02 Waste Management Plan

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Lumut Balai Unit 2 Geothermal

FCRS and Power Plant Project

C 2023.3.25 Revised as per PGE and ELC comment SGH THS FA ZLT

B 2023.2.24 Revised as per PGE and ELC comment SGH THS FA ZLT

A 2022.12 First Issue SGT CQ CQ ZLT

Rev. Date Modification Content Prepare Check Review Approval




Lumut Balai Unit 2 Geothermal FCRS and Power Plant Project Basic Design


Review F. Amir Design Sigih

Date 2023.2 Scale N/A Doc. No. HSE-5000002-A0 Rev. B
Lumut Balai2 Project

Lumut Balai2 Project

Waste Management Plan

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Lumut Balai2 Project

Table of Contents

1 Scope.......................................................................................................................- 4 -

2 Legislation and reference......................................................................................- 4 -

3 Responsibility..........................................................................................................- 4 -

4 Waste Management Requirements.....................................................................- 4 -

4.1 Waste Management Principle.................................................................- 4 -
4.2 Prevention of Waste.................................................................................- 5 -
4.3 Storing of Waste........................................................................................- 5 -
4.4 Identifying Recycling and Disposal Options.......................................- 10 -
4.5 Transferring Waste.................................................................................- 10 -
4.6 Disposing of Waste Off-Site..................................................................- 11 -

5 Training..................................................................................................................- 11 -

6 Monitoring and Reporting....................................................................................- 11 -

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Lumut Balai2 Project


This plan defines and specifies how the wasted generated from project activity will
be collected, stored, removed and disposed in Lumut Balai2 Project. To ensure
the management of waste in conditions that limit the negative effects on water, air,
climate, soil, flora and fauna, to avoid inconveniences due to noise and odors and
in general without harming either the environment or human health.


 Lumut Balai ESIA.

 PGE Health Safety Security and Environment Guidelines.

 Consortium HSSE Plan.

 Permen LHK No. 12 tahun 2020 Penyimpanan Bahan Berbahaya dan beracun

 Permen LH 13 tahun 2013 Simbol dan Label Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun

 Permen LH 05 tahun 2014 Baku mutu air limbah

 Permen LHK P.4 tahun 2020 pengangkutan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun


All subcontractors shall implement waste management system as specified in this

plan and should be required to maintain and be responsible for all fees, licenses,
permits, and taxes needed to comply with local regulations and requirements.


4.1 Waste Management Principle

The waste hierarchy sets out the preferred options (in order of environmental and
cost benefit) for managing waste on the project. Suitable options for waste

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Lumut Balai2 Project

materials will be identified based on the hierarchy with disposal being the least

4.2 Prevention of Waste

Waste is defined as “any substance or object that the holder discards, intends to
discard or is required to discard.” This definition requires that materials considered
waste, whether being sent to landfill, recycling or being reused on site, are subject
to the waste management control regime and legislation listed above.

The following best practice shall be incorporated into Consortium’ procedures to

reduce the amount of waste produced:

 The project team lead by the Consortium HSE Manager and through the initial
waste management review should encourage all subcontractors to maintain a
stringent set of guidelines to control the amount of construction waste and
debris disposed in a registered landfill.

 The waste disposal record shall be delivered to the Consortium HSE Manager
or nominated person who will undertake verification of the application.

 All vendors and their suppliers shall be encouraged to minimize the packaging
for materials and equipment. Packing materials shall be selected based on
whether they can be recycled on this project. This request will be
communicated through project EPC meetings, weekly subcontractor
meetings, written correspondence and through the project waste management
team made up of subcontractor representatives.

4.3 Storing of Waste

Waste shall be stored at designated central areas in a secure manner which

prevents it escaping into the environment.

Waste storage will be governed by two standard practices - containment to

prevent a pollution incident and segregation of different waste types to facilitate
maximum recycling.

In order to achieve this Consortium and subcontractors are required to ensure:

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Lumut Balai2 Project

 All containers are in good condition, contain no holes and are covered to
prevent material blowing away and to prevent water ingress. Any water
entering a skip may require to be treated if it mixes with hazardous waste.

 All wastes that could leach or be entrained in water runoff should be stored on
a bounded impervious area.

 Storage of liquid wastes will be stored on an impermeable base that is within

a secondary containment system, ideally a bund with 110% capacity of the

 Different waste streams will be segregated to facilitate accurate description for

transport of waste and disposal to landfill; reuse and recycling of various
waste streams; and the use of appropriate pollution controls.

 Segregation of waste at the point of generation will be provided by the use of

designated areas or containers that are clearly labeled with bilingual and
diagrammatic signs.

 The waste storage area will be protected from traffic routes by fencing (to
prevent accidental vehicle collision).

