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Computer networking refers to interconnected computing devices that can exchange data
and share resources with each other.

Uses of Computer Networks

 Communicating using email, video, instant messaging, etc.
 Sharing devices such as printers, scanners, etc.
 Sharing files.
 Sharing software and operating programs on remote systems.
 Allowing network users to easily access and maintain information.
Types of Computer Networks
There are mainly five types of Computer Networks
1. Personal Area Network (PAN)
2. Local Area Network (LAN)
3. Campus Area Network (CAN)
4. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
5. Wide Area Network (WAN)

1. Personal Area Network (PAN)

PAN is the most basic type of computer network. This network is restrained to a single
person, that is, communication between the computer devices is centered only on an
individual’s workspace. PAN offers a network range of 1 to 100 meters from person to
device providing communication. Its transmission speed is very high with very easy
maintenance and very low cost.
This uses Bluetooth.
Examples of PAN are USB, computer, phone, tablet, printer, PDA, etc.

2. Local Area Network (LAN)
LAN is the most frequently used network. A LAN is a computer network that connects
computers through a common communication path, contained within a limited area, that is,
locally. A LAN encompasses two or more computers connected over a server. The two
important technologies involved in this network are Ethernet and Wi-fi. It ranges up to
2km & transmission speed is very high with easy maintenance and low cost.
Examples of LAN are networking in a home, school, library, laboratory, college, office, etc.

Local Area Network (LAN)

3. Campus Area Network (CAN)
CAN is bigger than a LAN but smaller than a MAN. This is a type of computer network
that is usually used in places like a school or colleges. This network covers a limited
geographical area that is, it spreads across several buildings within the
campus. CAN mainly use Ethernet technology with a range from 1km to 5km.
Its transmission speed is very high with a moderate maintenance cost and moderate cost.
Examples of CAN are networks that cover schools, colleges, buildings, etc.

4. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
A MAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. This is the type of computer
network that connects computers over a geographical distance through a shared
communication path over a city, town, or metropolitan area. This network mainly uses
FDDI, CDDI, and ATM as the technology with a range from 5km to 50km. Its transmission
speed is average. It is difficult to maintain and it comes with a high cost.
Examples of MAN are networking in towns, cities, a single large city, a large area within
multiple buildings, etc.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

5. Wide Area Network (WAN)
WAN is a type of computer network that connects computers over a large geographical
distance through a shared communication path. It is not restrained to a single location but
extends over many locations. WAN can also be defined as a group of local area networks
that communicate with each other with a range above 50km. Here we use Leased-Line &
Dial-up technology. Its transmission speed is very low and it comes with very high
maintenance and very high cost. The most common example of WAN is the Internet.

Comparison between Different Computer Networks

Full Personal Area Local Area Campus Metropolitan Wide Area
Name Network Network Area Area Network
Network Network
Technolo Bluetooth, Ethernet & Ethernet FDDI, Leased Line,
gy IrDA,Zigbee Wifi CDDi. ATM Dial-Up
Range 1-100 m Upto 2km 1 – 5 km 5-50 km Above 50 km
Transmis Very High Very High High Average Low
Ownershi Private Private Private Private or Private or
p Public Public
Maintena Very Easy Easy Moderate Difficult Very Difficult
Cost Very Low Low Moderate High Very High

Common Network Devices

Network Interface Cards (NICs)

 Network Interface Cards (NIC) allow an electronic device to be connected to a

network. Network Interface Cards are connected to the motherboard but in most
modern systems are usually integrated
 Each network interface card has a unique identifier which is known as a media
access control address or MAC address which is created during the manufacturing
 Wireless Network Interface Cards (WNIC) are the same as a NIC but use wireless
connectivity to connect devices to networks

 A MAC address is a 48 bit hexadecimal code where 12 hexadecimal characters are

grouped in pairs

 The general format for a MAC address is that each pair of hexadecimal digits are
separated by a “-”
 An example of a MAC address:
o Microsoft has an OUI of 00-15-5D,
o a new laptop straight out of a Microsoft production line could have a MAC
address of “00-15-5D-45-1B-3F”


