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Good afternoon/morning, everyone.

Today, I will be talking about the impacts of the

leadership styles used by W Bistro Myanmar. This restaurant uses a mix of democratic and
strategic leadership styles to motivate their team members to achieve their best potential.
The democratic leadership style emphasizes teamwork, communication, and collaboration. This
approach fosters a positive work environment where employees feel valued and empowered to
contribute to the restaurant's success. By working together, team members can achieve better
performance and higher job satisfaction.
Additionally, the strategic leadership style helps W Bistro Myanmar achieve its long-term goals
by identifying opportunities, making informed decisions, and adapting to changing
circumstances. This approach ensures that the restaurant is always prepared to face challenges
and take advantage of new opportunities.
However, there are times when W Bistro Myanmar may use autocratic leadership in certain
situations. This style allows the leader to make decisions quickly, but it can also put a lot of
strain on the leader and can make team members feel powerless and unmotivated.

W Bistro Myanmar's performance appraisal process, which includes the use of a behavioral
The manager at W Bistro Myanmar observes the employee's communication skills during
interactions with customers and rates them on a scale of 1 to 5 based on how effectively they
communicate. The manager then uses the results to provide feedback to the employee on
areas where they excel and areas where they need improvement.
This approach to performance appraisal allows the manager to identify areas where the
employee may need additional training or support to improve their communication skills. By
providing specific feedback, the employee can focus on areas where they need to improve and
continue to excel in areas where they already perform well.
Using a behavioral checklist for performance appraisal also ensures that the appraisal process is
objective and consistent across all employees. This approach helps to eliminate bias and
ensures that employees are evaluated based on their performance, rather than personal
preferences or opinions.
W Bistro Myanmar uses a rating scale for performance appraisal.
The first step in this process is to identify the criteria or competencies that are important for
success in the employee's role. These may include things like communication skills, teamwork,
customer service, and job knowledge.
Once the criteria have been identified, W Bistro Myanmar develops a rating scale that includes
clear descriptions of each level of performance for each criterion or competency. This ensures
that the rating scale is consistent and objective across all employees.
The next step is to observe the employee's performance on the job and assign a rating for each
criterion or competency based on the level of performance demonstrated. This may involve on-
the-job observations, feedback from customers or other employees, and input from the
employee's supervisor.
Finally, W Bistro Myanmar compiles the ratings into a summary report that provides an overall
assessment of the employee's performance. This report is used to provide feedback to the
employee, identify areas for improvement, and inform decisions about promotions or salary
Using a rating scale for performance appraisal is an effective way to ensure that employees are
evaluated consistently and objectively. By identifying criteria and competencies, developing a
rating scale, observing performance, and compiling ratings into a summary report, W Bistro
Myanmar can make informed decisions about employee performance and ensure that
employees are given the support and feedback they need to succeed.
W Bistro Myanmar plans to increase employee satisfaction rate from 80% to 90% by the end of
2023 by offering rewards and bonuses individually.
To achieve this objective, W Bistro Myanmar can implement KPIs related to employee
satisfaction and performance. These KPIs can include conducting regular employee satisfaction
surveys, tracking employee turnover rates, and setting targets for employee productivity.
By regularly surveying employees, W Bistro Myanmar can gather feedback on areas where they
are doing well and areas where they need to improve. This can help the company identify areas
where rewards and bonuses can be offered to improve employee satisfaction and retention.
Tracking employee turnover rates can help the company identify areas where improvements
can be made to retain valuable employees. Setting targets for employee productivity can
motivate employees to perform at their best and can also help the company identify areas
where employees may need additional support or training.
By offering rewards and bonuses based on individual performance against these targets, W
Bistro Myanmar can motivate employees to perform at their best and can also ensure that
rewards and bonuses are distributed fairly and objectively.

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