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A software project submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of Bachelor

of Science in Computer Science Degree of Laikipia University.


1. JOAN CHEPKEMOI N11/3/0450/017

2. TERRY AKUMU N11/3/0476/017

3. ANITA JEPKORIR N11/3/0455/017

4. AKINYI MENSIL ODERO N11/3/0480/017

5. RISPER KIPRONO N11/3/0471 /017





22nd JANUARY 2021

This software project is our original work, except where otherwise stated and has not been
presented for a degree in any other University or any other award.

N11/3/0450/017 JOAN CHEPKEMOI

N11/3/0476/017 TERRY AKUMU

N11/3/0455/017 ANITA JEPKORIR


N11/3/0471 /017 RISPER KIPRONO

The undersigned certify that he has read and hereby recommend for acceptance of Laikipia
University a software project entitled “JAMAR FOOD ORDERING APP”
________________________________ ________________________
Department of Computing and Informatics
Laikipia University

This software project is copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the copyright
Act 1999 and other international and national enactment on that behalf, on intellectual property.
It may not be reproduced by any mean in full or in part except for short extract in fair dealing so
for research or private study , critical scholarly review or discourse with acknowledgment, with
the written permission of the Dean of School of Science and Applied Technology on behalf of
both the author and Laikipia University.
We dedicate this work of our own hands to the Computing and Informatics Department and also

the general public. We also dedicate this app to the upcoming android programmers to

encourage them to work tirelessly.


We would like to express our deep sense of gratitude and convey thanks to everyone who helped

and supported us during the completion of this project. We would like to thank God and

acknowledge Laikipia University Computing and Informatics Department for providing the

course and a great atmosphere that helped us to complete different chapters of this paper. We

especially thank our supervisor, DR. Joseph Mindo for helping, guiding, and supporting us

throughout the project completion in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Degree of Laikipia University. We would like to

thank our family members for their constant and unrelenting support towards our university

education and for their impartial love throughout. We thank all the members for the great

sacrifice they have offered to ensure the project comes to a completion.

It’s a mobile application that enables customers order food of their choice from the restaurant of
choice in the comfort of their home and wait for delivery. Many people work late and lack the
time to prepare food for their children others even lack time to go for lunch due to lack of time
and too much work. This app works not only for busy parents who are unable to go for lunch but
also for children whose parents are unable to cook for them. The best way of predicting the
future is by shaping it right now. This app enables them to order food of their choice with just
the click of a button. It also enables you to avoid contracting diseases caused by lack of a
balanced diet. It enables you to stay safe at home an avoid contracting the deadly corona virus
since you may contract the disease on your way to the grocery store to buy the ingredients
required to prepare the meal or the meal itself.

CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION..........................................................................................1
1.2 PROBLEM DEFINITION.................................................................................................2
1.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM..............................................................2
1.3.1 HOW THE CURRENT SYSTEM WORKS..................................................................2
1.3.2 WEAKNESSES OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM...........................................................2
1.4 PROPOSED SOLUTION..................................................................................................3
1.4.1 JUSTIFICATION.........................................................................................................4
1.4.2 OBJECTIVES:................................................................................................................4 GENERAL OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................4 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES............................................................................................4
1.5 PROJECT SCHEDULE.....................................................................................................5
1.6 PROJECT BUDGET.........................................................................................................6
1.7 FEASIBILITY STUDY.....................................................................................................6
1.7.1 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY..........................................................................................6
1.7.2 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY.........................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2....................................................................................................................................8
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................8
2.2 Case Study of Similar Systems..........................................................................................8
2.3 Weakness of the current system.........................................................................................9
2.4 Research Gap.....................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................10
Software process model adopted...............................................................................................10

