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1. Three fluids in human body- Blood, Tissue Fluid, Lymph.
2. Two non-circulatory fluids in human body – Synovial and Vitreous fluid.
3. Importance of shape and size of RBCs:
a. These are minute biconcave disc-like structures flat in the center and
thick and rounded at the periphery.
b. The small size plus the concavities on either side provide large Surface
area which makes them very efficient in absorbing oxygen.
c. The small size enables the red blood cells to travel through very fine
capillaries in the body where they have to travel in a single file.
4. The average life of an
• RBCs - 120 days
• Platelets - 3-5 days
• WBCs - 2 week
5. Respiratory pigment- Haemoglobin
• Hb + O2 = Oxyhaemoglobin
• Hb + CO2 = Carbaminohaemoglobin
6. Haemoglobin has very strong affinity for carbon monoxide forming a
stable compound carboxyhaemoglobin (HbCO). This cuts down the
capacity of the blood of transporting oxygen sometimes resulting in death.
This is known as carbon monoxide poisoning. For example, sleeping near
burning furnaces in small room without ventilation.
7. Abnormally increased number of RBCs is called Polycythaemia,and their
abnormally decreased number is known as Erythropenia.
8. Most WBCs are amoeboid and can produce pseudopodia with which they
can squeeze through the walls of the capillaries into the tissues, known as
9. Leukemia is a cancer of the tissue forming WBCs whose number increases
manifold at the cost of RBCs. Leukopenia is the abnormal decrease in the
number of WBCs.
10.WBCs and particularly neutrophils engulf particle-like solid substances,
especially bacteria. This process is known as phagocytosis. Main WBC
involved is neutrophil.
11. Clotting Factor- Thrombokinase, Thromboplastin, Factor X or Stuart
12. Two diseases related to abnormal number of platelets – Haemophilia,
13.The concept of blood grouping was discovered by Karl Landsteiner.
• Universal Blood donor – Blood group O
• Universal Blood recipient - Blood group AB
14. Heart location - The heart is right in the centre between two lungs and
above the diaphragm.
15. Heart covering - Membranous covering called pericardium contains
lubricating pericardial fluid which reduces friction during heart beat and
protects it from mechanical injuries.
16. The first sound "LUBB' is produced when the atrio-ventricular tricuspid
and bicuspid valve get closed sharply at the start of ventricular systole The
second sound "DUP" - Beginning of ventricular diastole.
17.Hepatic portal vein- The veins starting from the stomach and intestines
do not directly convey the blood to the posterior vena cava. Instead, they
first enter the liver as a combined hepatic portal vein.
18. PULSE is the alternate expansion and elastic recoil of the wall of the artery
during ventricular systole. This is how you count it.
19. Blood pressure is the pressure which the blood flowing through the
arteries exerts on their walls.

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