of encryption algorithm or function and the exchange of key in a secret
manner and over the secure communication channel.

7.0 References/Further Reading
Cryptography and Network Security (2014): Principle and Practice. William
Stallings. Copyright © 2014, 2011, 2006 Pearson Education, Inc.,
Sixth Edition.

Jaiswal, R. (n.d.). Modern Cryptography: An overview. CSE, IIT Del

Olawale S. A. (2018). CSS 216: Cryptography Theory II. Unpublished

Lecture Note.

Unit 4: Web Security

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Overview of the Web
3.2 Web Threat and Attacks
3.2.1 XSS Attack
3.2.2 XSS Attack Countermeasures
3.2.3 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
3.2.4 Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) Mitigation
3.2.5 SQL Injection
3.2.5 Other threats
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
In the previous unit, you learnt about cryptography and different categories
of cryptography. This unit presents an overview of the web protocol. It
identifies the various threats that face the web application and their users.
It also highlights the security measures that are needed to counter these

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• describe different Web Threat and Attacks

• describe an XSS Attack
• compose a suitable XSS Attack Countermeasures
• discuss Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
mitigate the SQL Injection attack.

3.0 Main Content
3.1 Overview of the Web
The web is a distributed application that runs on the Internet. It was
developed around early 1994 by Tim Berners Lee. The web relies on the
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), which is implemented in two programs
the client (the browser) and the server (webserver). The two programs
which run on separate end systems, interact by exchanging HTTP messages
over the Internet network. HTTP defines the structure of the messages
being exchanged and how the client and server exchange the messages.

The webserver houses the web pages. Each page consists of base HTML-
file which may include several referenced objects such as JPEG image, Java
applet, audio file and others. URLs address each page and the referenced
objects. Each URL has two parts: the hostname of the server that houses
the object and the object's pathname.

http://www.noun.edu.ng/file.html is a URL with hostname as

www.noun.edu.ng and the object path name /file.html

1. Whenever a user initiates a browser such Microsoft Edge, Firefox or

Chrome to fetch a particular web object which resides on a particular
web server running web server application such as Apache
Webserver, Apache Tomcat or Microsoft Information Server, the
browser sends HTTP request messages for the objects in the page to
the server. The server receives the request and responds with HTTP
response messages that contain the objects.

The transport layer protocol used by HTTP is the TCP protocol. During
the client request phase, it will initiate a TCP connection (creates
socket) to the server, port 80 (webserver usually runs on reserved
port number 80). The server accepts TCP connection from the client
after which HTTP messages (application-layer protocol messages)
exchanged between a browser (HTTP client) and Web server (HTTP
server). After this, the TCP connection closed. If the object requested
has references to other objects, then the TCP connection and the
request and response messages exchanged, and the closing of TCP is
repeated for each of the objects. This kind of connection is called a
non-persistent connection. But if many objects are fetched through a
single connection, then this is called a persistent connection.

HTTP Message Format

There are two types of HTTP messages: request and response messages.
Both are in ASCII human-readable format.

There are two types of HTTP messages, what are the messages, and
what do they do?

A sample HTTP request message is shown in Figure 1.11.

Figure 1.11: General Format of HTTP Request Message

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 \r\n

Host: www.noun.edu.ng \r\n
User-Agent: Chrome/76.0 \r\n
Accept-Language: en-us \r\n
Connection: keep-alive \r\n
Figure 1.11 shows the general format HTTP request message. The first line
is referred to as the request line. The request line has three fields: the
method field, the URL field, and the HTTP version field. There are various
request methods such as GET, POST, HEAD methods. These methods
indicate the kind of request being made. GET, for example, is used to
request the object indicated in the URL field. The HTTP version field
indicates the version of the HTTP protocols being used by the client. The
second part of the message is called header lines with each header line
having a header field name followed by a space followed by the value of
the header field and the line terminated by a carriage return linefeed. The
purpose of the header lines is to carry different information about the
request being made to the server. The end of the header lines is marked
by a carriage return linefeed indicating the end of the header lines. The
last part is called the entity body, which is used to piggyback data such as
inputted form data to the server. The entity body is usually used by PUT
method to send form input data to the server. GET method, on the other
hand, will carry input data in the URL.

Figure 1.11 shows a typical request message. The first line is the request
line using the GET method to request an object at the URL: /index.html.
The header line Host: www.noun.edu.ng specifies the host on which the
object resides. The User-agent: header line specifies the user agent, that
is, the browser type that is requesting the server. In this example, the user
agent is Chrome/76.0. The Accept-language: header indicates that the user
prefers to receive an English `version of the object if such an object exists
on the server; otherwise, the server should send its default version. This
header is just one of many content negotiation headers available in HTTP.
Finally, the Connection: Keep Alive header line implies that the browser is
telling the server that it wants persistent connections; it wants the server
to keep the connection open after sending the requested object. A
persistent TCP connection enables the browser to use a single connection
to fetch many different objects.

Similarly, Figure 1.12 shows the general format of a response message

from a server. The first line is referred to as the status line. It has three
fields separated by spaces: the protocol version field, a status code, and a
corresponding status message. Header lines and the entity body follow this.
The entity body will contain the requested object sent by the server to the
browser. While the header lines carry different information, as stated

Fig. 1.12: A sample HTTP response message

HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2019 20:09:20 GMT \r\n
Server: Apache/2.0.52 (Windows)\r\n
Last-Modified: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:00:02 GMT\r\n
Content-Length: 2652\r\n
Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=100\r\n
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n
Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n
data data data data data ...

Figure 1.12 shows a typical response message. The first line is the status
line indicating that the server is using HTTP/1.1 and that everything is OK
(that is, the server has found, and is sending, the requested object). The
Date: header line indicates the time and date when the HTTP response was
created and sent by the server, i.e. the time when the server retrieves the
object from its file system, inserts the object into the response message,
and sends the response message. The server: header line indicates that
the message was generated by an Apache Web server running on the
Windows operating system. The Last-Modified: header line indicates the
time and date when the object was created or last modified. The
Content-Length: header line indicates the number of bytes in the object
being sent. The Content-Type: header line indicates that the object in the
entity body is HTML text. The server uses the connection: keep alive
header line to tell the client that it is going to leave the TCP connection
open after sending the message.

Packets are sent and received between the client system and a web server,
use Wireshark to captured HTTP request/response. Save the report of this
captured packet and send it to your tutor.

3.2 Web Threat and Attacks

There are a number of threats that face web applications because of the
vulnerabilities exposed by plaintext messages exchanged between server
and client. One of the key threats confronting the web is the ability of a
client to easily have access to any information on the webserver through
the GET method. This, in turn, can make sensitive information to be leaked
via the web. For example, all files accessible under a Web directory can be
downloaded via GET requests. This is obvious because the GET request can
be used to download any web object from a particular web server.

Also, the plaintext messages leave the threat of lack of confidentiality and
eavesdropping. The TCP also lack automation mechanism. There is a layer
of sevitu has portico has been proposed to take of the amount of security
threat. This is called HTTPS over transpire layer security TLS.

In what follows we look at some of the threat affecting the web is the
absence of TLS and HTTPS. HTTPS encrypts data sent between the client
and server. This ensures that login credentials, cookies, POST requests
data and header information are not easily available to attackers.

3.2.1 Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-site scripting is a kind of attack whereby an attacker injects client-

side scripts into a website so that such scripts can be executed by other
users who visit the site. This implies that the attacker does not directly

attack the victim rather; the attacker exploits the loopholes in the security
of a website that the victim visits. The vulnerable website has security
loopholes of allowing an attacker to enter malicious codes taken as ordinary
texts into its website by not sanitizing such inputs before accepting them
into the website.

When the victim's browser visits such vulnerable website, the malicious
scripts is delivered alongside other objects which are then rendered
unwittingly by the browser and inadvertently executing the malicious code
resulting in undesirable consequences to the user. Figure 1.13 provides a
visible illustration of XSS attack, as explained above.

Fig. 1.13: XSS Attack Illustration

Java script has a number of features that makes it an attacker choice for
performing XSS attack. This include ability to use it to gain access to
cookies stored on user browser, send HTTP requests with arbitrary content
to arbitrary destinations by using XMLHttp Request and other mechanisms,
make arbitrary modifications to the HTML of the current page by using DOM
manipulation methods. All of these make it possible for java script code to
be used as an attacker tool. For example, the victim's cookies stored in the
browser can be accessed using document. cookie, and the attacker then
sends them to his own server and use them to extract sensitive information
like session IDs to be used to gain the same privilege as the original user.
The attacker can carry out key logging attack on the user registering a
keyboard event listener using add Event Listener and then send all of the
user's keystrokes to his own server, thereby recording information such as
passwords and credit card numbers. Also, an attacker can carry out
phishing attack by inserting a fake login form into the injected website

using DOM manipulation, set the form's action attribute to target his own
server, and then trick the user into submitting sensitive information.

Types of XSS Attacks

There are two major types of XSS attack commonly reported in the web
security domain. These are delineated based on how the attack is carried
out using JavaScript injection. The two types are:

Persistent XSS: This is when the malicious codes find their way into the
website’s database and eventually get executed by all victim browsers that
visit the site.

Reflected XSS: This is where the malicious code string originates from the
victim's request.

Persistent XSS Attack

In a persistent XSS attack, the attacker finds a way of injecting the
malicious codes to the database of the vulnerable website by entering
malicious JavaScript codes into an input form instead of the normally
expected text string. Once these codes are accepted as input by the site
and then stored into their database for onward display on the site for other
users to view, the malicious content in addition to other website contents
is then automatically rendered and executed by the victim browser upon
visiting the website. The unsuspecting victim then felts the effect of the
malicious code.

For example, consider a scenario depicted in Figure 1.13, whereby an

attacker intends to steal the victim’s cookies. This can be achieved by
imagining the following steps:

Step 1: The attacker enters a malicious code into the form input of a
vulnerable website, i.e. the attacker enter the code:


The code is considered to be an expected ordinary text and stored into the
database of the website.

Step 2: An unsuspecting victim requests a page that contains the injected

text string codes.

Step 3: The site responds by sending the malicious string from the database
among other contents of the site, which are parsed automatically and
executed automatically by the victims’ browser.

Step4: The execution of the malicious script inside the response received
by the victim browser results in sending the victim's cookies to the
attacker's server. The attacker can then make use of the cookies to gain
access to user authorisation ID for accessing target sites with the original
user privileges resulting in a social and financial loss to the victim.

Fig. 1.14: Persistent XSS Attack

Source: https://excess-xss.com/

Highlight the roles of the victim, attacker and the vulnerable website in an
XSS attack

Roles of a victim, attacker and the vulnerable website in an XSS


Step 1: The attacker enters a malicious code into the form input of a
vulnerable website, i.e. the attacker enters the code:

The code is considered to be an expected ordinary text and stored into the
database of the website.

Step 2: An unsuspecting victim requests a page that contains the injected

text string codes.

Step 3: The site responds by sending the malicious string from the database
among other contents of the site, which are parsed automatically and
executed automatically by the victims’ browser.

Step4: The execution of the malicious script inside the response received
by the victim browser results in sending the victim's cookies to the
attacker's server. The attacker can then make use of the cookies to gain
access to user authorisation ID for accessing target sites with the original
user privileges resulting in a social and financial loss to the victim.

Reflected XSS
In a reflected XSS attack, the malicious string is part of the victim's request
to the website. The website then includes this malicious string in the
response sent back to the user.

For example, consider a scenario depicted in Figure 1.14, whereby an

attacker intends to steal the victim’s cookies.

This can be achieved by imagining the following steps:

Step 1. The attacker crafts a URL containing a malicious string and sends
it to the victim.

Step 2. The attacker tricks the victim into requesting the URL from the

Step 3. The website includes the malicious string from the URL in response
to the user.

Step 4. The victim's browser executes the malicious script inside the
response, sending the victim's cookies to the attacker's server.

Fig. 1.15: Reflected XSS Attack

(Source: https://excess-xss.com)

There are two common ways of tricking a victim into launching a reflected
XSS attack against himself:

1. If the attacker targets a specific individual, the attacker can send the
malicious URL to the victim (using e-mail or instant messaging, for
example) and trick him into visiting it.
2. If the user targets a large group of people, the attacker can publish
a link to the malicious URL (on his website or a social network, for
example) and wait for visitors to click it.

These two methods are similar, and both can be more successful with the
use of a URL shortening service, which masks the malicious string from
users who might otherwise identify it.

3.2.2 Countermeasures for XSS Attack

The best solution to XSS attack is to prevent it from happening. This

prevention can be done by ensuring that the web site has a robust input
handling mechanisms. There are two main approaches to achieve this are:

i. Encoding: which escapes the user input so that the browser

interprets it only as data, not as code.

ii. Validation: which filters the user input so that the browser interprets
it as code without malicious commands.

Content Security Policy (CSP)

The disadvantage of protecting against XSS by using only secure input
handling is that even a single lapse of security can compromise your
website. A recent web standard called Content Security Policy (CSP) can
mitigate this risk.

CSP is used to constrain the browser viewing your page so that it can only
use resources downloaded from trusted sources. A resource is a script, a
stylesheet, an image, or some other type of file referred to by the page.
This means that even if an attacker succeeds in injecting malicious content
into your website, CSP can prevent it from ever being executed.
CSP can be used to enforce the following rules:

No untrusted sources
External resources can only be loaded from a set of clearly defined trusted

No inline resources
Inline JavaScript and CSS will not be evaluated.

No eval
The JavaScript eval function cannot be used.

For example, if an attacker has succeeded in injecting malicious code into

a page:
Latest comment:

<script src="http://attacker/malicious-script.js"></script>
</html>With a properly defined CSP policy, the browser would not load
and execute malicious-script.js because http://attacker/ would not be in
the set of trusted sources. Even though the website failed to handle user
input in this case securely, the CSP policy prevented the vulnerability from
causing any harm. Even if the attacker had injected the script code inline
rather than linking to an external file, a properly defined CSP policy
disallowing inline JavaScript would also have prevented the vulnerability
from causing any harm.

To enable CSP on your website, pages must be served with an additional

HTTP header: Content-Security-Policy. Any page served with this header
will have its security policy respected by the browser loading it, provided
that the browser supports CSP.

Since the security policy is sent with every HTTP response, it is possible for
a server to set its policy on a page-by-page basis. The same policy can be
applied to an entire website by providing the same CSP header in every

The value of the Content-Security-Policy header is a string defining one or

more security policies that will take effect on your website.

3.2.3 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF), also known as XSRF is a kind of attack

that tricks a web browser into executing an unwanted action in an
application to which a user is logged in. CSRF attacks allow a malicious user
to execute actions using the credentials of another user without that user’s
knowledge or consent.

This type of attack is best explained by example. John is a malicious user

who knows that a particular site allows logged-in users to send money to a
specified account using an HTTP POST request that includes the account
name and an amount of money. John constructs a form that includes his
bank details and an amount of money as hidden fields, and emails it to other
site users (with the Submit button disguised as a link to a "get rich quick"

If a user clicks the submit button, an HTTP POST request will be sent to the
server containing the transaction details and any client-side cookies that the
browser associated with the site (adding associated site cookies to
requests is normal browser behaviour). The server will check the cookies,
and use them to determine whether or not the user is logged in and has
permission to make the transaction.

The result is that any user who clicks the Submit button while they are
logged in to the trading site will make the transaction. John gets rich.

It is similar in one way to the XSS script, but in this case, the victim is
directly targetted rather than using a third party site as an agent to launch
the attack.

A successful CSRF attack can be devastating for both the business and the
user. It can result in damaged client relationships, unauthorised fund
transfers, changed passwords and data theft—including stolen session

CSRFs are typically conducted using malicious social engineering, such as

an email or link that tricks the victim into sending a forged request to a
server. As the unsuspecting user is authenticated by their application at the
time of the attack, it’s impossible to distinguish a legitimate request from
a forged one.

3.2.4 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Mitigation

A number of effective methods exist for both the prevention and mitigation
of CSRF attacks. From a user’s perspective, prevention is a matter of
safeguarding login credentials and denying unauthorised actors access to

Best practices include:

• Logging off-web applications when not in use

• Securing usernames and passwords
• Not allowing browsers to remember passwords
• Avoiding browsing while logged into an application simultaneously.

For web applications, multiple solutions exist to block malicious traffic and
prevent attacks. Among the most common mitigation methods is to
generate unique random tokens for every session request or ID. These are
subsequently checked and verified by the server. Session requests having
either duplicate tokens or missing values are blocked. Alternatively, a
request that doesn’t match its session ID token is prevented from reaching
an application. Double submission of cookies is another well-known method
to block CSRF. Similar to using unique tokens, random tokens are assigned

to both a cookie and a request parameter. The server then verifies that the
tokens match before granting access to the application. While effective,
tokens can be exposed at a number of points, including in browser history,
HTTP log files, network appliances logging the first line of an HTTP request
and referrer headers, if the protected site links to an external URL. These
potential weak spots make tokens a less than a full-proof solution.

Using custom rules to prevent CSRF attacks

The highly individual nature of CSRF attacks hinders the development of a
one-size-fits-all solution. However, custom security policies can be
employed to secure against possible CSRF scenarios.

One way to prevent this type of attack is for the server to require
that POST requests include a user-specific site-generated secret. The
secret would be supplied by the server when sending the web form used to
make transfers. This approach prevents John from creating his own form
because he would have to know the secret that the server is providing for
the user. Even if he found out the secret and created a form for a particular
user, he would no longer be able to use that same form to attack every

3.2.5 SQL Injection Attack

SQL injection vulnerabilities enable malicious users to execute arbitrary SQL

code on a database, allowing data to be accessed, modified, or deleted
irrespective of the user's permissions. A successful injection attack might
spoof identities, create new identities with administration rights, access all
data on the server, or destroy/modify the data to make it unusable.

This vulnerability is present if user input that is passed to an underlying SQL

statement can change the meaning of the statement. For example, the
following code is intended to list all users with a particular name (userName)
that has been supplied from an HTML form:

statement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '" + userName + "';"

If the user specifies a real name, the statement will work as intended.
However, a malicious user could completely change the behaviour of this
SQL statement to the new statement in the following example, by simply
specifying the text in bold for the userName.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'a';DROP TABLE users; SELECT *

FROM userinfo WHERE 't' = 't';

The modified statement creates a valid SQL statement that deletes

the users table and selects all data from the userinfo table (which reveals the

information of every user). This works because the first part of the injected
text (a';) completes the original statement.
SQL attack countermeasure

To avoid this kind of attack, one must ensure that any user data that is
passed to an SQL query cannot change the nature of the query. One way to
do this is to escape all the characters in the user input that have a special
meaning in SQL.

In the following statement, the ' character is escaped. The SQL will now
interpret the name as the whole string in bold (which is a very odd name
indeed, but not harmful).