Strengths of the model...........................................................................................................10
Weaknesses of the model.......................................................................................................10
Requirements gathering tools....................................................................................................10
3.3.1. Observation..................................................................................................................10
3.3.2 Interviewing..................................................................................................................11
3.4.0. System requirements........................................................................................................11
3.4.1 Hardware Requirements................................................................................................11
3.4.2 Software requirements..................................................................................................11
CHAPTER FOUR:.........................................................................................................................12
SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN..........................................................................................12
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................12
4.2 Requirements Analysis....................................................................................................12
4.2.1 Functional Requirements..............................................................................................13
4.3 System Modelling............................................................................................................14
4.3.1 Process Modelling.........................................................................................................14
4.4 System Design:................................................................................................................14
4.5UML Diagrams. UML (UNIFIED MODELLING LANGUAGE)...................................14
4.5.1 Visualizing:...................................................................................................................15
4.5.2 Specifying:....................................................................................................................15
4.5.3 Documenting:................................................................................................................15
4. 5.4 Diagrams in UML:.......................................................................................................15
4.6Architectural Design.........................................................................................................15
Architectural model...............................................................................................................16
4.6.2 Context Diagram...........................................................................................................16
4.7 Domain Analysis..............................................................................................................17
Figure 10:ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR USER REGISTRATION...........................................20
4.8 Database design...............................................................................................................20
4.9 Logical design..................................................................................................................20
PRODUCTS DATABASE........................................................................................................21
RESTAURANTS DATABASE................................................................................................22
MESSAGES DATABASE........................................................................................................22
FAVORITE BATABASE.........................................................................................................23

CART DATABASE...................................................................................................................23
CONVERSATIONS DATABASE............................................................................................24
CATEGORIES DATABASE....................................................................................................25
CHAPTER FIVE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING.......................................26
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................26
5.2 Summary of modules.......................................................................................................27
5.2.1 LOG IN MODULE.......................................................................................................29
5.2.2JAMAR HOME PAGE..................................................................................................30
5.2.3 FOOD CATEGORIES MODULE................................................................................31
5.2.4 CHAT MODULE........................................................................................................32
5.2.5 CART MODULE..........................................................................................................33
5.2.6 RESTAURANTS MODULE........................................................................................34
5.2.7 MPESA MODULE.......................................................................................................36
5.2.8 PRODUCTS MODULE................................................................................................37
5.3 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................39
5.4 RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................................................40
5.5.1 SYSTEM CODE...........................................................................................................41

Table 1 PROJECT SCHEDULE......................................................................................................5
Table 2 PROJECT BUDGET..........................................................................................................6
Table 3 PROFIT AND BENEFIT....................................................................................................6
Table 4 PROFIT AND COMPARISON..........................................................................................7

Figure 1:Architectural Model........................................................................................................16

Figure 2:Context Diagram.............................................................................................................17
Figure 3:Use case diagram.............................................................................................................18
Figure 4:Admin flowchart diagram...............................................................................................19
Figure 5:Activity diagram for user registration.............................................................................20



Food is very important since it enable us to be strong and healthy especially a balanced diet, however
it may be difficult to get the food due to lack of time to prepare the food or lack of knowledge of how
the food is prepared. Jamar applications enables you to order food of your choice just by a click of a
button from the restaurant of your choice this enable you to even try new meals and prevent the
contraction of deficiency diseases such as kwashiorkor and the rest

Jamar is a mobile application developed to ease the process of getting food both in urban and rural
areas. The application will allow the parents who are unable to prepare food for their children due to a
busy schedule at work to be at ease since they can just order food for their children at home while they
are at work. Those who don’t know how to cook with also have an advantage.
Jamar app will be a very simple and understandable system for our main users to operate hence
effective and efficient.
The success of any country depends on how well it applies the latest ICT to accomplish its tasks and
operations locally and globally. Therefore, mobile technology is the most intriguing of the new
electronic method that is changing and can be used to help in solving problems faced in Kenya.
Food Ordering system is design to overcome those problems using manual system such as the possibility the
paper order is high . Many restaurants use conventional system which is on paper based, for food ordering
Using convectional system there is higher probability of making mistakes since the waiter write down order on
the paper and sent to cook and misinterpretation may occur. Therefore Food Ordering system is developed to
ensure accuracy of taking order in ordering system food.
Our current system is manual based since someone has to go to the restaurant and order the food and
for it to be prepared. The electronic systems that are available do not cover ever part of the country so
not everyone has the luxury of using it.