 Hubs are devices that allow several other devices to be connected to them

 Hubs are generally much cheaper than switches but:
o When a hub receives a data packet it will broadcast it to every device on the
 This creates two potential issues:
o As the information is being broadcast to every device it will make unnecessary
traffic especially if there are a large number of devices
o As every device will receive the data packet, security may be a concern


 Switches are also used to connect several devices together just like a hub; however,
rather than sending data packets to all devices on the network, the switch will only
send the data to its intended device

 This is done by each switch having a lookup table

Port Mac address

1 DF-42-B2-11-4D-E3
2 11-14-F2-1D-C3-C6
3 00-4B-17-7C-A2-C9

 When a switch receives a data packet, it examines the destination MAC address of
the box and looks up that address in its lookup table
 Once it has found the matching MAC address it will then forward the data packet to
the corresponding port


 Bridges are used to connect two networks or network segments to create a single
larger network

 An important note is that a bridge cannot communicate with external networks such
as the internet like a router can



Security of computer network
1. Encryption: encryption is a process of turning information and data(text)
from readable form(plain text) into unreadable form(cypher text) that only the
intended recipient can decrypt and read.
The most common method of encryption us is asymmetric encryption that uses
two different keys- public key and private key
2. Firewall: they are software or hardware devices that block unauthorized
access to a computer network.
3. Authentication: it is a process of proving to be true, genuine or valid. The
primary method of authentication is Password.
Password; it is a secret word that most be use to gain access to a place.
Strong password.
 Contain both number and letters, special characters
 Should be at least eight character long
 Contain upper and lower case letter
 Must never be written down
 Change regularly
 Never be share with somebody
a. Physical Identification: This technique includes machine-readable
badges(symbols), cards, or smart cards. In some companies, badges are
required for employees to gain access to the organization’s gate. In
many systems, identification is combined with the use of a password
i.e the user must insert the card and then supply his /her password. This
kind of authentication is commonly used with ATMs. Smart cards can
enhance this scheme by keeping the user password within the card
itself. This allows authentication without the storage of passwords in
the computer system. The loss of such a card can be dangerous.
b. Biometrics: This method of authentication is based on the unique
biological characteristics of each user such as fingerprints, voice or
face recognition, signatures, and eyes.
A scanner or other devices to gather the necessary data about the user.
Software to convert the data into a form that can be compared and stored.
A database that stores information for all authorized users.
c. Facial Characteristics – Humans are differentiated on the basis
of facial characteristics such as eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows, and
chin shape.
d. Fingerprints – Fingerprints are believed to be unique across the
entire human population.
e. Hand Geometry – Hand geometry systems identify features of
the hand that includes the shape, length, and width of fingers.
f. Retinal pattern – It is concerned with the detailed structure of
the eye.
g. Signature – Every individual has a unique style of handwriting,
and this feature is reflected in the signatures of a person.

h. Voice – This method records the frequency pattern of the voice
of an individual speaker.

i. Token-based authentication

k. Token-based authentication technologies enable users to enter their

credentials once and receive a unique encrypted string of random characters in
exchange. You can then use the token to access protected systems instead of
entering your credentials all over again. The digital token proves that you
already have access permission. Use cases of token-based authentication
include RESTful APIs that are used by multiple frameworks and clients.

Electronic conference is is meeting between individuals who are not in the same location
using communication technology
Audio conference: meeting with different people in different location to speak to each other
but can not see each other.
Video conference: meeting with different people in different location to speak to each other
and can see each other while talking
A web conference is an online meeting that involves audio and video
communication between people worldwide.
The three most cited types of web conferences are:

 Webcasts
 Webinars
 Peer-level web meetings

A webcast is a live broadcast over the internet that does not allow for any
interaction with the audience.

A webinar is an online event that provides limited options for

communication between a presenter and their viewers: chat, polls, Q&As.

A peel-level web meeting is a virtual event where participants can interact

with each other and the host via audio and video. Any participant can become
a presenter.

You can usually connect to a web conference from your desktop, laptop,
tablet, or mobile device.


Advantages and disadvantages of video and web conference

Diference between video conference and web conference


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