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'a\';DROP TABLE users; SELECT

* FROM userinfo WHERE \'t\' = \'t';

Web frameworks will often take care of the character escaping.

3.2.6 Other threats

Other common attacks/vulnerabilities include:

• Clickjacking: In this attack, a malicious user hijacks clicks meant for

a visible top-level site and routes them to a hidden page beneath.
This technique might be used, for example, to display a legitimate
bank site but capture the login credentials into an
invisible <iframe> controlled by the attacker. Clickjacking could also
be used to get the user to click a button on a visible site, but in doing
so actually unwittingly click a completely different button. As a
defence, your site can prevent itself from being embedded in an
iframe in another site by setting the appropriate HTTP headers.

• Denial of Service (DoS): DoS is usually achieved by flooding a target

site with fake requests so that access to a site is disrupted for
legitimate users. The requests may simply be numerous, or they may
individually consume large amounts of resource (e.g., slow reads or
uploading of large files). DoS defences usually work by identifying
and blocking "bad" traffic while allowing legitimate messages
through. These defences are typically located before or in the
webserver (they are not part of the web application itself).

• Directory Traversal (File and disclosure): In this attack, a malicious

user attempts to access parts of the webserver file system that they
should not be able to access. This vulnerability occurs when the user
is able to pass filenames that include file system navigation
characters (for example, ../../). The solution is to sanitize input
before using it.

• File Inclusion: In this attack, a user is able to specify an "unintended"
file for display or execution in data passed to the server. When
loaded, this file might be executed on the web server or the client-
side (leading to an XSS attack). The solution is to sanitise input before
using it.
• Command Injection: Command injection attacks allow a malicious
user to execute arbitrary system commands on the host operating
system. The solution is to sanitize user input before it might be used
in system calls.

Almost all of the security exploits in the previous sections are successful
when the web application trusts data from the browser. Whatever else you
do to improve the security of your website, you should sanitise all user-
originating data before it is displayed in the browser, used in SQL queries,
or passed to an operating system or file system call.

The most important web security is never to trust data from the browser.
This includes, but is not limited to, data in URL parameters
of GET requests, POST requests, HTTP headers and cookies, and user-
uploaded files. The web application must always check and sanitise all
incoming data. A number of other concrete steps to prevent these attacks

1) Use of more effective password management. Encourage strong

passwords that are changed regularly. Consider two-factor
authentication for your site, so that in addition to a password the user
must enter another authentication code. Usually, one that is delivered
via some physical hardware that only the user will have, such as a
code in an SMS sent to their phone.
2) Configure webserver to use HTTPS and HTTP Strict Transport
Security (HSTS). HTTPS encrypts data sent between the client and
the server. This ensures that login credentials,
cookies, POST requests data and header information are not easily
available to attackers.
3) Keep track of the most popular threats, i.e. those listed on
ect and address the most common vulnerabilities first.
4) Use vulnerability scanning tools to perform automated security
testing on your site. Later on, your very successful website may also
find bugs by offering a bug bounty as Mozilla does here.
5) Web applications should store and display only the necessary data
that is needed. For example, sensitive information like credit card
details should be displayed with enough of the card number that it
can be identified by the user, and not enough that it can be copied
by an attacker and used on another site. The most common pattern
at this time is to only display the last four digits of a credit card

6) Developers should use Web frameworks that can help to mitigate
many of the more common vulnerabilities.

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

1. ________________ is the major types of XSS attack?

A. Reflection XSS Attack

B. persistent XSS Attack
C. reproductive XSS Attack
D. Consistent XSS Attack

Answer: B

2. What is the acronym of SQL?

a. Structured Quantum Language
b. Sequence Query Language
c. Sensitive Quantum Language
d. Structured Query Language

Answer: D

Consult the web to investigate how HTTPS and TLS ensure more security
on the web.

Mini project
Perform a SQL injection attack on a web app to determine if it's vulnerable,
then submit the screenshot of the necessary steps performed in carrying
out the attack to your tutor.

5.0 Conclusion
You have learnt from this unit the the overview of the web involving the
HTTP protocol for exchanging messages between the client and the
webserver and also the transport layer protocol TCP used by the web
application. Also, this unit has taught you the various threats facing the
web notably XSS, CRSF, SQL Injection, among others. This unit has also
informed you of the various methods of mitigating against these attacks.

6.0 Summary
The Web is based on plaintext HTTP protocol. Web security threats include
information leakage, misleading websites, and malicious code which
culminated in attacks like XSS attack, CSRF attack and SQL injection.
Countermeasures include HTTPS, proper input handling mechanisms, and
malicious code detection

7.0 References/Further Reading





Kurose, J. F. & Ross, K. W. Computer Networking a Top-Down Approach.

(7th ed.). Prentice-Hall.

Stallings, W. & Brown, L. (2018). Computer Security Principle and Practice.

(4th ed.). Prentice-Hall.

Unit 5: Program Security

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Principles of Defensive Programming
3.2 Correct Input Handling
3.3 Ensuring Correct Program Code
3.4 Ensuring Security with Interaction with Operating System and
Other Programs
3.5 Ensuring Security when Producing Output
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
This chapter explores the general topic of program security. Why many
of the web security vulnerabilities identified in the previous unit 4 of this
module are as a result of improper handling of user inputs. We saw how
proper handling of input serves as a panacea to attacks like cross-site
scripting and cross-site resource forgery. This, on the one hand, is a form
of program security. This unit focuses on guiding principles of writing safe
program and ways of ensuring that the program interacts safely with other
programs to avoid introducing vulnerabilities into the system.

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• identify the principles of defensive programming

• detect vulnerabilities in software
• outline countermeasures of the vulnerabilities.

3.0 Main Content
3.1 Principles of Defensive Programming
Writing secure, safe code requires programmers to pay attention to the
concept of defensive programming. This involves designing and
implementing software that continues to function even when under attack.
Software written using this principle can detect erroneous conditions
resulting from some attack, and decides either to continue to execute safely
or to fail gracefully. The key rule in defensive programming is never to
assume anything, but to check all assumptions and to handle any possible
error states.

Since a program usually works based on an algorithm it implements,

process inputs from different sources (i.e. file system, database or screen),
interacts with operating system services and ultimately produces results to
various output media. All these are avenues through which vulnerabilities
of insecure software may be exploited. Therefore, writing secure software
requires paying attention to all these aspects focusing on the safe input
handling, security concerns related to algorithm implementation, program
interaction with other components, and program output.

3.2 Correct input handling

Correct handling of program input can alleviate many program insecurity
as we saw in the case of XSS attack discussed in Unit 4 of this module.
There are many sources from which a program may obtain its input. Among
these are user keyboard, mouse entry, files, or network connections, data
supplied to the program in the execution environment, the values of any
configuration or other data read from files by the program, and values
supplied by the operating system to the program. Since the value of the
data is not explicitly known by the programmer when the code was written,
all sources of input data, and any assumptions about the size and type of
values they take, have to be identified. Those assumptions must be
explicitly verified by the program code, and the values must be used in a
manner consistent with these assumptions.

The two key areas where security flaws may arise from program input
include the size of the input and the meaning and interpretation of the
input. We have looked at the importance of proper interpretation of the
input in unit 4 of this module where we discussed the two approaches of
input validation and encoding as a means to avoid injection attacks. You
can go back to Unit 4 to review the concepts of input validation and

The incorrect allocation of buffer size may lead to input security flaw of
buffer overflow, which can lead to system unavailability. A buffer overflow
occurred when the allocated input buffer size received more input than the
allocated size. Writing code that is safe against buffer overflows requires
a mindset that regards any input as dangerous and processes it in a manner
that does not expose the program to danger. With respect to the size of
the input, this means either using a dynamically sized buffer to ensure that
sufficient space is available or processing the input in buffer sized blocks.
Even if dynamically sized buffers are used, care is needed to ensure that
the space requested does not exceed available memory. Should this occur,
the program must handle this error gracefully. This may involve processing
the input in blocks, discarding excess input, terminating the program, or
any other action that is reasonable in response to such an abnormal
situation. These checks must apply wherever data whose value is unknown
enter, or are manipulated by, the program. They must also apply to all
potential sources of input.

3.3 Ensuring Correct Program Code

One of the ways of ensuring program security is to ensure that the algorithm
implemented with the high-level language correctly solves the specified
problem, and the machine codes executed should correctly represent the
high-level algorithm specification, and the manipulation of data values in
variables, and those stored in machine registers or memory, should be valid
and meaningful. The following issues should be addressed:

• Correct Algorithm Implementation

• Correct Interpretation of Data Values
• Avoiding memory leakage.
• Ensuring that Machine Language Corresponds to Algorithm
Correct Algorithm Implementation
An incorrect implementation of the algorithm by the program may lead to
vulnerability. This can cause the program to take correct input and produce
an unwanted program behaviour. Attackers can exploit this kind of loophole
to bring down the whole system. An example of this kind of problem was
reported in gowa2001. This happened when a bug was found in Netscape
web browser due to the implementation of the random number generator
used to generate session keys for secure Web connections was inadequate.
The assumption was that these numbers should be unguessable, short of
trying all alternatives. However, due to a poor choice of the information
used to seed this algorithm, the resulting numbers were relatively easy to
predict. As a consequence, an attacker could guess the key used and then
decrypt the data exchanged over a secure Web session. This flaw was fixed
by implementing the random number generator to ensure that it was seeded
with sufficient unpredictable information that an attacker couldn't guess its

This example illustrates the care that is needed when designing and
implementing a program. It is important to specify assumptions carefully,
such as that generated random number should indeed be unpredictable, to
ensure that these assumptions are satisfied by the resulting program code.

Correct Interpretation of Data Values

The low-level representation of data values is in binary stored in memory
word length. It is left for the program to interpret this raw bit appropriately.
Different languages provide varying capabilities for restricting and
validating assumptions on the interpretation of data in variables. Some
languages are strongly typed, and thus the operations performed on any
specific type of data will be limited to appropriate manipulations of the
values. This greatly reduces the likelihood of inappropriate manipulation
and use of variables introducing a flaw in the program.

Other languages, though, allow a much more liberal interpretation of data

and permit program code to explicitly change their interpretation.

The best defence against the wrong manipulation of values is to use a

strongly typed programming language. Even when the main program is
written in such a language, it will still access and use operating system
services and standard library routines, which are currently most likely
written in languages like C, and could potentially contain such flaws. The
only counter to this is to monitor any bug reports for the system being used
and to try and not use any routines with known, serious bugs. If a loosely
typed language like C is used, then due care is needed whenever values
are cast between data types to ensure that their use remains valid.

Avoiding Memory Leakage

Many programs, which manipulate unknown quantities of data, use
dynamically allocated memory to store data when required. This memory
must be allocated when needed and released when done. If a program fails
to manage this process correctly, the consequence may be a steady
reduction in memory available on the heap to the point where it is
completely exhausted. This is known as a memory leak, and often the
program will crash once the available memory on the heap is exhausted.
This provides an obvious mechanism for an attacker to implement a denial-
of-service attack on such a program.

Programming languages like C++ and Java provides memory allocation and
automatic garbage collection. The language usually results in programs that
are generally more reliable. Using such languages is highly encouraged in
order to avoid problems with memory leakage.

3.4 Ensuring Security Interaction with Operating
Proper security measure needs to be taken when running programs
interacts with the operating system. A poorly written software with
inadequate attention to security can serve as an avenue for attackers to
exploit the vulnerability of such a program.

We can address security issues in this domain by looking at the following

areas as presented in William and Lawrie 2018:

• Proper handling of Environment Variables

• Using Appropriate, Least Privileges
• Correct Use of Systems Calls and Standard Library Functions

Proper handling of Environment Variables

Environment variables are a collection of string values inherited by each
process from its parent that can affect the way a running process behaves.
The operating system includes these in the process’s memory when it is
constructed. By default, they are a copy of the parent’s environment
variables. However, the request to execute a new program can specify a
new collection of values to use instead. A program can modify the
environment variables in its process at any time. And these, in turn, will be
passed to its children.

Using Appropriate Least Privileges

In most successful attacks on a computing system, the attacker is able to
execute code with the privileges and access rights of the compromised
program or service. If these privileges are greater than those available to
the attacker, then this results in a privilege escalation, an important stage
in the overall attack process. Using higher levels of privilege may enable
the attacker to make changes to the system. This strongly suggests that
programs should execute with the least amount of privileges needed to
complete their function. This is known as the principle of least privilege and
is widely recognised as a desirable characteristic in secure program.

Because this environment variable is exchanged between programs, care

must be taken when one program link with another program so that a
malicious program will not use the environment variable to attack the other

Correct Use of Systems Calls and Standard Library Functions

Programs make calls to the operating system to access the system’s
resources and to standard library functions to perform common operations.
When using such functions, programmers commonly make assumptions
about how they actually operate. Most of the time, they do indeed seem to
perform as expected.

However, there are circumstances when the assumptions a programmer
makes about these functions are not correct. The result can be that the
program does not perform as expected. They are thereby leaving the
program vulnerable failure, which may lead to unavailability.

The reason for this is that, while the operating system is managing other
programs and scheduling resources among them, the assumption made by
a program may conflict the operating system services provided. If the
program does not consider this, then it may lead to a program crash,
thereby leading to the threat of unavailability of the services provided by
the program.

3.5 Ensuring Security when Producing Output

The ultimate end result of a program is to produce the correct output.
Regardless of the types of output, the important thing is to ensure that the
output really does conform to the expected nature and have the desired

In most cases, the output from one program serves as input to another
program; this is the case of XSS attack whereby the response message
output from a web server serves as input to the web browser. But because
the web server does not properly secure its output, it inadvertently leads
to attack for the client consuming the data, i.e. the browser. This implies
output from our program should be properly sanitised to prevent serving
as a security threat to the consumer of the output.

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

Which of these options best explain the principle of defensive
A. It involves designing and implementing software that continues to
function even when under attack.
B. A collection of string values inherited by each process
from its parent that can affect the way a running process behaves.

Answer: A

5.0 Conclusion
This unit has essentially taught you about the principles of secure and
defensive programming. This involves designing and implementing
software that continues to function even when under attack. Software
written using this principle can detect erroneous conditions resulting from
some attack, and decides either to continue to execute safely or to fail

The take-home here is that program should be written in a way to ensure

that all assumptions and requirements are totally and explicitly coded to
avoid any leakage and exposure of the underlying system on which the
program runs to vulnerabilities and attacks.

6.0 Summary
The key principles to ensure a secure program is to use the principles of
secure programming. This principle stipulates a number of guidelines that
should be taking into consideration when developing a software or program.
They include proper input handling, ensuring Correct Program Code,
Ensuring Security with Interaction with Operating System and Other
Programs and Ensuring Security when Producing Output. For a further
discussion on these principles, you are encouraged to read the reference
material in the further reading section.

7.0 References/Further Reading

Stallings, W. & Brown, L. (2018). Computer Security Principle and Practice.
(4th ed.). Prentice-Hall.


Module 2: Threats and Attacks

Module Introduction
This module discusses malware, intrusion detection systems and cyber

Unit 1: Malware
Unit 2: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
Unit 3: Cyber Terrorism

Unit 1: Malware

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Malware
3.1.1 Malware Definition
3.1.2 Categories of Malware Computer Viruses Computer Worms Trojan Horse Tracking Cookies Adware Crimeware Spyware
3.2 Malware Attack Techniques
3.2.1 Malware First Attack Technique on Mobile Phone
3.2.2 Malware Second Attack Technique on Mobile Phone
3.2.3 Code Insertion
3.2.4 Code Reordering
3.2.5 Entry Point Obfuscation
3.2.6 Code Integration
3.2.7 Register Renaming
3.2.8 Session Hijacking
3.3 Malware Method of Propagation
3.4 Characteristics of Malware
3.5 Malware Detection Techniques
3.5.1 Signature-Based Malware Detection
3.5.2 Specification-Based Malware Detection
3.5.3 Behavioural-Based Detection
3.5.4 Data Mining Technique of Detecting Malware
3.6 Analysis of Malware
3.6.1 Mobile Malware Analysis
3.6.2 Desktop Malware Analysis
3.7 Malware Protection Techniques
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
This unit introduces you to the concepts of the malicious program,
otherwise known as malware. Malware is a malicious program with the
intent of inhibiting the normal flow of the computer system by damaging
the legitimate system. The unit also explains how you can analyse malware
effectively and various techniques to protect the system from malware

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• identify various types of malware

• describe different malware attack techniques
• identify malware protection techniques
• demonstrate methods and techniques that can be used to protect a
network from malware.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Malware

3.1.1 Malware Definition

Malware is a malicious software application intentionally built in a

computing facility for nefarious purposes. It can also be termed as all kind
of intrusions that is disastrous to the computer software and hardware
system. Malware writer creates malware for purposes of economic gain,
destruction, challenges or retaliation. Computer malware includes
computer viruses, worms, Trojan, malicious mobile codes (Botnets, Nitda

worm), Tracking Cokies (spywares, adwares, crimewares), Attacker Tools
(Backdoors, Keylogger, Rootkits, E-mail generator) and other harmful
software. A malware detector is a system introduced to analyse and identify
malware. Malware detector can be a commercial virus scanner which uses
binaries signature and other heuristic rules and algorithm to identify
malware or firewall which monitor the gateways of electronic devices.

3.1.2 Categories of Malware

The classification of malware is based on their attributes like replication

tendency and strategy, purposes of creation, method of propagation and
containment methodology. Malware such as Stuxnet and viruses may be
created for system destruction, backdoors and botnets for financial gain, or
adware, spyware and worms to gain unauthorized access to the system by
compromise system effectiveness. Malware can be categorised as follow: Computer Viruses

A virus is a computer program designed to replicate itself and distribute

copied data to another computer, thereby causing disinfection to other
programs and files. A virus has payloads that contain codes for executing
virus activities, which can either be benign or malicious in nature. A benign
program may either irritate or consumes memory space unnecessarily while
a malicious program causes several damages to the system. A virus may
be compiled or interpreted. The source code of a compiled virus is
converted by a compiler program for proper execution on the operating
system. In contrast, interpreted virus codes can only be executed by some

The virus uses obfuscation strategy to evade detection by antimalware.

Malware writer used obfuscation like polymorphism, metamorphism,
stealth, self-encryption and decryption, armouring among others to efface
detection by the detectors. The basic purpose of creating a virus is for
system destruction by attackers. Computer Worms

Computer worms are malicious programs that are both self-replicating and
self-contained in nature, i.e. they require no host program, unlike virus in
order to carry out their dastardly acts. Worms are also self-propagating
malware and capable of creating and executing potential copies without
user intervention. Many worms are purposely created to waste system
resources and gain unauthorised access to the system.