As stated above the current system works manually. The customer gives the order to the waiter who writes
the order down on a piece of paper then takes the order to the chef. If the food has already been prepared it
is packed and given to the customer and if its not prepared the customer will have to wait for the chef to
prepare the food then then pack it for them.


Having conducted a feasibility study of the current manual system, we identified several weaknesses as
listed below;

1. Time wasted moving to a restaurants to order food.

2. Low area coverage leading to some people not ordering food.
3. Manual entering of the orders into the order books is tiresome and time consuming.

4. Storage of the orders is problematic especially due to volume of data

5. Order generation is very difficult and inaccurate since some orders get misplaced.
6. The system uses too many papers to maintain the records .
7. Readiness of the information.
No central database can be created as information is not available in database


With the development of Jamar application, a number of improvements are expected to occur. The
processes at the Jamar app will be simplified since the information formally held in papers and
immunization booklets will be held in a searchable database, where the admin can easily access
histories of food delivery. The customer will avoid contracting the deadly corona virus since they
won’t interact with people, they will wait for the food in the comfort of their home.
The application will also provide improvement in terms of notifying customers of new cuisines or
new restaurants that have been added. With these features, the customer will be well updated. The
system will also provide improvements from the manual system in terms of generating reports since
every delivery information is stored on the database. More area will be covered as well.

Other improvements that are directly linked with the development of the new system will include;

(i) Ease of data maintenance.
(ii) Large volumes of data can be maintained.
(iii)No paper work required hence saving on cost
(iv) Data can be converted easily to information
(v) The integrity of the data is preserved
(vi) Creating an awareness and building trust so that customers may have confidence in our

(i) The proposed application will be more efficient compared to the current manual system which is
tedious and time consuming.
(ii) The process of data collection, regarding food ordering in the current system is very cumbersome,
since records are maintained by the hotel manager.
(iii)Periodic order generation on food orders in the current manual system is almost impossible but
this will be very efficient in the new system.
(iv) The system will help in maintaining accurate ordering of food, more areas will be covered as well
and accurate maintenance of food orders.
The above-mentioned reasons, justify the need for a new system in order to curb the problems
encountered in the current system.

To help automate the entire process of ordering food.
To develop a database.
To promote good health and well-being.
To provide decent work and economic growth.
To enhance creativity and innovation


To develop a computerized system

To develop a computerized system that will automate the entire process of ordering food in Kenya.

To develop a database
To develop a searchable database that records all foods ordered and details of people who have made the

To promote good health and well-being.

The food ordering application is in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 3, which
states good health and well-being. We would desire to see the wishes of every individual come into a




1.Problem identification,
feasibility study and 1/2/2020 15/2/2020
documentation of the
proposed project

2.a) Literature Review

and case study of similar
systems and their 8/2/2020 22/2/2020
b) Determine software
engineering tools and
document chapter 3

3. System analysis and
design and document 15/2/2020 1/3/2020

4.System Implementation
and testing 1/3/2020 2/4/2020

5. Printing and binding

2/4/2020 2/9/2020
6.Presenting project
prototype 9/4/2020 16/4/2020




System development 15,000
Hardware installation 10,000
System software 3,000
Licensing 20,000
Airtime 2,000
Transport 4,000


We carried out a feasibility study to compare the new system and the current system. Considering the
benefits realized from our system, the new outweighs the current system hence viable.


The estimated costs of the system will indeed outweigh the estimated costs of development of the system.
The estimated profits and benefits are as follows:


Item Previous monthly Proposed monthly Amount cut

Expenditure Expenditure down monthly

Paper work 400,000 300,000 100,000

Payments 200,000 100,000 100,000
Miscellaneous 300,000 100,000 200,000
Grand total 900,000 500,000 400,000

The following shows the monthly net profits of the current manual and proposed computerized

Manual system Computerized system

Gross profit 100,000 150,000
Expenditure 60,000 70,000
Net profit 40,000 80,000


Our system will be easy to operate and maintain, being android application-based system, it will be easily
accessed. Majority of Kenyans approximately 90% use android phones and this will be an advantage to
our app.

