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Visit a hotel or a service organization, evaluate its service blue print and write a report
over it.

To evaluate a service blueprint of a hotel or a service organization, we follow the following


Identify the key elements of the service blueprint. This includes the customer
journey, front stage and backstage activities, interactions, touch points, and
supporting processes. Assess how well the service blueprint is designed to deliver a
positive customer experience. This includes answering the following questions:
o Is the customer journey clear and easy to follow?
o Are the front stage activities efficient and effective?
o Are the backstage activities well-organized and supportive of the frontstage
o Are the interactions between the customer and the service provider positive and
o Are the touch points well-designed and easy to use?
o Are the supporting processes efficient and effective?
Identify areas for improvement. Once you have assessed the service blueprint, you
can identify areas where it can be improved to deliver a better customer experience.
For example, you may identify bottlenecks in the process, areas where the customer is
not getting the information they need, or areas where the service provider is not
meeting the customer's expectations.

Based on the above questions we evaluate the blue print of Haile resort Arbaminch branch.

Hotel Name: Haile Resort, Arbaminch

The first thing that we evaluate in the Haile resort blue print was the Customer Journey: on the
Customer Journey we had seen the following things on the hotel.

1. Customer arrives at the hotel and is greeted by a bellhop.

2. Customer checks in at the front desk and is given their room key(if they ordered a
room) rather they will allowed to whatever they wants.
3. Customer takes the elevator to their room.
4. Customer leaves their luggage in their room and goes to explore the hotel.
5. Customer has dinner at one of the hotel's restaurants.
6. Customer returns to their room and goes to bed.
7. Customer wakes up the next morning and has breakfast in the hotel's restaurant.
8. Customer checks out of the hotel and leaves.

Note the point listed out from number 3 up to number 8 is practical if the customer
ordered room.

The second one that we evaluate in Haile resort was the Front stage Activities:

o Greeting and checking in customers

o Providing room service
o Serving food and drinks at the hotel's restaurants
o Cleaning and maintaining the hotel's rooms and public areas

The three things that we evaluate was the Backstage Activities:

o Laundry and housekeeping

o Food preparation and service
o Accounting and administration

The fourth one is that Interactions:

o Front desk clerk checks in customer and gives them their room key
o Room service waiter delivers food to customer's room
o Restaurant server takes customer's order and serves food and drinks

The fifth one is the Housekeeper cleans and maintains customer's room

Based on the above point of view The Haile resort, Arbaminch service blueprint is well-designed
to deliver a positive customer experience. The customer journey is clear and easy to follow, and
the front stage activities are efficient and effective. The backstage activities are well-organized
and supportive of the front stage activities.
The interactions between the customer and the service provider are positive and engaging, and
the touch points are well-designed and easy to use.

But also we have seen one area where the service blueprint could be improved is in the area of
check-in. The check-in process can be long and time-consuming, especially during peak times.

2. Get article on Ergonomics and write an essay on the following issues.

a) Concepts of Ergonomics

The concepts of ergonomics are based on the idea that the workplace should be designed to fit
the people who work in it, rather than forcing the people to fit the workplace. This means
designing workstations, tasks, and the overall work environment to minimize stress and strain on
the body, and to promote comfort and efficiency.

Some of the key concepts of ergonomics include:

o Neutral body position: This means maintaining a posture that aligns the body's joints in a
neutral way, minimizing stress and strain on the muscles.
o Repetition avoidance: This means avoiding repetitive tasks that can lead to overuse
o Force reduction: This means reducing the amount of force required to perform a task.
o Comfort: This means creating a comfortable work environment that minimizes fatigue
and discomfort.

Ergonomics can be applied to all aspects of the workplace, including:

o Workstation design: This includes the design of desks, chairs, computers, and other
o Work tasks: This includes the design of work tasks to minimize repetition, force, and
awkward postures.
o Work environment: This includes the design of the physical work environment, such as
lighting, noise, and temperature.
Ergonomics is important for both workers and employers. Workers benefit from ergonomics by
reducing their risk of injuries, improving their comfort, and increasing their productivity.
Employers benefit from ergonomics by reducing absenteeism, turnover, and healthcare costs.

Here are some specific examples of how ergonomics can be applied in the workplace:

o A desk worker can adjust their chair and monitor to achieve a neutral body position.
o A warehouse worker can use a lift assist to reduce the force required to lift heavy objects.
o A nurse can use a mobile computer to avoid having to walk back and forth to a fixed
o A restaurant worker can use a height-adjustable cutting board to avoid bending over for
extended periods of time.
b) The components and scope of Ergonomics

Ergonomics can be divided into three main components:

o Physical ergonomics: This is concerned with the physical aspects of the work
environment, such as workstation design, work tasks, and the physical environment.
o Cognitive ergonomics: This is concerned with the mental aspects of work, such as
mental workload, stress, and decision making.
o Organizational ergonomics: This is concerned with the social and organizational
aspects of work, such as teamwork, communication, and job satisfaction.

The scope of ergonomics is broad and encompasses all aspects of work, including:

o Office work: Ergonomics can be used to design comfortable and efficient

workstations for office workers.
o Industrial work: Ergonomics can be used to design safe and efficient workstations for
industrial workers.
o Healthcare: Ergonomics can be used to design workstations and equipment that are
safe and comfortable for healthcare workers.
o Transportation: Ergonomics can be used to design vehicles and transportation systems
that are safe and comfortable for users.
Consumer products: Ergonomics can be used to design consumer products that are easy to
use and safe.