Worms can be network service or mass mailing worms. The network service
worm is exploiting the network service vulnerabilities to gain access to the

system while the mass wailing worms send a bulk of unwanted messages
which may often reduce the effective performance of a system in question. Trojan horse

This is a pretentious malware that camouflage to assist the user prior to

the installation but later facilitates and exposes the user to unauthorized
access. It emulates the attributes of the original program, such as login
shell and hijacks user password to gain access to the system remotely.
Trojan horse damages vital resources of the system like files, programs,
and data and retards system from performing important designated

n.HTML.FakeAlert.a are examples of the most dangerous Trojans malware. Tracking Cookies

These are small data designed to retain certain information about the
activities and pattern of a particular website. Adware

Adware is advertising-supported software that plays, displays, or download

advertisement automatically to a computer after the installation of harmful
software by computer users. The advertising module is generally embedded
into the malicious software, specially designed to detect the sites visited by
the internet users in other to gain access to user’s vital information for
majorly financial purposes.

Some adware can also be referred to as shareware (also known as trialware

or demoware). This is computer software that is licensed under the
exclusive right of the owner. The licensee is given the right to use the
software under certain conditions but restricted from other uses, such as
modifications, further distributions, or reverse engineering. Shareware
often offers a free download from the internet website. It gives buyer
opportunities for assessing the software before it can be purchased. Some
common adware software is free games on the internet, free software
packages, Kazaa and Bearshare. Crimeware

This is a kind of malware that is designed specifically to facilitate and

execute all kinds of cybercrime. It is designed to access a user’s account
online by presenting itself using the identity of another computer user in
other to gain access to another person’s account and valuable information.

65 Spyware

Spyware, as the name refers, is a program originally designed to monitor

the activities of computer users on the internet with a view to collect
information about users without their knowledge. Spyware obtains
information like credit card number, frequently visited sites, e-mail
address, among others. It also not only interferes with control of the
computer but also changes the computer setting, which results in slow
computer connection settings.

3.2 Malware Attack Techniques

The infection strategies of malware include entry point obfuscation, code
integration, code insertion, register renaming, memory access reordering
and session hijacking. These are discussed under the following subheading.

On the other hand, malware has two basic strategies adopted on a cell
phone viz;

1. By creating a new process to launch its attack

2. By redirecting the program flow of a legitimate application in order to
execute its malicious code within a legitimate security context (e.g.
messaging process)

3.2.1 Malware First Attack Technique on Mobile Phone

Malware, in this case, created a new process to execute its malicious code
and compromise the cell phone. This is a case where user operations are
required, for example, when a user downloads software on an internet or
opens a received message from another user. The newly created process
contains a program descriptor, which describes the address content,
execution state and security context, which is different from that of the
invoked parent process. This technique is widely adopted by the most
existing malware one to its simplicity.

In this technique, the cell phone malware launches an attack through a

legally installed application, having realised that the Symbian and windows
programs register themselves within a platform and use their system
services within their API framework. A good example is a cardblock Trojan,
which is a cracked version of a legitimate Symbian application called
instansis. It allows a user to create SIS archive. Cardblock blocks the MMC
memory card and detects the subdirectories under \system (SDI attack).

3.2.2 Malware Second Attack Technique on Mobile Phone

Malware, in this case, redirects the program flow of a legitimate application

(e.g. messaging activities) to execute its malicious code within a legitimate
security context. Open Source-based OS and application a framework is the
major target of this kind of malware attack, i.e. Linux-based smartphones.
This type of attack is possible for malware by exploiting the stack buffer
overflow in a Linux-based cell phone to “hijack “the normal program flow
and launch its attacks.

3.2.3 Code Insertion

Malware can also either append virus code and thereby modify the entry
point of a legitimate program or inject its code into unused sections of
program code.

3.2.4 Code Reordering

In this case, the malicious program substitutes the malicious code with the
original code and change the order of execution

3.2.5 Entry Point Obfuscation

In entry point obfuscation, the virus hijacks the control of the program after
the program has been launched, overwrite program import table addresses
and function call instructions.

3.2.6 Code integration

During the code integration, a virus merges its code with a legitimate
program that requires disassembly of the target, which is a very difficult
operation (W95/Zmist).

3.2.7 Register Renaming

Malware writer in this case program the malware to change the name of a
designated register of system, thereby confuse the legitimate program as
to the execution of the system program.

3.2.8 Session Hijacking

This is a process whereby a hacker sniff into internet active sessions,
monitors the session activities, steal the information, take one of the parties
offline, and take over the session in a steady manner.

3.2 Malware Method of Propagation
The basic technique of propagating malware is either by self-propagation
or user interaction. A malware like a worm is capable of copying itself and
causing occasional execution without the intervention of a host program or
its user, therefore requires no user intervention before its execution occur.
Virus, on the other hand, is a user-interaction oriented malware that always
looks for a host program for its execution and consequent infection. Other
malware might not require any of these methods for its propagation but
may adopt internet medium for their spreading. Mobile malware on its own
adopts mobile phone network on the internet to propagate itself, but this
action is usually curtailed by the internally built defence mechanism in the
mobile network phone. Another opportunity for mobile malware to
propagate is through the direct pair-wise communication resources, i.e.
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Infrared.

Some characteristics make software malicious. Can you identify these


3.4 Characteristics of Malware

There are three basic characteristics of malware, namely:

b. Self-replication
c. Self-propagation
d. User interaction

Malware could be a self-replicating, self-propagating, or user interacting

program. It discreetly installs itself in a data processing system, without
user’s knowledge or consent, to endanger data confidentiality, data
integrity and system availability or making sure that the authentic user is
framed for computer crime.

3.5 Malware Detection Techniques

The detection of malware task is divided into analysis, classification,
detection and eventual containment of malware. Classification techniques
which include association mining, machine learning, rule-based decision
tree and many others have been used in the classification of computer
programs into the malicious or benign set. The task of identifying the
instances of malware by different schemes using the attributes of known
malware characteristics is known as malware analysis. Malware detection,
on the other hand, involves the quick identification or detection and
validation of any instance of malware in order to prevent further damage
to the system. The final task is the containment of the malware, which
involves effort at stopping the aftermath effects and preventing further

damages to the system. Malware detection technique has been classified
according to the following criteria:

3.5.1 Signature-Based Malware Detection

This involves pattern-marching approach such as commercial antivirus

where the scanner scans for a sequence of byte within a program code to
identify and report a malicious code. This approach adopts a syntactic-level
of code instructions in order to detect malware by analyzing the code during
program compilation. The technique covers complete program code in a
short period of time. The technique, however, limited by ignoring semantics
of instructions, which allows malware obfuscation during the program’s run-

3.5.2 Specification-Based Malware Detection

A specification-based malware detection entails a detection algorithm which

addresses the deficiency of pattern-matching approach. This algorithm
incorporates instruction semantics to detect malware instances. The
approach is highly resilience to common obfuscation techniques. It used
template T to describe the malicious behaviours of a malware, which are
sequence of instructions represented by variables and symbolic constants.
The limitation of this approach is that the attribute of a program cannot be
accurately specified.
3.5.3 Behavioural-Based Detection
This approach performs simultaneously surface scanning and identification
of malware’s action. The approach generates database of a malicious
behaviours by studying a distinct number of families of malware on a target
operating system.

3.5.4 Data Mining Technique of Detecting Malware

Several authors have proposed the use of data mining for the detection of
malicious executables. Some of these defined a malicious executable as a
program that performs function, such as compromising a system’s security,
damaging a system or obtaining sensitive information without the user’s
permission. Their proposed data mining methods detect patterns in large
amounts of data, such as byte code, and use these patterns to detect future
instances in similar data. This framework used classifiers to detect new
malicious executables. The data mining method was able to detect
previously undetectable malicious executables by comparing the results
with traditional signature-based methods and with other learning

Examples of Malware with the Purpose of Creation

• Stuxnet and viruses may be created for system destruction.

• Backdoors and botnets for financial gains.
• Adware, spyware and worms to gain unauthorised access to the
system by compromise system effectiveness and DOS.

Provided below are tools used by malware attackers to execute their

malicious activities.

• Backdoor: a malicious program used by an attacker to listen to the

command being executed on transmission protocol ports. It has a
client component which resides on the intruder’s system and server
component which resides on an infected system.
• Rootkits: These are collective files installed on a target system to
modify the normal activities of a legitimate user.
• Keystroke Logger: This tool monitor and keep the record of keyboard
• E-mail Generator: This tool is used to create and send a very large
number of email. These bunks of unsolicited email constitute spam
to the owner of the email.
• Web Browser Plug-in: This tool allows the web browser to display or
execute a type of information in a specific way according to the
attacker specification.
• Toolkits: These are a collection of attacker’s facilities used to probe
and execute malware attack on the system. These tools include Port
scanners, Packet sniffers, Password crackers, Vulnerability scanners,
and SSH and telnet.

3.6 Analysis of Malware

3.6.1 Static Analysis
Static analysis is the process of analysing a program’s code statistically
without actually executing the code. The static analysis approach has the
advantage that an entire code can be covered and therefore, possibly a
complete program behaviour, independent of any single path executed
during run-time, will be easily captured. However, the statics analysis is
constrained with its inability to detect new malware or new variants of

3.6.2 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis, on the other hand, is necessary to complement the
lapses of static analysis due to various obfuscation mechanisms, which
rendered static analysis an ineffective method. Dynamic analysis was based

on some heuristics such as the monitoring of modifications to the system
registry and the hooks’ insertion into system interface or library. Dynamic
analysis, however, also have shortcomings since the heuristics are not
based on the fundamental attributes of malware, they can be subjected to
high false positive and false negative rates.

3.6.3 Combination of Static and Dynamic Analysis

This analysis involves the use of both static and dynamic techniques in a
simultaneous form to examine malicious programs.

3.7 Malware Protection Techniques

1. Regular update of system, browsers, and plugins

2. Anti-malware Programs
3. Firewall (software and hardware)
4. Legal Framework
5. Education
6. Organisation measures or precaution
7. Restriction on some websites
8. Be wary and verify the source of information to avoid phishing, fake
phone call, etc.
9. Use a strong password or password manager
10. Always browse using a secure connection

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

1. Which of the following is an example of malware?
a. Software
b. Trojan
c. Utilities
d. Firewall

Answer: B

2. Malware protection techniques include which of the following?

A. Shutting down your system
B. Remove the Hard disk drive
C. Regular update of systems
D. Anti-malware programs

Answer: C and D

5.0 Conclusion
In this unit, you have learnt the concepts of the malicious program,
otherwise known as malware. You have also learnt the classification of
malware using different criteria. Through the unit, you have discovered the
analysis techniques and strategies to protect the system against malware

6.0 Summary
This unit introduces you to the concepts of the malicious program,
otherwise known as malware. Malware is a malicious program with the
intent of inhibiting the normal flow of the computer system by damaging
the legitimate system. The unit also explains how you can effectively
analyse malware and various techniques to protect the system from
malware attacks. The classification of malware depends on the
characteristic of malware, which includes self-replication, self-propagation,
and user interaction. Malware detection techniques include signature-
based, specification-based, behavioural, and data mining technique of
detecting malware.

7.0 References/Further Reading

Abhijit, B., Xin, H., Kang G. S & Taejoon, P. (2008) “ Behavioural detection
of Malware on Mobile Handsets”, June 17–20, 2008, Breckenridge,
Colorado, USA. ACM 978-1- 60558-139-2/08/06

Adebayo, O. S.; Mabayoje, M. A.; Mishra, A. & Osho, O. (2012). “Malware

Detection, Supportive Software Agents and Its Classification
Schemes,” International Journal of Network Security & Its
Applications (IJNSA), Vol.4 (6), pp. 33 – 49.

Christodorescu, M., Jha, S., Seshia, S.A., Song, D. &R.E.Bryant. (2005)

“Semantics-aware malware detection”, In Proceedings of the IEEE
Symposium on Security and Privacy.

Gjergji, Z., Goefrey M., Michael, L., & Per, J. (2005) “Defending Mobile
Phones from Proximity Malware” Mell, P.; Kent, K. & Nusbaum, J.
(2015). Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling. Special
Publication 800-83 Sponsored by the Department of Homeland
Security. November, 2015.

Peter, M., Karent, K. and Joseph, N, (2005) “Guild to Malware Incident

Prevention and Handling”, NIST special publication 800-83

Salvatore J. Stolfo, Ke Wang, Wei-Jen Li. (2005) “File analysis for malware
detection”, HSARPA #0421001/H-SB04.2-002.WORMS 2005
Columbia IDS Lab June 19, 2005 2

Somayaji, A. & Forrest, S. (2006) “Automated response using system-call

delays”, Proceedings of the USENIX Security Symposium.

Laboratory Practical 1
What Are the Signs of a Virus?
Poor performance, application crashes, and computer freezes can
sometimes be the sign of a virus or another type of malware wreaking
havoc. However, that’s not always the case: There are many other causes
of problems that can slow down your PC.

Likewise, just because your PC is running fine doesn’t mean it doesn’t have
malware. The viruses of a decade ago were often pranks that ran wild and
used a lot of system resources. Modern malware is more likely to lurk
silently and covertly in the background, trying to evade detection so it can
capture your credit card numbers and other personal information. In other
words, modern-day malware is often created by criminals just to make
money, and well-crafted malware won’t cause any noticeable PC problems
at all.

Still, sudden poor PC performance may be one sign you have malware.
Strange applications on your system may also indicate malware but, once
again, there’s no guarantee malware is involved. Some applications pop up
a Command Prompt window when they update, so strange windows flashing
onto your screen and quickly disappearing may be a normal part of the
legitimate software on your system.

There’s no one-size-fits-all piece of evidence to look for without actually

scanning your PC for malware. Sometimes malware causes PC problems,
and sometimes it’s well-behaved while sneakily accomplishing its goal in
the background. The only way to know for sure whether you have malware
is to examine your system for it.

How to Check if a Process Is a Virus or Not

You might be wondering if your computer has a virus because you’ve seen
a strange process in the Windows Task Manager, which you can open by
pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc or by right-clicking the Windows taskbar and
selecting “Task Manager.”

Figure 2.1: Navigating to Task Manager
It’s normal to see quite a few processes here, click “More Details” if you
see a smaller list. Many of these processes have strange, confusing names.
That’s normal. Windows includes quite a few background processes, your
PC manufacturer added some, and applications you install often add them.
Figure 2.2: Windows Task Manager.

Badly behaved malware will often use a large amount of CPU, memory, or
disk resources and may stand out here. If you’re curious about whether a
specific program is malicious, right-click it in the Task Manager and select
“Search Online” to find more information.

If information about malware appears when you search the process, that’s
a sign you likely have malware. However, don’t assume that your computer
is virus-free just because a process looks legitimate. A process could lie
and say it’s “Google Chrome” or “chrome.exe,” but it may just be malware
impersonating Google Chrome that’s located in a different folder on your
system. If you’re concerned you might have malware, we recommend
performing an anti-malware scan.

The Search Online option isn’t available on Windows 7. If you use Windows
7, you’ll have to plug the name of the process into Google or another search
engine instead.

Figure 2.3: Search Online Option

How to scan your computer for viruses

By default, Windows 10 is always scanning your PC for malware with the
integrated Windows Security application, also known as Windows Defender.
You can, however, perform manual scans.

On Windows 10, open your Start menu, type “Security,” and click the
“Windows Security” shortcut to open it. You can also head to Settings >
Update & Security > Windows Security > Open Windows Security.

Figure 2.4: Windows Defender

To perform an anti-malware scan, click “Virus & threat protection.”

Figure 2.5: Perform Anti-Malware Scan

Click “Quick Scan” to scan your system for malware. Windows Security will
perform a scan and give you the results. If any malware is found, it will
offer to remove it from your PC automatically.

Figure 2.6: Quick Scan

If you want a second opinion, always a good idea if you’re concerned you
might have malware, and your primary antivirus doesn’t find anything, you
can perform a scan with a different security application like Avast, Comodo,
Malware Byte e.t.c.

Scanning with Virus Total

Virus Total is an online malware analysis tool that inspects items submitted
to it with over 70 antivirus scanners and URL/domain blacklisting services,
in addition to a myriad of tools to extract signals from the studied content.
Any user can select a file from their computer using their browser and send
it to Virus Total. Virus Total offers a number of file submission methods,
including the primary public web interface, desktop uploaders, browser
extensions and a programmatic API. The web interface has the highest
scanning priority among the publicly available submission methods.
Submissions may be scripted in any programming language using the
HTTP-based public API.

As with files, URLs can be submitted via several different means including

the Virus Total webpage, browser extensions and the API.

Upon submitting a file or URL basic results are shared with the submitter,
and also between the examining partners, who use results to improve their
own systems. As a result, by submitting files, URLs, domains, etc. to Virus
Total you are contributing to raise the global IT security level.

This core analysis is also the basis for several other features, including the
Virus Total Community: a network that allows users to comment on files
and URLs and share notes with each other. Virus Total can be useful in
detecting malicious content and also in identifying false positives, normal
and harmless items detected as malicious by one or more scanners.

Figure 2.7: Virus Total Official Web Page

Figure 2.8: Scanning the National Open University Website URL

Figure 2.9: Scanned Result of a Benign Image File

Unit 2: Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Overview of Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
3.1.1 Definition
3.1.2 Purpose
3.1.3 Computer Vulnerabilities Scanning Attacks Penetration Attacks Denial of Services Remote and Host Attacks
3.2 IDS Category
3.2.1 Host-based IDS Deployment
3.2.2 Network-based IDS
3.2.3 Hybrid Intrusion Detection (HIDSs)
3.2.4 Interval-based IDS
3.2.5 Real-time based IDS (RIDS)
3.2.6 Application-based IDS
3.3 IDS Tools
3.3.1 File Integrity Checker
3.3.2 Vulnerability Analysis
3.3.3 Honeypots
3.4 IDS Comparison
3.5 Strength of IDS
3.6 Challenges of IDS
3.7 Analysis of IDS
3.8 Signature-based IDS
3.8.1 Anomaly IDS
3.8.2 Misuse IDS
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
This unit introduces you to the concepts of Intrusion Detection System,
otherwise known as IDS. Intrusion detection systems IDS(s) can be software or
hardware component of a system which automatically monitored, discovered, and
analysed the activities in network traffic for security reporting. The conventional
antivirus systems have failed by rely on the signature of the antivirus provider,

which might find it difficult to discover new unknown attacks or cannot detect
attacks on the network. The unit also explains how you can effectively use
IDS to provide security for both computer and network system. The unit
will discuss various categories of IDSs and the benefits of one over others.
This unit will examine the strength and limitation of IDSs with the tools
used to ensure protection.

