Sociology II-Syllabus-2022-23

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[Indian Society and Culture: Continuity and Change]
B.A. LL. B. (Honours)
II Semester
January 2023 to May 2023
Course Teacher: bir pal singh


The course attempts to introduce the students to the core ethos and eidos of the Indian
social system. This will also help them to understand the dynamics of human behaviours and
complexities as we know that human beings are gregarious by nature and everyone wants to
live in groups in order to suffice his/her vital societal needs. Culture plays very important and
crucial roles in satisfying the needs of human beings through established procedures what we
call institutions. It guides our behaviour by laying down norms and values. With the passage
of time, the Indian society has also witnessed many changes in its major social institutions
which form the cores of its social structure. The family, marriage, kinship, religion, economy,
polity, and caste are the basic institutions that are facing the problems of stability on the one
side, and at the same time these institutions are also developing the notions of adaptability with
the emerging socio-cultural and politico-economic phases of societal development. The
philosophy of varna-ashrama systems has now been totally changed but still, it has its relevance
in tracing the historical journey of traditional social structures of Indian society which made
India unique at the world level.
Continuity and change have been part of every known human society. The study of
change has been a major concern both for sociologists and anthropologists. Both have
developed various conceptual understandings of social change. Various theories came into
existence to trace the intensity and direction of the change affecting the social relations of the
people and giving apprehension to various societal issues that need immediate attention to
understand the flow of change in any community. The diversity of India, in terms of its

geography, population, language, and religion to name a few have a significant impact on the
legislation, implementation of the law, and developmental planning. An understanding of the
law and legal system of India would not be possible without a comprehensive understanding
of Indian society, its structure, and change. Law lies with society and dies with society. Caste,
village, and joint family have been the main pillars of identities of the traditional Indian system
but the emergence of law as the protector of the rights of weaker and marginalized sections has
also brought a rift between the traditional orderly arrangement of the society and the people
having rationale thinking in their understanding of equality rights in contemporary society.
Thus, the present course tries to focus on the wholistic aspects of Indian society and culture.
The students will definitely be able to understand the role of social institutions in their own
lives and also at the level of society. They will also develop an insight that how to make balance
in a diversified social system for the inclusive order of society.


The objectives of this course are as follows:

1. To introduce the students to the history and culture of traditional India;

2. To develop an understanding of the concept of social stratification and its effects;
3. To discuss the roles and functions of major social institutions in binding the society and
their standings in changing scenarios of societal advancement;
4. To highlight the issue of social movements in the light of protecting the rights of
common people in general and the marginalized sections of society in particular;
5. To examine the impact of Sanskritization, globalization, and other processes of change
in contemporary Indian society.
learning outcomes

On the completion of this course, students are expected to:

• Develop a thorough understanding of Indian Society, its diversity, the basis of
unity, and cultural moorings;
• Identify the new norms adopted by the social institutions especially family and
• Understand the interface between law and society, and the interplay between
economic, and other institutions;

• Develop the insights on role of law in protecting the rights of marginalized
sections in contemporary Indian society;
• Develop critical and rational thinking on the effects of change processes such
as Sanskritization, Modernization, and Globalization, and various social
movements in shaping the new social and legal order of Indian society;
• Undertake micro research work and communicate effectively.

UNIT I Introduction
Indian Society: History and Culture- Approaches to Study of Indian Society: Cultural-
Dialectical-Subaltern- Varnashrama System- Purusharthas- Rural-Urban Linkages and
Continuum -Village Community and its Changing Dimensions- Significance of Sociology for
Lawyers, Legal Education, and Legal Profession.

UNIT- II Social Stratification

Concept of Social Stratification – Theories of Social Stratification: Functionalist, Marxist, and

Weberian-Forms of Social Stratification: Caste- Class- Race- Gender-Tribe- Convergence of
Caste and Class in Indian Society.

Unit- III caste system

Caste System-Origin and Structure of Caste-Meaning and Definition of Caste-Characteristics

of Caste- Functions and Dysfunctions of Caste- Changing Legal Dimensions of Caste- Recent
Changes in the Traditional Caste System.

Unit- IV family, marriage and kinship

Family: Concept- Definition- Types of Family- Patterns of Inheritance- Marriage: Concept of

Marriage- Definition – Types of Marriage- Forms of Marriage -Hindu Marriage -Marriage
among Muslim and Christians- Factors Responsible for the Change in Traditional Family and
Marriage System- Kinship-Meaning and Types of Kinship- Kinship Terminology- Kinship
Unit- V Polity, economy and religion

Political System: Meaning- State- Nation Building- Ruling Class- Power Elite- Caste and
Politics- Dominant Caste- Caste, Class and Power. Economic System: Meaning- Definition of

Economic Organization- Agrarian Social Structure, Property, Jajmani System- Modes of
Economic Exchange- Reciprocity-Redistribution- Market Exchange. Religion: Conceptual
Understanding- Definition- Religious Minorities- Religion, Law, and Secularism.


Conceptualizing Gender- Changing Notion of Gender in Contemporary Society- Gender

Injustices and Its Various Forms- Women Empowerment- Constitutional Policy and
Development Towards Gender Justice- National Commission for Women.

Unit- VII social inequality and exclusion

Exclusion- Conceptual Understanding- Active and Passive Exclusions- Vulnerable Groups-
Weaker Sections of Indian Society- Affirmative Action and Legal Frameworks for the
Mainstreaming of the Weaker Sections- Socio-Economic Programmes.

Unit- VIII Social Movements

Social Movements-Meaning- Genesis and Ideology- Characteristics- Social Movements and

Social Change- Types of Social Movements- Backward Class Movements: Dalit Identity and
Assertion- Women’s Movements: Feminism, Empowerment, and Representation-
Environmental Movements.

Unit- Ix social change

Concept of Social Change-Nature and Dimensions of Social Change, Factors of Social Change-
Understanding Change from Perspective of Sociology and Anthropology- Processes of Social
Change: Sanskritization, Westernization, Modernization, and Globalization, Law and Social

Unit- X decentralized Planning and Development

Economic Growth and Planning in India- Development Strategy-Panchayati Raj System and
Local Self Government -Rural and Urban Development Strategies -Development, Education
and Human Rights.

Essential Readings:

1. Veena Das (ed.) Handbook of Indian Sociology (New Delhi: Oxford University Press

Suggested readings:

1. R Ahuja. Indian Social System (Jaipur: Rawat Publications 1993).

2. M N Srinivas. Caste in Modern India and Other Essays (Bombay: Media Promoters
& Publishers 1985).
3. G Shah. Social Movements in India (New Delhi: Sage Publications 2004).

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