2.1 Introduction
This chapter presents different reviews of the existing works of literature which bear similarity with the
system to be developed. It encompasses all the projects; web-based and android applications that have been
done by both foreign and local researchers. This study aims at identifying the feasibility of the project. The
content of this chapter comes from different sources which include books, journals, research papers, articles
and also electronic sources.
2.2 Case Study of Similar Systems
Convectional Paper Based System
Paper based system is one of the most widely used food ordering in the past. In this system customers have to
go to the restaurants and waiter takes the order from the customer and write down in the paper. Then the
waiter takes the order to the kitchen for further processing. Main drawback of this system is wastage of time
and money.
Self Service Restaurants
To cover the limitation of manual restaurants system self- service restaurants system introduced. There are a
lot of drawback of manual system like, wastage of many and time. In manual system a lot of effort required
for small amount of change. In the proposed system every customer goes to the restaurants and place order in
the service counter. Customer have to take decision in advance, and customer either select items from the
catalog which is presented in the form of poster and placing normally behind the order counter.
Self-Service Food Ordering
The proposed is the integration of web technology with hotel management system. The integrated system is
applicable to any size of the hotel chain environment. This system increases the efficiency of the hotel which
saves the customer time.it provides real time feedback to the customers. This system provide real time
customer feedback and provides a user friendly ordering environment. The system will reduce the cost of
labor and also simplified the order process.

Yum deliveries
Yum is premiere web based online delivery service for ordering from Nairobi’s best restaurant and grocery
The website contains diverse range of menus where the customer can choose from. The customer’s details is
saved in the system database for easy reordering.
The purpose of Yum is enumerated below;
i. Allow customers to choose from a variety of menus
ii. Allow customers to order food from favorite restaurant and grocery stores
iii. Saves customers detail for easy reordering
iv. Allow customers to enter delivery address
v. Allow customer to enter his/her details
Uber Eats
Uber eats is an American online food ordering and delivery platform launched by uber in 2014 and is

Based in Francisco, California, US. Users are able to order food and be delivered by couriers using cars, bikes
or on foot.
The purpose of uber eats is as listed below;
i. Allow customers order food ahead of time and eat in restaurant.
ii. Users can read menus, order and pay from participating restaurants using and application on IOS or
Android platforms, or through a web browser.
iii. Users are able to tip for delivery
2.3 Weakness of the current system
Most of the developed system as given by the review for ordering and delivering food from favorite restaurant
and variety of menus. This systems are not efficient as it does not deliver food in all areas, and other systems
like paper based system are manually done which waste a lot of time and money. In majority of the system
customers feedback are not allowed unlike in the proposed system where we have messaging platform.
2.4 Research Gap
Though the system that has been developed includes payment and billings modules, the system to be
developed will help to address the gaps identified from the current systems. The system is optimized and gives
room for scalability which makes it unique over the others.
The system benefits include but not limited to the following;
a. It will be a common system used by all people within the country.

b. Data is stored in cloud firebase hence can be access anytime anywhere.

c. Includes module for messaging which allow customers feedback.

d. It provides easy and fast means for delivering foods.


In this chapter, we will highlight data collection methodologies, software process models adopted and
hardware requirements. These are stated to give a well-defined overview of the system requirements
before the developing process is carried out.

Software process model adopted.
An Agile software process model is adopted which is incremental. It is a very realistic approach to
software development. It promotes teamwork and cross training. It requires minimum resources.

Strengths of the model.

The choice of agile software model of development was to ensure that the Jamar food ordering application
is developed and well improved step by step. We were interested in solving the application defects in
early stages and therefore picked the agile software process model. This model was beneficial in that its
requirements and resources were minimum. Also, it delivered early partial working solutions. It was
suitable for fixed or changing requirements.

Weaknesses of the model.

Every model has its weaknesses and the weakness of this agile model approach is that there was strict
delivery management which dictated the scope, functionality to be delivered and adjustments to meet the

Requirements gathering tools.