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• explain intrusion detection systems

• identify the categories IDS
• describe Computer Vulnerabilities
• secure a network from attacks using IDS.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Overview of Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Intrusion detection systems IDS(s) can be software or hardware systems
which automatically monitored, discovered, and analysed the activities in
network traffic for security reporting. The conventional antivirus systems
majorly rely on the signature of the antivirus provider, which might find it
difficult to discover zero-day malware. This has necessitated the use of
intrusion detection system which can work on the network, as well as
detecting zero-day malware. This material will provide the concepts of
intrusion detection systems for the user. And also acquaint you with
security goals of intrusion detection mechanisms, the selection and
configuration of intrusion detection systems for their specific system and
network environments, and to secure network from attacks using intrusion
detection systems (IDSs).

3.1.1 Definition
An Intrusion detection system is a facility or resource used to monitor,
examine, discover, and report illegitimate, unauthorized or unapproved
network practices. The detection of certain activity in network traffic may
be true or false depending on the accuracy of the detection system
algorithm. The intrusion detection system can be used to detect internal or
external attacks to avoid violations of corporate security policy and
ensuring the protection of organizational facilities.

1.1.2 Purpose of IDSs
There are compendium reasons to engage the use of intrusion detection
system ranges from attacks prevention to ensuring the integrity, control,
confidentiality, and availability of essential facilities of an organisation.
Towards this, the followings are the importance of intrusion detection

• The intrusion detection systems notify the owner of the impending

danger of the attacker’s reconnaissance or other malicious activity is
initiated before the system compromise.
• IDSs has the capability to report the successful compromised activity
and provide an opportunity for the administrator to implement
mitigating actions before finally compromise the system.
• The necessary and compulsory disclosure of data to the customer by
an organisation has largely exposed the organisation’s data to
security threats.
• IDSs provide quality control for security design and administration, most
importantly, in a large organisation.
• IDSs can detect the malicious events which other antimalware cannot.

1.1.3 Computer Vulnerabilities

In order to comprehensively understand the function of IDSs, it is pertinent
to understand the vulnerabilities and attacks they are being used to
prevent. The vulnerabilities and eventual system attacks usually resulted
in the breach of confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authenticity of an
organization. Confidentiality of a data is breach if an attacker accesses data or
file in an unauthorised manner or without given adequate authority; An integrity
of a data is breached attacker can modify or perform any operation on data without
user’s authority; An attacker can cause non-availability of information if he
prevents the legitimate user from having access to his system facilities;
Authentication ensures the unauthorised staff do not gain access to the system.
Some of these attacks are discussed below: Scanning Attacks

An attacker uses a scanning technique to examine the network of a target host by
sending different kinds of packets. This exercise can be carried out using network-
based vulnerability analysis tools. The attacker can then use the packets’
responses from the target to understand the target’s system vulnerabilities and
properties. The basic essence of the scanner is to scan the system for
vulnerabilities and not to attack or compromise the system. An attacker usually
runs a vulnerability scanner in order to get the list of hosts’ IP addresses that are
likely to be vulnerable to a specific attack. Scanners can be network scanners,
port scanners, network mappers, port mappers, or vulnerability scanners.
A successful scanning attack is likely to provide the following information to an

• The topology and property of a target network
• The types of network traffic allowed through a firewall
• The workable hosts on the network
• The operating systems of running on the hosts
• The host’s server application
• The versions and numbers of detected software on the target system. Penetration Attacks

An attacker carries out unauthorised access, and breach of integrity on the system
resources through penetration attacks. This attack involves using necessary
hacking tools to examine system vulnerabilities, perform reconnaissance, and
carry out attacks on the system. An attacker carries out a penetration attack easily
by examining and exploiting flaws in the system or application software. The basic
flaws in the software are User to Root, Remote to User, Remote to Root, Remote
Disk Read, and Remote Disk Write. User to Root is when a local user on a host
gains complete control of the target host. In Remote to User, an attacker on the
network gains access to a user account on the target host, while in Remote to
Root, an attacker on the network gains complete control of the target host. In
Remote Disk Read, an attacker on the network gains the ability to read private
data files on the target host without the authorisation of the owner. Remote Disk
Write allows an attacker on the network to gain the ability to write to private data
files on the target host without the authorisation of the owner. Denial of Services

Denial of Service (DOS) attack is an attack that prevents the legitimate user from
having access to his system facilities by slow or shut down the prey network or
systems. DOS attack is perpetrated by attackers to achieve personal or financial
gains within or outside an organisation. The attacks aim at causing system
unavailability or disruption, which results in a financial loss for an organisation.
For example, consider a bank which website cannot be accessed for various
financial transaction; this may result in loss for the bank. Another example is an
organisation that engages in sales and purchases of items using an electronic
commerce website, where customers are unable to access the website to make
purchases. The two basic techniques used by the attacker for DOS are flaw
exploitation and flooding technique. The flaw exploitation attacks exploit a flaw in
the target system’s software in order to cause a processing failure or system
exhaustion. An example of such a processing failure is the ‘ping of death’ attack.
Flooding attacks, on the other hand, send more bulk information to a system, or
system component which it cannot handle or monopolise the network connection
to the target, thereby denying the legitimate user the use of the system facility. Remote Attacks and Host Attacks

These could be authorised user attack or public user attack. Those attacks which
start with a legitimate user account and escalate the privilege are called authorised
user attacks while those attacks launched without any user account or privileged
access to the target system but remotely through a network connection using only
the public access granted by the target are public user attacks.

As a network administrator, how would you convince the management of
your organisation on the necessities of implementing an IDS on the
organisation network?
Reasons why IDS is needed?

1. The intrusion detection systems notify the owner of the impending

danger of an attacker’s reconnaissance or other malicious activity is
initiated before the system compromise.
2. IDSs has the capability to report the successful compromised activity
and provide an opportunity for the administrator to implement
mitigating actions before finally compromise the system.
3. The necessary and compulsory disclosure of data to the customer by
an organization has largely exposed the organisation’s data to
security threats.
4. IDSs provide quality control for security design and administration, most
importantly, in a large organisation.
5. IDSs can detect the malicious events which other antimalware cannot.

3.2 IDS Category

3.2.1 Host-based IDS

Host-based IDS is an information sources-based IDS which are usually
installed on a host-based IDS host. The focus of this IDS is basically to
analyse a certain type of operating systems, computer applications, and
other system events located where it resides. Host-based IDS logs any
discovered event to a secure database and compares the event with its
knowledge base to examine whether it matches with malicious base. This
IDS has high capability to detect internal attacks such as DNS, Mail, and
Web Servers, which are usually directed towards an organization’s servers.

3.2.2 Network-based IDS

Network-based IDSs capture and analyse network packets to detect cyber-
attacks on network traffic. A network IDS is capable of monitoring and
protecting multiple hosts traffics on a particular network and logs alarm on
questionable events. Network-based IDS raises the alarm on discovering
an unusual event and report such to the host server for appropriate action
using a set of single-purpose sensors placed at various points in a Network-based

3.2.3 Hybrid Intrusion Detection (HIDSs)

HIDSs combine the properties of both Host-based and Network-based IDS.
The system oversees the activity happens on the host system as well as
Network-based IDS. These activities include network traffic monitoring,
event reporting on the host system and other security functionalities. HIDS
is a tool highly needed on the critical servers of an organisation.

3.2.4 Interval based IDS
As the name implies, the movement of information of interval-based IDSs directed
from monitoring points to analysis engines in a discontinuous manner.

3.2.5 Real-time based IDS (RIDS)

This is an IDS in which operation based on continuous information feeds
emanating from information sources. The system uses a timing scheme for
network-based IDSs, which gather information from network traffic streams. The
detection executed by RIDS produces quick results for prompt action it requires
to prevent a detected attack incidence.

3.2.6 Application-based IDS

A special type of host-based IDSs that carry out the analysis of activities
within a software application is referred to as Application-based IDSs. This
IDS adopts application’s transaction log files as the most common form of
information sources. The application-based IDSs detect suspicious
behaviour due to its ability to interface with the application directly.

3.3 IDS Tools

3.3.1 File Integrity Checker (FIC)

File Integrity Checker is a type of security tools that complement the task
of intrusion detection systems. This tool adopts message digest or other
types of cryptographic checksums for comparing critical files and objects to
reference values in order to identify changes. A cryptographic checksum is
used to identify changes in the system files occasioned by an attacker use
of spyware such as Trojan Horse to leave back doors in the system for
reconnaissance and to attempt to cover their attack’s tracks and thereby
prevent the system owners from awareness of the attack. FIC is very useful
in identifying the alteration occurs in the system as well as assisting the
administrator in checking whether the necessary patches from the vendor
have been applied to internal system operations.

3.3.2 Vulnerability Analysis (VA)

Vulnerability analysis or vulnerability assessment tool assesses the system
for various vulnerabilities prone to system attacks. It is a special type of
intrusion detection system. The information sources used are system state
attributes and outcomes of attempted attacks. This system adopts interval-
based mode misuse detection as its analysis techniques. Vulnerability
analysis is a complement to IDS and not a replacement to avoid attackers
breach the security of vulnerability analysis through monitoring of
information collection and related time through which an attacker can carry
out an attack within the period.

3.3.3 Honeypots
A honeypot is an information-gathering tool set up to collect information
related to the system attacker loitering on the networks for the pending

attack. This tool executes vulnerable services and gathers important
information before an attacker login into the system in an unauthorized
manner. The tool alarms the administrator about pending attacks and
exploitation so as to successfully configure a behavioural-based profile and
provide correct tuning of network sensors. It is capable of discovering and
capturing all keystrokes and files used by attackers in the intrusion attempt.

3.4 IDS Comparison

The table below present the difference between the host-based and
network-based IDS.

Table 2.1: Host-based and Network-based IDS Comparison

S/N Host-based IDS Network-based IDS

1 HIDS is narrow in scope (monitors Broad in scope (monitors

specific host events) All network events)
2 The setup is complex The setup is less complex

3 HIDS is better for detecting inside NIDS is better for

attacks detecting outside attacks
4 The implementation is expensive The implementation is
less expensive

5 Detection is based on what any single Detection is based on

host can record what can be recorded on
the entire network
6 HIDS does not see packet headers NIDS examines packet
7 Usually only responds after a The response real-time
suspicious log entry has been made
8 OS-specific OS-independent
9 Detects local attacks before they hit Detects network attacks
the network as the payload is analysed
10 HIDS verifies success or failure of NIDS detects
attacks unsuccessful attack

3.5 Strength of IDS

There is virtually no system with benefits without demerits. The merits of
IDS in the protection of a system network are numerous. The followings
are some of the strength of IDS:

• IDS is capable of monitoring and analysing of system activities and
user patterns.
• IDS’s functionality includes capturing of both internal and external
network-based attacks.
• It examines the level of security of system configurations.
• It gauges the security state of a system and compares noticed
changes to the baseline.
• It manages the distributed attacks in a centralised manner.
• It provides defence in depth.
• It raises the alarm when attacks are detected.
• It contains a friendly user interface that allows non-expert to protect
the network.

Although IDS provides a high level of security to a network, some

challenges still exist in it, what are some of these challenges?

3.6 Challenges of IDS

Although IDSs are capable of detecting network and system attacks and
providing alert to the administrator, it, however, has no capability to
perform the followings basic functions:

a. IDS cannot replace the work of unavailable security mechanisms in

the protection system infrastructure like firewalls, link encryption,
access control mechanisms, identification and authentication, and
virus detection and eradication.
b. If the network is overload, IDS cannot perform its statutory functions
of detecting, reporting, and responding to an attack.
c. IDS cannot detect zero-day attacks or variants of existing attacks.
d. It generates false positives and negatives.
e. Effectively respond to attacks launched by sophisticated attackers.
f. Probing attacks automatically without human instigation.
g. Resist an attack that is intended to defeat or circumvent them.
h. Compensate for problems with the fidelity of information sources.
i. Deal effectively with switched networks.
j. Analyse encrypted network traffic.

3.7 Analysis of IDS

3.7.1 Signature-based IDS

The followings are the anatomy of signature-based IDSs:

• It matches a set of predetermined attack lists or signatures with bytes

or packet sequences to monitor network or server traffic.
• The system alerts administrators or takes other pre-configured action
if a particular intrusion or attack session match a signature configured
on the IDS.
• Provided the network attributes being analysed is known, signatures
based IDSs are easy to develop.
• The fact that they only detect known attacks makes it compulsory for
a signature-based IDSs to generate a signature for every attack.
• The detection of new vulnerabilities and exploits depends on the
development and updating of new signatures.
• Signature-based IDS are very large and can be hard to keep up with
the pace of fast-moving network traffic.

3.7.2 Anomaly IDS

• Compare current traffic to the “normal” state baseline.
• Examine whether current traffic deviates from “normal” traffic, which
is either learned and/or specified by administrators using a particular
statistical calculation.
• If network anomalies occur, the IDS alerts administrators.
• A new attack for which a signature doesn’t exist can be detected if it
falls out of the “normal” traffic patterns.
• High false alarm rates created by inaccurate profiles of “normal”
network operations.

3.7.3 Misuse Detection

Misuse detectors are otherwise called “signature-based detection”. This is
because it analyses system activity and compares discovered sets of events
that match a predefined pattern of events which equivalent to a known
attack. A commercial antivirus which specifies each pattern of events
corresponding to an attack as a separate signature is an example of a
misuse detector.

Some features differentiate Host-based IDS from Network-based IDS.

Identify these features.

Table 2.2: Differences between Host-based and Network-based IDS

S/N Host-Based IDS Network-Based IDS

1 HIDS is narrow in scope (monitors Broad in scope (monitors

specific host events) All network events)
2 The setup is complex The setup is less complex

3 HIDS is better for detecting inside NIDS is better for

attacks detecting outside attacks
4 The implementation is expensive The implementation is
less expensive

5 Detection is based on what any single Detection is based on

host can record what can be recorded on
the entire network
6 HIDS does not see packet headers NIDS examines packet
7 Usually only responds after a The response real-time
suspicious log entry has been made
8 OS-specific OS-independent
9 Detects local attacks before they hit Detects network attacks
the network as payload is analyzed
10 HIDS verifies success or failure of NIDS detects
attacks unsuccessful attack

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

1._______________ is example of IDS tools

A. Honey Pots
B. Firewall
C. Malware
D. Router

Answer: A

2. The following is an example of IDS analysis except:


A. Signature-based IDS
B. Anomaly-based IDS

C. Host-based IDS
D. Misuse based IDS

Answer: C

Mini project:
Setting up an IDS on a network.

5.0 Conclusion
In this unit, you have learnt about the concepts of Intrusion Detection
System, otherwise known as IDS. Intrusion detection systems IDS(s) can be
software or hardware component of a system which automatically and with human
intervention monitored, discovered, and analysed the activities in network traffic
for security reporting. The malware that we learn in the previous unit can be
analysed, detected, and contained using either internal or external IDSs. The
conventional antivirus systems have failed by rely on the signature of the antivirus
provider, which might find it difficult to discover new unknown attacks or cannot
detect attacks on the network. The unit also explains how you can effectively
use IDS to provide security for both computer and network system. The
unit discusses various categories of IDSs and the benefits of one over
others. This unit finally examines the strength and limitation of IDSs with
the tools used to ensure protection.

6.0 Summary
This unit introduces you to the concepts of Intrusion Detection System,
otherwise known as IDS. The unit Xray how IDS can be used to analyse
and detect various categories of malware which we discussed in the
previous unit. Intrusion detection systems IDS(s) can be software or hardware
component of a system which automatically monitored, discovered, and analysed
the activities in network traffic for security reporting. The conventional antivirus
systems have failed by rely on the signature of the antivirus provider, which might
find it difficult to discover new unknown attacks or cannot detect attacks on the
network. The unit also explains how you can effectively use IDS to provide
security for both computer and network system. The unit discusses various
categories of IDSs and the benefits of one over others. This unit finally
examines the strength and limitation of IDSs with the tools used to ensure

7.0 References/Further Reading
Bace, R. & Mell, P. (n.d.). Intrusion Detection Systems. NIST Special
Publication on Intrusion Detection Systems.

John Felber, J. (n.d.). Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs).

Unit 3: Cyber Terrorism

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Definition of Cyber Terrorism
3.2 What and What is not Cyber Terrorism
3.3 Type of Cybercrime
3.3.1 Personal attacks or Harassment on individual Cyberbullying Cyber-harassment Cyber-stalking
3.3.2 Phishing
3.3.3 Pharming
3.3.4 Malware
3.3.5 Click jacking
3.3.6 Malicious Script Scams
3.3.7 Fraud
3.3.8 Identity Theft
3.3.9 Hacking (Cybercrime against Organisation)
3.3.10 Hacktivism
3.3.11 Data Breach
3.4 How to Secure a Computer against Cybercrime
3.4.1 Keeping Firewall on Always
3.4.2 Install Up-to-date Antimalware
3.4.3 Keep Operating System Up-To-Date
3.4.4 Download Program From Only Trusted Source
3.4.5 Turn Off System While Not In Use
3.5 Reasons/Motivations for Cyber Terrorism
3.6 Terrorist Organisations
3.7 Cyber Terrorist Attacks
3.8 Defence against Cyber Terrorism
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
This unit introduces you to the concepts of Cyber terrorism. This is an act of
launching cyber-attacks on the vita infrastructures of government or against an
individual for political, social, or economic purpose. The unit will acquaint you the
motivations and reasons for cyber terrorists to attack the system. The unit will

also explain various forms of attacks cybercriminals, and cyber-terrorist can
launch to attack the individual, corporate, or government of a nation—the unit
round-up by examining the preventive measures against cyber terrorism (Laws
and punishment).

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• explain cyber terrorism

• identify the types of cybercrime
• interpret the concepts and motivations for cyber terrorism
• apply preventive measure against cyber espionage.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Definition of Cyber Terrorism
The definition of cyber terrorism is evolving as it appears to various
organisations and security communities. In this material, we define cyber
terrorism using four different definitions: 1. Cyber terrorism can be simply
defined as the use of computers or other electronic devices to launch a
nefarious terrorist attack. 2. According to Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS), cyber-terrorism connotes the use of computer
network tools to shut down critical national infrastructures (e.g., energy,
transportation, government operations) or to coerce or intimidate a
government or civilian population”. 3. William Tafoya, a Professor of
Criminal Justice at the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic
Sciences defines cyber terrorism as “the intimidation of civilian enterprise
through the use of high technology to bring about political, religious, or
ideological aims, actions that result in disabling or deleting critical
infrastructure data or information.” Another definition in the 80s by Barry
Collin, who was attributed in 1997 for creating the term "Cyberterrorism",
defined cyber-terrorism “as the convergence of cybernetics and terrorism”.
Figure 2.1depicts an act of cyber terrorism using the electronic gadget.

