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Nama : Widia Agustina

Nim : 322110038
Class : B morning/2
Lacturer : Tri Kurniawati,M.Pd
Subject : Essay Writing

1. Introduction Paragraph
Thesis statement: The problem of poverty in Indonesia which is increasingly becoming a concern
must be a serious concern for the central government and local governments, especially for
2. Body Paragraph: Several factors causing this figure are the number of objects in Indonesia.
Supporting ideas:
A. create a lot of wide job opportunities and for citizens.
B. There is an effort to provide assistance/subsidy to the poor for their basic needs.
C. Efforts to improve various residents/community facilities, such as roads, electricity, and
D. Elimination of the ban on rice imports.
3. Conclusion
This condition in a certain period of time will affect the quality of the Indonesian generation as
an investment in the progress of Indonesia's progress in the future.
Optimizing Digital-Based Entrepreneurial Practices Through Formal Education To
Relieve Poverty In Indonesia

Problems in Indonesia that are increasingly becoming a concern must be a serious concern for
the central government and local governments, especially for educators. Since the last three years
the data shows that the number of poverty rates continues to increase. In 2020 the poverty rate
increased by 0.56% from the previous year. So that the number of poor people in Indonesia
reaches 26.42 million people or equivalent to 9.78% of the total population of Indonesia. This
condition is certainly something that really cuts all of us, where the state has not been able to
deliver all Indonesian people to the gates of economic independence and prosperity. Likewise,
the readers of this paper do not feel that the above conditions are part of their responsibility. This
condition is something that is very unnatural if we look at the nature of Indonesia which is very
rich and versatile.
Some of the factors causing the spike in poverty rates are the increasing number of unemployed
in Indonesia. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in August 2020, the
number of unemployed in Indonesia reached 9.77 million people. This figure experienced a very
drastic increase from the previous year of 2.67 million. This condition occurs because the
number of job seekers is not balanced with the available jobs in the field. In addition, this
increase in the poverty rate is certainly caused by the Covid-19 pandemic which has an impact
on Indonesia's economic stability nationally.
The problems above raise various actual problems, even tragic in various lines of life in the
midst of Indonesian society. Like many students who drop out of school due to not being able to
pay school fees. It is not guaranteed that the fulfillment of nutrition for Indonesian children and
the fulfillment of health is not guaranteed. Many parents of students lost their jobs and income.
This condition in a certain period of time will affect the quality of the Indonesian generation as
an investment supporting Indonesia's progress in the future. For this reason, solving this problem
must be carried out from the basics together and in a sustainable manner with synergistic
cooperation between the government, educational institutions, and the community.

The solutions that can be considered in this context are as follows:

1. Mentally reforming students
It is undeniable that the motivation that teachers always whisper to us at school is how to become
a successful person by getting prestigious job opportunities, such as being a civil servant,
working in large companies, becoming workers abroad and in other government agencies. . So
this forms the mindset of students as job seekers, not job creators. This is where the seeds of the
problems of poverty and suffering of the Indonesian people come from. The understanding that
poisons the minds of students is the opportunity to get a job with a meager salary. Not thinking
how to optimize opportunities to open job vacancies. For that, it is time even though it is actually
too late to reform the minds of students through learning that economic independence is obtained
through entrepreneurship. Teachers must instill this principle in students so that once they finish
school they do not immediately beg to companies to be given jobs with mediocre salaries. Rather
it examines the condition of the community to be used as an entrepreneurial opportunity.
2. Designing a productive curriculum
Furthermore, schools must design curricula based on entrepreneurship and productivity values
for each subject. Teachers must design each learning material to explain opportunities for
entrepreneurship through social media. Learning is not only so that students can answer exam
questions. But teachers must encourage and show students the straight path to be able to see
opportunities and take advantage of the knowledge learned for entrepreneurship. This can be
done by linking all learning materials with digital or manual entrepreneurial practices.
3. Changing the Educational Paradigm
In this section, education must be able to see the most basic needs of students after graduation to
be able to live and live and manage their lives. So schools are not only responsible for graduating
with the acquisition of a diploma but also life skills that are trained during school, not after
graduating from school. Schools must change the paradigm of graduation requirements by
mastering knowledge alone. Schools must apply the graduation requirements of students with
entrepreneurial skills and already have their own businesses both digitally and manually before
graduating from school.
4. Facilitating entrepreneurial practices digitally
The central government must facilitate students to become entrepreneurs since they are in high
school or equivalent. This is far more important than providing scholarships that end up being a
beggar graduate with an undignified job.

By implementing the steps above, Optimistically believes that the problem of poverty in
Indonesia can be overcome in line with solving the unemployment problem starting from solving
the root problem. Unemployment will decrease if job seekers are reduced because they already
have their own business, then this will automatically reduce the poverty rate to a minimum.

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