3.3.1. Observation
⚫ We observed that the other food applications don’t deliver food in Nyahururu and it’s environs thus
we decided to fill the gap
3.3.2 Interviewing
⚫ We interviewed different people who have tried using the other applications but haven’t been
successful so we decided to come up with the Jamar food ordering application to fill the gap

3.4.0. System requirements.

3.4.1 Hardware Requirements.
Processor: Core i3 and above

Processor speed: 2.1 GHz Onwards

RAM: 4 GB (Minimum)

Hard disk: 100 GB

All these hardware requirements are needed in order to run the development software tools without any

difficulty like processing overhead of the machine.

3.4.2 Software requirements.
1. Operating system: Windows XP or Windows vista or Windows 7,8,10 or Linux(Ubuntu).
Database: FLUTTER,DART,FIREBASE for the system.
Technology: java.
(v) Server: Apache.
(vi) Browser: Firefox, Chrome.

4.1 Introduction.
Analysis is a phase which gives the full description of the existing system and of the objectives of the
proposed system that leads to a full specification of the user's requirements. This requirements
specification (requirements definition) is admired and approved before system design is embarked upon.
The facts concerning the existing system once gathered are recorded.
They are to be interpreted to aid in the subsequent design strategies.

The aims of analysis are:

10 | P a g e
(i) To assess the existing system
(ii) To evaluate possible solutions
(iii) To identify and remove weaknesses of the new while retaining the strengths
(iv) To ensure that the new system caters for the processing needs of the organization and generating
useful information
(v) .To model logical functions, data stores, data flows, and external entities associated with

the current system.

4.2 Requirements Analysis
This entails those tasks that determine the needs for a new or innovative product, taking account of the

possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders. It is critical to the success of the system

development project.

Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a development project. Requirements must be actionable,

measurable, testable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail

sufficient for system design. Requirements can be functional and non-functional (Sofia, 2010).

4.2.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements explain what has to be done by identifying the necessary task, action or activity that

must be accomplished.


i. Log in to the system

ii. View orders

iii. Reply to messages

iv. Add products

v. Cancel orders

vi. Logout of the system

11 | P a g e
The User

i. Log in to the system.

ii. Make order

iii. Chat with the admin

iv. Make payment

v. Logout from the system.

The system should;

i. Encrypt user passwords.

ii. Provide user authentication before accessing system services.

4.3 System Modelling

4.3.1 Process Modelling
Data flow diagram (DFD)
The reason for using Data Flow Diagram in process modeling is because it is a good tool for breaking
down the system processes

Context Diagram
The diagram below shows the external entities that interact with the system and data flows between
this external entity and the system. The diagram is the 0 Level

4.4 System Design:

Main users: Customers ordering food from the restaurant of their choice and wait for delivery

4.4.1 Database Administrative User Functions:

Database Administrator can perform the following task:

 Avail and update the database by getting the details of the users

12 | P a g e
 Delete details from the database
 Change the password
 Can view all the customer information


The unified modeling language is a standard language for specifying, Visualizing, Constructing and
documenting the software system and its components. It is a graphical language which provides a
vocabulary and set of semantics and rules. The UML focuses on the conceptual and physical
representation of the system. It captures the decisions and understandings about systems that must be
constructed. It is used to understand, design, configure, maintain and control information about the

4.5.1 Visualizing:
Through UML we see or visualize an existing system and ultimately, we visualize how the system is
going to be after implementation. Unless we think we cannot implement. UML helps to visualize how
the components of the system communicate and interact with each other.

4.5.2 Specifying:
Specifying means building models that are precise, unambiguous and completely UML addresses the
specification of all the important Analysis Design, Implementation decisions that must be made in
developing and deploying a software system. Constructing: UML’s models can be directly connected to a
variety of programming language through mapping a model from UML to a programming language like
Java script

4.5.3 Documenting:
The deliverables of a project apart from coding are some artifacts which are critical in controlling,
measuring and communicating about a system during its development.