Fig. 2.1: Cyber Terrorism

3.2 What is and What is not Cyber Terrorism

Cyber terrorism is defined as the use of computers devices and cyberspace
technology to launch a terrorist attack. Information warfare is the
manipulation of information purposely for military or political goals using
computer devices as tools for gathering and propagation of information.
Cyber terrorism is a product of information warfare, but information warfare
is not cyber terrorism. Electronic warfare and information operations are
related to information warfare. Therefore, information, electronic, and
operation warfares are not synonymous with cyber terror. The cyber terrors
use the same set of tools like malware, cryptography, steganography,
artificial intelligence, aerial reconnaissance, radar jamming, and other
electronic gadgets with information warfare, operation warfare, and
electronic warfare. However, the target of these people is different. Cyber
terrorists are usually targeting government personnel and their
infrastructures, whereas the targets of others could be individual,
politicians, state, and could even be government and her infrastructures.

3.3 Type of Cybercrime

Cybercrimes are those crimes perpetrated by cybercriminals, information
wayfarers, operation warfarers, and electronic warfarers using a
combination of tools and electronic gadgets. These cybercrimes have been
categorised according to personal attacks on an individual (cyberbullying,
cyber harassment, cyberstalking, phishing, and pharming), social network
attacks (use of malware, spam, clickjacking, script scam, cyber fraud, and
identity theft), organisation (hacking, hacktivism, data breach).

3.3.1 Personal Attacks or Harassment on Individual Cyberbullying
This is a scenario where teenagers spread rumours, insult one another, post
embarrassing and irritating pictures, video, and untrue information on
social media about other personality. This attitude is very common among
Section 24, article 2 of the cybercrime Act, 2015 of Nigeria states: “Any
person who, through information and communication technologies, by
means of a public electronic communications network, transmits or causes
the transmission of any communication – (a) with intent to bully, threaten
or harass another person, where such communication places another
person in fear of death, violence or personal bodily injury or to another
person; (b) containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to
injure the person of another, any demand or request for a ransom for the
release of any kidnapped person, with intent to extort from any person,
firm, association or corporation, any money or other thing of value; or (c)
containing any threat to injure the property or reputation of the addressee
or of another or the reputation of a deceased person or any threat to accuse
the addressee or any other person of a crime, with intent to extort from
any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of
value; 10 commits an offence under this Act and is liable on conviction- (i)
in the case of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection to imprisonment
for a term of not less than ten years or a fine of not less than N25,000,000
or to both fine and imprisonment; and (ii) in the case of paragraph (c) of
this subsection, to imprisonment for a term of not less than five years or a
fine of not less than N15,000,000.00 or to both fine and imprisonment”.
Figure 2.2 shows the cyberbullying of a computer user by an anonymous

Fig 2.2: Cyberbullying

Source: Afromums.

96 Cyber-harassment
This is a form of cyberbullying which is common among adults. Cyber-stalking
Cyber-stalking is a way of sending offensive, indecent, or obscene
messages to another person with the intent of causing annoyance or
inconvenience in such person. Section 24, Article 1 of the cybercrime Act,
2015 of Nigeria states: “Any person who, by means of a public electronic
communications network persistently sends a message or other matter that
- (a) is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character
or causes any such message or matter to be so sent; or (b) he knows to be
false, for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless
anxiety to another or causes such a message to be sent; commits an
offence under this Act and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of not less
than N2,000,000.00 or imprisonment for a term of not less than one year
or to both fine and imprisonment”. This attack is very serious in nature with
a highly credible threat of harm to the victims.

3.3.2 Phishing
This is a personal or social engineering means of sending untrue or fake
electronic links or messages to another person’s email with the intent
directing such person to another website and thereby collecting the
valuable information of such. The message or link appears to be from a
legitimate or business partner. Phishing is usually designed to torment
victims into providing vital data or information related to account log in
credit card.

3.3.3 Pharming
This is an attack which redirects the user to a phoney website even while
typing on the URL. The attack can also hijack the domain name of a

3.3.4 Malware
These are malicious software with the intents of harming computer or
disrupt the normal working of the computer for various reasons ranging
from stealing to damage or for challenge purpose. Malware was discussed
exhaustively in unit one (1) of this module.

3.3.5 Clickjacking
This is a malicious program which prompt user to click on a link so as to
post unwanted links on the user’s page. This attack is common for social
media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

3.3.6 Malicious Script Scams
This attack occurs as a result of copying and pasting text into the address
bar of the browser. The attacker designed the software to execute malicious
script immediately it runs in the browser. The program creates pages and
events and sends bulk and unsolicited messages to the victims.

3.3.7 Fraud
This is an online means of promise to do something and renege later in
doing it. It could be lying to give money or property to a person, or fake
bidding to drive up the price of an item or hide once identity to be female
or male, rich or poor etc.

3.3.8 Identity Theft

In this cybercrime, attacker use someone else national identity number,
name, address, bank or credit cards, for financial gain. A malware called
keyloggers can be installed on the victim’s system and used to collect
important data as they are typing into the system through the keyboard.
Section 13, Article 1 of the cybercrime Act, 2015 of Nigeria states: “Identity
theft and impersonation Any person who in the course of using a computer,
computer system or network- (a) knowingly obtains or possesses another
person’s or entity’s identity information with the intent to deceive or
defraud, or (b) fraudulently impersonates another entity or person, living
or dead, with intent to - (i) gain advantage for himself or another person;
(ii) obtain any property or an interest in any property; (iii) cause
disadvantage to the entity or person being impersonated or another
person; or (iv) avoid arrest or prosecution or to obstruct, pervert or defeat
the course of justice, commits an offence and liable on conviction to
imprisonment for a term of not less than three years or a fine of not less
than N7,000,000.00 or to both fine and imprisonment”. Figure 8.3 (1) and
(2) display the activities of cyberterrorist in United State attacks.

3.3.9 Hacking (Cybercrime against Organisation)

Hacking is an act of accessing the system of organization in an authorized
or unauthorised manner. Hacking may be done to observe the
vulnerabilities of an organization’s system and report to the owner without
causing any harm to the system. This type of hacking is called white-hat or
ethical hacker or “sneakers”. If hacking is however done with the malicious
intent of causing harm to the system or stealing, the hacker is called black-
hat or “crackers”. Gray-hat, on the other note, is a hacker who illegally
hacks the system but not causing harm to the system. This type of hacker
may be doing so for pride or challenge.

3.3.10 Hacktivism
Hacktivism is a term used to describe the state of hacking for political gain
or propaganda.

3.3.11 Data breach

This is a hacker who specialised in stealing or accessing sensitive data for

financial or political gains.

Fig 2.3: Cyberterrorist Activities (1)

Fig. 2.4: Cyberterrorist Activities (2)

Source: Rabiah Ahmad, Zahri Yunos. The application of the

mixed method in developing a cyber terrorism framework.
Can you Identify a few methods to protect your computer
from cybercrime?

3.4 How to Secure a Computer against Cybercrime

The task of securing national and valuable infrastructures is a continuous
exercise. This is because attackers every day are improving their skills of
attack, as the manufacturer and security community trying to ensure
security and building patches for existing vulnerabilities. Towards this end,
the followings are some of the panaceas and best practices for ensuring the
security of national and individual cyber facilities:

3.4.1 Keeping Firewall on Always

The firewall of any computer system is a gateway through which
vulnerability can enter the system. Professional hackers usually examining

the state of the firewall before any attack can be carried out. A firewall in
a good state will alert the administrator the impending danger to the
system. Therefore, the firewall of a system must always on and be in an
up-to-date state.

3.4.2 Install Up-to-date Antimalware

Antimalware such as commercial antivirus, antispyware should be installed
on the system and up-to-date. This will ensure the system is secure against
known malware.

3.4.3 Keep the Operating System Up-to-date

The operating system of users should be updated with the current version
so as to include the patches from the manufacturer. Manufacturers do
discover vulnerabilities from time to time and thereby build patches for the

3.4.4 Download Program From an Only Trusted Source

The source of software to be downloaded is very important in ensuring the
security of data on the system. Most of the Trojans and other information-
stealing malware are find their way to the host through internet download.
Through the internet downloaded files, keyloggers and backdoors can be
installed on the system and serve as holes through which information can
be collected and sent to the hacker.

3.4.5 Turn Off the System While not in Use

It is good to turn off the system when not in use to avoid unwanted
activities of hacker on the system through the backdoor. This will also
prevent a hacker from having unauthorized sniffing or access to the system.

Cyber terrorists are motivated by certain factors. What are these factors?

3.5 Reasons/Motivations for Cyber Terrorism

There are several reasons terrorists are engaging in the act on a continuous
basis. Some of these reasons are highlighted below:

• It is cheaper to engage in cyber terrorism than other methods.

• Anonymity: It is easier to get away with the act perpetrated online.
• The act can be done from anywhere with access.
• Cyber terrorist always targets and affect the largest population.
• There is little or no regulation and control in many countries.
• The fast movement of information makes it easier to be committed.

The statistics of countries with most cyber terrorism as of 2002 are given
in table 2.3 below:

Table 2.3: Statistics of Countries with Most Cyber Terrorism

S/N Country Percentage

1 United 35.4
2 South 12.8
3 China 6.2
4 Germany 6.7
5 France 4.0

3.6 Terrorist Organisations

Cyber terrorist organisations are those terrorists specialised in attacking
cyberinfrastructures for various reasons. Today there are more than 40
terrorist organisations which maintain websites and use different
languages. Many of these terrorists are existing to change the ideology of
society, fight with the existing government, and try to change the ruling
government. Some of these terrorist organisations are listed in table 2.4

Table 2.4: Some of the Terrorist Organisations in the World

S/N Region Group

1 Africa Boko Haram
Islamic State (IS) in West Africa

2 Middle East The Unix Security Guards (pro-Islamic group)

The Popular Front for the Liberation of
The Anti - India Crew
Al Qaeda
3 Europe The Irish Republican Army
The Basque ETA movement
Israel and Pakistan groups fighting each other
using cyber attacks.
4 Anonymous Hacker leaderless movement.
Originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan
Use masks for disguise.
Most famous hacktivist group in the world.
Use their technological knowledge to attack
corporations and organisations they consider
Their first act was against the church of

5 Agencies Attacks the websites of MasterCard and Visa

using denial of service for refusing payments of
donations to the website WikiLeaks.

Retaliate Mega upload Raids.

Hack into Sony’s PlayStation network and getting

access to 77 million accounts.

Considered the top terrorist threat to the U.S

3.7 Cyber Terrorist Attacks
Cyber terrorist attacks are attacks executed by terrorists and their
associates to effect political, economic, or social damages to the people or
nation’s infrastructures for various reasons. Some of these attacks are
given below:

i. Significant economic damage

This attack includes lost files and records, data destruction, stolen credit
cards, money stolen from accounts etc.
ii. Disruptions to communications
iii. Disruptions in supply lines
iv. Airlines disruption
v. General degradation of the national infrastructure

3.8 Defence against Cyber Terrorism

Some of the defences to the spate of cyber terrorism are:

1. Cyber Terrorism Legal Provision

There should be strong legal provisions against this act of national
calamity called cyber terrorism. Section 18, article 1 and 2 of the
cybercrime Act, 2015 of Nigeria states: Cyber terrorism (1) Any
person that accesses or causes to be accessed any computer or
computer system or network for purposes of terrorism, commits an
offence and liable on conviction to life imprisonment. (2) For the
purposes of this section, “terrorism” shall have the same meaning
under the Terrorism (Prevention) Act, 2011, as amended. This act in
Nigeria permits Nigeria Police to acquire warrants to search and seize
the computer a suspect, file charges where the crime occurs,
commence a proper investigation, and file charges for prosecution.
In the United States of America, the amendments under the
Information Technology Act, 2000 defined the term “Cyberterrorism”
U/Sec. 66F. This definition includes threatening the unity, integrity,
security or sovereignty, and denying access to the authorised person
to access his/her computer resource, contaminating computer with
malware, conduct causes death, injuries, damage to or destruction of
property. This law allows the FBI to collect warrants to search and
seize a computer of suspects, file charges where the crime occurs,
and commence an investigation for appropriate charges.

2. Cybercrime Treaty
This is an international agreement to foster unity among law
enforcement agencies of member countries in fighting cyber
terrorism. This agreement provides standard ways to resolve
international cases.

3. Cyber Terrorism Punishment

This is penalties imposed on the offenders of various acts and laws of
cyber terrorism. The punishment of cyber terrorism in Nigeria under
the Cyber terrorism Act 2015 is life imprisonment. The United State
law states that whoever commits or conspires to commit cyber

terrorism shall be punishable with imprisonment, which may extend
to imprisonment for life. I.e. Imprisonment not exceeding 14 years.

4. Education and Awareness

International communities must ensure continuous education of his
people and create education programmes on the impacts of cyber
terrorism on political, social, and economic activities.

5. Research and academic programs dedicated to security

There should be continuous research in the field of computer and
cybersecurity. This will ensure the users have adequate knowledge
and awareness against the impending attacks. Current statistics show
that only twenty per cent of the populace is aware of cybersecurity
importance in Nigeria.

6. Computer crime treated more seriously

The stakeholders must, as a matter of importance, take malware
attack and cyber terrorism a national calamity. The cybercriminal
laws must be updated and uphold unfailingly from time to time and
to ensure deterrence and prevention. The cybercrime act 2015 is the
first in Nigeria that ensure the perpetrators of cybercrime are punish
to protect the reoccurrence of the offence. These laws and principles
should be properly utilised and updated to serve as a benchmark for
the development of cybercriminal laws in Nigeria.

7. Every police department must have access to computer crime

Presently the number of computer crime detector in the Nigeria
security agencies is relatively low compare to what we have in other
developed countries most especially the police who is primarily
saddled with the responsibility of detecting and prosecuting criminals.
Also, the facilities available for the detection of cybercriminals are
inadequate for effective crime detection to occur.

8. Security professionals must have a forum to report and

discuss emergencies
This forum is existing and becomes necessary to share and report
various detected vulnerabilities in the existing operating system for
necessary correction. The forum will also serve as a discussion forum
where the security of future technologies will be examined.

Groups with activities

Group 1
Design a fake e-commerce sites
Harvest credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and so forth
All numbers posted to the Web anonymously on a predetermined date

Discussion Group 2
Creates a worm.
A DDoS on key financial Web sites, all to take place on the same
predetermined date.

Group 3
Creates a Spyware
Displaying business tips or slogans, popular download with business
Deletes key system files on a certain date

Group 4 and 5
Footprint major bank operations.

Group 6
Flood the Internet with false stock tips.

A. One of the first recorded cyber-terrorist attacks was in

1996 when a computer hacker allegedly associated with
the White Supremacist Movement temporarily disabled a
Case Studies Massachusetts Internet service provider (ISP) and
damaged part of the ISP's record keeping system.
B. The ISP had attempted to stop the hacker from sending out
worldwide racist messages under the ISP's name.
C. The hacker signed off with the threat, "you have yet to see
true electronic terrorism. This is a promise.“
D. ." Since 1996, attacks have continued with increasing

A. In Tehran [Iran], the armed forces and technical universities

joined to create independent cyber R & D centres and train
personnel in IT skills.
B. Tehran seeks to buy IT technical assistance and training from
Russia and India.
C. Russia’s armed forces have developed a robust cyber warfare
D. Moscow also has a track record of offensive hacking into
Chechen Web sites.
E. Available evidence is inadequate to predict whether Russia’s
intelligence services or armed forces would attack U.S.
Source: Adrian Suarez, Gabriel Otero, Fraz Bokhari, G. S. Young.
Cyber Terrorism, CS375 Computers & Society. August 10, 2012.

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
1. A malware called _____________ can be installed on the victim’s
system and used to collect important data as they are typing into the
system through the keyboard.

E. Clickjacking
F. Keyloggers
G. Phishing
H. Data breach

Answer: B

2. The following provide adequate security against cyber criminals on

your computer, except?

A. Keeping Firewall on Always

B. Install Up-to-date Antimalware
C. Keep the operating system up-to-date
D. Download free software online
Answer: D

5.0 Conclusion
This unit has introduced you to the concepts of cyber terrorism. That is; the
meaning and reasons for cyber terrorism and the attacks and techniques used for
execution. The unit also x-rays various terrorist organisations existing across the
globe. Also, in the unit, you learnt various preventive measures against cyber
terrorism (Laws and punishment). Cases were given related to the
occurrences of cyber terrorism attacks, a country with technicality and
prevention capabilities.

6.0 Summary
This unit discussed the concepts of cyber terrorism. The unit shows how cyber
terrorists can use the malware discussed in unit one of this module to attack the
vita infrastructures of government or individual for political, social, or economic
purpose. The unit also examines how various nations can use the intrusion
detection system discussed in unit two of this module and other strategies to
curtail the activities of cyber terrorists. It discusses forms of attacks
cybercriminals, and cyber-terrorist can launch to attack an individual, corporate,
or government of a nation. Preventive measures against cyber terrorism were
given to reduce the menace.

7.0 References/Further Reading
Ahmad, R. & Yunos, Z. (n.d.). The application of Mixed method in
Developing a Cyber Terrorism Framework.

Geoghan, D. (2018). Introductory Visualising Technology, Security and

Privacy, 6th ed.).

Nigeria Cybercrime Prohibition Prevention Act 2015

Suarez, A., Otero, G., Bokhari, F. & Young, G. S. (2012). Cyber Terrorism,
CS375. Computers & Society.

Module 3: Security Management

Module Introduction
The advances in technology today is as a result of the demand for more
speed in data communication, the size of data transfer, video information,
access to information anywhere and at any time and, the list is endless. To
access information wherever and at any time can only be achieved if
devices have the capability of interconnectivity and interoperability. The
interconnectivity of the organisation system is through networks. The
bigger the networks, the more vulnerable it is to security challenges
involving the system resources on these networks. The business
organisations face threats in the form of theft, vandalism and sabotage with
respect to their information on the network. To avert these threats, the
security of the resources on the network must be assured. There is the
need to access the risk the organisation is open to. Such an assessment
process consists of a comprehensive and continuous analysis of the security
threat to the system that involves auditing of the system, assessing the
vulnerabilities of the system, and maintaining credible security policy and
a vigorous regime for the installation of patches and security updates. The
process to achieve all these and more consists of several tasks, including a
system security policy, identification of threat and threat analysis and
vulnerability assessment.

Unit 1: Risk Analysis

Unit 2: Security Policies
Unit 3: Vulnerability Assessment

Unit 1: Risk Analysis

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Basic Information Security Risk Assessment
3.1.1 Asset Identification
3.1.2 Vulnerability Assessment
3.1.3 Threat Assessment
3.1.4 Risk Assessment
3.1.5 Countermeasures
3.2 Risk Assessment Activities
3.2.1 Identify and Value Information Asset
3.2.2 Define the Threats
3.2.3 Define Vulnerability
3.2.4 Combining Information to Assess Risk and Assign a Risk
3.2.5 Define Countermeasures
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
This unit outline, in brief, the process and issues that need to be considered
when undertaking a risk assessment. We will start by examining, the main
risk assessment processes; asset identification, vulnerability assessment,
threat assessment, risk assessment, and defining countermeasures for the
risks. Secondly, the mentioned components will be addressed in detail. We
then conclude by considering the risk mitigation process in light of the
results of the risk assessment.