Ergonomics can also be applied to a variety of specific tasks and activities, such as:

o Computer use
o Driving
o Lifting and carrying
o Assembly line work
o Surgery
o Playing sports

Ergonomics is an important tool for improving the safety, health, and well-being of people at
work and in their daily lives.

Here are some examples of how ergonomics can be applied in different settings:

o In an office: An employer can provide employees with adjustable chairs and

workstations to help them maintain a neutral body position. They can also provide
training on how to use equipment safely and avoid repetitive tasks.
o In a factory: An employer can design workstations that are tailored to the specific
tasks that workers need to perform. They can also provide workers with tools and
equipment that are easy to use and do not require excessive force.
o In a hospital: Ergonomics can be used to design workstations and equipment that are
safe and comfortable for nurses and other healthcare workers. This can help to reduce
the risk of injuries and improve patient care.
o In a car: Ergonomics can be used to design vehicles that are comfortable and safe for
drivers and passengers. This includes features such as adjustable seats and steering
wheels, and easy-to-reach controls.
o At home: Ergonomics can be applied to home tasks and activities such as cooking,
cleaning, and gardening. This can help to reduce the risk of injuries and make
everyday life easier and more enjoyable.
c) The importance of ergonomics

Ergonomics is important for both workers and employers. Workers benefit from ergonomics by
reducing their risk of injuries, improving their comfort, and increasing their productivity.
Employers benefit from ergonomics by reducing absenteeism, turnover, and healthcare costs.
Here are some specific examples of the benefits of ergonomics:

o Reduced risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs): WMSDs are a

group of disorders that affect the muscles, tendons, and nerves. They are one of the most
common types of work-related injuries. Ergonomics can help to reduce the risk of
WMSDs by designing workstations and work tasks to minimize repetition, force, and
awkward postures.
o Improved comfort and reduced fatigue: Ergonomics can help to improve comfort and
reduce fatigue by designing workstations and work tasks that are appropriate for the
user's size and abilities. This can help to reduce the risk of muscle strain and other
o Increased productivity and quality of work: Ergonomics can help to increase
productivity and quality of work by designing workstations and work tasks that are
efficient and easy to use. This can help to reduce errors and improve the overall quality of
o Reduced absenteeism and turnover: Ergonomics can help to reduce absenteeism and
turnover by creating a work environment that is safe and healthy for workers. This can
help to improve employee morale and retention.
o Reduced healthcare costs: Ergonomics can help to reduce healthcare costs by reducing
the risk of injuries and work-related illnesses. This can lead to lower insurance premiums
and other healthcare costs for employers.

Overall, ergonomics is a simple but effective way to improve the safety, health, and well-being
of workers. It is also a good investment for employers, as it can lead to increased productivity
and reduced costs.
In addition to the benefits listed above, ergonomics can also help to:

o Improve accessibility: Ergonomics can be used to design workplaces and products that
are accessible to people of all abilities. This can help to create a more inclusive and
equitable workplace.
o Reduce environmental impact: Ergonomics can be used to design workplaces and
products that are more energy-efficient and sustainable. This can help to reduce the
environmental impact of work and improve the overall quality of life.

Ergonomics is a complex and evolving field, but the core concepts remain the same: design the
workplace to fit the people, not the other way around.

3. Explain the similarity and difference among work study motion study and time study
with sufficient example

Work study is a systematic method of examining and improving the ways in which work is
done. It is a combination of two techniques: motion study and time study.

Motion study is the analysis of the movements involved in a task in order to eliminate
unnecessary or inefficient motions. It is based on the principles of scientific management, which
were developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor in the early 20th century.

Time study is the measurement of the time taken to complete a task. It is used to set production
standards and to identify areas where efficiency can be improved.


o All three techniques are used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of work.
o All three techniques involve the systematic analysis of work tasks.
o All three techniques can be used in a variety of industries and settings.

o Motion study is focused on the movements involved in a task, while time study is focused
on the time taken to complete a task.
o Motion study is used to develop new and improved work methods, while time study is
used to set production standards and to identify areas where efficiency can be improved.


Consider the task of assembling a product. A motion study would involve analyzing the
movements involved in the task, such as picking up and placing parts, tightening screws, and
using tools. The goal of the motion study would be to identify and eliminate any unnecessary or
inefficient motions.

A time study would involve measuring the time taken to complete the task, from start to finish.
The goal of the time study would be to set a production standard for the task and to identify areas
where efficiency can be improved. By combining motion study and time study, work study can
help to develop the most efficient and effective way to assemble the product. Here is a specific
example of how work study can be used to improve a task:

o Original method:
o Worker picks up part A from bin.
o Worker moves part A to workbench.
o Worker places part A on workbench.
o Worker picks up part B from bin.
o Worker moves part B to workbench.
o Worker places part B on workbench.
o Worker picks up tool C from bin.
o Worker uses tool C to assemble parts A and B.
o Worker places assembled product D on conveyor belt.
o Worker repeats steps 1-9.

Improved method:

o Worker picks up parts A and B from bin.

o Worker moves parts A and B to workbench.
o Worker places parts A and B on workbench.
o Worker picks up tool C from bin.
o Worker uses tool C to assemble parts A and B.
o Worker places assembled product D on conveyor belt.
o Worker repeats steps 1-6.

The improved method eliminates two unnecessary motions: picking up and placing each part
individually on the workbench. This results in a time savings of approximately 10%.

Work study can be used to improve a wide variety of tasks, from simple manual tasks to complex
automated processes. By identifying and eliminating unnecessary motions and improving work
methods, work study can help to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality.

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