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Microsoft Excel 365 Intermediate

Training Programme Details

Training Title
Microsoft Excel 365 - Intermediate Level. 2 DAYS

Trainer: Eugene Ng

MS Excel Certification: July 26, 2020

Code: mW6V-uTbS @

Learning format

Blended Approach

Course Outline and Proposed Agenda:

Throughout this 2-day Excel Intermediate training, participants will develop a deeper
understanding of Excel's capabilities, enabling them to work efficiently and analyse data
effectively. Participants will gain insights into advanced data management and manipulation
techniques by exploring functions, formulas, and pivot tables. Moreover, they will learn to
create dynamic charts and perform what-if analysis to make data-driven decisions. Whether
you are a data analyst, financial professional, or business user, this course will equip you with
the essential Excel skills to boost your productivity and excel in data handling and analysis
Learning Outcomes
Prepare and Execute Advance Excel Formulas
Learn and implement Advance Features in Excel
Integrating Data from External Sources
Practice your data Report into Pivot Tables
Prepare your Excel Layout for Reporting
Structure the body of your Excel documentation.

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Microsoft Excel 365 Intermediate

Day 1:
Module 1: Functions and Formulas
- Creating Simple Formulas
- Introduction to Functions and their applications
- Commonly Used Functions (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, etc.)
- Working with Absolute and Mixed References

Module 2: Charting
- Creating Different Types of Charts (Bar, Line, Pie, etc.)
- Customizing Chart Elements (Titles, Axes, Legends)
- Using Dynamic Data Ranges for Charts

Module 3: Advanced Formatting

- Conditional Formatting for Data Visualization
- Using Styles and Themes for Consistency
- Creating and Applying Custom Formats

Module 4: Organizing and Analyzing Datasets

- Sorting Data for Proper Data Organization
- Filtering Data to Analyze Specific Information
- Utilizing Subtotal and Outline Features

Module 5: Advanced Functions and Formulas

- Using Logical Functions (IF, AND, OR, etc.)
- Date and Time Functions for Data Manipulation

Day 2:
Module 6: Working with Multiple Workbooks/Sheets
- Linking Data between Worksheets and Workbooks
- Consolidating Data from Multiple Sources
- Protecting and Sharing Workbooks

Module 7: Performing What-If Analysis

- Goal Seek for Finding Target Values
- Using Data Tables for Sensitivity Analysis
- Scenario Manager for Multiple Scenarios
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Microsoft Excel 365 Intermediate

Module 8: Working with Forms and Controls

- Creating and Using Form Controls (Drop down, Listing Data etc.)
- Data Validation for Data Entry Control

Module 9: Importing and Exporting Data Brief

- Importing Data from External Sources (CSV, Text, Web, etc.)
- Exporting Data to Different Formats (PDF, CSV, etc.)
- Data Connection and Refresh

Module 10: Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables

- Introduction to Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
- Building and Customizing Pivot Tables
- Calculations and Lookup within Pivot Tables

Module 11: Data Management with Pivot Table

- Using Unique Range Names for Clarity
- Presenting PivotTable Data Visually with Pivot Charts
- Working with External Data Sources in Pivot Tables
- Introduction to Slicers for Interactive Filtering

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Microsoft Excel 365 Intermediate

Course Proposed Agenda :

Day 1:
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Welcome and Introduction
- Course overview and objectives
- Introductions and icebreaker activities

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Functions & Formulas

- Creating simple formulas
- Introduction to functions and using them in formulas
- Using the AutoSum button for quick calculations

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Morning Break

10:45 AM - 12:30 PM: Advance Skill
- Advanced functions and formulas (IF, VLOOKUP, TEXT, etc.)
- Working with multiple workbooks and sheets
- Performing what-if analysis using data tables and goal seek

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Lunch Break

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Data Management with Pivot Tables

- Introduction to Pivot Tables and their benefits
- Building a Pivot Table from a dataset
- Utilizing unique range names for better clarity
- Performing calculations and lookups within a Pivot Table

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Afternoon Break

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM: Organizing and Analyzing Datasets

- Advanced formatting techniques for visual clarity
- Importing and exporting data from external sources
- Working with forms and controls for data entry and manipulation

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Q&A and Wrap-up

- Review of the day's topics
- Answering participant questions
- Setting expectations for Day 2

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Microsoft Excel 365 Intermediate

Day 2:

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Charting

- Creating various types of charts (bar, line, pie, etc.)
- Customizing chart elements for visual appeal
- Dynamic charts using Excel tables and named ranges

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Morning Break

10:45 AM - 12:30 PM: Advance Skill (Continued)

- Further exploration of advanced functions and formulas
- Practical exercises on working with multiple workbooks and sheets
- Utilizing data tables and scenarios for in-depth analysis

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Lunch Break

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables

- Presenting PivotTable data visually with Pivot Charts
- Working with external data sources in Pivot Tables
- Introduction to Slicers for interactive filtering

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Afternoon Break

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM: Data Management with Pivot Table (Continued)

- Advanced Pivot Table techniques for comprehensive data analysis
- Utilizing Pivot Tables for complex calculations and summaries
- Tips and tricks for optimizing Pivot Table performance

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Final Q&A and Course Conclusion

- Review of key takeaways from the training
- Participant feedback and evaluation
- Certificates of completion distribution

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