The likelihood of a threat exploiting a vulnerability and thereby causing

harm to an asset is known as Risk. The major compromise areas when this
threat exploits vulnerability are the confidentiality, integrity, availability,
and non-repudiation of information security. Risk, as is shown in equation
1, is a function of threat, vulnerability and asset value in which, if any of
the product components are missing, then there is no risk.

Risk = threat × vulnerability × impact ( asset value) (1)

Risk analysis is a decision-making process under uncertainty that entails

risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication; this is shown
in Figure 3.1. This process evaluates information by gathering and
recording events that can lead to recommendations for a decision or action
in response to a known threat.

Risk Management
Risk Assessment
• Policy,
preferences, • Science and evidence
and values

Risk communication

• Interactive exchange of information,

opinions, and preferences concerning

Fig. 3.1: Three functions of risk analysis (Yoe, 2019)

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• explain the basic information security risk assessment

• identify and value information asset
• describe the threats
• analyse potential threats to information systems.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Basic Information Security Risk Assessment
Risk assessment for the purpose of securing network information addresses
four main areas: confidentiality, integrity, availability, and non-repudiation.
Confidentiality protects information from being access by unauthorised
persons. Cryptography can be used as a method to achieve confidentiality.
Integrity means that the information is not tempered with throughout its
life cycle, thereby causing damage or disruption. Availability requires the
information to be protected to avoid being degraded or made unavailable
without authorisation. Non-repudiation prevents an individual from denying
haven received or sent information.

3.1.1 Asset Identification
The asset is the form people, information, processes and the physical assets
like building and equipment need to be considered bearing in mind the four
areas listed earlier.

• If the confidentiality of the asset is breached, what would be the

impact on the organisation?
• If the integrity of the asset is breached, what would be the impact on
the organisation?
• If this asset is no longer available, what effect will it have on the
• What effect would it be on a business organisation if no evidence is
traced to a transaction that had taken place?

3.1.2 Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability is that which allows a threat to compromise an information
system or process. Vulnerabilities can affect the human factor in an
organisation which can come from within the user organisation or external
to the organisation. A vulnerability assessment within an organisation is an
internal weakness factor of the asset (people, information, processes and
the physical assets) that could be exploited.

3.1.3 Threat Assessment

Threat assessment is the process whereby an organisation begins to look
outside its boundaries to understand threats that could exploit its

3.1.4 Risk assessment

The risk assessment is scenario-based process development, with the risk
contribution from all possible situations that leads to the outcome or event
of interest. Risk assessment involves information gathering on the impact
on organisations asset (people, information, processes and the physical
assets) that could be affected by the threat and what their vulnerability
level is.

3.1.5 Countermeasures
The last step is to define measures that will mitigate all sources of risk that
have been identified with respect to people, information, processes and
physical assets.

The countermeasures should be within the framework of the organisational

philosophy and should mitigate the risk to a bearable minimum that will not
have any impact on the security of the organisation. These measures may
include practical, up-to-date patching policy or a new mechanism for access
control that must be viewed within the context of people, information,
processes and physical assets.

3.2 Risk Assessment Activities
Risk assessment is a continues process and ever-evolving as the need
arises. The risk assessment process can be broken down into six basic
steps, as shown in Figure 3.2. The tasks which are shown in a linear fashion
are often accomplished in an iterative way.

Identify and value information


Define the threats

Define vulnerability

Combine this listed information to

assess the risk and assign a risk level

Define countermeasures

Mitigate risk to an acceptable level

Fig. 3.2: Risk Assessment Tasks

3.2.1 Identify and Value Information Asset

This is the first stage of risk assessment. It is important to identify and
value all the asset within an establishment which could be in the form of
people, information, processes and physical asset. The information asset
includes all internal/external management information and intellectual
property rights which could be in hard copy or in electronic form. This,
therefore, will necessitate for both physical and electronic securities as well
as processes to actualise them. Asset valuation is necessary to know the
impact it would have when not available. There is a need to understand the
linkages and dependencies that exist once an information asset has been

3.2.2 Define the Threats

Threat agents are considered next, having identified the information assets
that need to be protected. Threat assessment of generic threat agents like
a pressure group, competitors, terrorist group, hackers, organised crime
and insider threat agents are carried out. Organisations should be equipped
with multiple software and hardware tools to carry out a risk assessment
in order to ease the mitigation process.

3.2.3 Define Vulnerability
Vulnerability in information asset, physical, technological asset, people and
processes are defined. Standards which vary from organisation to
organisation should be in place to identify the vulnerability they are
exposed to. Incessant attacks on organisations allow them to come up with
a series of structures for identifying particular threat type, the period they
happen and where the vulnerability areas are. Denial-of-service attack on
a web server in the information technology department can be used as an

Penetration testing can be used to assess computer, network and web

application vulnerabilities. This test can be performed manually or
automated with a software application on a one-term base or periodically.
The test gives detailed reports on the vulnerability areas and should be
studied carefully and incorporated into the risk assessment process.
Another type of test is personnel physical penetration testing which comes
in the form of persuading staff to give away confidential information, official
passwords and login details.

3.2.4 Combining Information to Assess Risk and

Assign a Risk Level
To evaluate the level of risk as is seen in equation (1), threat and
vulnerability must be known as well as the impact they have on the asset.
Many software methods and tools claim to provide a quantitative approach
to measuring risk; caution should be observed by risk management
personnel as to whether the solution they claim to offer is justifiable. A 2-
by-2 matrix non-software based solution can be employed to assess those
assets that are most prone to risk. The risk shown in Figure 3.3 has been
prioritised in the order D, C, B, A, E due to the size of the asset.

Fig. 3.3: Vulnerability

3.2.5 Define Countermeasures
Having defined or acknowledged the presence of risk and how vulnerable
the system is, measures must be put in place to prevent and avoid the risk
as the case may be. These measures should mitigate the risk to an
acceptable organisational level. A countermeasure or sets of
countermeasure might be peculiar to a specific or group of risk, and as
such, a single or particular countermeasure would not be able to mitigate
all risk types. This is because some countermeasures prevent threats from
happening while others act on them once detected. Prevention means the
types of threats are already known, and measures are already in place to
checkmate them while detection of a threat means the quick discovery of
the presence of the threat once information security breach occurs. A
breach in information security must be followed by a reaction to act on the
threat in order to avert the damage it will cause when it happens.

After selecting and defining countermeasures for all forms of threat, a plan
is drawn to ensure its implementation. Security risk manager assigns
personnel to head and monitor specific countermeasure units. Robust
countermeasures plan completely eradicate risk or mitigate them to an
acceptable level. The implementation of countermeasures brings to an end
of a particular risk assessment process.

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

1. ______________ is the process whereby an organisation begins to
look outside its boundaries to understand threats that could exploit
its vulnerability.
a. Threat assessment
b. Risk assessment
c. Vulnerability Assessment
d. Asset Identification

Answer: A

A. Risk assessment for the purpose of securing network

information addresses ___________ main areas.

A. 5
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3
Answer: 4

5.0 Conclusion
You have now been introduced to the various units that encompass the risk
assessment process; asset identification, vulnerability assessment, threat
assessment, risk assessment, and defining countermeasures of risk. We
undertook in detail the risk assessment activities that need to be carried
out in order to mitigate or prevent risk. You also learnt that an
implementation plan is needed after identifying and defining several

6.0 Summary
Risk is the likelihood of a threat exploiting a vulnerability and thereby
causing harm to an asset. The major compromise areas when threat
exploits vulnerability are: confidentiality, integrity, availability and non-
repudiation of the information security. Other are assets in the form of
people, information, processes and physical assets like building and

7.0 References/Further Reading

Jones, ., & Ashenden, D. (2005). Risk Management for Computer Security:
Protecting Your Network and Information Assets. Elsevier.

Kizza, J. M. (2009). Guide to Computer Network Security. Springer.

Yoe, C. (2019). Principles of Risk Analysis: Decision Making under

Uncertainty. CRC Press.

Unit 2: Security Policies

7.0 Introduction
1.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Principles of a Good Security Policy
3.2 Creating Security Policies
3.3 Documenting Security Policies
3.4 Implementing Security Policies
3.5 Review and Evaluate Security Policies
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
In this unit, we will first look at the basic principles of a good security policy.
We will then discuss in details the components needed in creating a good
security policy bearing in mind that the implementation will be enforced.

The rules and practices that an organisation uses to manage and protect
its information resources from internal and external threats are security
policies. These policies must be developed, documented, enforced,
periodically reviewed and evaluated to ensure proper management.

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• describe principles of a good security policy

• create security policies
• explain the documentation of security policies

3.0 Main Content
3.1 Principles of a Good Security Policy
Security policy is such that no single person, device or configuration is
enough to solve all the flaws in the system. Existing policies need to be
modified or updated to accommodate the new trend in crime, and new
policies might need to be developed because of system configuration.

Just as we have seen in the risk analysis, confidentiality, integrity and

availability of information must be maintained to deem it secure throughout
the life cycle of an organisation. Proper creation of security policies can be
achieved in several ways, and some of them are listed below.

• Principle of least privilege: Minimum authentication level needed

for application, services and users to accomplish their job functions
should be created.
• Defence in depth: Multiple security layers should be created in the
event of a compromise of the preceding layer.
• Secure weak links: Weaker links in the security chain should have
the most robust authentication (multiple biometric authentications
can be used).
• Universal participation: If more than one body (for example,
several security bodies) are saddle with enforcing security policies,
the effective participation of all is vital to its success.
• Defence through simplicity: Complexity in security policies make
it more vulnerable to threats. Simpler sub-system can be created to
mitigate threats.
• Compartmentalisation: Create ‘redundancy’ in authentication such
that the compromise of one security layer with not have any impact
on the system as other security layers are automatically active.

3.2 Creating Security Policies

Developing security policies involve developing program policies, system-
specific policies and issue-specific policies.

Program policies: This policy addresses overall security goals which

should apply to all resources within an organisation. The organisational
heads must give directive for policy development that will address the
security goals of all systems operating within the organisation. For instance,
program policies can address confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Program policies are expected to meet the following criteria highlighted

• The plans should comply with existing laws and regulations of the
state and the federal government.
• The policy should support and enforce the organisational mission.

Table 3.1 shows the modules of the complete program policy.

Table 3.1: Features of a Proper Program Policy

Features Description
Purpose Give the reasons why the policy is being established
Statement and what security goals it intends will address.
Scope Define which resources are addressed by the policy,
such as personnel, software, hardware, information
Assignment of Define responsibilities for program management.
Compliance Describe how the organisation will enforce the
program and also establish any disciplinary action for
breaches in the program policy.

System-specific policies: This addresses the organisation’s goals and

security issues of a particular sub-system. Big organisations may have a
precise policy for different sub-system which cannot be generalised.

Issue-specific policies: This address specific security issues such as

sending/receiving e-mail attachments, installation of unauthorised software
or equipment and Internet access.

Once the security issues have been identified, the development of issue-
specific policies using the features defined in Table 3.2 is carried out.
The procedures for developing security policies are:

• Obtain a written commitment from management for the enforcement

of security policies.
• Working relationships between unit and departments, such as human
resources, internal audit, facilities management, and budget and
policy analysis, are established.
• The approval process should be established, which will include legal
and regulatory specialists, human resources representative, and
policy and procedure experts.

Table 3.2: Issue Specific Policy

Features Description
Issue statement Terms and conditions relevant to the specific policies
should be identified. How do you define an unlicensed
software or acceptable Internet sites?
Statement of the Reflect on management’s position regarding standard
organization’s policies, e.g. the use of unlicensed software is
position prohibited.
Applicability Specify who the policies apply to and, where and when
it should apply.
Compliance State who enforces the policy
Points of contact Identify resources for information and guidance.

3.3 Documenting Security Policies

The documentation of security policies and procedures takes place after it
has been developed. Departments and units within an organisation are
expected to protect their network, sensitive information from organisation
users. The goal of documenting security policies is to ensure that the
confidentiality, integrity, accountability, and availability of information data
is not compromised. The guideline for documenting security policy is
summarised in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3: Documentation Guideline for Security Policy

Guideline Description
Define policies • Identify the general risk areas.
• Outline how the risk can be addressed.
• A method of checking compliance through audits
should be provided.
• Plans for implementation and enforcement should be
Define outlined.
• Define bench requirements to address specific risks.
standards • Methods for checking compliance of policies should
be defined.
• Plans for implementation and enforcement should be
Define • Identify best-known practices that will enhance
guidelines compliance.
Define •• Provide additional
All should relevant personnel
know authorised information.
that will review
enforcement and investigate breaches in policies.
• Define enforcement means.
Define Define exceptions to security policies.

3.4 Implementing Security Policies
Awareness of security policies must first be known to persons in the
organisation. It is only then that implementation can be enforced. This
awareness can be through document dissemination, emails, newsletters,
web site, workshop and training programs. The guidelines for implementing
security policies is shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4: Guidelines for Implementing Security Policies

Guideline Description
Create • Employees should be notified about any new security
awareness policies.
• Followup update of the new security policies should
be disseminated to the employees.
• Hard and electronic copies of the policy should be
Maintain •• A descriptive
Web site security policy should be developed for
awareness • Posters
• Newsletters
• E-mail

3.5 Review and Evaluate Security Policies

Periodic review of the security policies by organisations is essential for the
fulfilment of the organisation security needs. Department and unit are
equally responsible for reviewing and evaluating their security policies too.

Guidelines for security policy review and evaluation are outlined below:

• Delegate responsibilities in reviewing security policies and

• Implement a procedure for departments in reporting security
incidents to designated personnel.
• Evaluate the nature, number, and impact of security incidences that
have happened.
• Evaluate the cost and impact the policies will have on efficiency.
• Evaluate what effects these changes will have on the organisations
and their technology.

There are means through which security awareness can be disseminated in

an organisation, identity these means.

Security awareness can be disseminated through one of the following

means; emails, newsletters, web site, workshop or training programs.

Case Study 1

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

1. Content-specific policies can be categorised as a method of
developing security policies. Yes or no?

Answer: No

A. Periodic review of the security policies by organisations is

essential for the fulfilment of the organiSation security needs.
True or false?

Answer: True

5.0 Conclusion
Once an organisation has developed a set of security policies, then the
procedure, plans, guidelines and standards that support those policies
should be documented and disseminated to the appropriate managers and
users. Since security policies are ever-evolving, continuous review and
evaluation are necessary to keep the document up to date else; it becomes

6.0 Summary
The rules and practices that an organisation uses to manage and protect
its information resources from internal and external threats are security
policies. Security policy is such that no single person, device or
configuration is enough to solve all the flaws in the system. Proper creation
of security policies can be achieved through the principle of least privilege,
defence in depth, secure weak links, universal participation, defence
through simplicity and compartmentalisation. Developing security policies
involve developing program policies, system-specific policies and issue-
specific policies.

7.0 References/Further Reading

Guillermo, F., Encinas, E. L., Hernandez, L. & El-Sheikh, E. (2017).
Computer and Network Security Essentials. Springer.

Kizza, J. M. (2009). Guide to Computer Network Security. Springer.

Peltier, T. R. (2004). Information Security Policies and Procedures: A

Practitioner's Reference. Auerbach.

Syngress (2010). Creating Security Policies and Implementing Identity

Management with Active Directory. Syngress.

Unit 3: Vulnerability Assessment

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Computer Security Vulnerability, Threats and Attack
3.1.1 Intruder
3.1.2 Social Engineering and Phishing
3.1.3 Botnet
3.1.4 Denial-of-Service Attack
3.1.5 Malicious Codes: Malware
3.1.6 Packet Sniffing
3.1.7 Port Scanning
3.1.8 Software Piracy
3.2 Vulnerability Assessment Services
3.2.1 Vulnerability Scanning
3.2.2 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
3.2.3 Application Assessment
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
Vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in a hardware or software system which
can be from the design stage that can be exploited to gain unauthorised
access. Untrusted or unknown applications can create a security breach for
a malicious attacker to embed malware into the system applications. Due
to the vulnerability in the computer system, it must be protected from itself,
the user and external forces that could serve as threats to the computer
system and the user. A vulnerability assessment within an organisation is
an internal weakness factor of the asset (people, information, processes
and the physical assets) that could be exploited.

In this unit, an overview of the main security threats types faced by a

standalone computer system and on the network and, their user will be
highlighted. They include intrusion by various means, physical access,
phishing, eavesdropping, password cracking, botnets, denial-of-service
attacks, computer viruses and malware.

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• describe computer security vulnerability, threats and attack

• explain social engineering and phishing
• discuss denial-of-service attack
• perform vulnerability assessment on a network to identify security

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Computer Security Vulnerability, Threats and
A vulnerability results from weakness in the design, configuration,
implementation, or management of a network which exposes it to
exploitation by threats. Vulnerabilities lead to information loss and
downtime. A threat is anything that affects the confidentiality, integrity, or
availability of a network or system. A threat takes many forms and affects
both hardware and software part of a network.

A specific technique used by intruders to exploit a vulnerability is known as

an attack. Attacks could be either active or passive with the latter sniffing
or eavesdropping on a network without being noticed. Computer system
and its user are exposed to various forms of attack as can be seen in Figure
3.4. The figure summarises the basic threats in a computer network
system, but we shall discuss details of all forms of threats.

3.1.1 Intruder
An intruder is one who infiltrates a computer and network security
measures that have been put in place, thereby exploiting it. Reasons for
this attack could be for personal gains or profit, challenge and awareness
to the owner that their system is not full proof against attack. Direct access
and network attack are done when an intruder gains physical access to a
computer system and network, respectively. The latter is done through
virtual private network tunnelling or proxy servers. Physical access is
achieved by bypassing/resetting of password using software tools (for
example, iSumsoft) and booting through another operating system.
Physical access to written password by users is the easiest way of password
attacks. Other attackers use password tools to generate short word and
easy word character passwords.

3.1.2 Social Engineering and Phishing
Social engineering is non-technological tricks used by an attacker to
convincing people to give out their password or other sensitive information
through claiming for example, that they are from the IT department.
Phishing is one of the most popular social engineering attack carried out
where attackers send email in an attempt to scam users into giving out
valuable information. Attackers can sometimes pose as employers of labour
and require users to fill a form, thereby giving out sensitive information in
the process. Information in the form of user account login, transactions and
other authentications details are gotten from users.