Requirements, Architecture, Design, and Source code, Project plans, Tests, Prototypes, Releases etc.

13 | P a g e
4. 5.4 Diagrams in UML:
Diagrams are graphical presentation of set of elements. Diagrams projects a system, or visualize a system
from different angles and perspectives. The UML has Nine diagrams these diagrams can be classified into
the following groups.

Static: Class diagrams, Object diagrams, Component diagrams, Deployment diagrams

Dynamic: Use case diagram, Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram, State chart diagram and Activity

4.6Architectural Design
It is a concept that focuses on the components or elements of a structure or system and unifies them into a
coherent and functional whole, according to a particular approach in achieving the objectives under given
constraints or limitations (martin, 2002). It presents different software elements and their relationships. It
also presents the properties of these software elements, relationships, and they communicate with each
4.6.1: Architectural model.




Figure 1:Architectural Model

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4.6.2 Context Diagram


Customer info



Report customer updates


Figure 2:Context Diagram


4.7 Domain Analysis

Domain analysis, or product line analysis, is the process of analyzing related software systems in a domain
to find their common and variable parts. I. The current system has the following weakness.

1. Improper record keeping.

2. Low area coverage.

3. Manual entering of the details into the record books is tiresome and time consuming.

4. Storage of the records is problematic especially due to volume of data

15 | P a g e
5. Report generation is very difficult and inaccurate since some files get misplaced.

6. The system uses too many papers to maintain the records

7. Data is not converted easily to information

8. Readiness of the information.

9. No central database can be created as information is not available in database.

The admin is able to:

Avail and update the database by getting the details of customers in various areas in Kenya

• Add new food

• Change the password

• Update the password

• Can view the information

16 | P a g e
Login. login

Add products
Place an order

Delete customer
Detailsfrom Make payments



Cancel order

Figure 3:Use case diagram

17 | P a g e

Log in updates
admin yes
Make changes

Send records


Figure 4:Admin flowchart diagram

ADMIN User interface Authorization interface Database

18 | P a g e
Success log in
Wishes to access records log in

Search for customer details

Return search status

Figure 5:Activity diagram for user registration

Record the delivery info in the database

4.8 Database design

This how system database looks. It shows tables contained in the database as shown below.

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4.9 Logical design

Figure 11:Logical design


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5.1 Introduction
Food Ordering System is a mobile application developed to ease the process of Ordering both in
urban and rural areas. The application will allow the administrator to keep track of the food records
and details of individuals who have made the order.
Food Ordering system app will be a very simple and understandable system for our main users to
operate hence effective and efficient. Time utilization in our society is very important because it will
reduce cases of limiting work done at a particular time. Below are the tools used in the developing the

Android is mobile operating system developed by google, based on the Linux kennel and designed
primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as smart phone and tablet. Android has the largest
installed base of all operating system for any kind. Approximately 81% of Kenyans use android
based phones therefore this is an advantage to our app.

Is a programming language while android is a mobile phone platform. Android development is dart
based because a large portion of dart libraries is supported in android. It is the widely used
programming language for app development.

Firebase is the database we used, which stores data in real time. Firebase enables you to update data
or retrieve data. It enables the admin to access data at any time as long as he/she can access the
internet since the data is stored in the cloud .It can also be accessed from a lot of platforms.

Apache web server

Apache is generally recognized as the world's most popular Web server (HTTP server).
Originally designed for UNIX environments, the Apache Web server has been ported to Windows
and other network operating systems. The Apache Web server provides a full range of Web server
features, including CGI, SSL, and virtual domains. Apache also supports plug-in modules for

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extensibility. Apache is free software, distributed by the Apache Software Foundation that promotes
various free and open source advanced Web technologies.

5.2 Summary of modules

Log in module
In this module, the customer provides his/her credentials which has been stored by the administrator
in the database before accessing the system. The fields to be provided are; email and password.
Food category module
In this module the customer chooses the category in which the food the customer wants is in then a
variety of that food appears. The customer then chooses the food they want.
Cart module
The customer views the products they have chosen and decides if they want to buy all of them or
delete some of them.
M-pesa module
This is where the customer pays for the products they have chosen using mpesa
Chat module.
This module lists the records of children who have been immunized with specific vaccines.
Add Product module

Where the administrator adds new types of food to the application and their prices.