 The waste storage areas will include spill containment systems to avoid any
runoff and it shall not be stored on the ground.

 Firefighting equipment shall be available within the waste storage area to be

used. All storage areas shall be maintained regularly.

 Hazardous waste storage area shall be fenced off and access permitted to
authorized personnel only. Hazardous waste shall include a covering and will
be stored on a concrete base to protect the ground from accidental spills.

 Safety signage shall be provided.

 Secondary containment shall be provided for liquid waste to contain 110% of

the total volume being stored.

 A risk assessment shall be completed and incompatible chemicals shall be

stored away from each other.

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Lumut Balai2 Project

 The waste storage area shall be far from ignition sources and office facilities.

The waste generated in the project is categorized as the following types: the
domestic solid waste, domestic sewage water, non-hazardous waste in site,
hazardous waste. The following form identifies the waste generated from Lumut
Balai2 Project.

Waste Location Source

Domestic Solid Waste

Paper Office/Camp Office work/ Packing material

Plastic Office/Camp Office work/ Packing material

Food Waste Camp Food treatment/ Food waste

Fabric Camp Used clothes

Domestic Sewage Water

Wash room Office/ Toilets/ Wash Rooms

water Camp/Site

Canteen waste Camp Canteen food treatment


Non-Hazardous Waste in site

Plastic Site Packing of material and equipment

Cardboard and Site Packing of material and equipment


wood Site Packing of material and equipment

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Lumut Balai2 Project

Waste Location Source

metal Site Used metal material

General waste Site Work food, drinking

from workers

Concrete Site Concrete work

Asphalt Site Road work

Hazardous Waste

Solvent waste Site Chemical work

Used oil Site Oil flushing

Paintings and Site Painting work


Diesel Site Fueling of generator and vehicle

Waste chemical Site Chemical work

Chemical drums Site Chemical work, painting work

Dedicated, signed containers or waste skip shall be provided in order to segregate

waste materials for recycling or recovery in site. The containers will be
appropriately labeled in accordance with the hazardous waste type.

The dedicated location for waste temporary storage is shown as following:

Domestic solid waste will be collected in waste containers or waste skip in office
and camp and then transferred to waste disposal center; The domestic waste is
currently disposed at the waste disposal center at Tpa pulau panggung.

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Lumut Balai2 Project

Non-hazardous industrial waste will be stored in warehouse as shown in the

following photo, such as steel metal, cable and wood; Afterwards, the waste
wood, waste metal, waste cable shall be reused, sold to factory or disposed.

Area for temporary

storage of industrial
waste: metal, wood,

Hazardous Waste will be temporarily stored at designated hazardous waste area

for temporary purpose and disposed by authorized 3 rd party assigned by

The sewage waste water shall be properly collected and treated in septic tank.
The discharged waste water shall be tested to ensure it is discharged as per
Indonesia environmental standard.

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Lumut Balai2 Project

4.4 Identifying Recycling and Disposal Options

To reduce the waste disposed outside, the waste shall be reused, recycled as
much as possible in site complying with environment regulations, such as metal
packing steel waste used for small piping support, wood used for temporary tool
box. However, such reuse shall be notified to PGE and recorded.

4.5 Transferring Waste

The waste generated in project shall be treated by authorized parties. They are
required to supply the Consortium with the appropriate certification of
documentation necessary to transport waste legally.

These details shall be recorded and stored on site and will include:

 Validity of the Carrier’s License

 Content of Waste Transfer Notes

 Identification of Disposal Site(s)

This information will be retained by the Consortium and contractors together with
copies of relevant waste licenses.

Periodic checks shall be undertaken to ensure that waste contractors have valid

All waste leaving the site will be accompanied with a waste transfer record. These
will be checked to ensure that the following information is detailed:

 Producer of the waste.

 Site name & location.

 Date.

 Description of the waste (i.e. type of waste, characterisation, quantity).

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Lumut Balai2 Project

 Reference number (if applicable).

 Treatment/disposal method.

 Signature of the waste carrier.

 Name of disposal site.

One copy of the waste transfer record shall be submitted to consortium for

4.6 Disposing of Waste Off-Site

Waste Licenses for all sites used for the disposal, transfer or treatment of waste
from the Project must be checked to ensure they are permitted to receive the type
of waste to be disposed of.

The domestic waste is currently disposed at the waste disposal center at Tpa
pulau panggung. Further disposal method shall be updated as site progress.

Hazardous waste shall be disposed by authorized 3 rd party, the specific disposal

location shall be updated later as site progress.


Waste management regulations shall be the content of site HSSE induction and
each employee in the project shall be aware of waste management and following
all the regulations.


The waste management activities shall be monitored by HSSE team and waste
treatment record shall be submitted to consortium regularly and the waste
management statistics shall be reported to PGE monthly.

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