“system” Social
Password vulnerabili engineering
cracking ty and

service Botnet

Fig 3.4: Computer Security Vulnerability (Francia, Ertaul,

Encinas, & El-Sheikh, 2017)

3.1.3 Botnet
A botnet consists of several Internet-connected computers controlled by an
attacker to send spam emails or participate in distributed denial-of-service

Fig. 3.5: Botnet

3.1.4 Denial-of-service Attack

Denial-of-service (DOS ) attacks prevent individuals from gaining access to
the primary web server for days by generating so much traffic on the site.
Often, DOS attacks are either ideologically or politically motivated.
Sometimes attackers deliberately enter the wrong password in people’s
web server so as to be locked out of the account. Other forms of DOS are
ping and SYN (synchronous sequence number) request, distributed DOS
(for example, MyDoom), and media access control (MAC) address flooding.

3.1.5 Malicious Codes: Malware

Malware derived from two words malicious and software is computer virus
programs that install itself unknown to the computer user and then
duplicate copies of its source code to infect the operating system and other
programs in the system. Malware does not have an effect on the computer
hardware; rather, it is on the software installed on the computer and data
files. Malware infects the system through various means such as flaws in
operating system design, phishing and spam emails, visiting compromised
web sites, download of unlicensed software and application, software plug-
in and many more. Other forms of malware are virus, worm, Trojan, bot

3.1.6 Packet Sniffing

Packet sniffing is an act of eavesdropping or wire-tapping into a network,
thereby stealing information. Packet sniffing finds its strength in a
broadcast network where information is sent to all ports connected to that
subnet, especially in a wireless network. For a wired network, the attacker
must be within the local network to be able to achieve this and only when
message encryption is not used. Applications like POP3 (port 110), IMAP
(port 143), HTTP (port 80), FTP (port 20, 21), Telnet (port 23) and Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) (port 25) that generate and send their

information data plain clear text, makes them vulnerable to sniffing. Secure
protocols can be used to send information across the network, be it wired
or wireless. Examples of such are SSH for Telnet, FTPS for FTP and HTTPS
for HTTP.

3.1.7 Port Scanning

Attackers scan message port to know which of the ports are vulnerable for
attack. Message leaving or arriving at a port are scanned with software
tools like Zenmap in order to steal information. Vulnerability is more on
non-secure ports like port 110(POP3), port 143(IMAP), port 80(HTTP), port
20, 21(FTP), port 23(Telnet) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) port.

Which of these are vulnerable to packet sniffing, and why? HTTPS, FTP,

Answer: FTP and HTTP.

This is because they don’t have a secured connection.

3.1.8 Software Piracy

Software piracy is a major computer security issue for organisations that
develop proprietary software products. It relates mainly to violation of
copyright laws where individuals download software from the internet and
make use of that software without compensating the software developer.
The cost of software products ranges from free to several hundreds of
dollars or more. Peer-to-peer networks are often used to circumvent
copyright laws and allow distribution of copyrighted materials and
proprietary software to unauthorised individuals. Countermeasures usually
involve some type of product code that is needed to activate the software.
Perhaps the most well-known example of this is the product key and
activation process that is necessary to install and use many Microsoft
operating systems and proprietary software products. Intruders often use
reverse engineering techniques such as decompiling the machine language
code to circumvent the various software protection mechanisms.

3.2 Vulnerability Assessment Services

So many companies offer services on system vulnerability because of the
increase in network intrusions and attacks and, the rise in vulnerability
monitoring technologies. These services, which include scanning,
assessment and penetration testing, and application assessment targets
internal and perimeter of the system's network.

3.2.1 Vulnerability Scanning

These services involve a complete security review of the system, including
the system internals and perimeter. The purpose is to spot critical
weaknesses and gaps in the system’s security practices. Complete system
scanning usually results in a number of false positives and negatives alarms
which the system administrator must find a way of dealing with. The final
report gathered at the end of a scan outlines strategic advice and prioritized
recommendations that will ensure critical gaps are addressed first. System
scanning can be planned for periods needed which runs automatically and
save reports on a server for later retrieval or be sent to the administrator’s

3.2.2 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration

A vulnerability assessment is hands-on testing of a system for identified
and unidentified vulnerabilities. All known hacking methods and tools are
tested during this process to reproduce real-time attack scenarios. One of
the outcomes of these real-time testings is that new and sometimes
ambiguous vulnerabilities are detected, processes and procedures of attack
are identified, and sources and extends of vulnerabilities are characterised
and prioritised based on the user-provided risks.

3.2.3 Application Assessment

With the widespread web application and its entrenchment into e-
commerce and all other commercial and business areas, applications (Apps)
are becoming the primary interface between the user and the network. Web
applications, for example, has opened a new security paradigm in system
administration. Many organisations have sensed these dangers and are
making substantial progress in protecting their systems from attacks via
Web-based applications. Assessing the security of system applications is,
therefore, becoming a special skills requirement needed to secure critical

From the types of threats listed above, which of them do you think is
associated with a computer virus?

It is made known that malicious code (malware) comprises of several

malicious programs in which computer virus is part of.

Is it possible to trace all vulnerabilities in a network? Discuss.

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)
My peter received a call from someone that claimed to be a staff for XYZ
bank, and he said they are verifying the accounts of their customers, and
in order to verify Mr Peter’s account he’ll need his account details. He
further stated that failure to verify this account would lead to the closing of
the bank account.

1. What type of attack is being used on Mr Peter?

A. Phishing attack
B. Denial of Service (DoS) attack
C. Social engineering
D. Reverse Engineering

Answer: C

5.0 Conclusion
We have studied the major security threats being faced by computer
systems and their users. You are now familiar with the various threats types
and how they affect the users and the computer system. You will also be
able to perform a vulnerability assessment on a network to identify security

6.0 Summary
Vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in a hardware or software system which
can be from the design stage that can be exploited to gain unauthorised
access to a system. The main security threats types faced by computer
systems and their users are intrusion by various means, physical access,
phishing, password cracking, botnets, denial-of-service attacks, computer
viruses and malware.

7.0 References/Further Reading
Guillermo, F., Encinas, E. L., Hernandez, L. & El-Sheikh, E. (2017).
Computer and Network Security Essentials. Springer.
Kizza, J. M. (2009). Guide to Computer Network Security. Springer.

Pfleeger, C. P., & Pfleeger, S. L. (2015). Security in Computing (5th ed.).

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 978-0134085043.

Stallings, W. (2016). Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and

Practice (7th ed.). London: Pearson. ISBN: 978-013444284.

Laboratory practical 2
Wireshark is a free opensource network protocol analyzer. It is used for
network troubleshooting and communication protocol analysis. Wireshark
captures network packets in real time and display them in human-readable
format. It provides many advanced features including live capture and
offline analysis, three-pane packet browser, coloring rules for analysis. This
document uses Wireshark for the experiments, and it covers Wireshark
installation, packet capturing, and protocol analysis.

This background section briefly explains the concept of TCP/IP network

stack to help you better understand the experiments. TCP/IP is the most
commonly used network model for Internet services. Because its most
important protocols, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the
Internet Protocol (IP) were the first networking protocols defined in this
standard, it is named as TCP/IP. However, it contains multiple layers
including application layer, transport layer, network layer, and data link
i. Application Layer: The application layer includes the protocols used
by most applications for providing user services. Examples of
application layer protocols are Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP),
Secure Shell (SSH), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

ii. Transport Layer: The transport layer establishes process-to-process

connectivity, and it provides end-to-end services that are
independent of underlying user data. To implement the process-to-
process communication, the protocol introduces a concept of port.
The examples of transport layer protocols are Transport Control
Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The TCP provides
flow control, connection establishment, and reliable transmission of
data, while the UDP is a connectionless transmission model.
iii. Internet Layer: The Internet layer is responsible for sending packets
to across networks. It has two functions: 1) Host identification by
using IP addressing system (IPv4 and IPv6); and 2) packets routing
from source to destination. The examples of Internet layer protocols
are Internet Protocol (IP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP),
and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).
iv. Link Layer: The link layer defines the networking methods within the
scope of the local network link. It is used to move the packets
between two hosts on the same link. A common example of link layer
protocols is Ethernet.

Figure 3.1: TCP/IP Protocol

Getting Wireshark
The Kai Linux has Wireshark installed. You can just launch the Kali Linux
VM and open Wireshark there. Wireshark can also be downloaded from

Figure 3.2: Wireshark Official Web Page
Capturing Packets

After downloading and installing Wireshark, you can launch it and click the
name of aninterface under Interface List to start capturing packets on that
interface. For example, ifyou want to capture traffic on the wireless
network, click your wireless interface.

Do the following steps:

1. Start up the Wireshark program (select an interface and press start
to capture packets).
2. Start up your favorite browser (iceweasel in Kali Linux).
3. In your browser, go to national open university homepage by typing

4. After your browser has displayed the http://www.nou.edu page, stop
Wireshark packet capture by selecting stop in the Wireshark capture
window. This will cause the Wireshark capture window to disappear
and the default page.

Figure 3.3: Packet Captured

5. Wireshark window to display all packets captured since you began

packet capture see figure 3.3 above.
6. Color Coding: You’ll probably see packets highlighted in green, blue,
and black. Wireshark uses colors to help you identify the types of
traffic at a glance. By default, green is TCP traffic, dark blue is DNS
traffic, light blue is UDP traffic, and black identifies TCP packets with
problems. For example, they could have been delivered out-of-order.
7. To further filter packets in Wireshark, we need to use a more precise
filter. By setting the http.host==www.nou.edu.ng, we are restricting
the view to packets that have as an http host the www.wayne.edu
website. Notice that we need two equal signs to perform the match
“= =” not just one (the packets should contain http packets, for the
filter to return results).
8. Now, we can try another protocol. Let’s use Domain Name System
(DNS) protocol as an example shown in figure 3.4:

Figure 3.4: DNS Filter

9. Let’s try now to find out what are those packets contain by following
one of the conversations (also called network flows), select one of
the packets and press the right mouse button (if you are on a Mac
use the command button and click), you should see something similar
to the screen below: Click on Follow then UDP Stream, and then
you will see the screen below:

Figure 3.5: UDP Stream Filter

10. If we close this window and change the filter back to

“http.host==www.nou.edu.ng” and then follow a packet from the list

of packets that match that filter, we should get the something similar
to the following screens. Note that we click on Follow then TCP
Stream this time. Figure 3.6 depicts this process.
Figure 3.6: TCP Stream Filter

Brief description of NMAP
Nmap (Network Mapper) is a one the most popular port scanning tool. It is
a free and open-source network scanner created by Gordon Lyon. Nmap is
used to discover hosts and services on a computer network by sending
packets and analyzing the responses.
Nmap provides a number of features for probing computer networks,
including host discovery and service and operating system detection. These
features are extensible by scripts that provide more advanced service
detection, vulnerability detection, and other features. Nmap can adapt to
network conditions including latency and congestion during a scan.
Nmap started as a Linux utility and was ported to other systems
including Windows, macOS, and BSD. It is most popular and preinstalled
on Linux.
1. Scanning the host address:
Using Kali Linux terminal, Type: nmap www.google.com (where
www.google.com is the host you want to scan). The output is displayed in
figure 3.7 below:

Figure 3.7: Scanning the Host Address

From the output of the port scan above, you can see the port number, state

and service of the host address you scan. This might be a brief result, but
it differs based on the type of host you scanned.
2. Scanning IP address:
Another method of port scanning is scanning the IP address of the target
( From the output of the host port scan, you can see the

IP address of the target, there are other means to detect the IP address of
the target you wish to scan, you can look into that ( a popular tool you can
you to do that is “whois”). To scan the IP address, type: nmap

Figure 3.8: Scanning the IP Address

Figure 3.2 has similar output as that of figure 3.1, this is because we are
scanning the same target, the difference is just that we are scanning host
address in 3.1 and IP address in 3.2.

There are several parameters that can be added to the nmap command aid
effective result effective, few of this command are listed below:

1. TCP SYN (Stealth) Scan (-sS): This is far and away the most
popular scan type because it the fastest way to scan ports of the most
popular protocol (TCP).
2. TCP Connect Scan (-sT): Connect scan uses the system call of the
same name to scan machines, rather than relying on raw packets as
most of the other methods do.
3. UDP Scan (-sU): Don't forget UDP ports—they offer plenty of
security holes too.
4. TCP FIN, NULL, and Xmas Scans (-sF, -sN, -sX): These special
purpose scan types are adept at sneaking past firewalls to explore
the systems behind them.
5. TCP ACK Scan (-sA): ACK scan is commonly used to map out
firewall rulesets. In particular, it helps understand whether firewall
rules are stateful or not. The downside is that it cannot distinguish
open from closed ports.
6. -A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and
7. -v: Increase verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater effect).
8. -O: Enable OS detection.
9. -T: Timing and performance.
10. -p: specifies the ports to be scanned.

As stated earlier this is just a few of the numerous nmap commands, you
can the full list at www.nmap.org or type “nmap --help” into the terminal.

A typical example on the usage of the above commands is depicted in figure
3.9 below:

Figure 3.9: Scanning with Multiple Parameters

The parameters used in the example above is:

i. -T4: specifies how fast the scan should be.

ii. -p-: specifies that nmap should scan all the ports.
iii. -A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and

Check the nmap help tag, and attempt five other command combinations.
Submit the screen shot to the tutor’s email.


As a network administrator, you are required to perform vulnerability

assessment on your network as a part of the network operation. This
enables you to find various vulnerabilities that may exist in your network.
These vulnerabilities, if not mitigated in time, can create huge risk to the
network. Attackers may take advantage of these vulnerabilities to
compromise your network. As a network administrator, you should be able
to perform a detailed vulnerability scan on your network. This lab will
demonstrate how to perform vulnerability scanning on the target network
using a popular vulnerability assessment tool called Nessus.


Nessus performs its scans by utilizing plugins, which run against each host
on the network in order to identify vulnerabilities. Plugins can be thought
of as individual pieces of code that Nessus uses to conduct individual scan
types on targets. Plugins are numerous and wide in their capabilities. For
instance, a plugin could be launched and targeted at a host to:

• Identify which operating systems and services are running on which

• Identify which software components are vulnerable to attacks (FTP,
SSH, SMB and more)
• Identify if compliance requirements are met on various hosts

The steps that are followed during scanning can be summarized in the
image below:

Figure 3.10: Nessus Scanning Process

When you launch a scan, Nessus goes through a series of steps.

Step 1: Nessus will retrieve the scan settings. The settings will define the
ports to be scanned, the plugins to be enabled and policy preferences
Step 2: Nessus will then perform host discovery to determine the hosts
that are up. The protocols used in host discovery will be ICMP, TCP, UDP
and ARP. You can specify these per your desires.
Step 3: Nessus then performs a port scan of each host that is discovered
to be up. You can also define which ports you will want scanned. Ports can

be defined in ranges or individually, with valid ports ranging from 1 to
Step 4: Nessus will then perform service detection to determine the
services that are running behind each port on each host discovered
Step 5: Nessus then performs operating system detection.
Step 6: Once all the steps are complete, Nessus runs each host against a
database of known vulnerabilities in an attempt to discover which host
contains which vulnerabilities.
The image below summarizes these steps:

Figure 3.11: Simplified Network Scanning Steps

Nessus allows you to remotely audit a network and determine if it has

been broken into or misused in some way. It also provides the ability to
locally audit a specific machine for vulnerabilities. Nessus has the essential
(free) and professional (commercial) version.
For the sake of the lab, we will be using the essential version and it can be
downloaded from the official website of Nessus

Installation process (on linux operating system)

1. After downloading the .deb file based on your system architecture
from the above provided download link, type the command below into
your linux terminal to install
dpkg -i path_to_file/file_name.deb (where the path_to_file is the
path to the downloaded installation file and file_name.deb is the file
you downloaded.
2. Type this command after the you have performed the steps above
/etc/init.d/nessusd start
3. Open your browser and navigate to this url:
4. The figure 3.12 (Display Page) will be displayed upon carrying out the
above processes out accordingly

Figure 3.11: Display Page

5. Select the Nessus essentials option for purpose of this lab, you can
do otherwise after this class if you need it. Then click on continue.
6. You will be provided with a page to sign up. Here, you will need to
provide your first name, last name and a valid email address (an
activation code will be sent to it).

Figure 3.13: Account Creation

7. Click on email, the activation code will be sent to the email you
provided. Get the code and type it in the provided form page, see
figure 3.14. click continue
8. Upon successful registration, you will need to create a user account
as shown is figure 3.15. then sign in to continue with the installation

Figure 3.14: Activation Page

Figure 3.15: Sign-In Page

9. After the sign in, the initialization process will begin and is going to

take some time to finish.

Figure 3.16: Initialization Process

10. After the initialization process, you will directed to sign in, after you
have successfully logged in, then the home page will be displayed on
the screen, where you start a new scan, view all your previous scan,
view the trash, and other functionalities as displayed in figure 3.17.
Figure 3.17: Home Page
11. To start a new scan, click on the New Scan button as shown in the
figure above. By clicking the New Scan button, a page will be
displayed on your screen where you can select the type of
vulnerability assessment you want to conduct, this page is illustrated

in Figure 3.18. As a beginner, we will be conducting a basic network
vulnerability scan, so click on the Basic Network Scan.

Figure 3.18: Vulnerability Assessment Page

Figure 3.19: Basic Network Scan

12. Figure 3.19 depicts the Basic Network Scan page that is displayed
when you click the New Scan button, this page is where you input
the necessary information about the assessment that you want to
conduct. Information like the name you want to give your
assessment, brief description of the assessment, the folder you

wish to save the result of the assessment, the target the you want
to conduct the assessment on (this can either be the domain name
or the ip address of the target), and so on. After you filled the
necessary fields, click save at the very bottom of the page.

You can also explore other options provided on this page but the most
necessary one is the Basic > General field that you just filled.
13. After you click save, the information will be saved and you will be
directed back to the home page, where you can launch the scan, see
figure 3.x. Click the “play” icon to launch your configured scan. It is

possible to have multiple configured scans, allowing you to perform

multiple scans. In the screen above, we configured just one scan.
Below, you can however see results from two hosts summarizing the
severity and instances of issues discovered.

Figure 3.20: Scan to be Launched

14. On this page (Figure 3.20 above), click on the play button in front of
your assessment name to launch the scan.
15. Figure 3.21 below has the result of the scan, and Nessus has
automated the ranking of the severity of the vulnerability it has found
on your network (this is one of the interesting features of Nessus).
The ranking ranges between critical, high, medium, low, and info. The
highest and most severe vulnerability are those that fall in the critical
Figure 3.21: Network Scan Result
Nessus even allows you to drill down to specific hosts and
vulnerabilities and get more information on how they were
discovered, together with recommendations on how to patch

identified risks. See figure 3.22 below. Click on the Vulnerability tab
to further analyze these results.

Figure 3.22: Vulnerability Tab of the Network Scan Result

i. Conduct vulnerability assessment on the National Open University
portal for any possible using Nessus, and submit the report as well
your remark about the assessment to the tutor.
ii. Using Another vulnerability assessment tool to conduct the task
given above.