Add Categories module

The administrator adds new categories of food to the application whenever they appear


Figure 3(a) showed registration interface that allowed the users to register an account on this
page. The users had filled all information provided on the registration page in order to register as
a member. The users had clicked the button to allow the system to save information to the
database so that the users could log in to the system at any time.

26 | P a g e
Figure 3(b) showed login interface for the mobile donation apps. The users had registered an
account could login into the system by entered their correct username and password. Meanwhile,
charitable organization also managed to log in to the administration page by entered their secret
username and password on this page. (a) (b) Figure 3. (a) Register interface; (b) login interface

Figure 4(a) shows that event interface which charitable organization had promoted their charity
events on this platform. Each picture represented charity event which shared by charitable
organization. The users had viewed the charity event details by clicked on the image which
shown in the interface. The users clicked on charity event that shown on the event interface,
system displayed charity information as shown in Figure 4(b). The interface described the
description, location and charity event time. The system also provided URL that allowed the
users to browse the official website for more information about charity events. JICETS 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1529 (2020) 032022 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-
6596/1529/3/032022 5 (a) (b) Figure 4. (a) Event interface page; (b) event description interface.

Figure 5(a) shows that the interface which the users had donated items in this mobile apps. The
users had chosen charitable organization and entered item descriptions that the users wanted to
donate. The users also temporarily changed their address in this page to instruct charitable
organization to collect items by follow the address. Figure 5(b) showed the interface which the
charitable organization was logged into the system. There were three buttons for the selection.
First button allowed charitable organization to view donation order, second button allowed the
charitable organization to view the completion donation order record and last button allowed the
charitable organization to log out of the system. (a) (b) Figure 5. (a) Donation interface page; (b)
administration interface page. JICETS 2019 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1529 (2020)
032022 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1529/3/032022 6 Figure 6(a) represents the
donation order description interface.

The charitable organization was able to view donation order description on this page which
included username, nickname, phone number, charitable organization, items description and
address. The charitable organization was able to edit the item descriptions which donated by the
users. The completion donation order description as shown in Figure 6(b). The description
included username, nickname, phone number, charitable organization, item description, address

27 | P a g e
and date that the order was completed. (a) (b) Figure 6. (a) Donation order description interface;
(b) complete order description interface.



The following recommendations were suggested by an analyst for the system to work efficiently
and effectively:
•The countries should use effective processes involving key stakeholders to make decisions on
new and underutilized best android applications introduction and getting political and financial
commitment to ensure sustainability.

•The National Regulatory Authorities of Kenya should be established or strengthened to address

issues related to the regulation of new products and systems.

•Kenya should ensure high coverage with newly introduced type of donation through
development and implementation of plans for new effective android system introduction

•The countries should develop and implement effective advocacy and communication tools for
online donation, including: education of families on how to use the application, mass media,
collaborating with NGOs, parenthood schools and other effective ways; education and
collaboration with journalists


The JCS donation application project has performed several tests to evaluate the performance of the
mobile apps. Although the performance of this app is quite good, but most respondents and users
suggested that the system still required some improvements such as added more features to the
system, and most importantly, added online banking services to this mobile app that allowed the
users to make monetary donation online. In summary, the mobile apps had successfully met the
needs of users but require a lot of enhancements in the future. Therefore, details of system limitation
and future enhancement are discussed in the conclusion section.

In conclusion, the JCS donation application project has been developed as an Android mobile app to
help people donate items in easy way. This project used the Java programming language to code the

28 | P a g e
system features and use firebase real time database to manage the system database. The process of
this mobile app is demonstrated through logical design that includes use case diagram, class diagram,
activity diagram and sequence diagram from the synthesis section. The system prototype had
successfully achieved all project objectives and expected results. However, the prototype exist a lot
of limitation and required better enhancement in the future.

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