Coach Registration Form

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Coach Registration Form

Besides our Players, our Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches are our most valuable asset.
Thanks very much for volunteering your time for the benefit of our Club. It is greatly appreciated by all! In completing this
application, please be as candid as possible. There are no rights or wrong answers. This application will be made
available to the Unisport Bafang Board so that a vote can be taken as to who will become the new coach of Unisport De
Bafang. Please use additional space if necessary.

Coach’s Name Driver’s License Number Birthdate

Address Email Address

Coach’s Pass Number Seasonal Year

Home Phone Work Phone Club Affiliations

License Currently Held Date Received Other License (describe) Date Received

Age Group(s) Currently Coaching Type of Team

Club High College Indoor Other

Do You Coach: Boys Girls Competitive Recreational

(check all that apply)

1. Background in work with youth:

Position Years
2. Experience in Adult Soccer:
Position Years
3. Experience in Youth Soccer
Position Years

Playing Experience
(Please indicate whether you have any soccer playing experience and include year’s played, level of play (high school,
collegiate, professional, semi-pro, amateur, etc), other related info, etc).



Unisport De Bafang FC Soccer Club Coach Application Form

Desired Coaching Position: Head Coach_____ Assistant Coach_____

Desired Age Level:______________________________________________________

Desired Team (A,B,C,any): 1st Choice_________________2nd Choice_________________

Willing to be an active assistant coach if you are not elected as a Head Coach? Yes____ No____

If you are applying for an "A" team head coach position, please explain details of Training session, including when, how
many sessions, selection criteria, who will help you etc…?






How will you handle players that cannot (or don't) attend either part or all of training session?





An “A” team head coach position involves more than just coaching. It also involves overseeing your age level program,
mentoring coaches in your age level, coordinating training session, providing player development, helping with coach
development by attending other practices and games, and helping to place new players onto existing teams. If you are
applying for an “A” team head coach position, will you be able to provide this level of commitment to the Club?

Yes______ No______

What is your general philosophy for the player’s age group you are applying for?






Have you determined who your full technical staff would be? Yes_____ No _____ if so please lists them.

Unisport De Bafang FC Soccer Club Coach Application Form




Additional pertinent information regarding your ability/desire to Coach for Unisport De Bafang:







Please elaborate on your thoughts regarding interaction between coaches and referees during games. Should coaches be
yelling at referees? Should they be questioning calls? What do you think of the Club's zero tolerance policy? How would
you handle a situation where you disagreed with how a referee was calling a game and you think player safety was at





I have read and understand pertinent information about being a Head Coach or Assistant Coach for the Unisport De
Bafang FC Soccer Club and about the Unisport De Bafang FC Soccer Club in general. I agree to sign a Unisport De
Bafang FC Soccer Club Coaches Code of Conduct. I agree to sign an “allow to gather information from official
organizations form" and allow Unisport De Bafang to perform any necessary background checks. I will inform the Unisport
De Bafang FC Soccer Club of any arrests which occurred either previously, currently or while I am involved with the
Unisport De Bafang FC Soccer Club.

Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Preferred submission: send email to website under update and other info. Note that
e-mail submission implies application has been signed.

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