Module 4: Cyber Law and Ethics

Module Introduction
Laws are formal and legalised rules that command or forbid certain conduct.
These laws are inherited from ethics, which outline socially acceptable
behaviours. The difference between these two: law and ethics, is the power
of a governing body. Law is back up with power which is lacking in ethics
because they are based on societal and cultural norms. In today's cyber
world, where the security of information resources can’t be guaranteed
based on morality, then it leaves us with the option of using governing laws
to enforced misconducts that are morally wrong. The network security
professional must prevent or reduce organisational loss due to the different
type of internet enhanced piracy and security risk they are exposed to.

Unit 1: Security and Law

Unit 2: Privacy and Ethics

Unit 1: Security and Law

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main content
3.1 Security Requirement And Solution
3.1.1 Confidentiality
3.1.2 Integrity
3.1.3 Availability
3.1.4 Solutions
3.2 Computer Security Countermeasures
3.2.1 Authentication
3.2.2 Data and Operating System Backup
3.2.3 Firewall and Intrusion Detection Systems
3.2.4 Antivirus And Protection against Malware
3.2.5 Program Security and Secure Coding
3.2.6 Cyber Law
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(S)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
The preceding unit has shown us all the threats a computer network is
exposed to. In this unit, we will further evaluate the control of network
security. The security requirement and solution to the threats will be
discussed, and then we will finalise by presenting exceptional defences
available to mitigate network threats.

In planning and implementing network security countermeasure,

fundamental security requirements need to be outlined first, to serve as a
guide in areas to watch out for. The basic requirements are confidentiality,
integrity and availability. Computer and network security countermeasures
are techniques used to reduce or eliminate threats and vulnerability. Due
to the various natures of attacks, a single countermeasure might not be
applicable for all threats except a risk analysis is being carried out.

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• evaluate security requirement and solution

• analyse computer security countermeasures
• evaluate appropriate laws that relate to network security and apply
them to a security breach.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Security Requirement and Solution

Computer and network security are set of mechanisms put in place to
protect computer systems from illegal access, theft, damage and disruption
of the services they provide. It includes protection from both internal and
external threats. Internal threats, for example, can be defects in a software
program or operating system. External threats are unauthorised access or
human error.

3.1.1 Confidentiality
Confidentiality is the protection of data from being access by unauthorised
persons. This is possible with the use of encryption technologies.
Cryptography can be used as a method to achieve confidentiality.

3.1.2 Integrity
Integrity means that the information is not tempered with throughout its
life cycle, thereby causing damage or disruption be it intentionally or
otherwise. Frame Check Sequence (FCS) can be used where encrypted
messages are added at the end of each frame for error detection.

3.1.3 Availability
Availability requires the information to be protected to avoid being
degraded or made unavailable without authorisation. Information
availability is necessary for the day to day activities of an organisation.
Threats that can hinder information availability are DOS and malware.

Some of the measures that have been put in place to satisfy the above-
mentioned security requirement are:

• Information confidentiality
• Cryptography
• Integrity
• Hashing
• Digital signature
• Availability
• Network redundancy
• Data and application backup

3.2 Computer Security Countermeasures

Attacks on computer systems could be through standalone direct physical
means or through a network (wired and wireless). When we understand the
various types of attack that system are exposed to; reliable
countermeasures can be proffered to avert the attacks. Isolation of
intruders from the computer system and its resources is physical, logical,
cryptographic or temporal. Summarised below are the major
countermeasure that can be put in place to avert threats pose by intruders
on systems and its resources.

• Authentication
• Data and operating system backup
• Firewall and intrusion detection systems
• Antivirus and protection against malware
• Program security and secure coding
• Cyberlaw

3.2.1 Authentication
This is the most vulnerable area of computer and system security because
key phrase passwords only are used as a means of entry into the system.
The system here means access to a computer system or its application, be
it locally or over the internet. Strong authentication is suggested where
several levels of security check are involved. This should include in addition
to the key phrase password one or more of biometric authentication (retinal
scan, voice recognition, fingerprints, face recognition, hand geometry,

3.2.2 Data and Operating System Backup

It is not only intruders that serve as threats to information, but the
information could be damaged or lost as a result of a fire incident or a
natural disaster like an earthquake. Redundancy should be created by
backing up data in an offsite location that doesn’t have the same natural
disaster condition. Redundancy array of inexpensive disk (RAID) can be
deployed for onsite backup though at the expensive of cost for cases where
the data protection needs to be robust.

Can you mention some of the media that are employed for on-site and off-
site data backup?

Data could be backed up on CD-RW media, tapes and on the cloud. System
restore points can periodically also be created so as to default to a working
point in the case of crashes/malfunction in an operating system.

3.2.3 Firewall and Intrusion Detection Systems

Firewalls which can be in both hardware and software form shields access
of an intranet from the outside world and also provide packet filtering to
unwanted intrusion. Attacks from intruders are detected using intrusion
detection systems. Computer systems are sometimes deliberately left
vulnerable to threats to harness the various methods of attacks. These
attack techniques from intruders are then used to develop pools of
countermeasures for further use.

The primary requirements of an effective firewall or intrusion detection

system are the following:
a. It must act as a gateway through which all traffic must pass (both
incoming and outgoing).
b. It must only allow authorised traffic (authenticated users and
information) to pass.
c. It must be insusceptible to penetration or compromise.

Figure 4.1 depicts the placement of a typical firewall in a computer network.

Fig. 4.1: Concept of Firewall

Firewalls can be characterised in different types. They can be characterised
by the OSI layer they operate on, by the implantation technology, or by the
approach they employ. Many firewall implementations use a combination
of both approaches. When characterising firewalls based on the OSI model
at which they operate, there are three basic types of firewalls:

• Network-level
• Application-level (proxy server)
• Circuit level (proxy server)

3.2.4 Antivirus and Protection against Malware

Antivirus and antimalware software scans for virus and malware signatures
and use algorithmic detection methods to identify known viruses. Known
virus and malware are removed or quarantined. No single antivirus
software can discover and clean up all virus types or malware, and that is
why antivirus is constantly updated to add more patches of a newly
developed algorithm for detection and removal of virus signatures.

3.2.5 Program Security and Secure Coding

These are security measures taken through the life cycle of computer
software development to check for and prevent errors to software code
during design, development, pilot test and deployment. Large software
programs are divided into subroutines to be executed separately before
being put together as a unit. A vulnerability test is carried out to see how
resilient to threats the software are.

3.2.6 Cyber Law

Law guiding punishment for cybercrime should be clearly spelt out, and
offenders need to be punished. In doing this, it will serve as a deterrent for
intended persons willing to go into similar crime. Another way of mitigating
cybercrime is to rehabilitate cybercriminals. And use them as part of
countermeasures in fighting similar crime in the industry.

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

As a consultant to one of the banks in Nigeria designated to client automatic
teller machine (ATM) data resources, how will you utilise one or more of
the computer security countermeasures to safeguard customer ATM pins?

A. Login authentication
B. Remote Authorisation
C. Facial recognition
D. Data confidentiality

Answer: A

5.0 Conclusion
The fundamental security requirements needed for the planning and
implementation of network security countermeasure have been outlined
and briefly discussed. This measure involves information data
confidentiality, integrity and availability. Computer and network security
countermeasure are seen to reduce or eliminate threats and vulnerability.
Due to various natures of attacks, one or more countermeasures need to
be applied to mitigate network threats.

6.0 Summary
Confidentiality, integrity and availability are the three basic requirements
for planning and implementing network security. The major
countermeasures that can be put in place to avert threats pose by intruders
on systems and its resources are authentication, data and operating system
backup, firewall and intrusion detection systems. Other are antivirus and
protection against malware, program security and secure coding and cyber

7.0 References/Further Reading

Guillermo, F., Encinas, E. L., Hernandez, L. & El-Sheikh, E. (2017).
Computer and Network Security Essentials. Springer.

Pfleeger, C. P., & Pfleeger, S. L. (2015). Security in Computing (5th ed.).

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 978-0134085043.

Stallings, W. (2016). Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and

Practice. (7th ed.). London: Pearson. ISBN: 978-013444284.

Shin, B. (2017). A Practical Introduction to Enterprise Network and Security

Management. Auerbach Publications.

Unit 2: Privacy and Ethics

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Ethical Issues in Computer and Network Security
3.1.1 Hacking and Computer Crime
3.1.2 Cyberterrorism and Information Warfare
3.1.3 Other Ethical Issues in Computer
3.1.4 Ethical Responsibilities
3.2 Developing Privacy Policy
3.2.1 Identifying the Sponsor
3.2.2 Resource Justification
3.2.3 Selecting a Team Leader for the Project
3.2.4 Building the Project Team and Stakeholder Contacts
3.2.5 Developing a Privacy Policy Plan
3.2.6 Understanding Information Exchanges
3.2.7 Analysing The Legal Requirements
3.2.8 Identifying Grave Issues and Policy Breaches
3.2.9 Writing the Policy
3.2.10 Adoption of the Policy
4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(S)
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Summary
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
In this unit, ethical aspects of specific practices to network security will be
analysed. Practices that undermine network security will be discussed, and
we will look at the moral responsibilities of information security
professionals. The unit will also consider what is involved in the
development of privacy policies.

Ethics distinguish right from wrong, and good from the bad. It addresses
the moral aspect of human behaviours, policies, laws and social structures.
Individuals and corporations are always required to consider not only the
legality but also the decency of their actions.

A privacy policy is a written and published statement that expresses the

policy position of an organisation on how it handles information data. The
plan should include information relating to the procedures of information
gathering, analysis, dissemination, confidentiality, integrity and

availability. Information privacy is always linked to the idea of trust. Trust
is a critical business issue for most organisations. As individuals are tasked
with establishing and maintaining privacy within an organisation, questions
regarding trust should be answered. Issues of privacy are complex, and the
penalties for not appropriately addressing them leave the organisation
vulnerable to threats.

2.0 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• describe hacking and computer crime

• describe cyberterrorism and information warfare
• develop a privacy policy
• analyse ethical issues in security breach investigations
• develop privacy policies for information systems.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Ethical issues in Computer and Network
The privacy of individuals’ information is becoming an essential part of
computer security. Although this issue is just an aspect of confidentiality,
it has a long history in both law and ethics. The purpose of this section is
to understand the context in which security is assessed and applied.

3.1.1 Hacking and Computer Crime

One of the major concerns of organisations is in the security of the data

and resources which is vulnerable to attacks by hackers. Hackers gain
unauthorised access to a computer for purposes of stealing information,
disrupting the network or even causing downtime that will aid other
purposes. Self-identified hackers often justify their hacking activities by
arguing that they cause no real harm and instead have a positive impact.
Hackers claim that information should be free to all (read about hacker code
of ethics), and by carrying out their illicit activities, they create room for
improvement in security and also making the software more robust.
Computer fraud also breaches computer security, and it involves online
identity deception for monetary or other personal gains.

3.1.2 Cyberterrorism and Information Warfare
The fear of cyberterrorism has been in the increase, especially once it is
politically motivated. This could result in nations fighting for political power
and economic dominance that can easily lead to hardship, war and loss of
lives. The distinction between cyberterrorism, cybercrime, cyber vandalism
cannot be drawn due to the hidden nature of the hacker's intention. This is
so because, for example, the impact from a politically motivated cyber
vandalism might be so enormous that the disruption will lead to

Information warfare may include the use of information media to spread

propaganda, the disruption, jamming or hijacking of communication
infrastructure or propaganda feeds of the enemy. It also includes hacking
into computer systems that control vital infrastructure (for example,
railway infrastructure, oil and gas pipelines and, electric power grids).

3.1.3 Other Ethical Issues in Computer

The Computer Ethics Institute summarises some basic ethics as:

• Don’t use a computer to harm others.

• Don’t interfere with other people’s computer work.
• Do not snoop around to see other people’s computer files.
• Do not use a computer to commit fraud.
• Don’t use a computer to bear false witness.
• Don’t use unlicensed software.

3.1.4 Ethical Responsibilities

Data security professional own others the duty for the development of a
document that highlights the morals of information confidentiality, integrity
and availability. A developed code of ethics document is clearly not enough
for information security personnel and as such training and workshop on
information security ethics should be organised. Such training helps
professionals to get clear about interests, rights, and moral values that are
at stake in computer security, to recognise ethical questions and dilemmas
in their work, and to balance different moral principles in resolving such
ethical issues.

3.2 Developing a Privacy Policy

This describes the roles and responsibilities of those who initiate policy
development and those who produce the policy document. It is important
to have the structure and support for the planning effort clearly defined
from the outset. Presumptively, a collaborative project team will be
appointed to develop the privacy policy. Collaborative teams function best
when participant roles and responsibilities are clear.

3.2.1 Identifying the Sponsor
Once the need to establish a privacy policy for information within an
organisation is known, the next step is to designate the policy project
sponsor, who monitors the affairs of the policy development. The project
sponsor identifies and allocates the necessary resources to oversee policy

3.2.2 Resource Justification

The privacy policy development team is solely responsible for the
estimation of resources needed and make these resources known to the
project sponsor. At different phases of policy development, different
resources will be needed. The team should project a convincing estimate of
resource needs, such as:

• The number and skills of the team members.

• Completion time of the assignment.
• Provide any additional support resources needed (for example,
computers, software, and access to legal services).

3.2.3 Selecting a Team Leader for the Project

The privacy policy development must have a team leader. The leader is
someone who will direct and manage the day-to-day affairs of policy
development. The following qualities are expected of the team leader:

• Organisational credibility
• Organisation authority
• Ability to build and maintain coalitions
• Ability to manage the day-to-day tasks over an extended period

3.2.4 Building the Project Team and Stakeholder

Project Team: Appointing a multidisciplinary, multiagency team is
necessary for the successful development and implementing of policy. The
team needs the structure and leadership and, a sense that the aim of the
policy can be accomplished.

Stakeholder Contacts: Stakeholders who are not on the project team are
needed. These are persons that have interests in the outcome of the privacy
policy and are solicited by the project team to provide continuous input.

3.2.5 Developing a Privacy Policy Plan

Effort is required to produce a set of written statements of action (a
charter). That serves as an overall guide to both the project and to the
team. The process of the statement development is as crucial and essential
as the document itself. This process will help in building a full of trust in
each other.

This charter document should include statements on the:

• Vision: A compelling, conceptual image of the desired, successful

• Mission: A concise, comprehensive statement of purpose of the
project that is consistent with the stated vision.
• Values: These are principles and philosophies that describe how the
organisation conducts itself in carrying out its mission.
• Goals: The desired long-term results that, if accomplished, would
mean the team has achieved its mission.
• Objectives: Achievable and time-bound targets for completing policy

3.2.6 Understanding Information Exchanges

Knowing the type of information the organisation collects, manages, and
protects will help in structuring the scope of the privacy policy to
information confidentiality, integrity and availability.

3.2.7 Analysing the Legal Requirements

For the developed policy to achieve effectiveness and efficiency, the
document must comply with the state law. The project team must analyse
the applicable laws to guide the organisation on the information that will or
will not be collected, how the information will be collected, and whom it
can be shared with. The analysis needs to also identify grey areas where
there is no specific law to guide the policy or where there are conflicts in
laws and practices that need to be reconciled before drafting a policy.

Legal compliance should be part of the policy development process from

the outset and not as an add-on. Development of a privacy policy which
includes the legal analysis too, should occur during the planning stage and
not when project operations are underway.

3.2.8 Identifying Grave Issues and Policy Breaches

Upon completion of the policy development, the team will be able to see
the conflicting issues regarding the created policy and the state and federal
laws. This will allow them to know part of the policy that still needs
addressing. For cases where the laws of the state do not address conflicting
issues, the team should deliberate based upon the issue’s similarity to other
matters resolved.

3.2.9 Writing the Policy

Once the policy decisions have been identified and discussed, the
recommendation regarding conflicting areas taken, then the outline for
drafting the policy can be made. The privacy policy document should be an
explicit document that is made for the general public, and all and sundry
understand such needs.

3.2.10 Adoption of the policy
Before the formal adoption of the policy by the governing body of the
organisation, the project team members must approve it first. All team
members must sign attesting that they agree with all the outcome about
decisions taken.

Case Study
Jane works as a programmer for a software company. She writes and tests
utility programs such as compilers. Her company operates two computing
shifts: during the day program development, and online applications are
run; at night batch production jobs are completed. Jane has access to
workload data and learns that the evening batch runs are complementary
to daytime programming tasks; that is, adding programming work during
the night shift would not adversely affect the performance of the computer
to other users. Jane comes back after normal hours to develop a program
to manage her own stock portfolio. Her drain on the system is minimal, and
she uses very few expendable supplies, such as printer paper.

What can you say about Jane’s behaviour?
Mention four other computer ethical issues not mentioned earlier in this
course unit.

Computer Ethics
1. Don’t use other people’s computer resources without authorisation.
2. Don’t appropriate other people’s intellectual output.
3. Think about the social implication of the program you are writing or
the system you are designing.
4. Have consideration and respect for fellow humans when using

4.0 Self-Assessment Exercise(s)

In developing a privacy policy plan, selecting team members for the plan is
very important. Which two professions in the options below are vital to be
part of the team?
A. Lawyer
B. Police
C. Hackers
D. Cybersecurity professional

Answers: A and D

5.0 Summary
Ethics distinguish right from wrong, and good from the bad. It addresses
the moral aspect of human behaviours, policies, laws and social structures.
A privacy policy is a written and published statement that expresses the
policy position of an organisation on how it handles information data. The
major ethical issues in network security are hacking, cyberterrorism,
cybercrime, cybervandalism. Procedures for developing a privacy policy are
identifying the sponsor, resource justification, selecting a team leader for
the project, building the project team and stakeholder contacts, developing
a privacy policy plan, understanding information exchanges, analysing the
legal requirements, identifying grave issues and policy breaches, writing
the policy and adoption of the policy.

6.0 Conclusion
Privacy is the moral right of individuals and organisations that are
frequently and increasingly at issue when information systems are used.
Information security itself is not a moral right or moral value, but it has
been argued that maintaining information security may be morally
necessary to protect rights and interests: privacy rights, property rights,
freedom rights, human life and health and national security. Ethics
distinguish right from wrong, and good from the bad. It addresses the moral
aspect of human behaviours, policies, laws and social structures.
Individuals and corporations are always required to consider not only the
legality but also the decency of their actions. It was argued that computer
security could also work to undermine rights. Ethical analysis of privacy and
security issues in computing can help computer professionals, and users
recognise and resolve moral dilemmas and can yield ethical policies and
guidelines for the use of information technology.

7.0 References/Further Reading

Bates, S. & Etzioni, A.(2016). Privacy in a Cyber Age: Policy and Practice.

Marcella Jr, A. J. & Stucki, C. (2003). Privacy Handbook: Guidelines,

Exposures, Policy Implementation, and International Issues: John
Wiley & Sons.


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